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A Basic Introduction to FMS 伟创力制造系统FMS介绍 Awareness Session for DL 直接员工认知课程,Flex Manufacturing System,Banish Wastes,Create Value,Flex E2E Value Stream,2,A Brief Introduction to FMSFMS 简介,TPS, DFT, & Lean 丰田生产系统,需求流程技术,&精益生产 Integrating Lean & DFT FMS FMS是精益生产&需求流程技术的集成,3,TPS*: Present Day Structure丰田生产系统的结构,Quality, Cost, Delivery 品质,成本,交期 Shorten Production Flow by Eliminating Waste通过消除浪费缩短生产流程 Just In Time 准时生产 Right Part at the Right Time in the Right Amount只在正确的时间生产正确的产品和数量 Continuous Flow 连续流 Pull Systems拉动系统 Level Production分级生产 Built-In Quality (Jidoka)过程品质控制(自动化) Error Proofing Poka Yoke防错法 Visual Controls目视控制 Operational Stability 操作稳定性 Standardized Work 标准化作业 Robust Products & Processes 强大的产品&工艺 Total Productive Maintenance 全员生产性维护保养 Supplier Involvement 供应商参与 Kaizen改善 5S/Visual Management 5S/可视化管理 Highly Motivated and Creative People 高主动性和创造性的人员,*Toyota Production System,4,DFT* in Flex Today 伟创力目前实施的需求流程技术,*Demand Flow Technology 需求流程技术,5,/,Value价值 Correctly Specify Value of Product/Service with Customer in mind从正确识别产品/服务的价值,始终考虑客户的需求,/,Value Stream价值流 Identify the Value Stream and remove all the Wastes 识别价值流,消除浪费,/,Flow流程 Make the Product and Value Flow Smoothly理顺产品关系和价值流,/,Pull拉动 Produce only to the Pull of Customer Demand以客户需求拉动生产,/,Perfection完成 Wastes Elimination as an Ongoing Process towards Perfection浪费消除,流程趋于完善,The Universal Lean Principles普遍的精益原则,6,The Origin of FMS : Flex Manufacturing System伟创力制造系统的起源,Toyota Production System丰田生产系统,DFT需求流程技术,LEAN精益生产,Flex Manufacturing System伟创力制造系统,7,Flex Manufacturing System (FMS) 伟创力制造系统 Lead Time Improvement + Banish Wastes Drive Value Creation 缩短生产周期+消除浪费以驱动价值创造,Lean is a manufacturing philosophy that recognizes WASTE as the primary driver of cycle time, and employs techniques to continually drive out the waste in processes. 精益生产是这样一种制造业哲学,它认为生产周期,员工的操作方法是造成浪费的主要原因,并致力于消除这些浪费,PRODUCT SHIPMENT出货,Total Lead Time生产周期,Business as Usual 正常工作,Waste浪费,CUSTOMER ORDER客户订单,Lean Manufacturing精益制造,PRODUCT SHIPMENT出货,CUSTOMER ORDER客户订单,Lead Time (Shorter)生产周期(更短),Why Lead Time is crucial to become Lean? 为什么生产周期在精益生产中如此的至关重要,9,Cycle Time and Waste生产周期和浪费,Types of Waste*1 七种浪费 Transportation 运输 Inventory库存 Motion动作 Waiting等待 Over production过量生产 Over-processing不必要的过程 Defects缺陷,*1 Prompter: Who is “TIM WOOD”? 敦促者:谁是”TIM WOOD”,Waste 浪费,Waste 浪费,MUDA* = Waste MUDA=浪费,*Japanese,10,1. Overproduction过量生产 Making more-earlier-faster than the next process or customer needs it相对于下一工序或客户过早过快生产 - Just in case logic以防万一的逻辑 - Unbalanced workload工作量不平衡 - Improper scheduling不适当的计划 2. Defects缺陷 Not doing work Right the First Time没有做到第一次就把工作做对 - Not using Poka-yoke*1没采取防错法 - Lack of Standardization, inconsistent work methods缺乏标准化,不一致的工作方法 - Ineffective communication 无效的沟通 Little investment in training 缺乏培训 3. Inventory库存 Any supply in excess of one-piece flow一个流之外的任何供给品 - Often the result of “Overproduction” 常常是”过量生产”的结果 - Unbalanced workload工作量不平衡 - Improper scheduling不适当的计划 - Unreliable suppliers不可靠的供应商,7 Types of Waste七种浪费,*1 - also called mistake or error-proofing,11,7 Types of Waste七种浪费,4. Over-processing不必要的过程 Processing beyond the customers (internal or external) requirements过程超过客户(内部或外部)的要求 - Poor knowledge of specs or customer requirements缺乏对客户规格或要求的知识 - Inconsistent work methods (non-standardization) 不一致的工作方法(非标准化) - Ineffective communication 无效的沟通 Examples:举例: Manually cleaning product because of dirt用手清除产品上的尘土 100% visual inspection at end-of-line线末100%目视检验 5.Transportation运输 Inefficient movement of people, materials and information in the organization人员,物料和信息的低效率的移动 - Poor layout差的工厂布局 - Inefficient “flow” 低效的流动 Carrying large inventories大量库存 Exposes product to potential damage/loss during transportation产品在运输过程中遭受潜在的损害/损失 Examples: Anywhere sequential operations are broken任何连续作业中断的地方 - Material stored too far from workstation物料存储离工作站太远 Too many conveyors, forklifts, pallet trucks, etc.过多的传送带,铲车,叉车,12,7 Types of Waste七种浪费,6. Waiting等待 Waiting for man, machine, materials, information, etc.等待人,设备,物料,信息等 - Unbalanced workload工作量不平衡 - Unplanned downtime无计划的停机时间 Poor workplace discipline工作场所无纪律 Examples:举例: Looking for tools to repair machines寻找工具维修设备 First piece waiting for the entire batch to finish第一件等待整批完成 People idle because of no materials to work on因为缺料造成的人员空闲 Waiting for instructions to proceed等待继续的指示 7. Motion动作 Unnecessary movement of people, parts or machines within the process生产过程中,不必要的人员,工件或机器的移动 Poor layout不好的工厂布局 Inefficient Workplace Organization工作场所缺乏组织 Lack of Standardization, inconsistent work methods缺乏标准化,不一致的工作方法 Increase operator fatigue leading to other wastes e.g. defects 增加作业员疲劳造成浪费,如缺陷 Ergonomic issues causing health e.g. repetitive motion injuries, etc.工效问题对健康的影响,如重复的动作性伤害,13,Understand the different types of waste理解不同的浪费种类 Identify them识别浪费 Carry out your process according to procedure按照程序实施你的方法 Proper handling of PCB and materials恰当的处理物料 Follow the takt time, work to cycle time of the process跟随节拍时间工作以形成过程的周期时间 Report to supervisor if you spot any of the “ waste”, like “ I am waiting”当你发现任何浪费应该报告给你的主管,How can I contribute to eliminate waste?怎样才能消除浪费,14,Flex Manufacturing System (FMS) 伟创力制造系统(FMS) FMS Characteristics FMS的特点 FMS Tools and Techniques FMS的工具和技术,15,What FMS is 什么是FMS,An integrated system of principles, operating practices, and elements that drive the relentless pursuit of business excellence through waste identification, elimination and prevention. People makes it happen. FMS是一个集成了众多生产原理,生产实践的综合系统,它通过浪费的识别,消除和预防以求对卓越事业的不懈追求.其中人是最关键的因素. Outcome: Value Creation for the Company and Customer 结果:为公司和客户创造价值 Outcome: A Journey Towards Perfection 结果:是追求完善的旅程,LEAN,FMS,16,Characteristics FMS wants to achieve典型的FMS想要达到,People:人员: - Multi functional teams in design and production具备复合功能的设计和生产团队 People have wide variety of skills (flexibility)人员具备多种技能(柔性) - Teams perform whole tasks通过团队执行任务 Tools:工具: Low/minimal set up times最少的设立时间 Availability & Maintainability有用性和可维护性 Production process:生产过程 - Demand pull instead of schedule push需求拉动代替计划推动 - Minimal Inventories 最小库存,Fast, Flexible Flow,17,Characteristics FMS wants to achieve,Quality:品质 - Information collected during production生产过程中的信息收集 - Problems are solved during production生产过程中解决问题 Volume flexibility:产量的机动性 - Switching between products is easy易于更换产品进行生产 - Production loads are leveled生产负荷分等级 Organization:组织 - Optimize the chain: assembler and supplier work closely together 优化供应链:组装员工和供应商密切协作,Fast, Flexible Flow,18,FMS Tools & TechniquesFMS工具和技术,19,FMS Tools and Techinques FMS工具和技术,Among others, these are FMS tools and techniques that will help us to eliminate wastes and increase Flextronics Success: 以下这些FMS工具和技术将帮助我们消除浪费和增加FLEX的成功: 1.Value Stream Mapping价值流程图 - To identify value stream and waste 用于识别价值流和浪费,20,Continuous Flow 连续流 -To reduce overall 7 sources of waste用于减少7种浪费,Cellular Manufacturing 细胞制造 -To reduce overall 7 sources of waste 用于减少7种浪费,Kaizen 改善 Its a technique for continuous improvement 持续改善的技术,21,From This从这里.,To This到这里,Eliminate Waste,Maintain the Discipline,5S - Basic step for the waste elimination消除浪费的基本步骤 - To improve safety and productivity提高安全性和生产力,22,Pull system 拉动系统 To make value flows at pull of the customer根据客户的需求建立价值流,Single Minute Exchange Die (SMED) 快速换模 A process for equipment changeover and set-up time reduction in under 10 minutes. 设备换模和设立的时间缩短至十分钟的方法,23,Poka Yoke 防错 Its a technique to prevent human mistakes 防止人类错误的技术 Example : Forgetfulness, misunderstanding, wrong identification etc.例:健忘的,误解,错误辨认,Total Productive Maintenance 全员生产性维护保养 - To increase up time of the machine增加设备运转时间 - Operator involvement in repairing the machines 作业员直接参与设备维修 - Reduce the maintenance cost减少维护费用,24,The 6 Kanban Practices关于看板的六个实践,You cannot send bad product to the next operation不能将不良品传至下一操作 Only withdraw what is needed只取所需的产品 Only produce what is used 只生产所要用的产品 Make the workload consistent使工作量一致 Standardize标准化 Keep improving持续改善,25,Flex Manufacturing System (FMS) 伟创力制造系统(FMS) Aligning Six Sigma* to FMS 将Six Sigma 和FMS相结合,*Also a Flex key initiative,FMS + Six Sigma = “Lean & Capable” FMS+Six Sigma=“速度和能力”,Speed速度,Accuracy精确度,+,=,$,$,$,27,Customer Satisfaction and Focus 客户满意和关注,28,Organizational Goal组织目标,Quality品质,Inventory库存,Sales销售,OTD准时交货,Cost成本,Assets资产,How the Value Stream Performs?价值流的表现怎样?,29,See You There!到那儿见!,Thank You for Your Time谢谢参与!,LEAN精益,FMS,


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