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Life on Wheels教学目标学生通过思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式,了解“车轮上的生活”。 在教学过程中借助多媒体,提高课堂效率。教学重点通过了解信息,丰富有关交通工具的知识,掌握本课重点词汇。教学难点掌握不定式用法。教学方法Listening、speaking、reading、writing教学资源Electronic whiteboard, Multimedia courseware教学步骤教师活动学生活动调整与思考教学过程设计教学过程设计Step 1 Class opening(3 minutes)1. Greetings.2. Sing a song The Wheels on the Bus.Step2 New Concepts1. Leading in(1 minute)T: This world is always moving. Everything seems to have wheels. Now our life is on wheels. 板书本课课题Lesson 33 Life on Wheels. 2. Discussion(2 minutes)Discuss: How many ways can you think of to use wheels? 3. Read the text and fill in the blanks (4 minutes)T: Jeremy wrote a report. Please read it carefully and quickly. Fill in the blanks. 1. This is Jeremys report on t_.2. Cars make the U.S. a nation on w_.3. Now people can even travel to space in s_.4. Riding a bike is good for our health and the e_.Ask the students to do Lets Do It Ex.2 and write down the answers. Then check the answers together. 4. Read the text again and answer the questions.(5 minutes)T: Now lets read Jeremys report again and we will know more about it. Please try to answer the questions in 5 minutes. 1. According to Jeremy, what does everything seem to have?2. What did horses do long ago?3. What did people do over 100 years ago?4. What is space? Can you travel to space with an airplane?Step 3 Language points(10 minutes) 出示图片,设置学习情境学习本课重难点知识。Step 4 Practice (5 minutes)T: My favourite type of transportation is the bicycle. I like to go everywhere by bike. Its good for my health and for the environment. What about Jeremy?Tell the students to do T/F in 5 minutes.1. The lesson is about a report on engines.2. Now we even have engines on skateboards.3. Transportation is just for the ground and water.4. Jeremys favourite type of transportation is the bicycle.5. Steam engines make the U.S. a nation on wheels.6. Trains began in the 1700s. Step 5 Listening (2 minutes)(Lets Do It! Ex. 1. )Step 6 Consolidation(5 minutes)According to the lesson, what have you learned?Step 7 Class closing(3 minutes)1. Pair workImagine the future transportation. Then make up a dialogue in pairs. A: What does it look like?B: It looks like a bird. It has wings.A: How will it help people? B: . 引导学生自由讨论、发言,然后出示图片。在此环节,要限定学生阅读及做题时间,并根据问题的难易程度,请同学板书答案。在订正时,要讲解问题的答案出处,以及根据原文如何作答。学生组内先交流想法,然后独立完成写作任务。利用配套光盘,对学生进行听力训练。学生以组为单位,两两结合,使组内成员都有使用英语进行交际的机会,锻炼了学生的口语表达能力。 作 业完成本课相关的练习题,并预习下一课。板书设计Lesson 33 Life on Wheelsseem to +v. 原形be able to +v.原形begin to +v原形教学反思2


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