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新四级题型,快速阅读,要求,要求考生在分钟内阅读一篇词左右的文章并完成相应的测试题目包括两种题型共道题: 道是非判断题(包括“正”,“误”和“未提及”) 道句子填空题 该部分强调的是字面意思的理解,解题步骤,.通读文章开头、结尾及各个小标题,从而弄清文章的结构和大意。 .正确理解题目所表述的内容,找出关键词语。特别注意人物、时间、地点和数字等信息。 .将题眼内容与文章各部分小标题的内容对比,大概确定该题在文章的位置。 .阅读相关部分内容,准确定位有关信息。,是非判断题命题手段,.主旨题 快速阅读的文章通常先简要地介绍文章的总体内容、写作目的或引出文章的主题,然后再具体介绍细节。因此,只需要阅读文章开头的段落及各个小标题,就可以判断考题是否只是概括了部分内容还是过于宽泛。这种题不会有的情况出现。,主旨题的主要命题方式,The passage is mainly about The passage mainly discusses The passage tends/aims to tell the readers about The passage compares The passage mainly shows/indicates/introduces that The passage agrees that,细节题与数字有关的,数字在文章中通常以阿拉伯数字的形式书写,容易定位,因此考题中含有的数字往往可以成为最有利的定位工具 注:如果题目中的数字在原文中并未出现,要注意文章中与其可能相关的数字,如题目中的年份为年,而文章中出现了年,并且其附近出现了英文的ten years的字样,细节题与地点或人物有关的,地点和人物作为对某一事件的具体描述是不可缺少的部分,一些专有名词(人名或地名),通常以大写字母开头,在文章中显得比较突出,容易寻找,细节题与因果关系有关的,这类题在快速阅读中较为常见,考题中往往含有because, reason, due to, as, since, as a result of, so that等表示因果关系的词语注意同义词的替换,细节题与时间顺序有关的,这类题往往含有after, before, when, while, meanwhile, at the same time, prior to, then, later等表示时间关系的词语,题目包含两个动作或时间,可根据这两个动作或时间进行定位并做出判断,细节题与目的、方式、条件有关的,此类命题要求查找某个事件或动作的目的,或要求考生查找达到某个目的的方式条件,往往含有to, for, in order to, so as to, in order that, so that, for the purpose of等表示目的关系的词眼,或引出方式条件的词语,如with, through, by means of(通过依靠), if, though等。在解此类题时,题眼可在条件或目的中寻找。,细节题与比较关系有关的,这种考题一般有形容词或副词的比较级或最高级等较为明显的特征,或者一些信号词如contrary to, contrast, unlike, like等这类题可将形容词、副词及其比较级、最高级以及两个比较的对象可成为题眼。,句子填空题命题规律,考生所要做的就是根据题意进行准确的定位,然后仔细对照原文和考题找出考题中所缺的部分一定要注意答案在内容和形式上的准确性,尤其要注意形式上也即语法上的准确性,解题技巧,.首先根据题目的主题大致确定相关信息可在文章哪个小标题部分寻找,然后根据关键词在上述部分进行寻找和定位。 .题目描述的内容与原文的相关内容明显矛盾、相反或不符,则答案为;而题目提到的内容可能发生,也可能不发生,根据原文难以求证是哪种可能性,则答案为。 .考题中的生词通常出现在原文中,可帮助定位。 .题目在原文中的出现是有一定顺序的,但是非题与句子填空题之间不一定有顺序。,Sun and Skin Cancer When Ellen was a teenager, she loved to be out in the summer sun. She ran, she worked in her garden. She would swim and sit by the pool for hours soaking up the sunshine. And she never got tired of hearing people tell her how great her tan(古铜色) looked. As Ellen got older, she continued to spend lots of time outdoors in the sun. By the time she was in her forties, Ellens skin had developed a weathered look, with small wrinkles.,That was okay, but she also begun to notice brown patches developing on her face and hands. Ellen saw a doctor and found out she had a relatively mild case of skin cancer. Ellen was lucky. Her cancer was detected early. With early treatment, she was completely cured. But Ellen had begunlate in lifeto pay for all those years she had spent in the sun. Ellen isnt unusual. The athletic, bronzed bodies we see in magazine ads and TV commercials constantly sell the idea that a good tan means health, attractiveness, and fun. The result is that many people believe those ads. And they spend a lot of time in the sunoften just trying to get tan.,That golden or bronze color may look nice, but skin doctors know that sitting in the sun until you are baked several shades darker is not such a hot idea. According to the National Cancer Institute, over 400,000 Americans can expect to get some form of skin cancer this year. Most of these people will be 40 or older. However, skin cancerespecially skin cancer caused by exposure to the suncan often take many years to develop. So its never too early to protect yourself in the sun.,Whats a tan? As soon as warm weather arrives, lots of people who dont already have dark skin want to start working on their tans. But a tan isnt really natures way of making you look beautiful. A tan is your skins defense against the suns ultraviolet(紫外线的) radiation. UV rays damage skin cells. So when you decide to have a marathon roasting session in the sun, cells in your skin called melanocytes(黑素细胞)go to work overtime. They produce an extra supply of melanin(黑色素),the brown-black pigment(色素)that gives your skin its color. That extra melanin makes your skin darker, and thats why you “tan”. Think of your tan as a shield of melanin your body produces to block out the UV radiation. The problem is, its a weak shield at best. Theres no way for your body to protect itself fully against the suns harmful raysespecially if you expose yourself to the sun hour after hour, day after day, year after year. As you get older, the buildup of many hours in the sun means more of a chance for skin damageand possibly skin cancer.,This skin damage takes two general forms. Some UV attacks supporting cells in the lower layer of the skin, called the dermis(真皮). That causes skin to get dry, tough and wrinkled. Even more serious is the damage the suns UV rays can do to the DNA of skin cells. DNA is the genetic blueprint that cells use to reproduce. With damaged DNA, the skin may produce mutated(变异) cells that start to grow in an uncontrolled way: skin caner. Nature gives you a clue about how much sun is enough by the color of your skin. If your skin is light, you dont have much built-in protection against the sun. You probably tan very little, if at,all. So be very careful in the sun. If you have dark skin and dark hair, you can probably stand a bit more sun exposure. Just dont be fooled into thinking you can stay out in the sun indefinitely. You cant. People with dark skin also get sunburned and can suffer skin damage. It just takes a bit longer for the damage to show up. Types of skin cancer The three most common types of skin cancer are all connected with exposure to the sun. The most common of these is basal cell carcinoma. Basal cancers often look like wax-like growths or red, scaly(有鳞的) patches. They appear most often,on the face, neck, or hands. Squamous(有鳞片的) cell cancer is the second common type. This cancer spreads more quickly. Squamous cell cancers often appear on the head, hands, or other sun-exposed parts of the body. They show up as sharply outlined red, scaly patches. The third type of skin cancer is called melanoma(黑素瘤). Melanoma is often caused by too much exposure to the sun, but it can be brought on by other things as well. Melanoma show up as brown or black mole-like(像痣的)growths on the back and,and legs. They can also appear on the palms, fingers, and toes. Melanoma is the rarest of these three kinds of skin cancer, but it is the most serious form. While the overwhelming majority of basal and suqamous cell cancer cases can be cured, many melanoma cases are fatal. Since all of these forms cancer can resemble harmless skin marks of irritations, be aware of marks of growths on your skins. And consult a doctor if you notice any changes. “In general, look for anything new in your skin,” advises skin doctor, Dr. Louis Vogel. “Pay attention to anything on your skin that grows rapidly, that bleeds or has irregular color.,Also, suspect any mole that itches(发痒)or has some areas that are darker or higher than others.” Although skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, it is also the most treatableif not early. There are several methods of treatment. They include surgical removal, treatment with heat, extreme cold and freezing, as well as chemical treatment and use of X-rays. However, as with many other diseases, the most important “cure” is prevention. “Cover as much skin as possible when you are out in the sun ,” warns Dr. Vogel. “When you are at the beach, wear sun blocks. There are many things in life you cant prevent.,But skin cancer is something you can often prevent if you take the proper precautions.” 1.Ellen only suffers a relatively mild case of skin cancer which has been cured by means of surgical removal. NG 2. Many people try to get tan because it is promoted by the media that a good tan means health, attractiveness and fun. Y,3. The National Cancer Institute predicts that Americans of 40 or older are more likely than others to get some form of skin cancer this year. Y 4. Our body will protect itself fully against the suns harmful rays by producing extra melanin. N 5. Both people with light skin and people with dark skin have certain built-in protection against the sun. Y 6. Compared with the other two kinds of skin cancer, melanoma is less dangerous and easier to cure.,N 7. Surgical removal is the most effective treatment to various kinds of skin cancer. NG 8. Ones skin can be protected against the suns ultraviolet radiation by means of _. a tan 9. Besides damaging the dermis, the suns UV rays can do even more serious harm to _. the DNA of skin cells,10. Prevention is _ for skin cancer and many other disease. the most important “cure”,四六级考试阅读理解命题规律及应试技巧,1、列举处常考 列举处指的是First,,second,,Third,等逐步列出,然后要求考生从列举出的内容中,选出符合题干要求的答案项。该考点常出题型是细节事实题。,2、举例子打比喻的地方常考 为了使自己的观点更有说服力、更加明确,作者经常用具体的例子打比方,句中常由as, such as, for example, for instance等引导的短语或句子作为举例句,这些例句或比喻成为命题者提问的焦点。考生需注意的是例子或比喻一般是和文章或段落中心紧密相关的,常以细节事实性题型和推断性题型出现,但偏倾于推断性题型。,3、引用人物论断处常考作者为了正确表达出自己观点或使论点更有依据,常常引用某名人的论断或重要发现等。命题者常在此作文章。多以“推理性”题为主,有时也出“细节事实性”题型。 4、转折处与强对比处常考 一般而言,转折后的内容常常是语义的重点,命题者常对转折处的内容进行提问。转折一般通过however, but, yet, in fact等词或短语来引导。强对比常由unlike, until, not so muchas等词或短语引导。命题者常对用来对比的双方属性进行考查。 此类考点常出现在逻辑推理型题中,少数出现于其它题型中。,5、复杂句常考 复杂句常是命题者出题之处,包括同位语、插入语、定语、长句后半句,从句、不定式、副词等,命题者主要考查考生对句子之间指代关系。文章段落之间关系的理解,常以逻辑推理题型出现,包括少量其它题型。 6、因果句常考 命题者常以文中因果句命制一些考查文中两个事件内在的因果关系的试题,或出些概括文意、段意试题。一般以推理性题型和主旨大意题型出现,兼顾少量其它题型。表示因果关系的词有:because, since, for,as, therefore, consequently, result in, originate from等。,7、特殊标点符号后内容常考,由于特殊标点符号后内容是对前面内容的进一步解释和说明,因此命题者常以标点符号后的内容进行提问。具体说,特殊标点符号包括:(1)破折号(表解释);(2)括号(表解释);(3)冒号(表解释);(4)引号(表引用)。题型一般有推理题,主旨大意题,细节事实题等。 8、段首,段尾句常考在短文中第一段首句或末段末句往往是文章中心思想的表达处;有时某一段的段首,段尾句是该段的主题句。因此,命题者常在这些地方出题。题型基本上属主旨大意型。,


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