九年级英语全册《Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to》综合测试题 人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to综合测试题一、单项选择(15分)( ) 1.Do you like music_makes you excited? A. that B. what C. who D. it( ) 2.All the children like the teachers_can understand them. A. which B.who C.what D.whom( ) 3.They prefer_to_.A. swim; run B.swimming; run C.swimming; running D.to swim; run( ) 4.I prefer_ my homework rather than_such a boring film.A. do; see B.doing; seeing C.to do; to see D.to do; see( ) 5.We all expected him_ earlier yesterday.A. come B.comes C.coming D.to come( ) 6.This song reminds me_my hometown.A. for B.of C. with D.about( ) 7.There are all kinds of cars_ in the World Trade Center. A. display B.show C.on display D. in show( ) 8.This is the only book_was written by Lu Xun in this library. A. that B.which C.what D. A and B( ) 9.I suggest_ the meeting off. A. take B.put C.putting D.to put( ) 10.Have you met the person_he was speaking about? A. whom B.when C.if D.where( ) 11.He likes music that he can dance_. A. along B.with C.to D.of( ) 12.I like news that_abiout sports. A. is B.are C.have D.with( ) 13.It_Jim and Tom who_watching TV? A. is; is B.are; is C.are; are D.is; are( ) 14. -Who is the girl_is making a telephone call? -Sorry, I dont know. A. that B.who C.which D. A and B( ) 15.This is the first gift_I got from my father. A. which B.that C.who D. A and B二完形填空(15分)I had been in London for three years. During the time I was staying there, my strong wish was to go back home (16)_staying in the city I didnt know very well.(17)_when the day came for my leaving, I had a strange feeling and my mind was (18)_many beautiful things in London: the tall trees around my house, the clean streets, the school library ,the old church near the school and so on. I was for the first time not sure whether I really wished to go. I was becoming good at spoken English and interested in the different ways of living in London. Most important of all , I didnt want to go. I didnt want to (19)_ my friends who were near and dear to me during the three long years. I (20)_ like running into the headteachers office and telling him that I really didnt want to go home, but on the second day I stopped myself changing the plan. My parents are quite(21)_ and I might have no (22)_to see them again if I gave up this plan. At the airport, most of my teachers and friends came to (23)_and quite a few gave me presents. Many group photos were taken and before long the final moment came. Everyone shook hands with me and said(24)_ to me .Their eyes were filled with tears and I knew they were(25)_at the time. ( ) 16.A.instead of B. while C. before D. for ( ) 17.A.So B. And C. But D. Or ( )18.A.interested in B.thought of C.pleased with D.full of ( )19.A.join B.make C.leave D.find out ( )20.A.seemed B.felt C.looked D.became ( )21.A.old B. strong C. well D.lonely ( )22.A.excuse B. time C. way D. money ( )23.A.bring me in B. get me back C. see me off D. send me back ( )24.A. yes B. hello C. good night D. goodbye ( )25.A. sad B. happy C. worried D. terrible 三阅读理解(20分) A When you travel in HongKong,you must be careful of the traffic rules,because the traffic keeps to the left and its different from that of the interior(内地)of ChinaBefore crossing the street,you must look to the right and then to the left. If the traffic lights are red,the traffic must stop, people can cross the zebra lineIf the traffic lights turn green,the traffic can go,people must not cross the road In the morning and in the evening,when people go to or come from work,the streets are very busyThe traffic is the most dangerous When you go somewhere by bus in Hong Kong,you have to be careful,too. Do remember the traffic keeps to the leftHave a look first,or you may go the wrong wayIn Hong Kong, there are a lot of big buses with two floors. Youd better sit on the second floorFrom there you can enjoy the city. How wonderful it is! 根据短文内容, 选择正确答案:( ) 26. The traffic must keep_ in the interior of China. A. right B.left C. A and B D. A or B( ) 27.If you cross the street in Hong Kong, you must look_. A. first right then left B.first left then right C.both sides D.only right( ) 28.In Hong Kong, cars and buses can go at the crossing when the traffic lights are_. A. red B. green C.yellow D.brown( ) 29.The traffic is busy_ in Hong Kong. A. in the morning B.in the afternoon C.in the evening D. A and C( ) 30.When you travel in Hong Kong, why do you choose the second floor of a big bus with two floors? Because_. A. it is clean here B.it is safe for travellers C.it is a good place to go sightseeing D.it is cheaper hereBNasreddin woke up in the middle of the night and sawsomethingwhite in his garden. It seemed to be moving towards the house. That is a thief! He thought, and he took his gun and shot(开枪) at him. Then he went back to bed, because he was toofrightenedtogooutofthe house in the dark. The next morning Nasreddin went out and saw oneofhiswhiteshirts hanging on the clothes-line in the garden, his wifehadwasheditthe day before and hung it. Nowithadabullet- holeright through middle of it. My God,” said Nasreddin, Iwaslucky lastnight. If I had been wearing that shirt, the bullet would have killed me! And hecalledhis neighbors together and asked them to thank God for saving him.Multiple choice ( ) 31.At midnight Nasreddin saw_in his garden. A. something strange B. a thief C.something white D.a ghost ( )32.Nasreddin was so frightened that he _. A. cried out for help B.dared not go out of the house C.dared not stay in his house D.couldnt say a word ( ) 33. ThenextmorningNasreddin found_ . A.his wife in the garden B.the clothes-line C. the thief dead D.a bullet-hole through the white shirt( )34.Nasreddinsaidthat if he had been wearing that shirt_. A. he would be killed B. hewould die C.he would have killed D.he would safe( ) 35.Hecalledhis neighbors together in order to_. A. make a speech B.tell thestory C.thank God D.thank them四任务型阅读(10分)Americans love sportsthey love to play them, to watch them on television, and to talk about them. But this hobby sometimes has serious resultsat least to the players. For example, when people play tennis, sometimes they hurt their elbow(肘部)and in this way they develop “tennis elbow” Also it is easy to hurt a knee in a football game. These injuries(损伤)happen while the player is having fun, but they still hurt.A few months ago, Kathleen Simmons, who loves playing volleyball, hurt her knee in a volleyball game. Her doctor told her that she needed a very difficult operation(手术)or she might not be able to play again. She felt very sad and didnt know what to do.Then Simmons learned about “video operation”. With the help of this new science in medicine, doctors can now repair many injuries and get people back on the playing field and back to their jobs much faster. Simmons found a hospital that was using this new science and went to see the doctor there. The doctors told her the operation could help. For this operation, her doctor didnt have to open her knee. Instead he put a very small camera lens(镜头)inside her knee. The lens sent back pictures, which appeared on a television screen. As he worked, he could see the inside of her knee on the TV. With the help of the large pictures on the screen, the doctor knew exactly what to do when he was making the repairs.Simmons started walking five days after her operation. “My knee hurt a lot the first few days,” she said. “But I felt better very quickly.” Now, six months after her operation, Simmons can do everything she did before her injury. “It feels like a new knee,” she said. “I can even play volleyball again.” 1. Do Americans love sports?_ 2. What sport is Simmons interested in?_ 3. What did the doctor put inside Simmons knee?_ 4. What problem may people have when they play sports?_ 5.Whats the advantage(优点)of the new science? _五词汇(25分)(一)单词拼写: 根据句意和所给单词首字母或汉语提示填空(10分)1. We all think he is an h_ boy because he never tells a lie.2. I e_ that I can spend my winter holiday in Hawaii.3. This music r_ me of Indian dance music.4.What did you _(建议)to the headmaster?5.Be sure to see the_(展览) at the Lido Gallry.(二)综合填空(15分)根据短文意思,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空(有两项是多余的) store;buy;too;tell;surprise; many; sell; in; find; he; go; something; Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable . If you go to a good (1) _, no assistant will come near to you and say, “Can I help you?” You neednt buy (2) _ you dont want. You may try to (3) _out where the book you want is. But if you want, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is not interested in (4) _any books at all. There is a story which (5) _ us about a good shop. A medical student found a very useful book in a shop, but it is too expensive for him to (6) _. He couldnt get it from the library, (7) _. So every afternoon he went there to read a little at a time. One day, however, he couldnt find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his (8) _, the assistant pointed to the book (9) _a corner, “I put it there so as not to be sold out.”said the assistant. Then he let the student (10) _on with his reading.1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ 10 _六书面表达(15分) 你班将举行一次主题班会,主题为“中学生应该如何使用零花钱(pocket money)”,根据调查,写一篇70字左右的发言稿。 How to use the pocket moneyThe advantages1.存入银行养成节约的好习惯2.购买书籍有利于学习3.其他(玩电脑游戏除外)培养兴趣Boys and girls, What would you do if you were given much pocket money? 第六单元检测题参考答案 1-5ABCDD 6-10BCACA 11-15CADAB 16-20ACDCB 21-25DABCD 26-30AABDC 31-35CBDAC四1. Yes. /Yes, they do. 2. Volleyball.3. A camera lens. 4. They may get hurt.5. Doctors can do operations more easily and patients can get well more quickly. 五(一)1.honest 2.except 3.reminds 4.suggest 5.display/ (二) 1.store 2.anything 3.find 4.selling 5.tells 6.buy 7.either 8.surprise 9.in 10.go 六Boys and girls, What would you do if you were given much pocket money?How to use it is a big problem. Here is some advice. First you can put it in a bank. This way, you can form the good habit of saviny money, which will be helpful in your future life. Or you can buy some books with it to get your knowledge, its good for your study. You can also spend some of your pocket money on your favorie CDs, a football or basketball, stamps and so on, they can help you develop your interests.But please spend it playing computer games. I think pocket money is quite useful if you make good use of it. Thats all, thank you.


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