UNIT2Part A Text. Reading Comprehension:1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. B. Getting Information:Answer the following questions in English.1. This Net refers to the computer network of satellites, optic fibers, cables and telephone lines that connect the whole world.2. The reason for this transformation is that intra and inter-business electronic links greatly increase the efficiency of production, planning, the collecting of information and data exchange.3. It refers to an entire finance system on the Net.4. It implies the emergence of “virtual banks and “virtual enterprises.5. The highly efficient research and development work conducted on the worldwide Net are best suited for small and medium enterprises to band together and break the monopolies of the “giants. Vocabulary and Structure:A. Choose the correct word/phrase to fill into each sentence, using the proper form.1.Frequentculturalexchangewillcertainlyhelp foster friendly relations between our two universities.2.Thecompetitionamongthesecompaniesattheprintingmarkethasbecomeveryintenseinthiscity.3.Todate,wehavenotreceivedanyrepliesfromthem.4.Inthiscompetitionworld,itisbetterforanyfirmtogaintechnology superiority.5.Theorganizationworkstopromotefriendshipbetweennations.6.Itisreportedthatthefarareaisnowonthevergeofwaragain.7.Thereisanobvioustrendthatyoungpeoplelikelessformalclothing.8.Weshouldlookattheseeventswhichhappenedtwohundredyearsagofromtheirhistoricalperspective.9.Theoutstandingbusinessmanagreedthatthelastdecadewasfavorablefortheemergence.10.Thewitnessprovidethatthekillerofthestudentwasamanofmediumheight.B. Find the proper forms of the following words according to the given word class.1. significance (adj.) significant2. connect (n.) connection3. transform (n.) transformation4. withdrawal (v.) withdraw5. rationalize (adj.) rational6. efficiency (adj.) efficient7. superior (n.) superiority8. emerge (n.) emergence9. promotion (vt.) promote10. cooperative (n.) cooperationC. Complete the following sentences with the missing prepositions or adverbs.1. on 2. to 3. to 4. to 5. for 6. from7. into 8. At 9. ahead 10. together. Translation:A. Translate the following into Chinese.1.Withtheclickofamouse,informationfromtheotherendoftheglobewillbetransportedtoyourcomputerscreenattheextremelyfastspeedofseven-and-a-halftimesaroundtheearthpersecond. 只要用鼠标点击一下,在地球另一端的信息马上就会以每秒钟绕地球七周半的惊人速度传输到你的电脑屏幕上。2.Besides,ifeveryoneshopsontheNet,whatwillhappentothehundredsandthousandsofshoppingmalls? 此外,如果大家都在网上购物,那么成千上万的购物中心该怎么办呢?3.Thehugepowerofelectroniccommerce(e-commerce)willchangethefaceoftradedramatically. 电子商务的惊人威力会使贸易的局面发生冲动人心的巨变。4.Thedevelopmentofe-commercemaywellbringtheworldintoabrandneweraof“electroniccurrency.电子商务的开展很可能会把世界带进一个“电子货币的崭新时代。5.AstheNetpushestheeconomyaheadrapidly,theeconomyisalsobringingtheNetmarketforward,resultingintheInternetitselfbecomingtheworldslargestemergingmarket.在网络化高速地推动经济开展的同时,经济也反过来促进网络市场的开展,其结果是国际互联网本身将成为全球最大的新兴市场。B. Translate the following into English.1.今晚她很可能给我打 。Sheisverylikelytoringmetonight.2.我看不懂这篇文章。Understandingthisarticleisbeyondmycapability.3.新刷的一层油漆可使房间焕然一新。Afreshcoatofpaintcantransformaroom.4.做事不先考虑总会导致失败。Actingbeforethinkingalwaysresultsinfailure.5.他估计那项工作需要三个月。Heestimatedthattheworkwouldtakethreemonths.6.我们相信这个协议将会积极地促进两国之间的贸易。Webelievethatthisagreementwillpositivelypromotethetradebetweenourtwocountries.7.新机场必将推动这个地区的旅游业。Thenewairportwillcertainlypushaheadthetourisminthisregion.8.网络经济将对人们的生活产生重要的影响。Neteconomywillhavesignificantinfluenceonthepeopleslife.9.在昨天的会议上,他提出了一个新的经济开展方案。Attheyesterdaysmeeting,hebroughtforwardanewplanfortheeconomicdevelopment.10.到目前为之,他们还没有找到遇难的渔船。Todate,theyhaventfoundthewreckedfishingboat.Part B Grammar1. 将下面的主动态句子变成被动态(1) English is spoken by many people.(2) TV is being watched now in the room.(3) The lady was murdered by the criminal.(4) Henry will be punished by the teacher for coming late.(5) Three apples have been eaten by Susan.(6) The law should be obeyed by citizens.(7) Where was the wolf first seen by the farmer?(8) The noise must have been heard by the watchman.(9) Children ought to be taught good behavior by parents.(10) Every minute and second should be made use of.(11) Nabey was never heard to speak Japanese.(12) By whom will the children be looked after?(13) The sports meet is to be put off.(14) Mary realized that she was being made fun of.(15) We were requested to show our passports by the customs officer.2. 选择适当的时态填空。(l) That man has never been known to tell a lie. (2) The children have been told many times not to go near the street. (3) The new type of computer is going to be turned out the month after next. (4) After the synthetic had been developed, engineers had a better choice for materials forconstruction. (5) After being tested in many ways, this newly-designed machine will be put into use in the near future. (6) His parents died when he was young, so he was brought up by his grandma. (7) Lead has been used as a material for sculpture since the time of the early Greeks. (8) We heud that Mary had been given a raise by her employer. (9) He ordered the work to be started at once . (10) He was thought to be clever but dishonest. Part C Supplementary Reading. Reading Comprehension:1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. A. Vocabulary and Structure.1. excluded 2. included 3. prestige 4. advanced 5. maximum6. booked 7. furnished 8. in advance 9. responsible 10. detail