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质量保证(QA)与质量控制(QC)的概念差别软件测试 软件工程 软件开发昨晚与朋友讨论质量保证(QA)与质量控制(QC)的概念差别,之所以要讨论这个问 题,涉及到了在公司内关于质量保证活动的职责分配问题,涉及到了质量保证人 员的配备的问题,因此具有一定的实践意义。先来看在CMMI模型中的相关描述:1质量保证的定义:A planned and systematic means for assuring management that the defin ed standards,practices, procedures, and methods of the process are applied.2质量控制的定义:The operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill re quirementsfor quality. (See also “quality assurance.”)3对PPQA的概述:The Process and Product Quality Assurance process area supports all p rocessareas by providing specific practices for objectively evaluating perf ormed processes,work products, and services against the applicable process descriptio ns, standards,and procedures, and ensuring that any issues arising from these revie ws are addressed.Process and Product Quality Assurance supports the delivery of high-q uality products and services by providing the project staff and all l evelsof managers with appropriate visibility into, and feedback on, theprocesses and associated work products throughout the life of the pro ject.这段描述在模型中重复出现多次。4 PPQA与VER的关系:The practices in the Process and Product Quality Assurance processarea ensure that planned processes are implemented, while the practic es inthe Verification process area ensure that the specified requirements aresatisfied. These two process areas may on occasion address the samework product but from different perspectives. Projects should take advantage of the overlap in order to minimize duplication of effort w hiletaking care to maintain the separate perspectives.再来看在ISO 9000: 2000中对质量保证的定义:3.2.8 质量管理 quality management在质量(3.1.1)方面指挥和控制组织(3.3.1)的协调的活动。注:在质量方面的指挥和控制活动,通常包括制定质量方针(3.2.4)和质量 目标(3.2.5)以及质量策划(3.2.9)、质量控制(3.2.10)、质量保证(3.2.11)和质 量改进(3.2.12)。3.2.10 质量控制 quality contorl质量管理(3.2.8)的一部分,致力于满足质量要求(3.1.2)。3.2.11 质量保证 quality assurance质量管理(3.2.8)的一部分,致力于提供质量要求(3.1.2)会得到满足的信 任。3.4.2 产品 product过程(3.4.1)的结果注3:质量保证(3.2.11)主要关注预期的产品。基于上述的模型与标准的描述,结合我的实践,通俗归纳如下的表格,仅供 理解时参考:长期性,要分析根本原因,是文化的建设,通过过程保证产品质量QCQA执行人技术专家测试人员PMQA人员检查对象工作产品过程工作产品过程参照物需求技术规格质量目标标准规范关注点产品的内在质量过程的性能产品与过程对于标准的符合性有效性直接作用在产品上直接作用在过程上,间接作用在产品上手段测试评审SPC技术等检查评审管理假设产品有缺陷,应尽早发现缺陷过程可以预防产品缺陷时效性就事论事长期性,要分析根本原因,是文化的建设,通过过程保证产品质量来源:


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