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,The United States of America party culture!,Make by 社保汉班女生215舍 Speaker 袁霞 Roommates冷春杰 汤英雪 孙雪,The most common types of party,Birthday party,Dinner party,Cocktail party,No-host party,Picnic party(cook-out party / cook-outs),鸡尾酒会,晚宴,自费社交聚会,野餐会,生日聚会,Sherry party/Sherry hour,雪利酒会,Brown-bag party,自备午餐会,Barbecue party,烤肉会,How many kinds of party do you know?,Welcome party,Hen party,Stag party,Surprise party,New Years Party,Mask,新年酒会,惊喜派对,欢迎会,面具晚会,女士聚会,男士聚会,Bachelor party,单身男子聚会,Christmas,圣诞聚会,Holiday party,节日聚会,Now please allow me to introduce several Party.,Cocktail party 鸡尾酒会,Cocktail party 鸡尾酒会,Cocktail party 鸡尾酒会(You are cordially invited to attend a cocktail party given by the visiting scholars program.) 这种酒会常常在下午三至四时、四至五时或五至七时举行。客人可以晚到早走,来去自由,比较随便。酒会上,人们常将几种酒掺合在一起喝,五颜六色宛如公鸡美丽的尾巴,故得名。,There are many kinds of cocktail , you have may chance to choose it . They looks so beautiful .,This is a kind of cocktail , maybe you will like it !,Picnic party 野餐会,Picnic party 野餐会,Picnic party 野餐会(A more enjoyable form of entertainment are picnic parties. Americans are great picnicers , and almost every family has a picnic basket.) 野餐是美国人最喜欢的活动之一。只要天气好,高速公路上汽车剧增,其中不少是去进行野餐活动。除“hotdog”和“hamburger”有时需用火烤之外,一般都吃冷食。,Barbecue Party,house-warming party 暖屋会(You are cordially invited to attend our house-warming party the coming Sunday afternoon) 这是指乔迁新居之后举行一种庆祝会。到会者常常带上一两件小礼物,大至炊具,小至火柴,都是家庭实用的东西,以助主人开始新的生活。,Christmas tree-decorating party 圣诞树装饰会,Christmas tree-decorating party 圣诞树装饰会,Christmas tree-decorating party 圣诞树装饰会(The annual Christmas dinner will begin with a Christmas tree-decorating party.) 圣诞节是美国最重要的节日之一。圣诞树是节日的象征。每逢佳节,各家各户各单位都要举行形式不同的圣诞树装饰会,边唱边跳边装饰,节日气氛浓厚。参加者常常需要一两件装饰品,一般手工艺品即可,自制的更好,如剪纸、绸带、纸花等。,Christmas,The differences of party between America and China,America:,China:,Mostly no host party (buffet),Host party(non-buffet),Communication,Eating,Mostly no acquaintance,A numerous acquaintance,The wine taster,The wine drinker,Toast with tapping the glass,Toast with asking for attention,People can move everywhere,People only allow to sit around the table,Formal dress or casual clothes,Formal dress and casual clothes,thank you!,社保汉班 袁霞、汤英雪 冷春杰、孙雪 2013.10.19,


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