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高二北师大版学案系列3 第13 单元 名师讲堂 热点语法 热点语法 -can表推测用法补充 1) can用来表示理论上的可能性,即表达事件或情况可能发生但是并不牵涉到是否真的会发生。On freeways, accidents can happen. 在高速公路上,意外情况是可能发生的。How many elephants can fit into a mini car? 一辆小汽车可以装进几只大象?当我们想要表达发生某事的实际可能性时,我们用could(或may, 或might)。Will you answer the phone? It could (may, might) be your mother. 你去接电话好吗?可能是你妈妈打来的。According to the radio it could (may, might) rain this evening.据广播说,今天晚上可能有雨。2)can 用来表示一时的可能性。He is a bad-tempered fellow, but he can be very charming when he wishes.他是个脾气暴躁的人,但是只要他乐意,有时候他也很可爱。Children are lovely, but they can be very trying.小孩子很可爱,但有时候也很烦人。3)can在否定句和疑问句中,用来表达可能性。Who can that be at the door? 门外会是谁呢?Can it be Susan? 会不会是苏姗呢?What can she possibly want? 她可能要什么呢?It cant be true. 这不可能是真的。请注意:cant 这样用,意思与must 相反。如:It cant be true. She must be mistaken. 这不可能是真的。她一定是弄错了。 心灵鸡汤 Installing Love(I) 影音留声 Finding Neverland 阅读练习 Reading and Practising 写作点评 Sindys Blog Wow! I cannot believe Simon got caught cheating! I know he complains a lot about school and having to do his homework but not in a million years did I expect him to cheat. That is so huge. Cheating is something that can follow you all the way through school! Teachers will know for many years that hes the kid who copied his Midsummer Nights Dreames say from someone else and theyll always have doubts about him. Well, I hope forhissake everything will be forgotten,but it looks as if hes going to have to suffer through a pretty hard punishment for now. I cant say Ive never thought about cheating before. There are lots of different ways that you could cheat if you really wanted to, but I wouldnt dare to do it. I would never want to get caught. It would be so embarrassing and my mom would probably lock me in my room for at least a year. Its so not worth it! I e-mailed Simon the other day and told him if he needed to talk that I was here. I wish hed have told me that he was having trouble with school. I could have helped him with it. I just hope he feels comfortable asking me for help next time he feels that cheating is his only choice! What do you think about Simons cheating? Think its no big deal or are you as shocked as I am? Let me know!Peace out, Sindy Notes:1. for his sake 为了他好2. punishment n.惩罚3. dare vt.&v.敢,胆敢4. embarrassing adj.尴尬的


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