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Important Sentences from the Textbook,Unit 6 Opening and Closing Ceremonies,Key Sentences of Lesson 1,It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you on behalf of De Beers to the “China Diamond Day” in beautiful Dalian. The impressive economic growth and sound management of the economy in the past few years are very encouraging.,3. I am confident that both De Beers, you , and we members of the DJ industry will benefit from the time we spend together over the next day and a half. 4. Without further ado, I give the floor to Ms.Joan Braune.,Key Sentences of Lesson 2,On behalf of Ambassador Sasser and the U.S. government, I would like to welcome each of you to this seminar and thank you for taking the time to participate. Bilateral cooperation aimed at achieving environmentally sensitive, sustainable development in China is vital to us all.,3. Since that time, we have made remarkable progress on the environmental front, although we still face problems. 4. I have been pleasantly surprised by the positive attitudes of those officials who manage Chinas increasingly effective efforts to improve its environment.,Key Sentences of Lesson 3,现在请允许我向大家介绍主席台就座的各位领导和来宾。 这次庆典以“人人共有的城市”为主题,具有重大的历史意义和现实意义。,Key Sentences of Lesson 4,今天就要闭幕了。 这次会议对促进环太平洋地区各港口之间、港口与船公司之间、港口与社会各界之间的交流、了解和合作,将起到十分重要的作用。 尽管我们在一起相聚的时间很短,但我们却极大地增进了彼此间的了解和友谊,留下来美好的回忆。,Unit 7 Welcome Speeches,Lesson 1,This city and this country embody the forward-looking spirit, the commitment and the energy that are required to meet the challenges facing our rapidly changing and urbanizing world. This Urban Revolution promises to be one of the greatest opportunities of our time. Yet it is also presenting the world with one of its greatest challenges.,3. Lack of education, training, competitive job markets and mis-guided policies undermine the productivity of the urban poor and prevent the informal sector from reaching its full market potential. 4. One of the most debilitating forms of exclusion is political. Combined with lack of access to education, political exclusion prevents the poor from actively participating in decisions that affect their lives.,Lesson 2,These practices confirm that building an inclusive city requires good urban governance. Countless examples show that when people are given security of tenure, they are more likely to invest in creating better homes, better neighborhoods and ultimately, better communities.,3. For these reasons, Habitat will soon be launching two global campaigns, one promoting good urban governance and the other security of tenure. 4. Local government plays a leading role in creating the inclusive city. 5. We count on cities like Dalian to play an active role in this meeting.,Lesson 3,这次会议,为我们提供了一次极好的机会,我们要虚心学习国内外的先进经验,认真对照经验找差距,促进我们的工作。 This workshop provides us with an excellent opportunity to modestly learn their advanced experiences, carefyully compare and find our weak points, and thus promote our work. 最后,预祝此次研讨会圆满成功。 Finally, I wish the International Urban Water Conservation Workshop a complete success.,Lesson 4,请允许我代表大连市人民政府对各位朋友的到来表示最热烈的欢迎。 Please allow me, on behalf of the Peoples Government of Dalian,to extend our greatest welcome to all of our friends. 大连经济发达,基础雄厚,为港口的发展提出了强有力的支持。 The economy of Dalian is developed economy, and has solid foundation, which supplies a vigorous support to the ports development.,Unit 8 Toast Speeches,Lesson 1,This is my first visit to Chinas Northeast in over ten years and I am grateful this symposium has provided me the opportunity to meet so many distinguished guests who are concerned with the environment and business in Shenyang. 这是我10年来首次访问中国东北,感谢研讨会给我提供机会来沈阳结识这么多关心环境和企业的贵宾。 2. We have made a good start together in todays discussions. I propose that we toast our growing cooperation tomorrow and in the future. 在今天的讨论中,我们有了一个良好的开端。我建议为我们将来的进一步合作干杯!,Lesson 2,会议只有两天,内容翔实,日程紧凑。 This symposium will last only 2 days. It has a full and accurate content and a tight schedule. 我衷心希望能为促进中美关系的发展,为美化只有一个的地球做出更大的贡献。 I sincerely hope that we can make greater contributions to promoting the growth of Sino-Us relationship and to beautifying the only-one earth.,Unit 9 Conference Statements,Lesson 1,Potential water wars in the Middle East, urban water shortages causing severe hardship in cities in developing countries, and the difficulty to finance water supply projects requires a change in water resource planning. 中东潜在的水战、城市水缺乏为发展中国家的城市带来的严重障碍,以及供水工程筹资的困难都要求水资源规划的重改。 At the workshop, water leaders from around the world recommended an improved water management policy to prevent water shortages from affecting urban populations and to reduce the inefficient use of urban water resources. 在这次研讨会上,来自世界各地的水资源领导者们提出了一项改进水资源管理政策的建议,以防止水缺乏影响城市人口并减少城市水资源的浪费。,Lesson 2,会议期间,与会代表围绕“地区经济发展与港口经营多元化”的主题,广泛地进行讨论和交流,从而促进相互之间的了解和友好往来,并进而推动贸易增长和共同发展。 At the workshop, representatives discussed and exchanged extensively around the theme of Regional Economic Development and diversification in Port Operations. Thereby, bilateral understanding and friendly intercourse were promoted, and then trade increse and common development were pushed forward. 第十届环太平洋港口研讨会将于2000年由墨尔本港主办,在澳大利亚墨尔本举行。 The 10th Pan-Pacific Post Seminar sponsored by Melbourne port will be held 2000 in Melbourne, Australia.,Unit 10 Habitation and Environment,Lesson 1,When the century opened, one in 10 people lived in cities. As we prepare to leave it, more than half of humankind does. That is more than three billion people. What kind of environment are those three billion living in, on the eve of the new millennium? 本世纪初,只有十分之一的人住在城市,当我们即将告别这个世纪时,半数以上的人口,即30多亿人都居住在城市中。这30 亿人在新千年来临前夕的居住环境如何呢? The appeal of the city has always been that it offers opportunity and the chance of a better life. 城市之魅力在于它能提供机会和良好的生活条件。,Lesson 2,今天,我能应邀出席中美环境保护与经济发展研讨会,就当今世界环境保护与经济发展的重大课题,倾听中美双方各位专家、学者、政府官员以及企业界人士发表意见,感到十分高兴。 Today its my great pleasure to be invited to attend the Seminar of Sino-US Environmental Protection and Economic Development and solicit the experts, scholars, government officials and entrepreneur about the important problem of the worlds environmental protetion and the economy development. 现代文明的发展,使人类赖以生存的地球发生了巨大的变化,科学技术的突飞猛进,社会生产力的极大提高,使世界各国的经济规模空前膨胀。 The development of modern civilization makes the earth on which the human beings depend for existence change a lot. The fantastic advance of science and technology and the great increse of social productive forces make the worlds economic scale unprecedentedly inflate.,3. 人口的激增,自然资源的过度开发与消耗,污染物质的大量排放,导致全球性资源短缺,环境污染和生态恶化。 The rapid growth of population, the excessive exploiting ane consumption of natural resources, large amount of discharge of the polluted material result in the widespread deficiency of resources, pollution of the enviornment and ecological deterioration. 4. 中美两国都是环境和能源大国,对人类的生存和发展负有重要的责任。 Both China and America are great powers of environment and energy resources, and have responsibility for the survival and development of human beings.,Unit 11 Habitation and Sustainability,Lesson 1,Then I realized that the United Nations does not propose that all six billion people should live in the cities, but that the more than 50 percent of the world population who live in cities should be treated with respect and consideration, whether they are poor, homeless, elderly or people with disabilities. 随后我意识到,联合国不会让60亿人口都住进城市,而是想让世界上半数以上居住在城市的人口受到尊重和关心,无论他们是否贫穷,是否无家可归,是否年老或者身患残疾。,2. I would like to conclude with expressing my hope that this years World Habitat Day will contribute to a better understanding of the plight of the excluded and marginalized groups in the society, and that this will lead to a situation where cities will truly be “Cities for all”. 最后,我希望今年的世界人居日会对更好地理解社会上受排斥和处于社会边缘的群体的境况做出贡献,从而使城市真正成为“人人共有的城市。”,Lesson 2,城市中居住与就业、能源与交通、环境与资源、贫困与犯罪等许多涉及城市可持续发展的问题将日益严峻。世界各个城市目前都在探讨和解决优化居住环境的新途径。 Lots of problems pertaining to the sustainable development of the cities will be increasingly serious, such as residence and employment, energy and transportation, poverty and crime, etc. At this time all cities in the world are studying and seeking new approaches to optimizing the environment. 2.公用事业是关系国计民生的大事,是城市重要的支撑系统。 Public utilities are important to the national economy and the peoples livelihood. They are the all important support system of the city.,3. 改变人居环境,建设安全、优美、健康的住宅区,已成为国际上评价城市质量的通用标准。 In the evaluation of urban quality in the world, it has become a common standard to improve the environment and to establish safe, beautiful and healthy residential quarters. 4. 让我们携起手来,迎接跨世纪城市化和人居发展面临的挑战,为把我们“人人共有的城市”建成更加美好、充满希望和快乐的家园而共同奋斗。 Lets meet the challenge of urbanization and habitat development hand in hand and strive for the building of “cities for all” into more beautiful, hopeful and joyful homelands.,Unit 12 Gem Industry (1),The rough gem diamonds are sorted by size, color, and quality into over 5,000 individual classifications. 钻坯按照大小、颜色和品质被分为5000多个等级。 This exacting task is carried out by our 500 highly skilled diamond sorting staff in London backed up by sophisticated machines. 这项精确的工作是由我们伦敦的500位高度熟练的钻石分级人员在精密仪器的帮助下完成的。,Lesson 2,有机会与世界及国内钻石首饰业界的同事们共同探讨中国钻石加工经营和钻饰市场的培植和发展,深感荣幸。 It is a great honour to have the opportunity of exploring the polishing and running of China diamond and also the cultivating and developing of diamond jewellery market with both internal and external collegues. 值得高兴的是,到目前为止,中国钻石加工业又恢复了历史的辉煌,以上海、山东、广东等几大基地为主,全国已有了七十几家具有一定规模和水平的钻石厂。 It is worth happy that China diamond polishing industry has recovered its historical magnificence now. Taking Shanghai, Shandong and Guangdong as the dominant, there are over 70 diamond plants with certain scale and level all over the country.,Unit 13 Gem Industry (2),De Beers have been involved with the Chinese diamond industry at many levels over the last 16 years. 过去16年来,戴比尔斯的业务涉及中国钻石业的许多方面。 We recognize Chinas potential as a significant consumer of diamond jewelery and have run a limited advertising programme since the early 80s. 我们认识到中国具有成为钻石饰物消费大国的潜力,从80年代初就确定了一项特别的广告方案。,3. The expansion of the diamond market in China has in turn led to developments in jewelery manufacturing bringing it in line with international trends and quality. 中国扩大的钻石市场,已经反过来促进了饰物制造业的发展,使其与国际流行趋势和品质接轨。 4. International Standards which ensure honest trading have been agreed at every stage where diamonds are bought and sold. 保障诚信贸易的国际标准已在钻石买卖的各个环节得到认可。,5. International rules, clear guidelines, and national standards such as these represent a powerful force for the good of the diamond industry. They protect traders; they protect the image and good reputation of the diamond business, and most importantly, they protect the consumer. 国际规章、明确的准则以及这样的国家标准代表了维护钻石行业的强大力量。它们保护贸易商、保护钻石业的形象和良好声誉,最重要的是,它们保护消费者。,Lesson 2,最后,衷心感谢De Beers 公司各位要员给与我们这次重要的交流和学习的机会。 Finally, we want to express our sincere thanks to the VIPs from De Beers for giving us this important exchanging and learning opportunity.,Unit 14 Graduates and Hospitality,Lesson 1,Nowadays, there exists an interesting paradox in Chinas hotel industry: many hotel school graduates complain that they can hardly find themselves any suitable job in todays business world while many international chains complain that hey can hardly find any more high-caliber staff with solid education background for their localization programs. 目前中国的酒店管理业存在着一种有趣的矛盾现象:许多酒店管理学校的毕业生抱怨在当前的商界很难找到一些合适的工作;而许多国际连锁酒店也抱怨他们很难找到具有扎实知识功底、高水平的人才,以实现其本土化项目。,Lesson 2,中国的旅游与酒店管理教育与中国旅游业的发展相伴而生。中国旅游管理教育发展的历程,既反映了我国旅游业的发展不同阶段对人才需求的不同特点,又反映了教育界对该学术领域的认识过程。 Chinas tourism and hospitality education was accompanied by the development of Chinas tourism industry. Its development process, on one hand, reflected different characteristics of requirements on the talents in different stages of development of Chinas tourism industry; on the other hand,reflected the process of cognition of this academic area of education circles.,面对旅游市场的需求,中国以培养翻译导游人员为主要特点的旅游教育应势而生。旅游教育部门作为人才培养和供应基地,为适应旅游业的发展迈出了发展旅游教育的一步。 Confronted with the requirements of the tourism market, China tourism education, which focused on the tourist interpreters training came into existence as the situation required. The tourism education department, as the base of talents training and supplying, took a step to develop the toursim education to meet the needs of the tourism development.,Unit 15 Tourism,As much for its character and history as for its favorable setting in the heartland of Europe, Geneva has achieved a world-wide reputation for peace-building, first as the home of the League of Nations, and since 1946, as the main center of United Nations activity. 日内瓦以其处于欧洲腹地的优越地理位置及其自身特色和历史而闻名遐迩,并以缔造和平而誉满全球:先是成为国际联盟诞生地,自1946年以来又成为联合国活动的重要中心。,2. All these features are accessible to visitors to the Palace who come each year in their tens of thousands from many countries to find out more about a place where history is continually in the making and where efforts to preserve world peace an security are renewed every day. 每年有成千上万的各国游客参观万国宫,所有这些项目都向他们开放,让他们更多地了解这个不断书写历史新篇章,每天都为维护世界和平与安全做出新努力的场所。,Lesson 2,The government of Singapore fosters a tolerant society. It encourages citizens to e clean, courteous and law-abiding. 新加坡政府提倡建立一个包容的社会,鼓励公民清洁、礼貌、遵纪守法。 Singapores delicious cuisine and fine shopping draw visitors from all over the world. 新加坡的美食和优越的购物环境吸引着世界各国的游客前来参观。 3. Singapore is a crossroads for people from all over the world. This multicultural, multiracial city-state boasts the highest living standard and GNP in Southeast Asia. 新加坡是世界各地人民聚会的乐园。这个多文化多民族的城邦享有东南亚最高的生活水平和最高的国民总产值。,Lesson 3,博物馆是连接过去与现在甚至未来的桥梁。 Museums are bridges connecting the present with the past. 2. 这些博物馆不仅是教育和研究中心,也是旅游者向往的地方,每年吸引游客3000万人。 These museums are places visitors look forward to as well as the centres of education and research. They draw 30 muillion visitors every year.,参观所有的展品需要一整天的时间,但在当今快节奏的社会中很少有人愿意在博物馆花上一整天的时间。 It takes a whole day to visit all the exhibits in the museum. However, no one wants to spend the whole day in the museum in the fast-tempo society nowadays. 博物馆最重要的职责是保存和护理大量的馆藏的 古代文物。 The most important duty of the museum is to preserve and take care of lots of ancient relics.,Lesson 4,故宫博物院,即人们常说的紫禁城是中国另一座最负盛名的博物馆。 The Palace Museum, often called the Forbidden City, is another museum of greatest reputation. 1988年,故宫博物院被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。 The Palace Museum was designated a World Heritage Site in 1988 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 无论你的兴趣是什么,您都可以在北京找到符合您爱好的博物馆。 Whatever your interest is, youll find the museum to your taste in Beijing.,Related Exercises,敦煌石窟是中国的国宝,也是全世界的文化遗产。 Dunhuang is the national treasure of China and also the cultural relic of the world. 当您来到这里,领略了塞外风光,欣赏了园林秀色,参观了寺庙建筑后,一定会由衷地发出赞叹,感到不虚此行。 As a visitor, when you come here and enjoy the scenery north of the Great Wall, admire the wonderful view of the gardens and visit the architecture of temples, youll heartily grasp with admiration at them and fell that it has been a worthwhile tour. 佛寺的建造历史悠久,建筑风格独特,形式多种多样。 The construction of Buddhist temples has a long history with a variety of unique architectural styles.,Unit 16 Economy,Unit 16 Economy,Lesson 1,When people buy stock, most do so through one of the securities exchanges or marketplaces for stocks and bonds. These marketplaces are commonly called “stock exchanges ” and they provide a meeting place for both the buyer and seller. 人们大多是通过证劵交易所或股票和债券市场购买股票的,这些市场通常被称作“股票交易所”,它们为买卖双方提供了一个交易场所。 These exchanges are nothing more than locations where stocks are bought and sold. 这些交易所只不过是股票买卖的场所。,Lesson 2,This was fairly predictable. There had already been talk of a possible drive towards tax harmonization. 这是一个很可能实现的预言,人们已经在议论税率统一的可能动力。 Actually the UK has an exemption on this which it intends to continue to apply and that is one area where certainly they are most unlikely to give way. 实际上,英国对此是免税的,而且准备继续执行这一政策,这当然是他们最不愿意做出让步的一个领域。,Lesson 3,去年亚洲一些国家发生的金融危机引起亚太经合组织成员的广泛关注。时隔一年,危机的影响仍在加深,不仅给亚洲一些国家和地区造成严重的经济困难,而且波及整个世界经济。 Financial crisis, which occurred in some Asian countries last year, aroused wide concern from the members of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). One year later, the crisis is still deepending its influence. This not only made some Asian countries and regions suffer from serious economical problems, but also spread to the world economy.,经济全球化趋势是当今世界经济和科技发展的产物,给世界各国带来发展的机遇,同时也带来严峻的挑战和风险,向各国特别是发展中国家提出了如何维护自己经济安全的新课题。 The trend of economic globalization is the product of todays development of world economy, science and technology. It brings about not only favorable circumstances for development to the countries of the world, but also severe challenges and risks. This put forward a new problem to every country, especially developing countries, of how to safeguard their own economy safety.,3. 经济全球化趋势要求每个国家积极参与国际经济合作。 The trend of economic globalization requires each country must participate in international economic cooperation actively. 4. 这场金融危机给中国经济的发展也造成了不利影响和很大压力。 This financial crisis also brought unfavorable influence and great pressure to the development of China economy.,Lesson 4,促进成员之间的经济技术合作,是亚太经合组织的一项重要任务,也是促进共同发展的基本途径。 To promote the economic and technological cooperation between its members is an important task for APEC and also a fundamental way to promote common development. 只要大家共同努力,加强合作,刻骨困难,亚太地区经济社会发展的前景是广阔的光明的。 If we make efforts together, enhance cooperation and overcome difficulties, the prospect of economic and social development in Asia-Pacific region will be broad and bright.,Related Exercise,中国是最大的发展中国家,拥有占世界五分之一的人口和广阔的市场。中国的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣也需要中国。 China is the largest developing country with 1/5 of the world population and a big market. Chinas development needs the world and the worlds prosperity also needs China.,世界经济全球化的发展趋势已成为不可逆转的历史潮流,以信息化为基础,以网络经济为代表的新经济正蓬勃发展。 The trend of the economic globalization of world economy is a historical one that can not be reversed, and a new economy based on information and represented by network economy is growing vigorously.,Unit 17 Education,Lesson 1,Beyond high school, Americans have many chances for further education. In contrast to other countries, the U.S. has no national college entrance exam. 中学毕业后,美国人有许多深造的机会。与其他国家相比,美国没有全国性的高考,而是由私人机构对学生进行考试。 American teachers encourage students to think for themselves. Instead of grading students only on test scores, teachers evaluate papers, group projects and class participation, as well. 美国教师鼓励学生独立思考。教师根据论文、集体项目和课堂的参与来评价学生。,3. Freedom of choice is another American value not absent from school life. In addition to their required courses, high school and college students may choose elective courses. 选择的自由是美国人另一种学习生活中不可或缺的价值观。除了必修课外,中学生和大学生还有选修课。 4. The American system of education is far from perfect. 美国的教育体系远非完美。,Lesson 2,Princeton offers an abundance of extraordinary resources, including the Universitys library system, which holds more than 5 million printed works, 2 million non-printed items, and annually subscribes to over 30,000 journals and periodicals. 普林斯顿有丰富奇特的资源,包括该大学的图书馆体系,藏有500多万册印刷品、200万件非印刷品,每年订阅报刊达30,000多种。,2. Any list of the most frequently cited strengths of Princeton would include the following: the quality of its academic program, its unusual status as a world-class research university, the significant role accorded to independent work, a highly participatory student body involved in a broad range of extracurricular pursuits, and its strong sense of community. 公众常常列举的的普林斯顿的优势大致包括:学术质量、不同凡响的国际研究性大学地位、强调独立工作的重要作用、涉及广泛课外活动的参与性很强的学生团体以及很强的团体意识。,Lesson 3,北方交通大学是教育部直属的全国重点大学。 Northan Jiaotong University is a key national university under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education in China. 2. “211工程”是我国教育改革的一大举措。 211 Project is a major move of Chinas educational reform.,Lesson 4,本着促进世界和平与发展,推进中国的教育改革与发展,加强中国与世界的教育交流与合作的目的,此次年会有三项主要内容。 Committed to enhancing world peace and progress, promoting educational reform and development in China, and strengthen


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