4 Unit 7 It’s raining!Section B 2a-Self Check课件

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欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂Unit 7Its raining!Section B 2aSelf Check 一、核心词汇。一、核心词汇。1拜访;参观拜访;参观visit2.加拿大加拿大Canada3夏天夏天summer 4.坐坐sit5果汁果汁juice 6.不久不久soon7努力地;困难的努力地;困难的hard 8.欧洲欧洲Europe9高山高山mountain 10.国家国家country11滑冰滑冰skate 12.下雪的下雪的snowy13冬天;冬季冬天;冬季winter 14.俄罗斯的俄罗斯的Russian15雪人雪人snowman 16.阴雨的阴雨的rainy二、核心词组。二、核心词组。17度假度假on(a)_vacation18我的一些老朋友我的一些老朋友some_of_my_old_friends19给给写信写信write_to_20学到很多学到很多learn_a_lot三、核心句型。三、核心句型。21我正在加拿大愉快地拜访我的姨妈。我正在加拿大愉快地拜访我的姨妈。Im_having_a_great_time_visiting_my_aunt_in_Canada.22我是如此高兴地再次见到他们。我是如此高兴地再次见到他们。Im_so_happy_to_see_them_again.23你在努力学习还是在玩?你在努力学习还是在玩?Are_you_studying_hard,or_are_you_having_fun?24我想给你打电话,但是我的电话坏了。我想给你打电话,但是我的电话坏了。I_want_to_call_you_but_my_phone_isnt_working.25在你的国家,现在的天气很热,是不是?在你的国家,现在的天气很热,是不是?Its_hot_in_your_country_now,isnt_it?26朋友们正在买俄罗斯面包带回家。朋友们正在买俄罗斯面包带回家。Friends_are_buying_Russian_bread_to_take_home.四、根据句意及提示写单词。四、根据句意及提示写单词。27Gina is from Canada(加拿大加拿大)But she can speakRussian(俄语俄语)28We like swimming in summer(夏季夏季)29We are on a vacation in the mountains(高山高山)30I want to see you soon(很快很快)31James likes drinking juice(果汁果汁)五、单项选择。五、单项选择。32Look!Some children are having a great time D in the water.AswimBswimsCplayDplaying33Its B in winter in Harbin and I often go out to _Asnow,swim Bsnowy,skateCsnowman,skate Dhot,swim34Can I D a photo _ you?Sure.Amake,for Bmake,toCtake,to Dtake,for35Can I use your phone?Mine doesnt CSure.Here you are.Awant Buse Cwork Dgo36Its sunny today,Ait?Aisnt Bdoesnt Cdont Dhasnt 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1The boys are skating(skate)on a river.2Its snowy(snow)today.We must wear warm clothes.3Five Russian(Russia)students are visiting my school.4Im so happy to_learn(learn)English.5My friends are buying some fruit to_take(take)home.二、单项选择。二、单项选择。6In Beijing winter is very DAwarmBcoolChotDcold7Were having fun C bikes in the countryside.Arides Bto ride Criding Dride8Mary can speak B English and I can learn _ from her.Alots of,a lot of Ba lot of,a lotCa lot,lots of Da lot,a lot9They often go to the park D vacation.Aat Bin Cfor Don10On a B morning she comes back home with her mother.Arain Brainy Crains Draining三、补全对话三、补全对话,有两项多余。有两项多余。AHows it going?BCan I help you?CWhat are you doing?DMay I speak to Mary?ESounds like youre having a good time in the snow.FThat sounds terrible.GHows the weather there?A:Hello!Its Jane calling.11.DB:Hi,Jane!Its Mary here.12.AA:Not bad,thanks.B:13.GA:Its snowing.Its white here and there.B:14.CA:Im making a snowman with my friends.B:15.EA:Yeah.I like snowy weather.四、从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式完成短文。四、从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式完成短文。in,other,friend,be,tell,on,cool,know,say,or,taste,visitDear Jenny,Im very happy 16.knowing that youre coming to Beijing for your vacation.Now let me 17.tell you something about the city.There 18.are lots of interesting places here.You can 19.visit the Great Wall,the Palace Museum,Tiananmen Square and many 20.other places.The people here are very 21.friendlyTheyre always happy to help others.You can also 22.taste all kinds of delicious foods here.But I dont think its the best time to come 23.in August,because its very hot.You can come in September 24.or October.The weather is usually sunny and 25.cool at that time.I hope you can have a good time in Beijing.Yours,Li Xin1上海的天气怎么样?上海的天气怎么样?误:Whats the weather in Shanghai?正:Hows the weather in Shanghai?【错误揭示】Hows the weather?是用来询问天气状况的常用句型。也可以用Whats the weather like?来表示,在句末可以加上“介词地点/时间/季节”等短语。2夏天经常下雨。夏天经常下雨。误:It often rainy is summer.正:It often rains in summer.【错误揭示】rain可以作名词,也可以作动词,rainy是形容词,常放在名词前作定语或系动词后作表语。3我拜访我的阿姨很高兴。我拜访我的阿姨很高兴。误:Im having a great time visit my aunt.正:Im having a great time visiting my aunt.【错误揭示】have a good time doing sth.意为“做很高兴”。4我父母总是叫我先做家庭作业。我父母总是叫我先做家庭作业。误:My parents always tell me do my homework first.正:My parents always tell me to do my homework first.【错误揭示】tell sb.to do sth.意为“告诉某人做某事”。5我们是如此高兴见到他。我们是如此高兴见到他。误:Im so happy seeing him.正:Im so happy to see him.【错误揭示】be happy to do sth.意为“高兴做某事”。一、谈论天气的句型。询问天气情况所用的句型:How is the weather.?或Whats the weather like.?描述天气的句型:“Its形容词”或“Its动名词形式”。二、表示天气的形容词。两对表示气温的反义词:hot(热)cold(冷);cool(凉)warm(暖)一些表示天气的形容词是在与天气相关的名词词尾加y。如:rain(雨)rainy(下雨的),snow(雪)snowy(下雪的)cloud(云)cloudy(多云的),wind(风)windy(有风的)sun(太阳)sunny(晴朗的),fog(雾)foggy(多雾的)三、英语中表示雨或风的大小。1英语中表示雨或风的大小,不用big或small,习惯上使用下列说法:heavy rain大雨light rain小雨strong wind大风soft wind和风2一般现在时与现在进行时的比较。一般现在时强调动作的经常性和反复性,实际上是一种无时间限制的动作,而现在进行时强调动作的暂时性。eg:He lives in Beijing.他住在北京。He is staying in Beijing now.他目前待在北京。写作目标谈论天气情况及人们进行的活动素材积累词汇或词组积累一、请写出下列有关天气的各个名词的形容词形式。1rain_2.wind_3snow_ 4.sun_二、翻译下列词组。5和朋友打蓝球和朋友打蓝球_6玩得开心玩得开心_7努力学习努力学习_8度假度假_三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。9他正坐在池塘旁边。他正坐在池塘旁边。He is _ _ _ _10我正在加拿大愉快地拜访我的姨妈。我正在加拿大愉快地拜访我的姨妈。Im _ a great time _ my aunt in Canada.11这儿的天气凉爽且多云,适合散步。这儿的天气凉爽且多云,适合散步。The _ here is cool and _,just right for_12天气暖和且阳光明媚,并且在这儿很放松。天气暖和且阳光明媚,并且在这儿很放松。Its _ and sunny,and its very _here.安全小贴上课间活动注意安全


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