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Specified English for the Major of Automation,专 业 英 语,Unit 3: Computer Control Technology,Part One: Grammar 1. Translation of passive sentences 2. Conversion of syntactic components 3. Translation of negative sentences 4. Analysis and translation of complex sentences,1. Translation of passive sentences (被动句的翻译),直接翻译或者添加汉语习惯词汇,如:“由”、“受”、“把”、“使”、“加以”等。,The machine tools are controlled by PLC.,机床由PLC控制。,着重描述事物过程、性质和状态的被动句,译成判断句。,This kind of device is much needed in the speed-regulating system.,这种装置在调速系统中是很需要的。,自从机床采用数控以来,生产率大大提高了。,改译成主动语态,原句中无生命的主语仍译成主语,且可以不加“被”字。,The quartz crystal does not vibrate at certain frequency until the voltage is applied.,直到电压加上去以后,石英晶体才会以某一频率振荡。,有些被动句,翻译时可将原主语作为宾语,原行为主体被译成主语。,Since numerical control was adopted at machine tools, the productivity has been raised greatly.,需要什么装置使控制系统简化?,原句中没有行为主体,可适当添加,如“人们”、“有人”、“我们”等 。,A few years ago it was thought unbelievable that the computer could have so high speed as well so small volume.,几年前,人们还认为计算机具有如此高的运行速度和如此小的体积是一件难以置信的事。,不需要或无法讲出动作发出者,译成无主句。,What kind of device is needed to make the control system simple?,应当注意保护仪器免受灰尘和潮湿。,2. Conversion of syntactic components (语法成分的转换),被动句中,主语作为动作的接受者被转化成宾语来翻译,而宾语作为主语来翻译。,Considerable use has been made of these data.,这些资料得到了充分的利用。,当care、need、attention、improvement、emphasis等名词或名词化结构作主语时,主语译成谓语。,Care should be taken to protect the instrument from dust and damp.,变压器的输出电压为10kv。,某些动词如act、characterize、feature、behave、relate、conduct等翻译成汉语时,一般将其转化为名词,在句中充当主语成分。,Copper conducts electricity very well.,铜的导电性能良好。,“have a voltage of”等结构的翻译,常把“电压”等译作主语。,The output of transformer has a voltage of 10 kilovolts.,为突出原句中的定语,可以在翻译时将其转换为谓语或表语。,There is a large amount of energy wasted due to the friction of commutator.,换向器引起的摩擦损耗了大量的能量。,It is impossible to overestimate the value of the invention. 这项发明的价值不可能过高估计。 这项发明的价值怎样高估也不可能过份。,3. Translation of negative sentences (否定句的翻译),在形式上否定,在语义上是肯定的意思。,The importance of the project can hardly be exaggerated。 这项工程的重要性不能被夸大。 这项工程的重要性怎么夸大也不过分。,否定的对象和意义需经过分析辨清。 The computer is not valuable because it is expensive. 计算机因为其价格贵而没有价值。 计算机不是因为价格贵才有价值。 We do not consider conventional PID control is outdated. 我们不认为传统的PID控制过时了。 我们认为传统的PID控制并没有过时。,分清全部否定和部分否定。 In a thermal power plant, all the chemical energy of the coal is not converted into electric power. 在热电站中,所有煤中的化学能都不能转化为电能。 在热电站中,煤中的化学能并不全都能转化为电能。 Everything is not straightened out. 每一个问题都没有弄清楚。 并非每一个问题都弄清楚了。,The analysis of three-phase circuits is little more difficult than that of single-phase circuit. 三相电路的分析比单相电路要难一点。 三相电路的分析比单相电路难不了多少。,某些形容词和形容词短语,如:little(少),few(少),free from(不受影响),short of(短缺),也具有否定含义。,4. Analysis and Translation of Complex Sentences Analysis of complex sentences 找出句中所有的谓语结构、非谓语动词、介词短语和从句的引导词; 找出全句的主语、谓语和宾语, 整体上把握句子; 分析从句和短语的功能; 分析词、短语和从句之间的相互关系, 例如, 定语从句所修饰的先行词是哪一个; 注意插入语等其他成分; 注意分析句子中是否有固定词组或固定搭配。,This point that I am anxious to make is that the search for models of this kind, the study of their behavior and of the relationship of this behavior to the real situations which they seek to represent, and the consequential modification of them so as to lead to reliable prediction and then to decision taking, would not be possible, were it not for the assistance afforded to the investigator by the digital computer - and by the work of the technologists who have successfully transformed the scientific ideas on which it is founded into stable, reliable and economic pieces of electrical equipment.,that,that,which,who,on which,so as to,were it not,我要指出一点,这种模型的寻找、行为特征及行为特征与他们试图表示的实际环境间的关系的研究,以及为获得可靠的预测连同接下来采取行动而进行的重要的修正,如果没有计算机及技术人员为研究人员的帮助是不可能的,这些技术人员已经成功地把科学创意转化为稳定、可靠、经济的电子装置。,我要指出一点,模型的建立、对行为特征及其所表示的实际情形之间关系的研究,以及一些重要的修正,其目的是为了获得可靠预测以及制定决策,这一切如果没有计算机及技术人员为研究人员提供帮助是不可能的,这些技术人员把科学创意成功地转化为稳定、可靠、经济的电子装置。,文章由句子、句群、段落组成,文章的各组成部分之间存在一定的逻辑关系,用以表示逻辑关系的手段逻辑关系语。 表列举、增补、转折、对比、原因、结果、总结等关系。形式比较复杂,有副词、介词短语、不定式短语。句子中,一般以在句首出现居多。,Translation of complex sentences 翻译的方法:顺译法、倒译法、分译法和综合法。 顺译法:按照原文行文的先后次序或者内容的逻辑次序,依次译出的翻译方法。 单纯性顺译:基本上按照原文进行翻译,原文是长的简单句或结构不太复杂的复合句,顺序性强,有较多的并列顺接连词或逻辑习惯与汉语基本相同,修饰成分不太多,特别是没有较多的定语从句或名词从句时,可以采用这样的翻译方法。,This simple fact shows that of the force of the friction is got rid of, will the ball travel, and we are led to infer that, the impeding forces of the gravitation and resistance could be removed, there is no reason why the ball, once in motion, should ever stop. 该句包含两个并列句,分别包括一个宾语从句,每个宾语从句各自含有一个状语从句。,the more,the farther,if all,这一简单的事实表明:(越多的摩擦力被去除)克服越多摩擦力,球就会滚得越远。由此我们可以推论,如果一切起阻碍作用的重力和阻力能被克服,就没有理由认为球一旦处于运动状态会再停下来。,添加性顺译:除了按照原文进行翻译,还添加了一些词语和其他成分。 添加总括性的词: The problem of possible genetic damage to human populations from radiation exposures, including those resulting from the fallout from testing of atomic weapons, has quite properly claimed such popular attention in recent years.,人类受到辐射,其中包括试验原子武器产生的放射性散落物所造成的辐射,使之很可能遭受到基因损伤,这一问题已经理所应当地引起了人们的广泛重视。,The problem of possible genetic damage to human populations from radiation exposures, including those resulting from the fallout from testing of atomic weapons, has quite properly claimed such popular attention in recent years.,各种辐射,其中包括试验原子武器产生的放射性散落物所造成的辐射,很可能使人类遭受到基因损伤,这一问题已经理所应当地引起了人们的广泛重视。,添加括号: Any fluctuations in the aluminum and nodular cast iron industries, the principle consumers of magnesium for the alloying purpose, have a direct influence on the fortune of the magnesium producer . 铝业和球墨铸铁业(用镁作合金,是镁的主要消耗者)的任何波动,都对镁生产业的命运有着直接影响。,倒译法:逆着原文行文的先后次序,从原文的后面开始译。 当行文状语后置或者定语后置的时候,或者逻辑上英文为突出主要事件而出现的先果后因或者先结论后条件的句子,一般可以采用倒译法。 And yet this is only a part, and probably a relatively minor part of the more serious and vastly greater problem of maintenance of the genetic health of the human species.,保护人种基因健康是个更加需要认真对待,不知道要重大多少的问题,但以上所述不过是问题的一个方面,而且相对来说还是问题的很次要的一个方面。,分译法:将一个英语长句的从句、分词短语或不定式短语拆开来分别翻译,译成独立的句子,再把它们按照一定的方法和主句联系起来。 抽译法:两个相衔接、相呼应的词相隔很远,中间有一些其他成分,如定语从句、状语从句、各种分词等,将这些成分剥离开来翻译的方法。 The fact (that each gas is homogeneous), efforts to sift out lighter or heavier samples having failed, requires the supposition ( that all the molecules of a pure gas are closely alike).,因为筛分出较轻或者较重的气体样本的努力都已失败,所以说每种气体都是均质的。这一事实使得人们假设:纯净气体的全部分子都是相似的,分合法:叙述几件事,之间是并列的,又各自牵扯各自的事。翻译时,先将并列成分概括合译到前面,再分别叙述。 Such students will have acquired a set of engineering tools consisting essentially of mathematics and one or more computer languages and language of engineering graphics, and the ability to use the English language to express themselves in both forms, and will also have studied a number of basic engineering sciences, including engineering machines, materials and processes, and thermal fluids.,这样的学生能获得一套工程技术手段,获得英语表达能力并掌握许多工程基础知识。所谓工程技术手段包括数学、一种或数种计算机语言和工程制图语言。英语表达能力指用口语和书面两种形式表达自己。工程基础知识包括工程机构学、材料学、工艺学和热流体知识等。,综合法:兼用两三种译法的处理方法称为综合法。 In that infinitesimal fraction of time, inconceivable and immeasurable, during which the first atomic bomb converted a small part of its matter into the greatest burst of energy released on earth up to that time, Prometheus had broken his bonds and brought a new fire down to earth, a fire three million times more powerful than the original fire he snatched from the gods for the benefit of man some five hundred thousand years ago.,In that infinitesimal fraction of time, inconceivable and immeasurable, during which the first atomic bomb converted a small part of its matter into the greatest burst of energy released on earth up to that time, Prometheus had broken his bonds and brought a new fire down to earth, a fire three million times more powerful than the original fire he snatched from the gods for the benefit of man some five hundred thousand years ago. 在这难以想象、无法估算的刹那之间,普罗米修斯挣脱了身上的锁链,又把新的火种第一颗原子弹送到了人间。这个新火种与大约50万年前普罗米修斯为了人类的幸福从天庭盗走的旧火种相比,威力要大三百万倍。它把物质的一小部分化为地球上迄今所能释放出来的最大的能量。,Only by studying such cases of human intelligence with all the details and by comparing the results of exact investigation with the solutions of AI (Artificial Intelligence ) usually given in the elementary books on computer science, can a computer engineer acquire a thorough understanding of theory and method in AI, develop intelligent computer programs that work in a human-like way, and apply them to solving more complex and difficult problems that present computer cannot.,分析:本句为复合句,一主一从。主句有一个主语,三个并列谓语。句子以“Only+状语”开头,主句主、谓语部分倒装,主语a computer engineer处于谓语之间,形成can a computer engineer acquire, develop and apply 这样一种语序。过去分词given引导的短语做后置定语,修饰前边的solutions of AI (Artificial intelligence) 。另外,长状语puter science 修饰主句谓语can acquire, develop and apply。That 引导了一个后置定语从句,修饰more complex and difficult problems。,一般来说,汉译时要突出长句中的主句部分,将其译在前。但本句是“Only+状语”开头,作者强调的是状语部分,另外,副词only可转换为汉语的关联词语,使“Only+状语”转为汉语条件偏正复句中的偏句,条件偏句前置。因此,将强调部分译在前为好,然后再译主句部分。从全句看,英语复合句转化为汉语条件偏正复句,关联词语为“只有才”。此句采用顺译法。 翻译:只有很详细地研究这些人类智能的实例,并把实际研究得出的结果与基础计算机科学书上给出的人工智能解决方案相比较,计算机工程师才能彻底地了解人工智能的理论和方法,开发出具有人类智能的计算机程序,并将其用于解决目前计算机不能解决的更为复杂、更加困难的问题。,Part 2: Vocabulary,stored program 存储程序 primary storage (memory) 主存储器 secondary storage (memory) 辅助存储器 input device 输入设备 output device 输出设备 ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit) 算术逻辑部件 peripheral 外设 peripheral equipment 外围设备 human/machine communication 人机对话 mainframe 主机,大型计算机 workstation n. 工作站 address n. 地址 addressing a. & v. 寻址 initial address 起始地址 destination address 目的地址 address code 地址码,touch screen 触摸屏 parallel port 并口 serial port 串口 operating system 操作系统 Job management 作业管理 access vt. 访问,存取 access time 存取时间 simultaneous equations 联立方程 virtual reality 虚拟现实 numerical control 数控 adaptive control 自适应控制 algorithm n. 算法 iterative a. 重复的、迭代,transfer instruction 转移指令 operand 操作数 operation code n. 操作码 console 面板控制台 time-sharing 分时 real-time 实时 machine code 机器码 servo control system 伺服控制系统 group control system 群控系统 computer simulation 计算机仿真 cost-effective 性能价格比 binary digit 二进制位 check digit 校验位 redundancy 冗余 register 寄存器,architecture n. 体系结构 location n. 单元 word length 字长 bit n. 位 byte n. 字节 enable v. 使能 alter v. 改变、改动 field n. 段、域、字段 single-precision n. 单精度 floating-point 浮点的 erasable a. 可擦除的 participation n. 参与、分区 flag n. 标志 flag register 标志寄存器 pointer n. 指针,modality n. 形式、方式 tristate n. 三态 negate v. 取消、否定 latch n. & v. 锁存 offset binary 偏置二进制码 two complement 双补码 slew rate 转换速率 settling time 建立时间 single end 单端 differential a. 差动的,culmination n. 结果、结局、顶点、极点 volume n. 体积、容量 stack n. 堆栈 stack pointer 堆栈指针 solid state relay 固体继电器 protocol n. 协议 frame n. 帧 parity n. 奇偶校验 timer n. 定时器 timing n. 定时、时钟、时间控制 instruction set 指令集 instruction execution cycle 指令执行周期,topology 拓扑结构 terminal 终端机 knowledge base 知识库 knowledge engineering 知识工程 expert system 专家系统 multimedia 多媒体 data retrieval 数据检索 Integrated circuit 集成电路 VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration) 超大规模集成电路,videotex 电视传真 teletex 图文传真 PSTN (Packet Satellite Transmission Network) 信息卫星传输网 ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) 集成服务数字网 synchronous 同步的 asynchronous 异步的 random access memory (RAM) 随机存取存储器 read only memory (ROM) 只读存储器 I/O-mapped 输入/输出映射的(单独编址) memory-mapped 存储器映射的(统一编址) resolution 分辨率,bus-compatible 总线兼容的 direct memory access (DMA) 直接存储器访问 strobe 选通,发选通脉冲 poll 登记,通信,定时询问 polling n. 轮询 full-scale 满量程的 most-significant bit (MSB) 最高有效位 least-significant bit (LSB) 最低有效位 sample-and-hold 采样保持 successive approximation 逐次逼近 dual slop 双积分 ladder logic 梯形逻辑 flow charting 流程图,


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