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PEP人教版小学英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall are you? 第二课时教学设计 学 科小学英语课题Unit 1 How tall are you? Part A 人教版 年 级六年级课型新授学时第二课时教学目标By the end of the class, students are supposed to:1. Master the new words “taller, shorter, longer, older, younger”2. Know how to ask each others height and answer it3. Use the comparative adjectives in proper situations4. Improve their oral ability and self-learning ability教学重点1. Master the key words “taller, shorter, longer, older, younger”2. Acquire the basic rule of how to change the adjective words into comparative adjectives教学难点Use the comparative adjectives and relevant sentence patterns in proper situations 教 法1. The situational teaching method2. Pair work and group work教学准备1. Video show 2. Survey charts 3. PPT 4. Listening material 5. Blackboard教学过程StepsTs activitiesSs activitiesPurposeWarm up and lead in (3)1、GreetingsT: Hello, everyone! Today Im your English teacher, and Im also a leader of a model team. Look, this is my school model team. Ss: Yes.模特队照片能吸引学生的注意力,更好地导入教学。Presen-tation(8)1. Reviewing of the adjectivesT: Im 27 years old. Im very young. (The teacher chants “ Young, young, Im very young” and write down “ young” on the blackboard) T: Look at my hair, its long. (The teacher chants “ Long, long, my hair is long. ” and write down “ long” on the blackboard)T: (The teacher point to a boy with short hair) But, look at this boy, his hair is short. (The teacher chants “Short, short, your hair is short. ”and write down “ short” on the blackboard) (The teacher points to herself) Im 1.63 metres tall. I am tall. (The teacher chants “ Tall, tall, Im very tall. ” and write down “ tall” on the blackboard and points to the words “1.63”、“metres” and teaches how to read the “point, sixty-three, metres ” on PPT.) 2. Presentation of the comparative adjectivesTaller& shorterT: (Find a short girl) How tall are you? (Ask the class) How tall is she? T: So Im taller than you, you are shorter than me. T: (The teacher chants “Taller, taller, taller, Im taller than you. Shorter, shorter, shorter, you are shorter than me”, and plus “er” behind “tall, short” on the blackboard.) T: (Ask the one after the cute student) How tall are you? (Guide the students ask and answer:“How tall are you? Im . metres tall.” And stop the conversation until the last one who is taller than the teacher.) How tall is he? (The teacher points to the first and the last student) T: So Im taller than you, but he is taller than me. Maybe he can be a small model. Older& youngerT: (Find another girl) How old are you? T: Im older than you, you are younger than me. (The teacher chants “Older, older, older, Im older than you. Younger, younger, younger, you are younger than me.”)T: Can you guess how to plus here? (The teacher lead the students say how to plus “er” behind “old, young” on the blackboard, then write down “older, younger” on the blackboard.)Longer& shorterT: Im older than you, all of you are younger than me. (Then the teacher pretends to be happy) But my hair is longer than you. T: (The teacher will find a girl with longer hair.)Your hair is longer, my hair is shorter. (The teacher chants “Longer, longer, longer, your hair is longer. Shorter, shorter, shorter, my hair is shorter. ” and let the students say how to plus “er”, after that, write down “longer, shorter” on the blackboard and points to the two girls with shorter hair and longer hair) My hair is longer than your hair, but her hair is longer than my hair, maybe she can be a small model.Ss: y-o-u-n-g, young.Ss: l-o-n-g, long.Ss: s-h-o-r-t, short.Ss: t-a-l-l, tall.Ss learn how to read the “point, sixty-three, metres ” S1: Im metres.Ss: She is . metres.(S2: Im metres tall. How tall are you? S3: Im . metres. How tall are you?S8: Im metres tall.)Ss: He is metres tall.S1: Im years old.The students say how to plus “er”.The students say how to plus “er”.在与学生的互相沟通中了解彼此,复习形容词,导入形容词比较级。分组导入,便于学生对比学习。引导学生发现形容词比较级的一种规律:加“er”通过chant来巩固形容词比较级的发音和语法运用。Practi-ce(8)(1) Show the model videoT: Lets enjoy a model show from my students. (2) Listen and findT: Are they cool? Do you want to be school models? T: There are many students who want to be school models. (The teacher plays the listening material, then asks the students to write down the words and find the small models. )T: Have you found the words?Who can be the small model? (3) Fill in the blanksT: John and Sarah want to know each other. (Show the information of John and Sarah.) T: Can you fill in the blanks? (Show the conversations)(4) Do pair workT: Do you want to know the ages, heights of your desk-mates? (The teacher asks the whole class to practice and asks 2 students to perform the conversation.) T: Can you make this conversation with your desk-mates? Ss: Yes.The students listen to the tape and circle the answers.Students fill in the blanks.Ss: Yes.Two volunteers stand forward and make a conversation about themselves.The students make this conversation with their desk-mates.通过听力练习,巩固词汇认知,也为下一步的模特选拔调查做好铺垫。通过填空练习巩固重点句型。两两练习,为接下来的小组调查做准备。Produ-ction(10) Do a survey and reportT: Have you finished? Maybe I can find a new model team from your class.T: I want you 3 students a group, and take out your papers, then make this conversation with each other. Please find a model from your group. (The teacher show the requirements and encourage the group leaders to make a report to the whole class and find small models from their requirements)T: Have you found? Who can be the small model? Can you tell me? T: My small models, lets make your model show. (The teacher chooses several small models to make a model show with music.) .Ss do the survey and report to the class. The small models will be recommended from the group.The small models make a model show.学以致用,通过每组成员间的问答了解彼此身高,年龄,巩固句型的运用。总结出讨论的结果,学会运用句型,输出学习成果。Summ-ary(3)T: Now, lets see what we have learned this class.The students chant the main words and sentence patterns they have learned in this class.用chant的形式加深学习兴趣。Home-work(3)1. Read and practice 2. Do a survey of your family and make a reportThe students can choose any of them. 学生可以自由选择题目,有利于因材施教。


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