ADs Translation 广告翻译,德国大众:“小即是好。” 经典广告语,German public:The small is good.,可口可乐:“享受清新一刻。”,Coca-Cola:Enjoy delightfully fresh moment,耐克:“只管去做。”,NIKE: Just do it,Just do it,Startahead.成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔) Taketimetoindulge尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌),Advertising Media,1. Press Advertising 报刊广告 2. Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电广告 3. Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告 4. Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售点陈列广告 5. Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易会 6. Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 7. Cinema 电影广告,广告功能,信息功能 (informative function) 美感功能(aesthetic function) 表情功能(expressive function) 祈使功能 (vocative function) 英美现代广告学认为,广告的作用在于: 1. Information (提供信息) 2. Persuasion (争取顾客) 3. Maintenance of Demand (保持需求) 4. Creating Mass Markets (扩大市场) 5. Quality (确保质量),广告口号(slogans)、广告语句(catch-phrases)的特点,吸引力 (attractive - catch the readers attention) 创造力 (creative - project an image) 说服力 (persuasive - urge the reader to act) 影响力 (impressive - produce an impact),Obey your thirst. (雪碧) 服从你的渴望。 Feel the new space. (三星电子) 感受新境界。 Focus on life. (奥林巴斯相机) 瞄准生活。 A Kodak moment. (柯达相纸 / 胶卷) 就在柯达一刻。 Started Ahead. (飘柔洗发水) 成功之路,从头开始。 Make yourself heard. (爱立信手机) 理解就是沟通。 Intelligence everywhere. (摩托罗拉手机) 智慧演绎,无处不在。,The choice of a new generation. (百事可乐) 新一代的选择。 We integrate, you communicate. (三菱电工) 我们集大成,您超越自我。 Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. (丰田汽车) 动态的诗,向我舞近。 Lets make things better. (飞利浦电器) 让我们做得更好。 Good teeth, good health. (高露洁牙膏) 牙齿好,身体就好。,英语广告的翻译方法,直译法 意译法 套译法 四字结构法 创译法 增补型翻译,英,中,一、直译法,1)He laughs best who runs longest. (He laughs best who laughs last) 谁跑到最后,谁笑得最好。(轮胎广告),2)“一切皆有可能” (李宁服饰) Anything is possible. 3)At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock.Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. 时速60英里的新款“劳斯莱斯”轿车,它最大的噪声来自电子钟。和我不一样,我的劳力士从不需要休息。(劳力士手表),No problem too large. No business too small.,没有解决不了的大问题, 没有不做的小生意。,(IBM),2) Essence of living beings, energy for life. 汲取生物精华,焕发生命潜能。,二、意译法,1) Were not in the computer business. Were in the results business.(IBM) 唯我电脑,成效更高。,A Mars a day keeps(helps) you work,rest and play.,一天一块玛斯巧克力,令你工作玩乐不知疲!,三、套译法,2) Where there is South, there is a way. 有了南方,就有了办法。(咨询公司),1) Tasting is believing. 百闻不如一尝。,3) All is well that ends well.,烟蒂好,烟就好。,Ugly is only skin-deep. 其貌不扬。,四、四字结构法,1) One Warrior in the pass and ten thousand lose heart. 一夫当关,万夫莫开。 (保险门),2) FIYTA watch, once possess,nothing more is expected. “飞亚达”表,一旦拥有,别无所求。,形容词+名词,novel design设计新颖,复合名词,bright-colored 色彩鲜艳,形容词+名词+介词短语,a wide selection of colors and designs 花色繁多,形容词+and+形容词,cheap and fine 价廉物美,形容词+介词+名词,elegant in smell 香气高雅,形容词+不定式,convenient to use 使用方便,名词+形容词,orders welcome 欢迎选购,四字结构,名词+动词,everying attempts 样样迷人,动词+名词+(其他),prolong the life 延年益寿,动词+物主代词+名词,relieve ones thirst 甘醇生津,动词+宾语+宾补,make one feel at ease and energetic 安心益气,动词+副词+形容词+名词,sell well all over the world 畅销全球,介词+冠词+形容词+名词,with a long reputation 久负盛名,副词+形容词,gloriously golden 名贵高尚,四字结构,luxuriant in design 设计华丽 guaranteed quality and quantity 保质保量 high quality and inexpensive 价廉物美,priceless nourish perfect 无价之宝 营养丰富 完美无瑕 fruitful aroma distinctive 产量丰富 香气馥郁 与众不同,a great variety of styles aesthetic appearance convenient in use courteous service Exquisite workmanship guaranteed quality and quantity Long-standing reputation,款式多样 样式美观 使用方便,服务周到 做工讲究 保质保量 久负盛名,The Global brings you the world in a single copy. 一册在手, 纵览全球。 (杂志),创译指有一定创造性的翻译,但不是纯粹的创作。 创译要求译者有丰富的知识、大胆的想象和拓展性的思维方式。 创译不能局限于字面意思,要善于挖掘深层涵义,同时大胆地加入其个人创造。,五、创译法,1) Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚),创译法,3) Quality Services for Quality Life 凝聚新动力 文康展新姿。,2) It happens at the Hilton.(Hilton) 希尔顿酒店有求必应。,Good to the last drop! 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽! (麦斯威尔咖啡 ),六、增补型翻译,适当增加译文内容,(一) 对原文某些关键词的词义进行挖掘、引申和扩充。大多数情况下,译文的意义明显超出原文,是典型的超额翻译。,(二) 出于中文习惯上的考虑,比如汉语里的四字成语,言简意赅、寓意深刻、内涵丰富,所以在广告用语中常常会看到对仗工整的成语,增补型翻译,1)Beyond your imagination.(Korean Air) 意想不到的天空。(韩国航空),2)Elegance is an attitude.(Longines) 优雅态度 真我性格。(浪琴表),3)Your Future is Our Future.(HSBC) 与您并肩 迈向明天 。(汇丰银行),Taking the lead in a Digital World. 领先数码,超越永恒。(三星电子),Thank you,