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Unit 1A land of diversity课时跟踪一练而就.完形填空(2020届山东省实验中学高三质检)Next week, strangers with a truck will take away everything we own, except the clothes on our backs, the car we will drive, and as much stuff as we can pack into it.Its called 1 . Some people do it often. For others, like me, its a 2 experience. In all my adult years, Ive moved only three times. My first 3 and I moved into our first house with a bed, our clothes and a few gifts. That was many years ago. Over the years, I 4 that house with three children, a few dogs and enough stuff to 5 the ceiling. Then the kids grew up, I lost my husband to cancer, and I began to learn about 6 First, I let go of the 7 of being in control. Life isnt about being in charge of what 8 ; its about being in charge of what we do with it.Next, I let go of 9 the things I care most about, like keeping in touch with the people that 10 the most to me.I let go of the people whose 11 are about anger or hatred, and tried instead to 12 myself with those who shine with 13 Finally, I let go of being aloneI remarried. I 14 moved to a new city with my new husband, and after that move, I 15 Id stop collecting meaningless things. But 12 years later, here I am, still learning about letting go.Well all move someday from this 16 to the next, but we wont need a truck to do it. Well take 17 with us and leave behind a(n) 18 of the life we lived, the mistakes we 19 , and all the love and kindness we tried to show.That memory might not be a treasure, but if were 20 , someone will keep it and hold it close and never let it go.【语篇解读】人这一辈子有什么是需要坚持的,又有什么是需要放手的呢?经历生活中的风风雨雨后,作者终于找到了她苦苦追寻的答案:不要留恋没必要的人或事,要学会放手。1A.moving BchangingClosing Dmissing解析:选A由“In all my adult years,Ive moved only three times.”及下文作者讲述的自己“搬家”的经历可知,A项正确。2A.similar BfamiliarCrare Dvaluable解析:选C根据下文“In all my adult years, Ive moved only three times.”可知,C项正确。3A.son BdaughterChusband Dwife解析:选C根据下文提到的“I lost my husband”可知,此处是指作者和“丈夫”一起搬进了新家。4A.equipped BfilledCinvolved Dprovided解析:选B这里表示作者成家后生了三个小孩,养了几条狗。 fill.with.表示“用装满”,符合文章语境。5A.paint BrepairCbuild Dreach解析:选D这里表示作者为家里添置了很多东西,以至于都快堆到天花板附近了。故D项正确。6A.holding on Bletting goCgiving back Dturning down解析:选Blet go在下文中多次出现,故选B项,与下文相呼应。let go意为“放手,放下,放弃”,符合文章主题。7A.plan BideaCconcept Ddecision解析:选B由后面的“being in control”可知,作者放弃了想掌控一切的“想法”,因此B项正确。8A.devotes BmattersChappens Darrives解析:选C由语境可知,作者认为,我们不能掌控生活中所“发生”的一切。9A.putting off Bcoming acrossCmaking out Dtaking over解析:选A根据下文可知,作者要表达的是:我们不应该“推迟”自己想做的事。故A项正确。10A.offer BappearCindicate Dmean解析:选D由语境可知,作者认为,我们应该跟那些“对我们来说”最重要的人保持联系。故选D。11A.issues Bsubjects Clives Dbeliefs解析:选C由语境可知,作者主张远离“生活”中充满愤怒和仇恨的人。故选C。12A.present BattractCsupport Dsurround解析:选Dinstead一词暗示下文所说的是与上文相反的情况。也就是说让自己的身边都“围绕”着热心善良的人。13A.kindness BpatienceCfortune Dhumour解析:选A上句说要远离充满愤怒和仇恨的那些人,因此下句建议我们接近那些“善良”的人。14A.naturally BeventuallyCformally Dregularly解析:选B由语境可知,作者再婚后,“最终”搬到了新的城市,开始了新的生活。15A.suggested BinformedCinsisted Dpromised解析:选D由语境可知,作者组建新的家庭后,“承诺”自己不再收集那些无意义的东西。16A.city Btown Cworld Dcountry解析:选C根据下文可知,作者这里是说最终我们都会离开这个“世界”。17A.something BanythingCeverything Dnothing解析:选D当我们离开人世时,我们无法带走任何东西。因此选择D项。18A.memory BexperienceCrecord Dhistory解析:选A根据下一段的“That memory might not be a treasure”可知,当我们离开这个世界时,给人们留下的只能是“回忆”。19A.completed BmadeCconducted Dforgot解析:选B我们留给世人的,还有我们曾“犯”过的错误。make a mistake意为“犯错”,是固定短语。20A.optimistic BgenerousCdetermined Dfortunate解析:选D作者认为,我们所留下的回忆未必珍贵,但是如果我们“幸运”的话,别人会牢牢记住这份回忆。.语法填空(2020届广西南宁高三检测)Chinas first domestic scifi film The Wandering Earth, starring Wu Jing 1._ (take) up the box office and online film review sites since the Chinese New Year.2_ (base) on Liu Cixins short story and directed by Frant Guo, the film has both its light moments and takes itself very 3._ (serious). The typical humorous elements, such as the repeated “safe driving reminder”, have also drawn the Chinese audience closer.In addition, the films interpretation of traditional 4._ (value) about family, heroism and patriotism (爱国主义) also moves the audience. “I 5._ (inspire) strongly by the three fathers in the film, all of 6._ made contributions to humans and showed true devotion for their families,” said Fan Xinggang, a father from Xian, Shaanxi Province.Whats more, not like the Hollywood scifi films, the Americans are not the only ones capable of saving the world. This time the Chinese are the greatest heroes 7._ (perform) the task of preventing the Earth 8._ hitting Jupiter (木星). Of course, without international cooperation, the task of solving the problems 9._ (face) the planet cant be done. This is the main difference between this film and many other movies of 10._ same type.【语篇解读】文章介绍了由吴京主演的科幻电影流浪地球的独特之处。1解析:根据时间状语“since the Chinese New Year”可知,此处表示过去发生的事情持续到现在,应用现在完成时。故填has taken。答案:has taken2解析:分析句子结构可知,该句的谓语动词是has和takes,此处应用非谓语动词。be based on是固定用法,意为“以为基础”。base和the film之间是被动关系,应用过去分词形式作状语。故填Based。答案:Based3解析:take sth.seriously是固定用法,意为“认真对待某事”。故填seriously。答案:seriously4解析:value在此处意为“价值观”,是可数名词。根据about后边的三个名词family, heroism和patriotism(爱国主义)可知,此处应用value的复数形式。故填values。答案:values5解析:根据本句中的made和showed可知,此处应用一般过去时;且主语I和谓语动词inspire之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故填was inspired。答案:was inspired6解析:all of空处引导定语从句,先行词是fathers,指人,关系词在从句中作介词of的宾语,应用关系代词whom引导该从句。故填whom。答案:whom7解析:当名词被最高级修饰的时候,应用不定式作该名词的后置定语。故填to perform。答案:to perform8解析:prevent sb.from doing sth.是固定用法,意为“阻止某人做某事”。故填from。答案:from9解析:分析句子结构可知,该句的谓语是cant be done,此处应用非谓语动词;face意为“面对”,与problems之间是主动关系,应用其现在分词形式作problems的后置定语。故填facing。答案:facing10解析:the same是固定用法,意为“相同的”。故填the。答案:the.短文改错(2020届福建省厦门市高三质检)Yesterday we took part a tree planting activity organised by our class. Early in the morning, we set out for Bantou Reservoir in Xiamen. When we were arrived there, we began to work immediately. Firstly, we dug holes that are slightly larger than the root balls. Next, we gentle placed the trees into our new homes. After that, we refilled the holes use enough soil to support the root. Finally, we watered the trees. Three hours passed by after we knew it. Tired as we were, we felt exciting, talking and laughing all the way home. How an unforgettable experience!答案:Yesterday we took part a tree planting activity organised by our class. Early in the morning, we set out for Bantou Reservoir in Xiamen. When we arrived there, we began to work immediately. Firstly, we dug holes that slightly larger than the root balls. Next, we placed the trees into new homes. After that, we refilled the holes enough soil to support the. Finally, we watered the trees. Three hours passed by we knew it. Tired as we were, we felt , talking and laughing all the way home. an unforgettable experience!.书面表达(2020届河南省郑州市高三质监)假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Robert最近给你发了一封内容如下的电子邮件,请你根据邮件内容和写作要点用英语给他回复。Dear Li Hua,I am really upset at present. I had many friends, but now none of them want to talk to me. At lunch time, nobody likes to share a table with me. I feel really puzzled and lonely. And I cant understand why theyre trying to avoid me. Would you please give me some advice? Thank you!Robert写作要点:1对他的处境表示理解;2给他提出合理的建议;3愿意为他继续提供帮助。注意:1词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Robert,_Sincerely yours,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear Robert,Im sorry to hear you have some trouble getting along with your friends. Here are some suggestions for you.Firstly, youd better find out what got you into such a mess, and then turn to your teachers or parents for advice. Secondly, why not open your mind to communicate with your friends frankly? It shows you really cherish the friendship between you and value their viewpoints. Besides, in your daily life, its wise to be ready to help your friends and people around you. In this way, you can not only win back your old friends but also make some new ones.I hope my suggestions can make a difference. Ill continue to offer help if you need.Sincerely yours,Li Hua


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