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Kaizen Events Workshop,Client Training Workshop,August 2003,CONFIDENTIAL,This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey it is not a complete record of the discussion.,1,KAIZEN EVENTS TRAINING,Objectives Background they have the following elements:,A formal schedule includes kickoff and final presentation to management as well as daily team leader updates,The objectives are defined for a focused area to force the team to stretch beyond their comfort zone (e.g., 25% productivity gain, 50% space reduction, 30% inventory reduction),A kaizen event is planned to last 3-4 days, plus time to complete follow-up items (30-day plan),Team members are full time for the duration of the kaizen event; they are not expected to perform their normal jobs during the event,5,WHAT IS A KAIZEN EVENT (CONTINUED),“Kaizen” is a Japanese term that means small, incremental, continuous improvement. A kaizen program, or continuous-improvement program, can involve multiple approaches to achieve improvements, including its namesake, the kaizen event. These approaches systematically push an organization toward a state of Lean Production. A kaizen event is a rigid methodology to focus improvement activities by promoting ownership, incremental change, and problem-solving skills. It rapidly energizes a select group of employees, typically attacking a specific problem within a compressed period of time. The specific problems to be tackled within a kaizen event are strategically chosen to support a companys business objectives. For best applicability of the kaizen event approach, the organization should define and prioritize the areas that need improvement. You should identify small problems with significant short-term or long-term impact.,*Footnote Source:Source,6,OVERACHING THEMES OF KAIZEN EVENTS,Complete and thorough elimination of waste to reduce the timeline from order to delivery Create only what is needed, when it is needed, in the amount needed Creativity before capital “Where there is no standard there can be no kaizen” Taiichi Ohno,*Footnote Source:Source,7,Announce event Identify team Set goals Document current process and performance Train kaizen participants,Pre-paration,Analysis,Brain-storming,Implementation,KAIZEN EVENT PHASES,Kaizen event,VP or GM introduces team Team leader presents kaizen activity worksheet VP or GM motivates team with closing comments,Learn process Time operations,Generate ideas Make change/ implement Standardize,Walk management through area Present kaizen learnings and implemen-tations (before vs. after performance) Review 30-day follow-up plan,Measure performance Meet to assure completion of 30-day follow-up plan,8,TIMETABLE FOR AN EVENT,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,7:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00, Team training Review agenda and logistics Review goals and objectives What is kaizen Lean manufacturing principles Kickoff Project area overview Walk the floor Review data Confirm current state of process and performance Quantify performance gap and savings potential Review standards and customer specs List concerns and improvement opportunities Create to dos for Tuesday Wrap up,Complete to do from previous day Determine root causes and brainstorm countermeasures Develop trials: New layout New work methods Conduct trials Monitor results Summarize results and concerns Brainstorm and implement countermeasures Define performance measures for area and implement Team leader update to plant manager Team continues activities Create to dos for Wednesday Wrap up Major layout changes Build tables, racks, workstation configuration,Prepare for the day Complete to dos from previous day Continue trials Summarize results and concerns Brainstorm and implement countermeasures Monitor results Quantify % performance gap obtained and annual savings Document standard work Team leader update to plant manager Create to dos for Thursday Wrap up,1:00 p.m. 3:00 3:30,7:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 Night,7:00 a.m. 10:00,Complete to dos Monitor results Prepare presentation Document remaining action items as 30-day follow up Management presentation Q others to learn, implement, and promote improvements and process,Team leader,Facilitator,Kaizen team members,10,KAIZEN EVENT TRAINING,Objectives Background other employees want to become a part of the efforts Behavioral and cultural changes are more difficult to achieve than operational changes, but they make improvement sustainable,12,PRODUCTION SYSTEM ELEMENTS TO ACHIEVE IMPACT,Standardized operations Man/machine separation,SAFETY(People),Line stop and call Poka-yoke Root-cause problem solving Plant-floor problem solving TPM OEE,QUALITY(Jidoka),Continuous flow Takt time Line balance Cell design Quick changeover Pull systems Level scheduling,DELIVERY (JIT Manufacturing),5S - workplace organization 8 types of waste Visual management,COST (MUDA),13,PRODUCTION SYSTEM ELEMENTS TO ACHIEVE IMPACT (CONTINUED),Element Standardized operations Man/machine separation Line stop and call Poka-yoke Root-cause problem solving TPM OEE Continuous flow Takt time Line balance Cell design Quick changeover Pull systems Level scheduling 5S 8 types of waste Visual management,Focus of kaizen Consistency and repeatability Work element times Operator response time Fool proofing Structured approach Scheduled maintenance Machine downtime Product/operator movement Pace of customer demand Operator work content Work area layout Changeover times Linking demand to production Smoothing production Workplace organization Non-value added operations Information clarity,Primary result Documented procedures Reduced operator wait time Reduced scrap Improved product quality Recommendations Minimized machine failures Improved machine utilization Eliminated interruptions Just-in-time production Reduced lead time Optimized motions Higher machine utilization Less inventory On-time delivery Disciplined workforce Reduced cost Performance charts, labels,14,POINTS TO REMEMBER,Success enabling factors for events Thoughtful approach to project-area selection (e.g., high impact, narrow scope) Team selection performed well in advance and limited to a small number of cross-functional participants (4-7) Expectations for team members clearly stated (e.g., level) Choose proper KPI to analyze potential/performance during experimentation Teams should be made up of as many different participants as possible. Deployment of improvement spirit is as important as the individual events Good prior planning for team logistics (e.g., lunches, night-shift requirements) Follow-up items need to be tracked and structured follow-up meetings scheduled Measurement systems for key performance indicators should be in place after each event Discrete changes (i.e., mechanical fixes or settings, new equipment) are quickly completed; however, behavioral changes (i.e., procedures, best practices) are extremely difficult to implement. It is the behavioral/cultural changes that make improvement sustainable.,15,SELECTING THE PROJECT AREA,Kaizen event area needs to be strategic and important to the overall transformation process Start with core processes Choose operating problems, not management problems Consider advantages in terms of cost, quality, productivity and delivery response Get input about the project area from: Area director and managers Associates Internal customers and suppliers Make sure management understands what is required in terms of time, resources and impact,16,SELECTING A FACILITATOR CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS,The most essential area of this criteria is problem-solving skills These skills need to be accompanied with a disciplined third-party approach,17,WEEKLY OBJECTIVES FOR FACILITATORS,Event week Facilitate event Work with team leader on facilitation and problem solving Schedule review-week meeting Follow-up week Work with team leader to get any required standard operating procedures written Schedule training meetings, as required Ensure all-line, all-shift rollout Ensure planning for next event is finalized with process owner Review data and create baseline for next event Review this week/next week meeting Cover all follow-up items Identify successes and short comings Consolidate all event histories into 1 book and include a 1-page summaryfor each Audit compliance Ensure measurement system in place,18,SELECTING TEAM MEMBERS,Typical team makeup Event facilitator Cross-functional team: Operator(s) from the area (1 day shift and 1 night shift is preferred) 1 maintenance representative 1 supervisor 1 of the following categories: Administration Management Best practice representative (other plants),Team member attributes Mix of high and low performers Do not load teams with low performers in hopes of raising their performance level High-motivation level Free from other duties Half of the team should be hourly associates Some team members should come from outside the project area At least 1 team member should be from the project area,Team members for all events should be selected in advance of the start of the first event and notified of where and when to meet for the first day of the project Different team members should be selected for each event except for where key process knowledge is needed,1 member takes the role as team leader and owns the event,19,ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES,Facilitator Plan event logistics (meeting rooms, meals, etc.) Train and mentor team leaders Document all kaizen activities Assist in preparing and training all new processes and procedures Coordinate closely with team leaders to ensure the scope and objectives of each event fit the criteria outlined in the training manual Ensure team members are selected in advance and in accordance with the pre-event criteria Ensure supervisor participation in rollout and training Maintain third-party outlook on issues and lead team through objective fact-based approach Participate in follow-up meetings, keeping track of complete and outstanding action items Team Leaders Support process with enthusiasm Assure team goals are met Update to-do list Keep everyone involved Update management daily on teams progress Learn facilitation and problem solving skills Coordinate team presentation Track event follow-up items and assure completion,20,ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (CONTINUED),Team members Full-time responsibility; must be with the kaizen team during the entire project Participate in the follow-up process as an action taker Management Full support of the improvement effort Kick off the program with plant communication meetings. Kick off each event explaining why the effort is important and how it will impact the business Wrap up each event by receiving report from the kaizen team, soliciting feedback from the teams on the process and reiterating the impact on the business Follow up in a structured manner holding team members accountable for finalizing implementation and brining the correct support to bear on issues out of their control. Set dates, assign names,21,BASIC STEPS FOR CAPTURING WORK KAIZEN OPPORTUNITIES,Identify kaizen purpose Analyze the current situation Generate alternative ideas Create kaizen plan Implement the kaizen plan with kaizen events Confirm the results,Work kaizen events should not be haphazard or pursued independently by shop-floor associates. They must serve the overall business strategy and positively impact all of the organization. A kaizen program ensures that opportunities for improvement are identified and captured in the following manner:,22,STEP 1 IDENTIFY KAIZEN PURPOSE,* non-processing time includes storage time, inspection time, conveyance time,Be dissatisfied Complacency with the current state will hinder efforts to identify opportunities Drive to find better ways of doing things and have the courage to embrace change Actively search for improvement opportunities Question the purpose of each activity Strive to identify sources of waste Consider the production lead time production lead time = processing time + non-processing time* Ask for suggestions From supervisors and associates From managers struggling to hit their targets Choose a problem, clearly define it, and get started,23,STEP 2 ANALYZE THE CURRENT SITUATION,Get the facts Gather information at the source Personally observe the machinery and/or activities involved with the problem Observe during an occurrence of the problem Use available techniques for work analysis Process and flow analysis Understand the sequence of operations and physical routing Work element analysis Understand the detailed steps of the job Motion analysis Break the job down into basic motions (find, grasp, position, assemble) Time analysis Build on the work element analysis by timing each step Standardized operations* Show the current and future state using standardization forms (below),Combination table,Operation capacity,Analysis sheet,Operation instructions,* Refer to separate training module titled Standardized Operations for details,24,STEP 3 GENERATE ALTERNATIVE IDEAS,Use idea generation methods 5 Why analysis Brainstorming Review the rules for work simplification Rules for body motion Rules for the workplace (organization, layout, environment) Rules for the design of parts, tools, and equipment Discuss and adhere to rules for generating ideas Do not criticize Speak freely as you think Strive for quantity initially (the more the better) Think about issue from different angles Piggyback other ideas and integrate ideas,25,STEP 4 CREATE KAIZEN PLAN,Establish kaizen objectives Set a quantifiable/measurable targets for improving safety, quality, cost, and/or delivery for the kaizen target area Stress total plant efficiency over efficiency improvements of single processes Focus on work kaizen rather than machine kaizen Avoid large capital expenditures Choose the most effective way to deploy resources Train supervisors and let them implement in their area(s) Form a dedicated kaizen team and hold a kaizen event* Create detailed kaizen plan describing focus of activities Reduce lead time by eliminating wait time, walk time, unnecessary steps Improve layout of parts, materials, tools Sequence and combine operations differently to balance work and create flow Seek and eliminate quality scrap and rework problems Create, document, and train employees on new standardized work Implement workplace organization and visual performance management,* Refer to separate training module titled Kaizen Events for details,26,STEP 5 IMPLEMENT THE KAIZEN PLAN,Communicate Inform related departments likely to be affected by changes Brief shop floor employees on kaizen objectives before the activity begins Discuss changes with shop floor employees, not only what and how but also why Ask for management help when needed to remove barriers to implementation Update management daily on progress Create an atmosphere conducive to change Lead by example (remain positive, supportive, and work hard) Train employees by working with them at their work station Remember that it is unpleasant for employees to perform unfamiliar tasks Congratulate employees on their successes Be willing to alter the plan Remind team members that failed trials may occur and are an important part of the improvement process Communicate changes to the plan Overcome hurdles rather than extending the implementation timeline,27,STEP 6 CONFIRM AND COMMUNICATE RESULTS,Confirm implementation status of each action item Confirm actual results quantitatively Improvements should be consistently repeatable Compare actual results to expected results and perform a gap analysis Some problems do not surface until after implementation Verify adherence to new work procedures regardless of results Present results Provide an opportunity for the team to present their results (20 minutes) Discuss kaizen results compared to plan Allow for questions and answers Standardize the results Document new work procedures Use new documentation as training aids Maintain visual performance management and review sessions Meet periodically to review performance If performance slips, assign additional action items to rectify Celebrate success once goals are consistently met Seek further improvements,As part of the kaizen activity, the kaizen teams or supervisors must also:,28,ANNOUNCING EVENT KAIZEN ACTIVITY SHEET,Distribute 1-2 weeks before event Copy the team members supervisors,29,STARTING KAIZEN TEAM OBSERVATIONS,Look for variation and understand its cause,Where are the parts? Does the operator have to: Turn? Reach? Wait? Unpack? Move? Are the parts arranged in the order used? Are parts moved twice? Is the box too large?,Is the work cycle consistent ? Why is there variation? Is it logical? Do employees help each other? Is there wait time? Are two hands used or one? Do people build ahead?,Tooling What is its purpose? Does it serve this purpose? Can it be combined with others? How can it be better? Can tools be reached without having to look? Do parts auto eject from machines?,Movement Is there excessive travel? Is the flow smooth or erratic?,Visual management Is the area cluttered? Are areas/ locations of items marked? Are shelves labeled? Are all the items required in the area?,30,STARTING KAIZEN TEAM OBSERVATIONS (CONTINUED),Defects Do they occur? What is the problem? Is there feedback? Is the line disrupted to fix the issue? How often do they occur? Is the specification present and clear? Are limit samples displayed “good/ bad”?,Work cycle What is the work content? What are the lowest repeatable times (measure 10-15 cycles to establish)? What is the takt time? Is the line balanced? Which tasks can be moved around to balance the line?,Material handling Is there a material handler? Is there a routine cycle? How much wait time is in it? How much is value added? How large are box quantities? Can parts be easily picked up? What can the handler do to reduce the work content? What is the standardized work for the material handler? How much time per hour or shift is used, what time is available for other lines?,31,WORK KAIZEN VS. MACHINE KAIZEN,15 sec. manual loading time,40 sec. machine time,15 sec. manual unloading time,Work kaizen focuses on the total manual work elements (30 sec.),Machine kaizen focuses on the total machine work elements (40 sec.),Total work cycle = 70 sec.,Improve manual work elements first,Manual work, unlike machine work, can be immediately controlled by supervisors and employees Manual work improvements do not require large capital investments Goals often can be achieved solely through manual work improvements,32,UPDATING MANAGEMENT DAILY,Team leader presents to the area manager and plant manager and possibly management team Agenda (20 minutes) Restate event objectives Discuss what was accomplished today Discuss next steps for tomorrow Discuss what support is needed or roadblocks removed The presentation should provide an understanding of the progress, with enough depth so people also appreciate the methods used (video, props, flip charts, drawings, etc., are appropriate) The team leaders should expect to be supported, but also challenged by the facilitator and the management team,33,EVENT OUPUTS,Results and actionable items should be summarized into a 20-minute presentation that addresses 3 main areas: Baseline Kaizen activity worksheet Current performance Current cost Goals Actions Actions taken by the team Follow-up actions required Value At performance level after event Potential performance going forward Quantified results,34,No,PROBLEM,CAUSE,ACTION,Who,Date,Status,MAINTAINING PROBLEM FOLLOW-UP SHEETS,The team leaders need to take ownership for the outstanding actions and to maintain the gains for the Kaizen area. If the performance is slipping this has to be communicated to the senior managers


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