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2023届高考英语复习阅读七选五+完形填空+语法填空分类综合练(11) 一、阅读七选五Five Ideas for Better SleepMost people need about eight hours of sleep each night. But many people have trouble sleeping. Lack of sleep can affect work performance, increase our chances of getting sick, and may be linked to weight gain in some people. How can we get the sleep we need? Here are some ideas:1 Youve probably noticed how much running around little kids do and how soundly the sleep. Physical activity can decrease stress and help people feel more relaxed. Just dont work out too close to bedtime because exercise can wake you up.Avoid alcohol and drugs. Lots of people think that alcohol or drugs will make them relaxed, but thats not the case. 2They will make a person wake up at night.Say goodnight to electronic devices. 3 Youd better make your bedroom a tech-free zone, at least shut everything down an hour or more before lights out.Keep a sleep routine (常规). 4 Creating a set bedtime routine can improve the relaxation effect. And you can relax by reading, listening to music or spending time with a pet.Expect a good nights sleep. 5 Say “Tonight I will sleep well” several times during the day. This is a very effective psychological suggestion.A. Drink enough water.B. Do exercise during the day.C. Drugs and alcohol disturb sleep.D. Experts suggest using the bedroom for sleep only.E. Going to bed at the same time every night benefits sleep.F. You can find someone who can give you advice on how to sleep.G. Instead of worrying that you wont sleep, remind yourself that you can.1. _2. _3. _ 4. _5. _ 二、完形填空I quit smoking 30 days ago. I woke up one day and told myself, “This is it; I am done with the bad 1 .” I started working out and 2 I forgot about why I even smoked at all. With no cigarettes, I lost all 3 in alcoholic (含酒精的) beverages as well. With the money I 4 I bought a pair of boots that I had wanted for a long time.My cats are no longer 5 or sneezing and I am sleeping like a stone. I thank God for giving me the power to overcome a deadly habit. My 6 died two years ago from a heart attack and he was a 7 smoker. He was only 59.Weeks before the 8 to stop I kept telling myself, “I need to stop this nasty habit.” I am 55 years old and 9 my husband die in a hospital bed hits me like a bomb and I cannot describe the 10 . When you think about it, cigarettes are really coffin nails (棺材钉)! 11 of looking at beautiful men and women with bright skin, 12 bodies and good attitudes? You know attitudes do not 13 their lives. But a healthy lifestyle does.Look at a healthy lung and a lung of a 14 . Look at healthy skin and then look at what your 15 looks like now and when you die. Its not 16 . When your loved one has a heart attack and he dies, 17 the heart muscle dies first and then he ages years overnight.Drink lots of water and keep yourself 18 with exercise to take your 19 off smoking. It will 20 you and you will sleep so much better!Stay away from cigarettes.1. A. custom B. action C. habit D. activity2. A. eventually B. suddenly C. immediately D. probably3. A. fear B. knowledge C. interest D. intention4. A. earned B. won C. spent D. saved5. A. coughing B. running C. crying D. escaping6. A. friend B. husband C. neighbor D. boss7. A. simple B. popular C. heavy D. different8. A. agreement B. impression C. argument D. decision9. A. letting B. watching C. hearing D. finding10. A. pain B. thought C. behavior D. surprise11. A. Sure B. Fond C. Ashamed D. Proud12. A. strange B. weak C. healthy D. unusual13. A. cure B. shape C. demand D. control14. A. smoker B. drinker C. doctor D. patient15. A. lung B. heart C. body D. face16. A. active B. rare C. normal D. pretty17. A. imagine B. remember C. predict D. consider18. A. pleased B. careful C. busy D. connected19. A. mind B. opinion C. money D. energy20. A. exhaust B. harm C. guide D. relax 三、语法填空In the past, if I had to look away from my phone, I felt like I was going to die. When I had lunch with my family or dated with my friends, I couldnt help replying 1 a text message or checking my Facebook, WeChat on the mobile phone. Before long, it 2 (be) easy for me to get tired. The more I texted during the day, the 3 (poor) my sleep was. I couldnt even focus on my study.My friend told me that people 4 cant help checking their phones all day are known as plumbers (低头族). Pubbing trends not only involve the young people, but 5 elderly. Soon, I found a slogan on a website as 6 (follow): stop twittering, stop posting photos.Thankfully, I realized there was actually an outside world. My 7 (divide) attention could keep me from what is 8 (true) important. Now, I can use the phone without 9 (feel) like a drug addict (癮君子). I have more time to enjoy real life 10 (activity). Use your mobile phone and dont let it use you.1. _2. _ 3. _ 4. _5. _6. _7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 答案阅读七选五15 BCDEG 完形填空15 CACDA 610 BCDBA1115 BCDAD 1620 DBCAD 语法填空1. to 2. was 3. poorer 4. who/that 5. the 6. follows 7. divided 8. truly 9. feeling 10. activities


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