安徽省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷十 完形填空(二)

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2013年高考第二轮复习英语安徽版专题升级训练十完形填空(二)AHi Cindy,Please dont worry if you feel a little strange around boys.You are in the process of _1_ from a little girl into a young woman and there are _2_ called hormones(荷尔蒙)that are changing not only your body but your _3_.For example,you say you used to feel at ease _4_ boys and you would usually run and fight one another for _5_.That was Cindy,the little girl.Cindy,the _6_ woman,doesnt want to fight boys or even run with them _7_ your interests are changing.That is what is making you feel strange and it is also _8_ to the other girls around you and also to the boys.Your life is _9_ a different stage but you should understand that this is _10_ normal,and something that will pass quickly.I think you should try again to _11_ around boys.You can still talk with them about _12_you like including sports,movies,websites and celebrities(名人)I _13_ that you not try to fight with them,however,because the _14_ are becoming much bigger and stronger.I think you will find that you will _15_ being with boys but that your feelings will be different from the _16_ they used to be.I know you are not supposed to have a _17_ while you are still in school in China,but if you start to find some boys very handsome and you are strongly _18_ to some of them,dont be surprised._19_,this is all very normal.For now,you should _20_ your school work,though you will find that some boys are attracted to you.This will be a new adventure for you and my best advice is to relax and enjoy it.Good luck!Brad1Astarting Bsurviving Cchanging Dranging2Acells Bnutritions Cobjects Dchemicals3Ahead Bmind Clife Dstudy4Aagainst Bfor Cwith Dwithout5Afun Bhonour Cgood Dpraise6Abrave Byoung Csmart Dunique7Abefore Bwhen Cuntil Dbecause8Areferring BappealingChappening Dpointing9Asetting BenteringCreflecting Drepresenting10Aperfectly Bpossibly Chardly Dnearly11Aplay Bfool Cdate Drelax12Asomebody BanybodyCanything Dsomething13Ademand BrecommendCcommand Ddetermine14Agirls Badults Ckids Dboys15Aenjoy Bhate Cavoid Dregret16Amodel Bstandard Cway Dstyle17Agirlfriend Bboyfriend Cdegree Djob18Aattracted BopposedCexposed Daccustomed19ARather BBesides CAfterwards DAgain20Adepend on Bdecide onCconcentrate on Dagree onBThere was a time when I thought my dad didnt know a thing about being a good father.I couldnt _1_ him ever saying the words “I love you”It seemed to me his only purpose in life was to say “_2_” to anywhere I wanted to go and any thing I wanted to do,including getting a _3_.Some parents bought their kids cars when they got their drivers licenses._4_ my dadhe said that Id have to get a job and buy my own.So thats what I did.I got a job at a very nice restaurant and _5_ every penny I could.And when I had enough to buy my car,I _6_!The day I brought that car home,my dad was the first one I wanted to show it _7_ to.“Look,dad,a car of my own.If you ever want a ride,Ill only _8_ you five dollars.” I offered with a smile.“I see,” was all he said.One day,there was something wrong with my fathers truck.So he needed a _9_ to work.The sun wasnt even up when we left the house,_10_ it was already getting warm out.It was going to be a _11_ day.As I dropped my dad off,I _12_ him,dressed in his work clothes,getting his _13_ from the trunk(尾箱)of my car.Watching his sunweathered face,and even from a distance I could tell there were _14_ lines than I ever remembered being there before.I realized how hard my dad had worked for his family.My father was a cement finisher(水泥修整工)In that instant,it _15_ to me that he actually got down on his hands and knees to sweat over hot concrete to make a living for his family.And he did this _16_,no matter how hot it got.Never,not once,had I heard him _17_ about it.To him we were “worth” it.And never once did he “charge” us for it.When he closed the trunk,his tools set off to the side,he walked over to my window to _18_ me five dollars.I rolled down the window and said “Goodbye,dad.Keep your five dollars.Its _19_ me.Dont work too hard.I love you.”His eyes met mine,then glanced away in the direction of his waiting tools.He cleared his _20_ and said,“Oh,and. me,too.”1Alike BrememberCforget Dcare 2ASorry BYes CNo DGood 3Acar Bfriend Cjob Dbus 4ASo BAs CNot DEven 5Aspent Bearned Ckept Dsaved 6Adid Bchanged Cstopped Dwas 7Aout Bin Cup Doff 8Apay Bcharge Coffer Daccept 9Aride Bleave Ctrip Dhurry 10Aas Balthough Cbut Dsince 11Aordinary Bhot Cwork Dspecial 12Ahelped Bfollowed Cleft Dwatched 13Atools Bclothes Cluggage Dbag 14Afewer Bmore Clonger Ddeeper 15Ahappened BseemedCoccurred Dappeared 16Anow and then Bday and nightCall the time Dday in and day out 17Atalk Bcomplain Cask Dspeak 18Ahand Bpass Clend Dtake 19Afor Bat Con Din 20Ahands Beyes Cthroat DclothesC(2012山西大同学情调研)When I first entered university,my aunt,who is an English professor,gave me a new English dictionary.I was _1_ to see that it was an EnglishEnglish dictionary,also known as a monolingual dictionary._2_ it was a dictionary intended for nonnative learners,none of my classmates had one _3_,to be honest,I found it extremely _4_ to use at first.I would look up words in the dictionary and _5_ not fully understand the meanings.I was used to the _6_ bilingual dictionaries,in which the words are _7_ both in English and Chinese.I really wondered why my aunt _8_ to make things so difficult for me.Now,after studying English at university for three years,I _9_ that monolingual dictionaries are _10_ in learning a foreign language.As I found out,there is,_11_,often no perfect equivalence(对应) between two _12_in two languages.My aunt even goes so far as to _13_ that a Chinese “equivalent” can never give you the _14_ meaning of a word in English!_15_,she insisted that I read the definition(定义) of a word in a monolingual dictionary _16_ I wanted to get a better understanding of its meaning._17_ I have come to see what she meant.Using a monolingual dictionary for learners has helped me in another important way.This dictionary uses a(n) _18_ number of words,around 2,000,in its definitions.When I read these definitions,I am _19_ exposed to (接触) the basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas._20_ this,I can express myself more easily in English.1Aworried BsadCsurprised Dnervous2ABecause BAlthoughCUnless DIf3Abut BsoCor Dand4Adifficult BinterestingCambiguous Dpractical5Athus BevenCstill Dagain6Anew BfamiliarCearlier Dordinary7Aexplained BexpressedCdescribed Dcreated8Aoffered BagreedCdecided Dhappened9Aimagine BrecommendCpredict Dunderstand10Anatural BbetterCeasier Dconvenient11Aat best Bin factCat times Din case12Awords BnamesCideas Dcharacters13Ahope BdeclareCdoubt Dtell14Aexact BbasicCtranslated Dexpected15ARather BHoweverCTherefore DInstead16Awhen BbeforeCuntil Dwhile17ALargely BGenerallyCGradually DProbably18Aextra BaverageCtotal Dlimited19Arepeatedly BnearlyCimmediately Danxiously20AAccording to BIn relation toCIn addition to DBecause of参考答案A1. 答案:C解析:此处表示“从到的转变之中”,故用change from.into.结构。 2. 答案:D解析:从下文hormones提示知,这是化学物质,故用chemicals。cell“细胞”,nutrition“营养物质”,object“物体”,均与语意不符。 3. 答案:B解析:荷尔蒙不仅改变你的身体,同时也改变你的思想(mind)。 4. 答案:C解析:feel at ease with sb.“与某人相处感到很放松”。 5. 答案:A解析:for fun是固定词组,表示“闹着玩”。 6. 答案:B解析:从文章第一个空后提示知,小女孩辛迪慢慢成长为少女。而与此同时,因为(because)兴趣在变,所以成长为年轻女子(young woman)的辛迪再也不愿意跟男孩子打闹或和他们一块儿奔跑追逐了。 7. 答案:D解析:参见上题解析。 8. 答案:C解析:这让你感到很不习惯,但这也同样发生(happening)在你周围的女孩和男孩身上。 9. 答案:B解析:你的生活从此开始进入(entering)一个完全不同的阶段。set “设置”,reflect “反射,反映”,represent “代表”,均与语意不符。 10. 答案:A解析:但你应该知道这是十分正常的。perfectly“完全地,非常,十分”。 11. 答案:D解析:从上下文尤其是本句中的again和上文第四个空前后的信息可知,布莱德(Brad)认为辛迪和男孩子在一起时应该放松自己,故用relax。 12. 答案:C解析:你仍然可以和男孩们谈论你喜欢的任何东西(anything),包括运动、电影、网站和名人。 13. 答案:B解析:根据上下文可知此处是布莱德的建议,故用recommend表示“推荐,建议”。 14. 答案:D解析:从上下文可知,男孩们(boys)正变得又高又壮。 15. 答案:A解析:布莱德认为辛迪会发现自己将喜欢(enjoy)跟男孩子在一起,但自己的感受会与过去的感受方式(way)不同。16. 答案:C解析:参见上题解析。17. 答案:B解析:你仍在学校,不应该有一个男朋友(boyfriend)。 18. 答案:A解析:下文attracted有提示,此处表示“如果你被一些帅哥强烈地吸引的话,也不要惊讶”。 19. 答案:D解析:从上文第十个空处提示可知,此处表示“同样地,这也很正常”,所以用Again。A项“更确切地说”;B项“此外”;C项“随后”。 20. 答案:C解析:现在你要把精力集中在学习上,用concentrate on。depend on“依靠”;decide on“决定”;agree on“认同”。B 1. 答案:B解析:根据第一句作者认为自己的父亲不知道怎样当一位好父亲判断,此处表达的意思是从来不“记得”父亲曾经说过“我爱你”这句话。其他选项除了care外,后面也都可以搭配动名词,但不合题意。 2. 答案:C解析:此处表示父亲总是拒绝作者的要求,因此更加深了作者对父亲的误解。say no to 意为“不答应;拒绝”;say sorry to意为“向某人道歉”;say yes to意为“答应”。 3. 答案:A解析:下句提到了买车的事情。 4. 答案:C解析:此处是说有些父母在孩子取得驾照后总是主动给孩子买车,但自己的父亲没有这样做。此处是否定概念,故用not表示作者的父亲不会给自己买车,从否定概念可排除其他选项。 5.答案:D解析:既然父亲不给买车,作者只好“节省(saved)”每一个便士来给自己买车。6. 答案:A解析:作者最终攒够了钱买了车。I did是替代性用法,相当于I bought my car。 7. 答案:D解析:show sth.off是固定短语,意为“炫耀”。show out 意为“把某人送出去”;show in多表示“领某人进来”;show up意为“出现,露面”。 8. 答案:B解析:charge用作动词,意为“收钱,收费”,此处作者半开玩笑地向父亲收搭车费。由具体的语境可知,此处不表示“付钱(pay)”、“出钱(offer)”等。 9. 答案:A解析:因为父亲的车坏了,所以需要“搭车”上班。ride意为“搭车”。由父亲要去上班这一语境可知其他选项不合题意。 10. 答案:C解析:太阳还没有升起来,但天已经热起来。前后文是转折关系,所以应选C项。 11. 答案:B解析:这将是一个“大热”天。作者的用意是用炎热的天气来衬托父亲工作的艰辛。 12. 答案:D解析:从下文可以看出作者是在观察父亲,因此用watched表示“注视”。 13. 答案:A解析:从下文看出作者的父亲是一个干粗活重活的工人,因此此处父亲应是从车尾箱里拿出“工具(tools)”。 14. 答案:B解析:此处作者强调的是父亲年龄增长,而且年复一年的辛劳,当然脸上的皱纹比以前“更多(more)”了。根据常识可知作者不可能说父亲脸上的皱纹更“长(longer)”了或更“深(deeper)”了。 15. 答案:C解析:看到父亲脸上的皱纹,作者才联想起父亲的辛苦。it occurred to sb.that表示“某人突然想起了某事”,it是形式主语,that引导主语从句。it happened to sb.that意为“恰巧”;it appeared to sb.that意为“在某人看来”,都不合题意。16. 答案:D解析:此处作者强调父亲工作的辛苦,当然是用“日复一日,夜复一夜(day in and day out)”来形容他工作时间之长。day and night意为“整天整夜”,显然人不可能整天整夜地工作。 17. 答案:B解析:根据句意判断应选B项,表示父亲任劳任怨,从不抱怨。此处关键是要明白作者的用意是在赞扬父亲。 18. 答案:A解析:hand sb.sth.意为“递给某人某物”,此处表示父亲下车后“递给”我搭车钱。pass sb.sth.意为“把什么东西传递给某人”。 19. 答案:C解析:“Its on me.”为固定用法,意为“钱我付了”。 20. 答案:C解析:父亲非常激动,清了清“喉咙(throat)”才说了下面的话:我也爱你。明白了此时作者的父亲的激动心情再结合常识可排除其他选项。C1. 答案:C解析:从下文可知,学生一般都用双解词典,而一进入大学,姑妈就给作者一本英英词典,因此感到惊讶。 2. 答案:B解析:尽管这本词典是为非本族语学习者编写的一本词典,但是作者的同学没有一个拥有这样的词典。根据句意可知B项正确。 3. 答案:D解析:从下文可知,此处两个分句之间存在承接关系,因此用and,答案为D项。 4. 答案:A解析:difficult “难的”;interesting “有趣的”;ambiguous “不明确的,模棱两可的”;practical“实用的”。由上下文可知,作者开始用英英词典的时候还是感到困难的,所以A项正确。 5. 答案:C解析:thus“如此,这样”;even“甚至”;still“仍然,还”;again“再,又”。根据句意可知选C项。 6. 答案:B解析:根据句意,作者习惯使用双解词典。familiar“熟知的,熟悉的”。 7. 答案:A解析:双解词典中的单词用两种语言解释,所以答案为A项。 8. 答案:C解析:offer to do sth.“自愿做某事”;agree to do sth.“同意做某事”;decide to do sth.“决定做某事”;happen to do sth.“碰巧做某事”。因为双解词典比较容易,而用英英词典则比较困难,所以作者不知道姑妈为什么决定要这样做。故C项正确。 9. 答案:D解析:在大学学了三年的英语后,作者知道了英英词典的好处。imagine “想象”;recommend “建议,推荐”;predict “预言”;understand “理解”。根据句意可知D项正确。 10. 答案:B解析:从下文可知,作者现在认识到英英词典比双解词典好,所以B项正确。 11. 答案:B解析:像作者发现的那样,在两种语言中,两个单词的含义实际上没有绝对的对应。at best“最好,至多,充其量”;in fact“事实上”;at times “有时”;in case “万一”。根据句意选B项。 12. 答案:A解析:此处表示两种语言中的单词意义不能完全匹配,所以用words。 13. 答案:B解析:姑妈宣称说汉语翻译永远不会给出一个英语单词的确切意义。hope “希望”;declare“宣布,宣称”后可直接接宾语从句;doubt “怀疑”,与句意不符;tell要接双宾语。综上所述可知B项正确。 14. 答案:A解析:A项“确切的”;B项“基础的”;C项“被翻译的”;D项“期望的”。根据上一题解析可知A项正确。 15. 答案:C解析:上下文之间为因果关系,所以选C项。therefore“因此,所以”。16. 答案:A解析:姑妈坚持主张:想更好地理解单词的含义时,还是要看英英词典上的定义。when“当时”,可以是“点”的时间,也可以是“段”的时间,此处表示“点”的时间,而while通常用来表示“段”的时间。 17. 答案:C解析:三年中通过使用英英词典作者逐渐明白了姑妈当初的意图。此处gradually表示一个渐进的过程。 18. 答案:D解析:由下文的2000个单词可知,这本英英词典的词汇是有限的。 19. 答案:A解析:因为本词典词汇量有限,所以这些基本单词会重复出现。A项正确。 20. 答案:D解析:A项“根据,依据”;B项“与有关”;C项“除之外”;D项“因为,由于”。因为作者使用英英词典,因此可以容易地用英语自我表达。


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