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目 录1、 编制依据2、 工程概况23、 后浇带模板体系34、验算65、 后浇带砼浇筑18、 安全生产、现场文明施工要求 97、附图、编制依据.1XX国际商务港施工合同文本.2青岛XX设计事务所设计的图纸。3混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 (GBJ0204-002).4建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 (GBJ0020)1.5建筑施工计算手册 1。6钢筋混凝土高层建筑结构设计及施工规范 (JG3-91)17混凝土强度检验评定标准 (GBJ087)2、工程概况XX国际商务港位于青岛市城阳区中心位置,北邻X路,西邻X路.工程东西长为12。2米,南北宽为78。4米,建筑面积.5万平方米。工程地下两层,分别为地下车库和设备用房,地上十三层,其中一、二层为商业网点,三十三层为商务办公用房。本工程为框架筒体结构,底板为梁板式筏板基础,地上结构构件为柱和梁及电梯井、楼梯井筒体。工程地下二层为错层结构,轴北300mm处地下室层高为米,轴北300mm轴部分层高为。55米,/轴右4米轴左4米部分层高为4.米。地下一层层高为3.9米,一层层高为51米,二、三层层高为4.2米,四、五层层高为5.米,六十二层层高为3。6米,十三层层高为4.8米,本工程占地面积较大,东西轴线间距离为122。2米,南北轴线间距离为78。米.为减少砼施工过程中的温度应力和消除部分砼伸缩应力,主楼于、轴间设置两道南北向伸缩后浇带,裙房轴间设置一道南北向伸缩后浇带,主楼和裙房间设置一道东西向伸缩后浇带。 后浇带宽50m,厚度同墙、梁、板厚度。筏板砼为C35 S8,其它部位为C40,后浇带砼比同部位砼高一个等级。3、后浇带模板体系1)底板后浇带支模按附图进行,方法为:根据图纸设计位置,放出后浇带位置线,在边线内侧抹50mm宽,0mm高(东西向后浇带)或75mm高(南北向后浇带)C2细石砼埂(筏板钢筋为先布置2200南北向钢筋),以防止筏板砼砂浆从下层钢筋网片下渗入后浇带内。绑扎筏板、地梁及设计加强筋,然后在后浇带中心线的一侧,沿后浇带立支一个高cm的钢筋网片,网片上下各放置一根12钢筋,两根钢筋之间用12的立筋连接,立筋间距10,每100范围内将立筋和筏板钢筋焊接750m长12斜撑,以固定网片。网片立好后,将双层0目钢丝网固定在钢筋网片上,再焊接3330mm止水钢板,同法固定止水钢板上半部钢丝网,上层钢筋网片上绑扎0mm厚带锯齿型木条,阻挡筏板上层钢筋网片以上砼浆。2)地下室外墙后浇带,因工程要先回填土,然后再补浇后浇带。墙体砼浇筑后,后浇带外侧部分模板拆除,采用预制0mm厚C20砼板,通过和外墙预埋钢板焊接后封闭外墙外侧,预制板之间用:2水泥砂浆嵌缝。如图:)梁、板后浇带 在通过后浇带的梁头两侧各200处根据设计设置独立定型支撑,该竖向独立支撑直接支撑在梁底砼面,即梁端竖向独立支撑在第一次支模时,支撑顶面顶板标高设同梁底标高,顶板作该部位梁底的模板使用,垫一层油毡防止支撑头与梁底模之间的缝隙漏浆,撑杆下端支在楼板或底板上。平台及梁模板拆除后,独立支撑即作为后浇带的临时支撑,直至结构砼伸缩及建筑物沉降稳定后,二次支后浇带模板并浇筑后浇带砼,按规范留置同条件试块,在砼达到设计强度后拆除后浇带部位模板。上下层独立支撑立杆必须在同一条中心线上,以免荷载破坏楼板结构。竖向独立支撑平面设置原则为:凡与后浇带相交的梁底均在后浇带两侧各设一根,独立支撑在各层平面位置相同,以使上下层立杆上下中心线对齐。1、地下二层部位,因层高为5.55米,层高较高,顶板为1m厚,框架梁及次梁截面较大,选用槽钢18a(允许荷载06KN,允许高度906000mm)格构式独立支撑及槽钢16a(允许荷载400N,允许高度84500mm)格构式独立支撑,局部跨度(1。5米)较小次梁选用可调钢管定型竖向支撑(允许荷载40N,允许高度600mm)。2、其余部分至地上五层框架梁及次梁选用槽钢1a(允许荷载4060,允许高度2004500m、700300mm两种)格构式独立支撑,框架梁梁端设双道支撑,次梁除梁端设一道支撑外,梁与梁之间增设一道。3、六层至十二层框架梁选用槽钢6a(允许荷载060K,允许高度2703900mm)格构式独立支撑,次梁选用可调钢管定型竖向支撑(允许荷载0KN,允许高度8mm)。4、十三层框架梁选用槽钢1a(允许荷载060N,允许高度80450mm)格构式独立支撑,次梁选用可调钢管定型竖向支撑(允许荷载40K,允许高度400m).各种支撑型号如附表.4、验算 由于立杆中心线上下对齐,故假定上层立杆荷载通过楼板直接传至下层立杆。地下二层顶板梁验算1:(计算结构范围如附图) 一、选轴KL5作分析,板厚=180,主梁b=0,h950,计算跨度l。55m.计算假定:1)轴井字梁截面为305,将该范围井字梁转化为板厚:则轴右侧板厚h08+/(51 52) h=0.24则轴左侧板厚h0187.250。30。2(5.2.3)0.0.65(7。2) h0.268m则:1、轴右侧楼板荷载计算:板自重250。46.3KNm2 轴左侧楼板荷载计算:板自重25。268.7KNm2 轴右侧楼板传至KL4荷载(计算至右侧跨度1/部位): .355.1/3=10.95KNm 轴左侧楼板传至KL45荷载(计算至左侧跨度1/3部位): 6.77.53=。192KNm K45自重q=250。0。95=11。8 Nm、施工人员及设备等动荷载:2N/m23、K45上均布线荷载q=(板、梁恒载)+(动荷载)本计算采用支撑体系安全系数取2,支撑加固偏与安全,故计算不考虑静荷载分项系数。支撑上方梁板浇筑砼期间,该范围搭设有满堂模板支撑,故计算可不必考虑动荷载的分项系数。) q1。7951。121。875+2(5。13+/3) =47。95 KN/m则KL14均布线荷载q7095N/m本计算将KL45看作一端固定,一端简支的承受均布荷载的单跨梁,如下图,根据结构力学计算结果,本层荷载传至梁端荷载:/8ql(l为计算跨度 l550m)R3470955。5 98。01K4、后浇带边缘L8考虑由KL5、L6、KL45、L70及轴挡土墙共同承受则K14受到88集中荷载为:P=2。650。30.6525P192 K因本层为地下二层屋面,上层传至荷载R=0则独立支撑承受荷载N +P 98。01612。92 11. KN该处支撑点设两个C型槽钢6a格构式支撑,该支撑允许荷载为4060K,允许高度为80450m.该处梁底距地面为25米,高度满足要求。N20KN支撑体系安全二、对70分析:板厚=8,70梁b300,h650,计算跨度l.5m。同理,将该范围井字梁转化为板厚:(此将L0已转化为板厚)=0。8+510。30.65+(5.2-0。3)。0。65/(5 5。) =.24m则:1、楼板荷载计算:板自重25254=6。5N/m2 楼板传至L70荷载(该处取板计算跨度为27米): 6。52。7=17。145KN/ L自重250.3(650。254)=27 KN/m2、施工人员及设备等动荷载:KN/m2、L7上均布线荷载=板、梁恒载+动荷载 =1。145+2.97+227=5.51 KN/m则70均布线荷载=25。5 KN/本计算将L70看作一端固定,另一端简支的承受均布荷载的单跨梁,如下图,根据结构力学计算结果,本层荷载传至梁端荷载:R=8l(l为L70的计算跨度 5m)R3/8.515。5R=.09N4、后浇带边缘L88考虑由KL4、70及轴挡土墙共同承受则L70受到88集中荷载为:P=2。73521.P=15。95N因本层为地下二层屋面,上层传至荷载R=0则独立支撑承受荷载N=RP=3。09+15.795=88N该处支撑点设一个G型可调钢管定型竖向支撑(允许荷载45KN,允许高度4500m)。该处梁底距地面为4。25米,高度满足要求。68。5451。53在支撑体系安全系数.0范围内,支撑安全.三、轴KL2作分析,右侧板厚h=80,左侧板厚h1,KL2 =350,h=7,KL35=50,h=90,计算跨度ll=5.计算假定:)轴左板标高为395,轴右板标高为2.M,KL2、L合并为一个整体支撑加固,取其组合梁b=0,h=1。50(结构计算偏与安全),井字梁截面轴左为2505,轴右为300650,将该范围井字梁转化为板厚:则轴左侧板厚h0。12+/(。255.) h.68则:、轴左侧楼板荷载计算:板自重250.17=4。25KN/m2 轴右侧楼板荷载计算:板自重250.268=6。7N/m2 轴左侧楼板传至组合梁荷载(计算至左侧跨度3部位):.25。=114KN/m 轴右侧楼板传至组合梁荷载(计算至右侧跨度1/3部位):6.67。42K/m 组合梁自重q=250。5.5=4。35 KN/m、施工人员及设备等动荷载:2/m3、1上均布线荷载q=板、梁恒载+动荷载 q=.1422.375+2(2.7+2.6) q=638KN/则组合梁均布线荷载q6383 N/m本计算将L14看作一端固定,设有两个简支的承受均布荷载的单跨梁,如下图,根据结构力学计算结果,本层荷载传至梁端荷载:R8ql(l为计算跨度 l=2。52m)R2=3/8683.25R2=60。39K1(3/l2R2.52)/l(l为KL4的计算跨度 l5。5m)R1=(3/863.83555264392。525)/5。51=105。3 KN4、后浇带边缘L7 L88考虑由L3、L9、L30、6、KL14共同承受则组合梁受到L47 88集中荷载为:P2.630.6552。70250。4525在此,组合梁两侧考虑满跨2027KN暂假定上层传至荷载R=0则独立支撑承受荷载N1=R1+P 15.+2027 =156N2=R6.439KN该处于N设两个,N2设一个,共设三个A型槽钢16格构式支撑,该支撑允许荷载为40KN,允许高度为700900。该处梁底距地面为。25米,高度满足要求。N11202N2/602支撑体系安全四、轴K7作分析,板厚h=120,L2 b=350,h=550,计算跨度3.15m。计算假定:1)/轴间井字梁截面为450,将该范围井字梁转化为板厚:S=7558。65140.81V井字梁8。65。250332+(3。4750.2)0。533 V井字梁=。413转化为板厚hh。4110810。031m则:、楼板荷载计算:板自重25(0.120。031)=3。775K/2 轴北侧楼板传至K24荷载(计算至北侧跨度1部位): 37753。=12.35Km轴南侧楼板传至4荷载(计算至南侧跨度1/3部位):3。775293=11。072N/m KL24自重=2535。5=483 KNm、施工人员及设备等动荷载:K/m23、KL3上均布线荷载q=板、梁恒载动荷载 q=128351。072+4.3+(3。42.933) q418KN/m则组合梁均布线荷载=。86KN/本计算将KL24看作一端固定,一端简支的承受均布荷载的单跨梁,如下图,根据结构力学计算结果,本层荷载传至梁端荷载:R=/8(l为计算跨度 l=3.17m)R/1。38。175R4925KN则独立支撑承受荷载N=R49.5K该处设一个A型槽钢6a格构式支撑,该支撑允许荷载为060KN,允许高度为20090m。该处梁底距地面为3.4米,高度满足要求。N60KN支撑体系安全2)对/轴间井字梁L37作分析,井字梁截面为2500,计算跨度l=.475m:则:1、楼板荷载计算:板自重5(0.120+0。03)=3。5N/m 楼板传至45荷载(计算取。8m): 3.7810.57N/2、施工人员及设备等动荷载:2K/m、L上均布线荷载q=板恒载+动荷载 q=1.57+228 6.1Nm则组合梁均布线荷载q=1。7/m本计算将L37看作一端固定,一端简支的承受均布荷载的单跨梁,如下图,根据结构力学计算结果,本层荷载传至梁端荷载:38q(为计算跨度l=3.47m)381.734752107N则独立支撑承受荷载NR=21.07KN该处设一个C型槽钢6a格构式支撑,该支撑允许荷载为40N,允许高度为20500mm。该处梁底距地面为4.1米,高度满足要求。N6KN支撑体系安全因该处在结构筒体部位,故框架梁梁端和井字梁中间各增设一个C型槽钢1a格构式支撑。本工程后浇带属伸缩后浇带,按设计要求60天后即可封闭,因此预计浇筑地下室后浇带时工程主体施工至地上四层。则:4。2+21。070.K (每层荷载)70。325351.6 (5层荷载)施工期间对后浇带部位封闭管理,严禁在该区域堆放物体和进行施工,因此实际15不可能每层都有活荷载,上述五层累计荷载折算为:315=34。02KN33.02/(46)=。39支撑安全系数2结构安全5、后浇带砼的浇筑进场砼必须每车核对配合比、坍落度、砼标号、抗渗等级及外加剂掺量是否与设计要求一致。后浇带在浇筑砼前,必须将整个砼表面按照施工缝的要求进行处理。地下室底板与本层的外墙后浇砼一起浇筑,采用比两侧砼提高一个强度等级的补偿收缩性砼浇筑,养护时间不宜少于d,后浇带混凝土终凝后2小时即开始养护,表面覆盖一层薄膜,必要时加盖一层麻袋片,并浇水养护,浇水次数以保证砼始终处于湿润状态为准。地下室的后浇带1或后浇带均应一次性浇筑,地上部分可根据现场实际情况而定,但前后两次之间的施工缝应按规范要求设置在剪力较小处。浇筑所有后浇带砼时,应按有关规定留置标准养护试块,用于确定砼28天强度;基础底板及地下室外墙均需留置抗渗试块;浇筑顶板后浇带砼时,应留置拆模试块,用于确定拆模时间,后浇带模板必须在后浇带砼达到设计强度的10方可拆模.后浇带砼采用泵送的方法运送至浇筑地点。严格控制外墙拆模时间,防止因拆模过早而引起外墙穿墙螺杆松动.砼浇筑时,振动棒严禁碰撞预应力钢绞线.后浇带砼应振捣密实,与两侧砼之间的接缝收口必须顺畅、密实。6、安全文明施工要求1、施工现场所有用电设备,除作保护接零外,必须在设备保护线的首端处设置漏电保护装置。 2、每台用电设备应有各自专用的开关箱,必须实行“一机一闸”.3、在砼罐车卸料处路面满铺钢板,防止砼罐车压坏路面,进而影响基坑安全.、施工人员必须正确使用好各种劳保用品。 5、夜间施工照明充足.上下马道必须做防滑措施. 6、泵送砼作业过程中,软管末端出口与浇筑面应保持0.51m,防止埋入砼内,造成管内瞬时压力增高爆管伤人。7、严禁在外墙后浇带的钢筋网片上攀爬。8、砼浇筑前,应对振动器进行试运转,振动器操作人员应穿绝缘靴、戴绝缘手套;振动器不能挂在钢筋上,湿手不能接触绝缘开关。9、施工时应先将上层的后浇带洞口用夹板等遮盖严实并设置警戒区域,以防坠物伤人。10、夜间施工时使用聚光灯照射施工点以防对环境造成光污染.11、砼罐车每次出场应清理下料斗,防止砼遗洒污染交通路面。12、散落在楼板上的砼废料要及时清理。注: 插销插孔100,两方向设置,互相垂直,每根支撑上插销不少于道。注: 1。插销插孔100,两方向设置,互相垂直,每根支撑上插销不少于2道。 2固定钢板套扣与微调螺栓配套使用,并与从构可靠焊接.156 / 156(英文版 ) easiy blme,to even th boken winowecSuervie th eding cares to play an eemplary role,ae the lead n e stri plmnttionof e code ad rule, lad to aeguardth slemit a authory oth arty discipie,ensure ht thearydiscine ad the law and euation for iplementationinpa.hroughou th displine inhe lysrvisin nd ageme,strngtenuprvisondisecton,frothe thugh nvestgtion of violatons of dicipline eaior。 Strengthn to ky rea, ky partmnsad key projecs as ell s themasse refett ncntrtin oft nits a departmens for supervson stregtheing supervision, discilineinsecinand suprvision f rs to set exmpl fo complnce ih e coe an ule ia anmut behxyl, backsmith nee is on hrdwar。 Disipline insctio ognsas th eecuoof e arty discipline, an upervioro the defeners, for its speision ustbe morecty, discilin ipection and suevisio f adre t rml estblishthe awarenes oParty onstituton, ense of iipline ad rle consisness, oitisllty, nse obey Atn speak Jirdnance to se exampeothe regulations of te ule of, stegthe upervsionndacept e sprvisio fthe firmness nd onsciouess, dopywith an 。 firmly establish thedicipi ust frst e diclind, thesupevisr wil besubjec toe suervisin of concpt, an consciuly safeguar andimpemenartomasss py, tak lead inratcing tree trt rel stct, o loyl, clen,lay. To e goo at learn,the Constitution n the codeasmoaity, plitics an rogh t ruition; to implen ,do ot ntt, darenot, ot wth iscplinrulerosueviio;to scipne a ruer, oftete contonspeon, adonsciousy in th idelgica ed lne to daw t rw MingGoo aumlation indeed tebotom lie,so that he eart has fea, sai to h quit, then as eed.Attahed:iiffeentt hart,calml o th abl inur lif, there aremany upredtale things wil happn,some good,ome badthings, weannot corl is powerss t stop,but wittime, yu wl find i lfe sometimes turn outtobe nt ood, somebad thngs fnal tned otobe a good ing, but th w mud oweve i ntknow,thiis th if teacus thn.1, lifeca be compl, canalo me Wantimple e eciitatin, to hv enugh imet eflet, to ake Become moe prfc。 Li is the otmpoant thingis notto win, but tesgle; no to have onured, bu to h fought wll , teplain s he ackground ofie.Lie apain fe, ve up o thesels inot acwad, but thwseanwers;not iiusione after te at, suh aase, but xperienee stom ate thenlghtenn; not unrewadigprfucoily,but alm atide life of nresrained sfonidence。 Plin ivng, theres nonoise noisy,n erthly troubles, red not fill nhe disotent of esre, som jt a cm, a am。 , mmry ofhr ill o ood thin o erase the, life isa Whe movie,in is beinig, te strggeis ind of prcess, deathia kind oeding. Ge up his iingp ith hepless, do notgie p t bandod,d no give up this givig up is ignorance, do not give up hold nt giv up s pessen 4, aingfigured is heave, thimpassbiiy hell Sine te liing, to lve better Someis e becauseof oo arowmndd, to care arund hecores n penny is nd oun flish, not worh te cadle. omethings t attrac toubea woy, compltely depnds on owwe lok atand deal ith it Dontalwas take eveythingbck tothig, ndnt getino a blnd alle,dotwtto fae, dont b nowinded。 oeto cae, is id of open-mn, ree and easy。 5, not arai o oths bid me a kife, Iafridt lok backad see tb m, is m intentionto rateope; Ia oafrad f hetuth o tell the e frien, Im fri e tured to it as a joe o tell don , wh we e i apsitiv frame f mind, yo wllfind mny gootigs; ad whn weae a neaive sttefm, ill fid mny depred hings; ife happ d worry, all is y lifeatitude, opiiti, goo luc; lss ofink, Eriteaompy。Whn yuare in aderity, a wish t change a pontofviw t thinkeveigover god Think, ease godentliy ed the fte of e! 7, peope aed,et;heatid, clm. Gow up, mte, hs sociey read. Tiredan sad,squatdow,to their ahugBecaus he worl no ne cn sympathize withyou, avemeryo oo cr, ears i urow; you pain, noone canudrtnd Thenyuoly teas to smle.8, c pople hae youth,Eh ouh re a stoy, he ife o t wrl ner getseasir, wnt what, wih he lall kno, ashas bensame; no want nthing,for ear tat others know, or like olosee ame. 9, theheart v, verythgin the worl is llowd by brth, angrng, importat thng s oftenthe mot diffiultto open ones moth, becuewrdswill dce its irtnce; to let strangers eople are bou ourlif in th oohings, heorigina ot easy 10, not bam, do nlugh a ho,aso dont envy。Like peso isa kindof feling,noti a erson is tre eth seasyto eplain, Ifee s unspeaable.he st travl lifeis tha yu n arane placefound a loglst ouch。11, apy lfe ot in thbtlin in, and n the peace fnd; no mater owmn grices, how uncomfortable, nd utmly o hl hemslv oheir own, othr ay go you to cmort, but never nwour hart s howanncunxin.12, maam, le movi, lean areite, earn toe graeful, lean tolere, a gdness, helpng others Instad of acuing the socity, as ino n;and an ceto is bter togive thn to hat 1, dot vy him A sum of, otlose r if and the ie, esectivel i: te ormri a wexpeienced canot ecape n a day ly will ast minut, hilth later s orpesisten,we an therish th memoy of hose peole d things.14, lea sie, ern t trn, he orld you kow so man peole, so many pepe ad yo are, you cannt hangeas cnt le eeyneieyou, so aso no wanttodo. Liiooshrt o g razy to love t g o waste,to che te dra o reg. 15, whentempe, blesing tog.A woundngelegn pepl,theey isto onrol heir wnmotions.Wit te m is he ost stuid bhavor A cntrol negativeotios thna an take a city mr werful wate flow sow, laguge isexpensive People spnt wars f ti to lear to sak, buttospend a fe yars tie oshut up。Tha i a knof abiity, hat is a kind ofisdom. ,life isnt pere, ometimes, rwth i no cry,notaneyful of tars, theri no trceo eotion, there isno gla of hope,o esre, ocion, no atc, terei ony one kind of dowward sinking feelig, snk A muky? 6?? 6? 7 snk? 6?7?6? 7 tardhebottom th sin. 17, in som wa, o nt o, u wll not know e oh ide ner ibeauul。T yo inot good, ou donot mind oo much,noone as an oblgain t you; yo r knoledg, is you have weos, yucnstar fro scratc, but nt unarmed; hw dou ret peple,doe not epresnt hw oters treat yo, if canno se throuhts poit, ony invitin wrry。 1,tme i lke sng in te water, as lng as you ae wiling sue,thtotl wteris stillter. very life, ter hes an dwns Te bt test oflie, tolife, urvival and contiuton, do not stp th stgle the jos and srr of ifeon t road, sotat different soul to bar lie bet, accenceof suerig。 1, idiffert to heart, camly intabe, lgant ndcomfrtable lf, donot e what is important。 pusuit will be dsapoined;o be aliv,ywil hae truble。 is the mot afri of wha al wantto ce abt,but aso watagrasp is no fir,withoutscery,eparated poplations, such as ot to dsire, all ockedin he at of th n。 Wy is to rigid, the natural, ogtayotto live, letgf bsesn, revel s2, if te fat o tebrkn es of sailing, peas dont dspair, h coast s stil, if the fe f the itered peals of t bautiful, please do not ik,hespringsill, lifewill alas bendlss rble, pleaedothelles,because they are stillalie, itill adre, th sun stil, we till Lost,eepmemoris; t get, must worko;bt th mostimpotant s good to hish their。 21, le,slct the cmplex, is ohoosee p; cos a spe,i choose obe hppy。 olwo like Signfcancef pride。He is the orate palac, otsdepol amiring the gnicen, lig in te dep knwge oflivng i to py e prceple wold as a simple lg cabin usid ridled habb, he heart ilng t go leto knw th o。 Suferingan joy s heirwn choic。 2, lrn how t s ainle powefu hear,lt the st be thepst, lt he futue ome. Li s raly the en f the en f a agle s flying wings, lfe isonay pusit Don misstoregret, dont ait fr ld jstiss Tme to etrn, sie ever moent,aga ainakinglyagantied also Thoestgngto fly.3,life could notYmapigchuan,even flatpavemen, ievitblyteewea fepieeo roblck omeofthe rcksaoud t pat, hileors ave oveit t Just move otersputth son iery e, because the tnfrome apeaanc we cniscern; difiutto myelf t mov ay h hat of stonehead.Leav metpend wit her, oftenrect mhat, soas remv yur rt f stone 24, eeryg desot ave toe dmandg, ce o, everthing doesno hveocre abou, er ast; faling to d o frown,au i laugh. Resuls Dont demand, do to; lieisa smple,cam neaceul. way no to chooehe on atand rgret, leisika train, te scnery nd en nited Sttes will retreat, hepsse otmeadencounter wil evetull difing furtherad furthe away, foeis alas himelf 25, everyone hs a weaess, weaknesis rue umanity.hat hano weakns, a shallow peopl thinkther is o eakness,ostly false Lif hashortcomings, there are shortomings sthe eal fe. Tha o oe rt,r childish orbness or Sef deception。It s inlernce of eakness an so ontoacp, eople liehay.Hello, evero! I am aptyme。 Th title of my peec is: stuad implment t aty two ws, doing rcticlplahihway。 2015 cter 18,the Central Commite of the ComunstPty of in promlae thmlmetatin fth and Chinee Communt Paty discilne nd nishment reguation We Heyua lesrsby tospodosiivly to he al he Centr Citee of teparty, ernsyorganzthstudy ary two regulatos, trlygrsp eessnc an gt, ad herrsiv postios, tohodthe botom ln ofthdiscipie, buld a stron idelogical ine o dfense,ih corge o l, th courag o fght tough an faress pirit, att ccia momt well ocompe tetsk,wit actiaactio to tes the stdy and imlement efcBcaus oiscipin inthe * * * * sory。 e,lt me to cstabik to tract je, spek about our highway. ghwa lin setion of h oadsurfc trasformn proect, last year”towad the


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