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Period1 Welcome to the unitTeaching Aims:Talk about famous things in the AsiaMake the students know the fact that they will succeed as long as they work hard.Teaching content: Although ,paper cut , chopstick, take a rest, on ones way back to ,Although theres still a long way to go, we had better continue to the end.Teaching Important Point:Make the Ss free to talk in and after class about the famous things.Teaching Difficult Point:How to finish the task of speaking.Teaching Methods:Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:The multimedia and the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-inAsk and answer the three questions between T and the Ss.T:Who had been to Thailand ? Which country would you like to visit in Asia ,Thailand ,Korea,Malaysia,Singapore or Japan?Step 2 SpeakingTalk about the famous things in China.大熊猫,中医,书法, 茶叶,太极拳,陶瓷,丝绸,中秋节,长江,黄河,长城,天安门等,四大创造。T:Eddie and Hobo are visiting the Great Wall.What do they think of?Step 3 Discussion1.Ask ss read the conversation in pairs ,then answer the questions below:(1) What does Hobo think of the Great Wall?(2) Does Eddie like visiting the Great Wall?(3) Do you think Eddie will continue to the end?Step 4 Consolidation2. read the conversation after the radio ,then read in pairs.3. T: The American ss want to learn more about things in China.Look at the picture ,write the correct names under the pictures. Chinese knot 中国结 Chinese kung fu 中国功夫 chopsticks 筷子 Chinese paper cut 中国剪纸 dragon dance 舞龙 Chinese opera中国戏曲4. T:Millie found some pictures of different place in China in the magazine .Help her match the names of the places with the pictures below.5. Check the answers in class.6.Write a short passage about Asia country Period2 ReadingTeaching Aims:1.Train the Ss reading ability.2.Learn and master the following words and phrases Get lost ,used to ,be attracted by,in the past ,be filled with ,the raising of the national flag,all over the world,in ancient times,step by step ,in different shapes, take a boat trip,fill people with surprise,at sunrise3.Enable the students understand the text better.4.Get the students to master the tenses used in the passage.5.Develop the students creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities.6.The use of some useful expressions.Teaching Aids:The multimedia, the blackboardTeaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionAsk one or two students to disccuss Asia.Step 2 Lead-in 1.Answer ss to look at some pictures about Beijing.Then tell ss Millie has found two articles written by two ss.Step 3 Reading Comprehension2. Fast reading finish Part B.3. Listen to the radio ,then answer some questions below: (1)Who once lives in the Forbidden City?(2) Why do many tourists go to Tiananmen Square early in the morning every day?(3) Where is the Summer Palace?(4) What is Wei Kes favourite attraction?(5) Why was the Great Wall built in ancient times?4. read the article after the radio.(Part 1)5. Ask ss to read part 2 quickly,then answer the questions on the small blackboard.(1) Which provice is Guilin in?(2) Is Guilin in the north or south of China?(3) Are there mountains and rivers in Guilin?(4) How can you travel in Guilin?6.Detailed reading do C.7.Finish D &E.Step 4 Consolidation1.Discuss Part FStep 5 Language Points:见学生辅导书上Homework:Write a summary about Howard CarterFinish the relative exercises in the Workbook.Period 3 VocabularyTeaching Aims:1.Improve the students speaking ability2.Enlarge the students vocabulary 3.Get the students to know more about national flags4.Make the students talk about national flags freely5.Learn the words by heart and try to use themTeaching ProceduresStep1 Revision一、 根据句子意思和汉语提示写出单词。1、 Our journey by camel was quite an ( 经验 )2、 Many soldiers are guarding the ( 边境 )3、 The valley (位于)in the southern part of India.4、 Cut out the pumpkin into different ( 形状 )5、 There are many strange things in the (地下的 )world.6、 Twenty-four ( 皇帝 )lived in the Forbidden City.7、 My sister is better at ( 设计 )clothes than I am.8、 What has the government done to (阻止 ) water and air pollution?9、 9 Please pass me a pair of ( 筷子 )Step 2 Lead-in1.Brainstorming: Show some pictures and askDo you know flags? What other flags do you know?Step 3 Complete part A 1.Teacher looks around the class,then check the answers.Step3 Complete part B1. T:Mr Wu has been to many place in Asia .Write the answers under the photos.2. Check the answers in class.Step4 Discussion1.I like _(flags)because _.Step5 Homework1.Remember the words learned2.Preview Grammar and usagePeriod 4 Grammar 1,2Teaching Aims:Learn “although ,unless and “so thatCompare the use of themTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Revision Guessing gameDo you know any flags? Use your body language to show flags and ask your partner to guess.Step 2 Lead-in Fill in the blanks with proper tenses.What did you do yesterday?I enjoy shopping in the supermarket. Yesterday evening, I _ goshopping near my home. I _(be) busy all day long. So it _ (be)a good chance for me to relax myself.There _ (be)many people in the supermarket. Since I _(have) enough time, I _(feel) at ease. I _(walk) here and there to see whether there _(be) something I need. I _ (fill)my basket with all the goods I chose.I _(take) all my things with me. I _ (decide) to go home by taxi.At the moment, a guide(保安)_(stop) me and _(tell) me that I _(not pay). I felt very sorry that I _(forget) it. I said I _(think) I _(do) it before I came out of the door.Step 3 Structure1.although的用法although意思相当于though(尽管,虽然),用来引导让步状语从句。它所引导的从句不能与并列连词but,and,so等连用,但可以和yet,still等词连用。如:although the book was old, we decided to buy it.尽管这本书很旧,我们还是决定买。there is air all around us, although we cannot see it.虽然我们看见空气,空气却存在于我们的周围。although princeton has a world-famous university, it is still a small quiet town.普林斯顿虽然有一所世界闻名的大学,但仍然是个安静的小镇。记住,在学习连接词时,一定要弄明白他们是连接副词还是连接代词,连接副词就是副词,不作句子主要成分,连接代词要做句子成分,考试最喜欢考连接代词不仅有连接作用,而且还在从句中充当主语,表语、定语等句子成分。常见连接代词有 who , whom , whose which , what , whatever , whoever连接副词除了连接从句外,还在从句中作状语。常见连接副词有 when , where , why , how。2 unless是附属连词,引导条件状语从句,含有否认意义,相当于if条件状语从句的否认形式。所以unless = if not。注意:unless引导的条件状语从句和if条件状语从句,与其它时间状语从句一样,用一般现在时代替将来时。 Unless: conj. 除非, 如果不 【例句】 1. Unless you take more care, youll have an accident. (如果不多加小心的话,你会出事故的。) 2. My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry. (我那刚出生的妹妹除非饿了,否那么她是从来不哭的。) 3. Dont promise anything unless youre 100 per cent sure. (不要作任何的许诺, 除非你有百分百的把握。) 4. Unless bad weather stops me, I jog every day. (除非坏天气作梗,每天我都慢跑。)3. 在so that (in order that)引导的目的状语从句中,谓语动词用can(could),may(might),will(would),should动词原形的形式。故上述从句在谓语动词前应加could或might,但so that引导结果状语从句时,不用此要求限制,如:They came late so that they missed the early bus.Step 4 Complete PartA1.Teacher walks around the classroom,then check the answers in class.Step 5 Complete PartB and PartC1.Teacher walks around the classroom,then check the answers in class.Step 6 QuestionHow do you know you will use although ,unless and “so thatStep 7 Compare although ,unless and “so thatStep 8 Homework Period5 Integrated skillsTeaching aims1. to help students review “although ,unless and “so that2.to teach students what information should be included a trip to South Korea and how to write one. 3 to make students be aware of the appropriate ways of performing each individual procedure and master the skills 4 to make sure students have opportunities to combine the skills they have learned with realityTeaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in Ask students some questions related to the trip to JapanStep 2 Presentation1.T:The American exchange ss are going to visit Japan after visiting Beijing.Help Millie complete her notes with as much information as you can.2.Help students to understand the notes.3. Do listening exercise And listen to the tape4.Do listening exercise on P 51.Check the answers in class.5.ask ss to answer some questions on the small blackboard after listening the conversation .(1)Where does Simon want to go on holiday/(2)Which part of Thailand does Simon want to visit?(3)Amy has been to Singapore ,hasnt she?6.Answer the questions in class.7.Ask ss to repeat the conversation as a model.Homework:1. Recite the conversation after class.2. Do the exercises. Period6 Main taskTeaching aims:1. to aid students to choose and organize the information they have got and help them complete their products2. to enhance students overall abilities and improve their integrated skills Teaching procedures:Step 1Lead-in1. T:Miss Tompson has asked the Class 1,Grade 9 ss to suggest a country in Asia that her ss can visit.Amy would like to suggest South Korea and has prepared some notes .Lets read the note.2. Ask and answer :(1) What is South Korea s capital city?(2) What language do most people in South Korea speak?(3) How can we go to South Korea?(4) Can you name some tourists attraction in South Korea?3. T:Amy is writing a guide to South Korea for Miss Thompson .Help her complete her guide.4. Ss do the exercise .T walks around the classroom.Then check out the keys.5. T:you also want to write a guide to one of the countries in Asia .Which Asia country would you suggest?Think of a country that would interest your online friend and do some research.6. Ask ss to make some notes about the country .Use Amys notes in Part A1 on page 53 to help you.7. Ask ss to write the article in class.


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