江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语全册 作业34(无答案) 人教新目标版

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江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语全册 作业34(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语全册 作业34(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
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江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语全册 作业34(无答案) 人教新目标版_第3页
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作业34班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 成绩_ 家长签字_一 单项选择 ( )1.My mother _ at six oclock in the morning. A wakes me up B wake up I C wakes up me D wakes I up ( )2.I often _ from school with my friend. A go back home B go back to home C go back at home D go back in home ( )3.Do you have _ homework to do every day? A a lot B much C many D lots ( )4.Children should know _. A how have fun B how to fun C what to have fun D how to have fun ( )5.We say “_” to our friends and classmates when(当时候)we meet them. A sorry B hello or hi C bye-bye D thanks ( )6.Millie is very nice _her classmates and they all like her. A of B from C for D to ( )7.My mother often gets up _ twenty _ six _the morning. A at, to, on B on, of , in C at, past, in D after, at, in ( )8.David often practices _ English songs under the tree. A sing B to sing C singing D sings ( )9._ do you have lunch with your grandparents? Every day. A How long B How often C How soon D How old ( )10.Please _ me _ your school life. A say to , on B tell, about C take to, about D B and C ( )11.Do you often go to the library? No, _. The library _ opens. A sometimes, never B never, seldom C usually, always D never, often ( )12.May I borrow a CD from you. I want to watch a film. _, you cant. We have _ CDs here.A Sorry, no B Excuse me, not C No, any D Yes, many ( )13.Tom likes _ up early. He doesnt like _ late for school. A getting, to be B to get, be C getting, being D gets, is ( )14.We will have a school trip next week. _. A Have a good time B Really C Im happy to hear it D OK ( )15.I think Daniel is one of _ in his class. He is good at all his lessons. A best students B the best students C the best student D best student二完形填空I am a student in Moonlight (月光) Secondary Schoo1I 1 my schoo1 very muchBut I am busy every day Every 2 ,I must get up before sixI usually 3 English or Chinese aloud (大声)After that,I have my 4 I eat a lot of things,because we have four 5 in the morning and lunch is at 12:00 am I usually ride my 6 to schoo1School 7 at 8:00 a.m. every dayI dont go home to have lunchI have it at 8 I usually chat with my friends at that timeI often read some books after lunch In the afternoon, we have only three lessons. Then we have 9 for after-school activities 10 favourite activity is volleyballI play it every Tuesday and Thursday At about 5:30 PmI go back home with my friends( )1A1ikes Bis like C1oves D1ove( )2Amorning Bafternoon Cevening Dnight( )3A1ook Bsay Cspeak Dread( )4Abreakfast B1unch Csupper Ddinner( )5Aschools Bstudents Cteachers D1essons( )6Acar Bbus Cbike Dfoot( )7Afinish Bfinishes Cstarts Dbegin( )8Ahome Bplayground Csehoo1 Dclassroom( )9Atime Btimes C1esson Dschool( )10AMy BI CMine DMe三阅读理解Jack is a young worker in a small coal mine(煤矿). His work is carrying coal. He thinks thats great. Look at the diagram(表格). You will find his life is different from ours.Jacks day5:00Stop working. 5:10Have breakfast in the work place.5:30drive home.6:00Get home.6:30Go to bed.17:30Get up.18:10Have a big supper18:30Prepare tomorrows breakfast19:00Watch TV.19:30Leave home with his breakfast and go to work in his coal mine.20:00Get to the work place and begin(开始) to work. 1.When does Jack prepare(准备) his breakfast in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening? _ 2.Where does Jack have breakfast? _ 3.How does Jack go home? _ 4.How long does it take Jack to go from his home to the work-shop? _ 5.How long does Jack work at most(至多) every day? _ 四用所给词填空 1.His _(one) friend here is from England. 2.Which do you like _(good). Chinese Maths or English? 3.Its time for us _(sing) the song. 4._(not, wake) him up. Let him have a good rest. 5.All the students like to do after-school_(activity) 6.Kate practices _(play) volleyball at weekends. 7.David enjoys _(read) comic books. 8.Liu Ming is one of my favourite football _(play) in our school team. 9.There _(be) some good news to tell you. 10.Some of _(we) come from Beijing.五句型转换 1.I spend half day making this model plane.(同义句转换) It _me half a day _ _this model plane. 2.We start lessons at 8:15 every morning.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ lessons every morning. 3.He has some good friends.(改为一般问句) _he _ _good friends? 4.David talks with his parents twice a week.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ David _with his parents? 5.They do homework from 6:00 to 8:30 every evening.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _they _ homework every evening?六根据中文完成句子 1比尔每天上床睡觉很晚,但醒得很早,他上学从不迟到。 Bill _ _ _ _ every day, but _ _ _. He _ _ _ _school. 2周末,我们总是玩得很愉快。 We always _ _at weekends. 3他们对彼此都很好,经常相互聊天。 They all _ _ _ _, and often _ _ _ _. 4我们在星期二和星期四有体育课。 We have _ _ _ Tuesday and _. 5今天散学后我们做些课外活动好吗?_ _ do _ _ _ after school today?七缺词填空Its seven in the morning. After b_1_, Mr White and Mrs While t_2_ their children to the school i_3_ the car. Then they go to work in a hospital. They are d_4_. The children have lunch at school. There are four c_5_ in the morning and two in the afternoon. After class the children play g_6_for some time. Sometimes the children c_7_ the classroom with their classmates. Then they go home by school bus. Mother cooks supper for the f_8_. The children help their mother do the house work.After supper the children do h_9_. Father and mother watch TV or read n_10_. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._4


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