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Unit 3 Language in use.Module 3 My school目录contents语法探究语法探究巩固提升巩固提升写作训练写作训练中考链接中考链接语法探究语法探究目录contents一、单项填空。()1.There _ some tea in the bottle.A.is B.are C.be D.am()2._ there any books in the bag?A.Is B.Are C.Be D.AmA语法探究B()3._ a cat,a dog and a bike next to the table.A.There are B.Its C.There is D.There arent()4.There arent _ birds in the tree.A.some B.a C.an D.anyC语法探究D()5.Are there two pencils on the desk?_.Only one.A.Yes,they are B.Yes,there are C.No,there arent D.No,they arentC语法探究二、句型转换,每空一词。1.There is a book on the desk.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ _ a book on the desk?_,_ _.语法探究Is thereNo there isnt2.There are some boys in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_ _ _ boys in the classroom?_,_ _.语法探究Are there anyYes there are3.There are eight pictures on the wall.(就画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ _ on the wall?4.There are some photos on the wall.(改为否定句)There _ _ photos on the wall.语法探究How many pictures are there arent any巩固提升巩固提升目录contents一、短语填空。1.在大部分国家_ 2.全世界_ 3.在英国_ 4.小学_ 5.中学_ 巩固提升in most countriesaround the worldin the UKprimary schoolsecondary school6.毕业离校_ 7.像_ 8.多少_ 9.许多_ 10.在每个人的书桌上_ 11.在讲台上_ 巩固提升leave schoolbe likehow manya lot ofon everyones deskon the teachers desk12.在教室的墙上_ 13.在内部的前面_ 14.一幅世界地图_ 15.一幅英国地图_ 16.在前面_ 巩固提升on the classroom wallsat the front ofa map of the worlda map of Englandin front of17.在右边_ 18.在左边_ 19.在我的右边_ 20.在 和 之间_ 21.在的中间_ 22.在科学楼里_ 巩固提升on the right of on the left ofon my rightbetween andin the middle ofin the science building23.一栋办公楼_ 24.一栋教学楼_ 25.一个饭堂_ 26.一个运动馆_ 27.一个科学实验室_ 巩固提升an office buildinga classroom buildinga dining halla sports halla science lab二、单项填空。()1.His home is on _ busy street.There is _ old hotel next to it.A.a;a B.a;an C.an;a D.the;theB巩固提升()2.Are there _ computers in your classroom?No.There arent _ computers in our classroom.A.some;some B.any;any C.some;any D.any;someB巩固提升()3.There _ a factory and two hospitals in the town.A.have B.are C.is D.has()4._ is the weather like on Sunday?A.How B.When C.What D.WhereC巩固提升C()5.Where is your cat?I cant see it.I think it is _ the door.A.in front of B.behind C.next to D.between()6.How many _ are there in the classroom?A.boy B.boys C.girl D.studentB巩固提升B()7.Is there a photo in _ office?Yes,there is.A.Mr Li B.Mr Lis C.Mr Lis D.Mr Lis()8.There is a computer in my room,_ there isnt one in Tims.A.or B.and C.so D.butD巩固提升D()9.This book is _ English learning.A.for B.to C.of D.at()10.Can you see _ in our classroom?A.a furniture B.a lot of furnitures C.many furniture D.any furnitureA巩固提升D目录contents写作训练写作训练学会写一篇关于介绍学校的文章。【美文鉴赏学习】Look!This is my new school.It is Yulong No.3 Middle School.My school is very big and beautiful.There are 2,800 students in our school and there are about 180 teachers.We have lessons in different classes.写作训练There is a tall building with fifty-two classrooms.The lab building is next to the classrooms.The labs are for science.The library is behind the lab building.The dining hall is on the left of the lab building.The offices are next to the classrooms too.There is a sports hall behind the offices.写作训练We often(经常)play basketball there.Is there a playground?Yes.Its in the middle of the school.写作训练一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。Information Card写作训练The number(数量)of the teachers in the school 1._The location(位置)of the library 2.about 180behind the lab building一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。Information Card写作训练The place(地方)where the students have science3._The place where the students play basketball4._in the labsin the sports hall 一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。Information Card写作训练The place where the playground is5._ in the middle of the school二、重点句型解析并造句。There is a tall building with fifty-two classrooms.有一栋拥有52间教室的大楼。with表示“带有”。这个图书馆很大,有超过20万册藏书。_This library is really big with over 200,000 books.写作训练【写作步步高】学校是我们成长的摇篮,是我们放飞梦想的地方。请你以“My School”为题写一篇短文介绍你的新学校。写作训练写作内容:1.学校大小以及建筑的数量;2.学校的布局和环境;3.对学校的感受。写作训练写作要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。2.语句连贯,注意分段,70词左右。作文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。写作训练【思路点拨】第一步:审题:人称_ 时态_ 写作训练第一人称第一人称 一般现在时一般现在时第一段:总述学校建筑的数量。参考句型:There arebuildings第二段:详细介绍各种建筑的地理位置并进行描述。参考词汇:in front of,on the left/right of,behind写作训练第三段:总结全文,谈谈你对学校的感受。参考句型:My school is big/beautiful/small.第三步:运用and等连词将以上要点连成文章,并注意句型多样化。写作训练【小试牛刀小试牛刀】My School This is my new school._写作训练My School This is my new school.There are six buildings in my school,an office building,a classroom building,a science lab,a library,a dining hall and a playground.The classroom building is in front of the library.写作训练 The science lab is on the right of the classroom building.The office building is on the left of the classroom building and in front of the dining hall.Behind the library is the playground.My new school is big and beautiful.I like it.写作训练中考链接中考链接目录contents4一、阅读理解。一、阅读理解。中考链接 Hello,Im Jack.Im a student in a middle school.Im in Class 2 Grade 7.Look!This is our classroom.My desk is in the middle of the classroom.Its between Lucys and Marys.Lucys desk is in front of my desk.We are good friends.Look at my desk!There are some books on it.Oh,whats on my blue chair?Its my schoolbag.中考链接 Hi,Im Tao Tu and my English name is Bob.This is my room.Its nice.There is a desk near the bed.On the desk,there is an English book and a computer.My coat is in the chair.Whats on my bed?Its my cat.中考链接 Hi,Im Ann.Look!This is a picture of my classroom.There are thirty-one desks and thirty chairs.The desks are white and the chairs are red.On my desk,there is a green pencil box and a black pen.The teachers desk is big.A computer and some books are on it.()1.Where is Jacks desk?A.Near the teachers desk.B.Behind Lucys.C.Behind Marys.D.Near the window.B中考链接()2.Whats on Jacks chair?A.A schoolbag.B.A pen.C.Some pictures.C.Some books.()3.What colour is Anns desk?A.White.B.Red.C.Black.D.Green.A中考链接A()4.How many desks are there in Anns classroom?A.Twenty.B.Twenty-one.C.Thirty.D.Thirty-one.D中考链接()5.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Jack is in Class 7.B.Lucy and Mary are sisters.C.Tao Tus English name is Bob.D.There is a dog on Tao Tus bed.C中考链接二、配对阅读。左栏是对五个人的爱好或想参加的活动的描述,右栏是七个活动的简介,请为每一位选择最适合参加的一项活动。中考链接A.Do you like playing the piano?Do you want to play the piano better?If you have time from Monday to Friday,you can join(加入)us.We have the best teachers for piano.B.Do you like singing?We need singers for the school show.Come and join us if you are interested in singing songs.中考链接C.Do you want to play the piano?You can learn here.We have classes on weekends.If you are the first ten persons to come here,you can get a gift(礼物)from us.D.Can you play chess well?We want some chess teachers to teach schoolboys from middle schools.If you can,come to help us here.中考链接E.Foreign languages are more and more popular now.You can learn English,French,Japanese,and so on.We have classes on weekends.F.Youcan practice your English by talking with some foreign teachers on Friday night in this English corner(英语角).Welcome to join us.中考链接 G.If you want to sing by yourself,please come to our match.We will have this singing match every Saturday night.But you have to sign your name here before Friday.中考链接()1.Joe is a quiet boy.He wants to learn to play the piano.He only has time to take a class on weekends.()2.Linda is interested in singing.She wants to sing with others and take part in a show together.()3.Tom is good at playing chess.He wants to have a part-time job as a chess teacher to help him live better.B中考链接DC()4.Tina wants to improve her English,but she is busy from Monday to Friday.She would like to take some classes on the weekend.()5.Sandy is a piano lover.She wants to play the piano.Any courses during weekdays are OK for her.E中考链接A三、短文填空。Hello!My name is Wang Lin and Im twelve years old.Now let me tell(告诉)you something 1._ my school.2._is a big river(河)in the northwest(西北)of my city.It is the Golden River.My school is near the river.It is big 3._ beautiful(漂亮的).about 中考链接There and There are three 4._ in my school:a classroom building,5._ office building and a dining hall.The classroom building is 6._ the left of the school.There are 24 7._in the classroom building.There 8._20 offices in the office building.The teachers work there.buildings 中考链接anonclassrooms areOn the right of the classroom building,there is a dining 9._,and we often have lunch there.In the west of the school 10._a big playground.hall中考链接is谢谢观看!


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