2022年高中英语《Unit 4 Unforgettable Films》教案 重大版必修1

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2022年高中英语Unit 4 Unforgettable Films教案 重大版必修1课 型:听说课教学方法:交际法、小组讨论法教学手段:实物展示、多媒体教学目标:1. 知识目标:1) 活用词汇: shock, grateful, gratitude, appreciation, honor2) 认知词汇: mention, hospitality2. 能力目标:1) 培养听前预测的能力。2) 培养学生抓听力材料关键词的能力。3. 学习策略目标:通过模仿和归纳,能正确表达感谢和回应他人的感谢。4. 情感态度价值观:1) 通过分组练习激发学生主动参与英语活动的兴趣。2) 在用英语表达感谢和回应他人的感谢中进行文明礼仪的陶冶。3)让学生在生活中怀有感恩的心。5. 文化目标:了解英语文化中感谢表达的重要性。教学重点、难点:重点:1) 活用词汇:shock, grateful, gratitude, appreciation, honor2) 学生抓听力材料关键词的能力。难点:通过模仿和归纳,能正确表达感谢和回应他人感谢。教学过程:I. Pre-listening:Step 1: Warming-up 1) Self-intrdoction (with a trophy in hand) I was awarded the best teacher of school this term, and I feel excited and honored. My heart now is full of appreciation. I want to thank my students who I taught and I am teaching, because they always support me, trust me and share their happiness and sadness with me.设计意图: 1)通过老师的情景设计以及感谢词引出听说的主题。 2)提出句型 I want to thank _ who _ because _. 3)复习定语从句。 4)单词热身:award, honored, appreciation 2) Leading-in: (with a trophy in hand) I want to give this trophy to anyone who deserves it. Can you tell me who is the best singer/dancer/basketball player/swimmer or the most hardworking/humorous/warm-hearted student in class? Give the trophy to some of the students. When given the trophy, they are encouraged to use the sentence to express thanks: I want to thank _who _, because _.设计意图: 1)熟悉班级,活跃气氛 2)练习句型 I want to thank _ who _because _.Step 2: Predicting:1) Show the picture of Sandra Bullock, the Oscar winner for Best Actress, xx and introduce her to the students. Tell them how Sandra felt when she was awarded the Oscar: I feel so surprised, even shocked, and my heart is full of appreciation and gradtitude. And teach the new words if necessary.2) Tick the words which can express your feelings when you succeed in doing sth. Try using them.You expected it.You didnt expect it.joyful, happy, dreamingsurprised, shockedthankful, grateful, full of appreciation or gratitude, honoured 3) Imagine you were Sandra, who would you be grateful to? 设计意图: 1)做好听力前的铺垫,引出相关词汇并教读。2) 培养学生猜词的能力。 3)提前进入听力状态,预测听力内容。. While-listening:1) Listen to the award speech and check the persons.2) Predict why Sandra is thankful to the persons mentioned in the speech, and talk about it with the partner.3) Listen to the speech again and try to write down the reasons. (Teacher uses the pause key. Let Ss write them down in Exercise 3.)4) Give them an example of expressions: thank sb for doing sth.5) Listen again and try to write down the expressions to show thanks.设计意图: 1)培养学生从猜词到记录的过度。 2)适当的暂停保证学生有足够的时间记录。. Post-listening:Step 1 Useful expressions 1) Give the students expressions as follows, and ask them which of them are mentioned in the listening. Let the students guess the words in red.Expressing thanksResponding to thanksThank you very much for you help.Youre wele.Thank you anyway/all the same.It was nothing.Thats very kind/good of you.Dont mention it.Id like to express my gratitude/appreciation for your kindness.Its my pleasure.Forget it.I really appreciate it.Im glad to be of some help.I can never thank you enough for your hospitality.Its a piece of cake.2) Practice reading them in pairs, and then read them aloud.3) Fun time(if time permits): Ask one student to stand in the front facing everyone. Ask the rest to express thanks or praises to him/her. Meanwhile, the one in the front is required to give proper response each time when hearing the thanks or praises.设计意图: 1)大量的口头练习让学生在短时间内熟悉正确表达感谢和回应感谢。 2)简短的“请你表扬我/感谢我”环节让学生放开束缚,开怀一笑。Step 2 Situations Work in pairs according to the following situations. The students are required to make up a dialogue using proper expressions and then act it out.Situation 1Ask one of your friends to buy a film ticket for you. Say sorry, for the tickets have been sold out. Express thanks.Situation 2Ask your deskmate to help you with a math problem. Agree happily. Say thanks. Say its easy.设计意图: 1)小组活动调动学生的积极性和听说的能力。 2)情境的创设让学生活学活用。. Summary:In this lesson we learned about expressions of thanks. There are so many things we feel thankful for. So dont save any thanks and speak it out when you are grateful. I would like to end the lesson with a poem Be Thankful (Students read aloud).BE THANKFULBe thankful just for what youve gotIf love is your guide, youve got a lotCause power here on earth goes byForget your fear, no need to cryBe thankful just for what you seeWere part of natures harmonyWhere everything is everythingWhos losing now tomorrow may winBe thankful just for who you areInside your soul youll find your starTake care of it and let it shineLeave all your pain and sorrow behind设计意图: 1)通过诗歌的欣赏深化所学内容。 2)过渡到作业的布置。. Homework: Write down and express thanks to sb around you (friends, family, teachers, or even enemy) 设计意图: 让学生在生活中怀有感恩的心。


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