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2020/8/28,1,Scientific Reading,2,Main Characteristics of Scientific English,English Today Style Language Other Problems,3,I. English Today,4,Today, English had become the - Language of international air traffic Favored language of diplomacy Popular language of the internet Language in which the worlds best scientists need to publish,万维网的发展、电子邮件的发展对快速和清晰的交流所带来的压力加速了这种变化:时态的使用不再复杂,词的意义不再微妙。这种变化将继续进行下去。,English Today,5,世界的英语,英国英语与美国英语正在消失,并主要采用北美英语。 拼写 英国英语美国英语 advertizeadvertise centrecenter chequecheck practisepractice organiseorganize theatretheater,6,世界的英语,名词无需改变形式就可转化为动词或形容词。 例如:get email, email someone, get email letter 趋向于更加快捷、直接的交流。 一般现在时、主动语态的广泛使用 大写字母在减少 例如:季节 winter, spring, summer, fall 缩写词增加 ROM,USA,Prof. fig.N, km rpmrevolutions per minute kphkilometers per hour 连字符在消失,除非是两个单词连在一起 co-operation = cooperation,reestablish English-speaking person(两个单词连),7,2. Main Characteristics of Scientific English Style,8,科技英语文体总貌,着重叙事逻辑上的联贯(Coherence)及表达上的清晰(Clarity)与流畅(Fluency);避免行文晦涩,作者避免表露个人感情,避免论证上的主观随意性。因此,科技英语总是力求少用或不用描述性形容词以及具有抒情作用的副词、感叹词及疑问词。 科技英语结构力求 朴实(Plainness) 和 精确(Preciseness),因此尽力避免使用旨在加强语言感染力和宣传效果的各种修辞格,忌用夸张、借喻、讥讽、反诘、双关及押韵等修辞手段,以免使读者产生行文浮华、内容虚饰之感。,9,Main Characteristics,长句多 被动语态使用频繁 名词性词组多 专业术语多 缩略词经常出现 缩写使用频繁 图表、公式、数字所占比例大 合成新词多,10,科技文体的一般特征,(1) Impersonal 无人称 (1) (2) Formal in Mode of Speech 语气正式 (2) (3) Objective and Accurate in Statement 陈述客观、准确 (3) (4) Standard in Language 语言规范 (4) (5) Unadorned in stylistics 文体质朴 (5) (6) Strict in Logic 逻辑性强 (6) (7) Concentrated in Technical Terms 专业术语密集 (7),11,(1)无人称,绝大多数科技文章很少使用有人称的句子。 这主要是由于科技文章所描述和所讨论的是科学发现或科技实事。 尽管科技活动系人类所为,但由于科技文章所报告的主要是这种科技的结果或自然规律,而不是报告这些结果或自然规律是由谁发现或完成的,因此,科技文章往往没有人称。 无人称不是绝对的;总的来说,人称句在科技文章中的比例很小。,12,The general layout of the illumination system and lenses of the microscope corresponds to the layout of the light microscope. The electron “gun” which produces the electrons is equivalent to the light source of the optical microscope. The electrons are accelerated by a high-voltage potential (usually 40,000 to 100 000 volts), and pass through a condenser lens system usually composed of two magnetic lenses. The system concentrates the beam on to the specimen, and the objective lens provides the primary magnification. The final images in the electron microscope must be projected on to a phosphor-coated screen so that it can be seen. For this reason, the lenses that are equivalent of the eyepiece in an optical microscope are called “projector” lenses. (From Thornley G C, Further Scientific English Practice),Example I:,13,(2)语气正式,A Talk about Corrosion Dr. Brown: Good Morning, Mr. Smith. Can I take your coat? Awful weather, isnt it? Sit down. Cigarette? Mr. Smith: No, I dont smoke, thanks very much. Dr. Brown: Well, Ive been looking into your enquiry about the corrosion trouble youve been getting in the control valve. Im sorry youve had trouble - quite unexpected - but I think we have the answer. The most probable cause of corrosion at a metal-to-metal junction immersed in an ionized(电离的) fluid is electrolytic. (From BBC, Scientifically Speaking ),14,(3)陈述客观、准确,科技文章是反映客观事实的,文章中不能参杂作者个人的主观意识,不能带个人感情色彩,对客观事实的陈述必须客观、准确。这既是科技文章的特征,也是对科技文章作者的基本要求。,15,(4)语言规范,科技文章的语言一般比较规范,主要表现为语法的规范性。这与文学作品有很大不同。 科技文章的语法之所以规范,是因为其描述的客观事物必须准确无误这一要求决定的。,16,(5)文体质朴,在修辞手段上,科技文章以交际修辞为主(Dominated in communicative rhetoric), 文风质朴、描述准确,不像文学文体那样富于美学修辞(Aesthetic rhetoric)手段和艺术色彩。 主要表现在语言的统一性(Unity)和连贯性(Coherence)强,语句平衡匀密,简洁而不单调,语句长而不累赘、迂回。,17,(6)逻辑性强,概念准确, 判断合理, 推理严密。,18,(7)专业术语性强,众所周知,科技文章(科普文章除外)均有一个专业范围。一般来说,其读者均是“本专业”的科技人员,至少说是文章是为“本专业”的读者而写的。 专业术语是构成科技理论的语言基础,其具有严谨性和单一性。 采用术语写作能使文章更加准确而简洁。,19,专业术语十分密集,It is possible to prove that as the number of tosses of coin is increased indefinitely, or “to infinity”, so the binomial distribution becomes identical with the normal distribution. For each kind of random event there is an underlying distribution. The normal or Gaussian distribution is very important because it arises very often in practice and also because it is very important in theory. Many distributions like binomial tend to become more and more like the normal as the number of events or the size of the sample increases. Another well-known statistical distribution is the Poisson distribution. If we are dealing with the frequency of occurrence of events which occur at random in time and space, we should expect the Poisson distribution to play some part in the calculation. (From BBC, Scientifically Speaking),20,达尔文的物种起源选段,It is interesting to contemplate a tangled bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes, with various insects flitting about, and with worms crawling through the damp earth, and to reflect that these elaborately constructed forms, so different from each other, and dependent upon each other in so complex a manner, have all been produced by laws acting around us. (美学修辞手段:隐喻、拟人、排比等),注:contemplate注视;tangled 混乱,繁茂; elaborately 精巧地.,21,达尔文的物种起源选段,It is interesting to contemplate a tangled bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes, with various insects flitting about, and with worms crawling through the damp earth, and to reflect that these elaborately constructed forms, so different from each other, and dependent upon each other in so complex a manner, have all been produced by laws acting around us. (美学修辞手段:隐喻、拟人、排比等),22,3. Main Characteristics of Scientific English Language,23,科技英语的基本标准,科技写作要求结构严谨、富有逻辑;在语言表达上坚持: Objectivity -客观 Conciseness -精炼 Accuracy -准确 “These three criteria are highly desirable in scientific writing but they should always be considered in that order.” (David Lindsay, A Guide to Scientific Writing),24,(1) Objectivity (客观):,常用被动语态,占1/3至1/2 Example SIMP (Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization) method is a simple and efficient microstructure-based topology optimization scheme. In this method, it is assumed that the materials have perforated microstructures and behave isotropic properties, and that the material properties are constant within each element. The material properties are modeled to be proportional to the relative density of material raised to some power. Due to the simplicity and effectiveness, SIMP method is widely used in topology optimization and material design. 注: perforated有孔洞的,25,(2) Conciseness (精炼):,尽可能少的词来清晰表达 动名词的运用 Before it is amplified, the signal should be detected. Before being amplified, the signal should be detected. 分词的运用 In Britain electrical energy which is generated in power station is fed to the national Grid. In Britain electrical energy generated in power station is fed to the national Grid. 不定式的运用 We keep micrometers in boxes. Our object in doing that is to protect them from rust and dust. We keep micrometers in boxes to protect them from rust and dust.,26,(3) Accuracy (准确):,专业英语的准确性主要表现在用词上,然而在语法结构上也有其特点。例如,为了准确精细地描述事物过程,所用的句子都较长,有些甚至一段就是一个句子。 长句反映了客观事物中复杂的关系,它与前述精炼的要求并不矛盾。句子长但结构仍然是精炼的,只是包含的信息量大,准确性较高。,27,4. Other Problems,28,Technical Words Word Building Abbreviation,Others:,29,I. Technical Words(1),Technical Words(技术词汇): 意义狭窄,一般只用于专业 bandwidth, flip-flop(双稳态多谐振荡器), superconductivity, amplifier, hexadecimal(十六进制) Sub-technical Words(次技术词汇): 在不同的专业中有不同的意义 work, load, plant, field, reaction, energy, power, force, solution 专业英语与日常英语: The circuit is finished. (日常英语) The circuit is completed. (专业英语),30,Technical Words(2),类似的词还有: go down -depress keep -maintain take away -remove push in -insert used up -consume enough -sufficient at once -immediately a lot of -appreciable find out -determine send -transmit change -convert turn up side down -invert,31,科技英语常使用源自拉丁语的词汇,科技英语(举例) 日常英语(举例) insert -push in 插入depress -push down 压低consume -use up 消耗equalize -make up 补偿occupy -fill up 占用extinguish -put out (a fire) 熄灭add -put in 放进remove -take off/away 移开invert turn -upside down 使颠倒,32,科技英语(举例) 日常英语(举例) employ -use contact -touch rapid -quick possess -have absorb -take in transform -change aggregate -put together approximately -about bear -carry commence -begin inquire -ask remark -say obtain -get large-big,科技英语常使用源自外来语的词汇,33,2. Word Building(1),Composition(合成) 合成的方法: 名词+名词;形容词+名词;形容词+动词 动词+副词;名词+动词;介词+名词; 例:名词+名词 work+shop - workshop; in+put - input; full-enclosed 全封闭的(双词合成形容词)feed-back反馈(双词合成名词)work-harden 加工硬化(双词合成词)criss-cross交叉着(双词合成副词)on-and-off-the-road路面越野两用的anti-armoured-fighting-vehicle-missile 反装甲车导弹radiophotography无线电传真(无连字符复合词)colorimeter色度计(无连字符复合词),34,名词词缀: inter- (between,among) - intersection, interface sub- (beneath, less than) - subway, submarine tele- (far away) - telescope, telephone tri-(three) - triangle photo- (light) - photosphere ultra- (expressively) - ultra-high-frequency super- (to an unusually high degree) - superheated -ics (subject) - dynamics, statistics -ism (an action)- mechanism -ist - scientist, artist -scope (see, observe) - microscope, telescope -phone (sound) - microphone,2. Word Building(2),35,2. Word Building (3),形容词词缀: in- (not) - insufficient, inadequate im- (not)- imcompatible, impossible ir- (not) - irrational, irresponsible un- (not) - unchanged, unstable -able, -ible - noticeable, negligible -ent - convergent, sufficient super- (above, more than) - superficial, supersonic,36,2. Word Building (4),动词词缀: re- (again) - reuse, recharge over- (to much) - overwork, overload dis- (the opposite) - disconnect de- (cause not to be) - demagnetize, defreeze -en (get, make, become) - weaken, harden, shorten -fy (make) - electrify, purify,37,3. Abbreviation 词汇缩写(1),Clipped Words(节略词):用词的前几个字母来表示该词,称为节略词 maths- mathematics; ad- advertisement; lab- laboratory; ft - foot/feet uni- uniform; metro- metrology; dir- directory; del- delete Acronyms (缩略词):由某些词组的首字母组成的新词 ROM- Read Only Memory P.S.I. - pounds per square inch TELESAT- telecommunications satellite CAD- Computer Aided Design CPU- Central Process Unit,38,Abbreviation(缩写词) et al. - and other etc. -and so on vs. -versus Appx. -Appendix Fig. -Figure O.P. -operational amplifier e.g. -for example Ltd. -limited Amp. -Amplifier,3. Abbreviation 词汇缩写(2),2020/8/28,39,Scientific Reading,Why need Scientific Reading? How to find Scientific Papers? How to read Scientific Papers?,2020/8/28,40,I. Why need Scientific Reading?,2020/8/28,41,What is Good Research?,Review Rigorous Results,注:Rigorous严格的,2020/8/28,42,Why need literature review,Essential for identifying what has been done in this area. Identifies what is important for your research. Explains how the variables/parameters/factors, etc. should be defined and analysed. To provide rationale for undertaking the research.,注:rationale基本原理,2020/8/28,43,Rationale of Literature Review,Justify the importance of your research in terms of its significance. -Your justification must be supported through the literature -Known effects at a social/economic/political level -Why is it a research problem? Contribution to furthering your understanding of the issue. -How will this project benefit in the field? -What will we know that we dont know now?,2020/8/28,44,Starting your Research,Start your research sooner rather than later. Search what have been done. Especially useful are recent review papers (summarise who has done what in the field). A review is a good starting point in a literature survey.,2020/8/28,45,2. How to find Scientific Papers?,2020/8/28,46,科技文献的分类(1),1. 按文献载体划分 印刷型:印刷本(printed copy)、复印本(duplication copy)、预印本(preprint copy) 缩微型: 包括缩微胶卷(microfilm)、缩微胶片(microfiche)、缩微卡片(microcard)和缩微印刷片(microprint)。要借助显微镜阅读。 机读型(machine-readable; digital file): 这类文献存在计算机储存介质中。Internet上的信息,电子期刊等。 直感资料: 包括唱片、录音带、录像带。,2020/8/28,47,2. 按出版类型来分: 科技期刊 科技图书 特种文献 特种文献:科技会议文献(proceedings)、学位论文(英thesis,美dissertation)、科技报告、专利文献(patent)、政府出版物、标准文献等。,科技文献的分类(2),2020/8/28,48,What to Read?,Journal and conference articles (primary sources) -Hard copy -Digital files Dissertations (primary sources) -Dissertation Abstracts Leading textbooks - the classics in your area (primary sources) Reviews (secondary sources) Comments and letters,2020/8/28,49,何处可以找到我们需要的文献?,传统的物理图书馆 学校图书馆 国家图书馆 中国科技情报文献中心 虚拟的数字图书馆 IEEE数据库(IEEE Xplore) NEC CiteSeer引用数据库 INSPEC EI SCI 相关科研机构的技术报告,2020/8/28,50,世界著名专业文献检索工具: (1)美国工程索引Engineering Index - EI (2)美国科学引文索引Science Citation Index - SCI (3)美国科技会议录索引Index to Science Technical Proceedings - ISTP 1. 美国工程索引简介 - EI (1) 检索词典化 Ei采用主题法编制文摘,检索人员选准了主题词(按Ei所给的工程主题词表-Abstracts Ei Thesaurus),就能象查词典一样检索主题词下的文献集合。 (2)检索示例 从Ei网站查询文献。http:/www.ei.org,专业文献的检索(1),2020/8/28,51,Ei简介,Ei(Engineering Index) 创刊于1884年 包括:Ei年刊,Ei月刊,Ei卡片,Ei缩微胶片,Ei磁带,Ei Village 每年报道10万条 对收录的每篇文献提供一、二百字的指示性文摘 可以按照题目、关键词、作者姓名、作者单位、发表刊物等进行检索。,2020/8/28,52,2. 美国科学引文索引 - SCI SCI-科学引文索引,英文全称是Science Citation Index是美国科学情报研究所出版的一部世界著名的期刊文献检索工具。它收录全世界出版的数、理、化、农、林、医、生命科学、天文、地理、环境、材料、工程技术等自然科学各学科的核心期刊3700多种。通过其严格的选刊标准和评估程序来挑选刊源,使得SCI收录的文献能够全面覆盖全世界最重要和最有影响力的研究成果。 SCI期刊的影响因子: 一种期刊的影响因子,指的是该刊前两年发表的文献在当前年的平均被引用次数。一种刊物的影响因子越高,也即其刊载的文献被引用率越高。,专业文献的检索(2),2020/8/28,53,Impact Factor 影响因子,其中: 2008年出版的文献数=48(篇) 2007年出版的文献数=52(篇) 2008年出版的文献在2009年被引用的次数=140(次) 2007年出版的文献在2009年被引用的次数=160(次) 2009的IF=(140+160)/(48+52)=3.0,2020/8/28,54,Impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which articles in a journal have been cited in the literature as a whole during the two years following the year of publication.,2020/8/28,55,Impact Factors vary widely across disciplines depending mainly on the number of researchers in the field. Thus, for example, a significant paper in the field of AIDS research is likely to be cited many times within two years of publication because of the large number of researchers in the field.,2020/8/28,56,In comparison, citations frequencies for papers in fields such as mathematics or the plant sciences tend to be low because of the diversity of those fields of research and the small number of individuals engaged in any particular area within those fields.,2020/8/28,57,SCI、EI指南(沈阳农业大学图书馆),三大检索工具简介 SCI来源期刊 SCI收录的中国科技期刊 EI收录的中国科技期刊 部分外文期刊名称缩写与全称对照表 2008年SCI期刊影响因子 如何识别EI数据库中核心(光盘版)数据和非核心(Page One) 数据? SCI、EI收录论文写作指南,2020/8/28,58,3. 美国科技会议录索引 (1)美国科技会议录索引 (Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings,ISTP)由美国Institute of Scientific Information公司编辑出版。以题录形式报道多学科领域会议文献的检索公司。 (2)检索示例 用搜索引擎google或其他搜索工具,以Institute of Scientific Information或其简称ISI为关键词进行搜索,可得ISI的主页网址:,专业文献的检索(3),2020/8/28,59,ISTP简介,Index to Scientific read critically, with thinking. After a detailed reading, make notes of relevant points and write up a one-page summary. -The Critique(批评) :drawing out issues and arguments, setting alternative views against each other, etc. is the essential element of critical review.,Reading a scientific paper,2020/8/28,74,Starting with recent publications, try to find related papers from the reference list. Read more, you will understand more. It is unwise to restrict your reading to those aspects of a problem which are of immediate interest, new ideas may come from unexpected sources. Include a complete citation so that you can refer to the paper again easily when you are writing up.,Reading a scientific paper,2020/8/28,75,Evaluating a paper,What questions do the paper address? What are the main conclusions of the paper? Do the data actually support the conclusions? What is the quality of the evidence? Why are the conclusions important?,2020/8/28,76,Review of Scientific Reading,Why need Scientific Reading? How to find Scientific Papers? How to read Scientific Papers?,2020/8/28,77,Thanks,


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