Unit 6 The world of my dreams

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Unit 6 The world of my dreamsA story- The rabbits dream阳逻二小 程颖教学目标:1.知识技能目标能听懂理解故事内容并有感情地朗读故事;能表演故事并复述故事内容。2.过程方法目标通过听、读、理解故事培养学生获取关键信息的能力,提高综合阅读能力。3.情感态度价值观明白要坚持自己的梦想并勇敢机智应对各种问题。教学重点:能够借助图片和录音听读会并理解故事,有感情地朗读故事。教学难点:能够表演故事。能够利用关键词复述故事。教学步骤:Step One Before- reading.1. Watch a video.Talk about Judys dream and divide the pupils into four groups.2.Show the rabbit and the storys name.(设计意图:利用孩子们熟知喜爱且与新课有一定关联的视频激趣和导入。)Step Two While- reading.1.Listen to P1 of the story and answer the question.Wheres the rabbit?What s the rabbits dream?(Learn the word:ocean)What do the frog and the mouse say?(Understand the word:dangerous) (设计意图:通过听读分析开篇图文,预测故事发展,激发学生想象。)2. Watch the video and listen to the whole story.What animals does the rabbit ask for help on the way?(设计意图:慧话宝故事动画版让学生在兴趣盎然的状态下大致了解故事脉络,抓住主要角色。)3. What happened on the way?-(1)Learn P 2-4 of the story.Whats the lions real idea?(2)Learn P 5-7 of the story . Understand the phrase:come closer 4. Whats that?Im scared.WHY?-Read P 8-11 of the story with the partner and then answer:(1)Is the rabbit in danger again?(2)Who helps the rabbit?(设计意图:通过设问进入故事中心情节,引领学生通过听说模仿思考等逐步理解故事内容,先带后放,让学生从被牵着走慢慢学会自己走。)5. Learn P 12-13 of the story.Does the rabbit see the ocean?How is the rabbit feeling?(设计意图:通过听读感受故事主人公努力实现梦想后的美妙心情,体会梦想追求者过程中的苦和结果里的甜。)Step Three Post-reading.1.Read and act the story.(设计意图:小组合作模仿表演故事,每一个孩子都亲身体验并参与其中,学生在互助互学中共同进步,有信心去展示,感受英语故事学习的乐趣。)2.Retell the story.(设计意图:通过看地图,看板书,看提示语句进行故事复述,培养学生的语言整合能力。)3.Choose:What can we learn from the story? 4.Enjoy a songTry everything. (设计意图:通过设计相关选择和歌曲欣赏让学生得到情感态度价值观的熏陶。)Step Four Homework.After class:1.Read,act and repeat the story.2.Talk about your dreams. (设计意图:让孩子们在巩固加深对故事理解的同时,着眼自己的追梦之路。) Unit 6 The world of my dreams板书设计: A story- The rabbits dreamI want to see the ocean.How do I get to the ocean?Can you tell me to the ocean? 奖励处


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