江西省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷六 并列句和复合句

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2013年高考第二轮复习英语江西版专题升级训练六并列句和复合句.单项填空1(2012南昌二模)What time do we have to be at the gate?_ the passengers are already boarding.AHurriedlyBSoonCImmediately DSince2I had just given up the hope of going to the concert _ someone offered to spare me a ticket.AwhenBwhile CsoDuntil3(2012江西丰、樟、高、宜四市联考)The experiment is of particular importance.I see.We will carry on with it _ we can get enough money or not.Aunless Bwhether Cthough Duntil4(2012山东实验中学二模)According to the research,_ was once considered rare and healthy food is no more than something ordinary.Athat Bwhether Call Dwhat5You see,Im poor in maths,you are not good at English,and.Thats_ we should help each other.Awhen Bwhere Chow Dwhat6(2012江西重点中学协作体第二次联考)_ seems to be a strong competition in China for a college graduate to find a job also exists in other countries.AThere BIt CWhat DThat7(2012江西重点中学盟校第一次联考)A turning point of the continuously high housing price wont appear suddenly because there must be a certain process _ many factors lead to the change.Awhich Bwhat Cwhere Dthat8When you go by train,please see to it_ you take an express,_ that stops only at big stations.Athat;one B/;the one Cthat;it D/;it9(2012济南二模)In his letter was his promise _ he would spend the Christmas Eve with me.Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dwhether10The order came_ the soldiers_ the small village the next morning.Athat;would leave Bthat;leave C/;must leave Dwhen;should leave11The news_ is spreading around the airport is_ a big snowstorm will come attacking.Awhich;which B/;thatCthat;which Dthat;that12Your speech was heard by a group of judges,all of_ agreed that it was the best one this year.Awho Bwhom Cwhich Dthem13He is the very lecturer,_ experience impressed us greatly at the conference yesterday.Awho Bwhose Cwhich Dwhom14I often look back on my university days,_ I regard as the happiest of my life.Awhich Bthat Cwhen Dwhat15I dont like the way_ he talked to his mother.Aas Bthat Cwhich Dby which16(2012江西重点中学协作体第二次联考)How can a country _ teachers devote all their class hours to training students to take exams _ to compete in the technology race with other countries?Ain which;expect Bwhen;be expectedCwhere;be expected Dwhere;being expected17I made friends with Tom during his stay in Beijing,_ he was studying Chinese in a university there.Awhich Bthat Cwhen Dwhere18_ is often the case with children,Amy was completely better by the time the doctor arrived.AIt BThat CWhich DAs19(2012济南一模)The retired workers were invited to the company,_ surprise,changes had been so great over the years.Awhose BwhoCto whom Dto whose20The zoologist hid himself among the bushes,_ he could watch how the lions lived on the grassland.Awhere BwhichCfrom where Dfrom which21_ the smoke come out of the building,my first thought was to call the fire department as soon as possible.AHaving seen BWhen seeingCWhen I saw DSeeing22I am afraid I would have little influence over her _ her mind was made up on any subject.Auntil Bonce Cthough Dunless23_ time goes by,Mothers hair has turned grey and the wrinkles on her face deeper.AAs BWith CWhile DBecause24Whats your plan for this winter vacation?Ill take an express train to Dalian for my holiday _ school ends.Awhile BuntilCimmediately Dunless25You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting _ you dont mind taking the night train.Aprovided Bunless Cthough Duntil26Is it possible for us to arrive at the meeting on time _ we have missed the early bus?Aeven if Bin case Cas if Dnow that27(2012济南四模)The experiment is of particular importance.I see.We will carry on with it _ we can get enough money or not.Awhether Bthough Cunless Duntil28The weather was bad for some weeks,_ the progress in the building of the power station slowed down.Ain case Bso thatCin order that Dso long as29Can you describe_ it happened?Yes,I was riding on my bike_ a car knocked me down from behind.Awhen;as Bhow;asChow;when Dhow;while30_ is known to us all is that the old worker,for _ life was hard in the past,still works hard in his seventies.AAs;whom BWhat;whoseCIt;whose DWhat;whom.阅读理解Last year more than 100 foreign delegations (代表团)and governments visited Helsinki,hoping to learn the secret of their schools success.In 2006,Finlands pupils scored the highest average results in science and reading in the whole of the developed world.In the OECDs exams for 15 yearolds,known as PISA,they also came second in maths,beaten only by teenagers in South Korea.This isnt a oneoff:in previous PISA tests Finland also came out top.The Finnish philosophy with education is that everyone has something to contribute and those who struggle in certain subjects should not be left behind.A strategy (策略)used in almost every lesson is the supply of an additional teacher who helps those who struggle in a particular subject.But the pupils are all kept in the same classroom,regardless of their ability in that particular subject.According to the OECD,Finnish children spend the fewest number of hours in the classroom in the developed world.This reflects another important theme of Finnish education.Primary and secondary schooling is combined,so the pupils dont have to change schools at the age of 13.They avoid a possibly troubled changeover from one school to another.Children in Finland only start main school at the age of seven.The idea is that before then they learn best when theyre playing and by the time they finally get to school they are keen to start learning.Finnish parents obviously claim some recognition for the impressive school results.There is a culture of reading with the kids at home and families have regular contact with their childrens teachers.The educational systems success in Finland seems to be partcultural.Pupils study in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.The success is built on the idea of less can be more.There is an emphasis on relaxed schools,free from political prescriptions.This combination,they believe,means that no child is left behind.1What does the underlined word “oneoff” in Paragraph 3 mean according to the passage?ASomething that occurs only once.BSomething successful in the PISA tests.CSomething that takes place repeatedly.DSomething strange and unexpected.2Which of the following is true according to the passage?AFinlands pupils got the highest average score in science in the world in 2006.BFinlands pupils got the highest score in reading in the world in 2006.CIn PISA,Finlands pupils also got the highest average score in maths.DPupils from South Korea got the top No.1 in maths in PISA.3A strategy in the Finnish education is that _.Apupils who struggle in certain subjects should be left behind Bthere is an additional teacher who helps pupils who have difficulty with a particular subject Cpupils are separated in different classrooms according to their ability in a particular subject Dpupils have to change schools at the age of 134Finlands children _ before starting main school.Aare keen to learn Bplay happilyCstudy very hard Ddont learn anything5Finlands success in education lies in the following facts except that _.Aeveryone has something to contribute and those who struggle in certain subjects should not be left behindBthere is a culture of reading with the kids at homeCthe pupils often change from one school to anotherDfamilies have regular contact with their childrens teachers参考答案. 1. 答案:C解析:考查连词。句意:我们什么时间到登机口?一旦旅客们登机(我们就要到登机口)。immediately作为连词,引导时间状语从句,意思是“一就”。此句是一个省略句。完整的句子是:We have to be at the gate immediately the passengers are already boarding. 2. 答案:A解析:have just done sth.when.是一个常用句型,意为“刚刚做了某事,这时突然(发生了另一件事)”,该句型中,when是并列连词,表示“(突然)就在这时、那时”。 3. 答案:B解析:句意:这个实验特别重要。我明白。无论我们能不能得到足够的钱,我们都会继续进行下去。whether.or not在句中引导让步状语从句,表示“不管,无论”。 4. 答案:D解析:根据句子结构可知“_ was once considered rare and healthy food”部分为主语从句,从句中缺少主语,所以选择what。that引导名词性从句时无意义也不作成分;whether意为“是否”,不作句子成分;all不能起引导作用。 5. 答案:B解析:根据“我数学不好”和“你英语不好”判断,应选where引导该表语从句,表示“那就是我们应该互相帮助之处”。 6. 答案:C解析:考查名词性从句。本句的主语是“_ seems to be.to find a job”,谓语是“exists”,状语是“in other countries”。由此可知,主语是一个从句形式,而这个主语从句中又缺少主语成分,故选C项。句意:中国的大学毕业生在找工作时遇到强大的竞争,这种现象似乎在其他国家也存在。 7. 答案:C解析:此处用关系副词where来引导定语从句,相当于in which,修饰先行词process。 8. 答案:A解析:see to it that意为“确保,务必”,后面的it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为“_ you take an express”,所以第一个空应选that引导宾语从句;第二个空应选one作an express的同位语,由于是泛指,所以不能带有冠词。 9. 答案:A解析:句意:他在信中写了要与我共度平安夜的诺言。空格后为promise所接的同位语从句,意义完整,故用that引导。 10. 答案:B解析:第一个空应选that引导同位语从句,说明order的内容;在order 后面的同位语从句中应用虚拟语气,谓语用(should) do的形式,所以第二个空应选leave。 11. 答案:D解析:第一个空应选that或which引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语,不可省略;第二个空应选that引导表语从句,that无意义也不作成分。 12. 答案:B解析:该题考查非限制性定语从句,先行词是judges,指人,在介词of后面应选whom。由于前后句之间没有关系词,所以不能选them。 13. 答案:B解析:该题考查非限制性定语从句,定语从句中需要定语修饰主语experience,所以答案为B项。 14. 答案:A解析:在该题的非限制性定语从句中,引导词需要作regard的宾语,所以选which。 15. 答案:B解析:way表示“方式,方法”时,后面的定语从句应由in which或that引导,也可省略引导词。16. 答案:C解析:考查定语从句和被动语态。句意:当一个国家的教师把全部的课堂时间用来训练学生参加考试时,又怎么能期望这样一个国家与其他国家在技术发展方面竞争呢?“_ teachers devote all.take exams”是定语从句,修饰先行词“a country”,从句中缺少地点状语,可以用关系词“where”或“in which”;第二空缺少谓语动词,根据句意可知,本句表示被动,故选C项。 17. 答案:C解析:during his stay in Beijing意为“他待在北京期间”,所以应选when引导定语从句,并在从句中作时间状语,表示“在北京期间”。 18. 答案:D解析:该题应选As引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,含有“正如,正像”的意思,该定语从句放在前面修饰整个主句的内容。 19. 答案:D解析:to ones surprise意为“令人吃惊的是”,根据该结构判断应选to whose surprise引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明先行词the retired workers的内容。句意:退休工人被邀请到公司,令他们吃惊的是,公司这些年变化这么大。 20. 答案:C解析:根据句意判断,动物学家是“从灌木丛里观察草地上狮子的生活情况”,而不是“在灌木丛里观察”,所以该题不能简单地理解为where引导定语从句,而是应用from where。介词from后面也可以接表示时间或地点的副词,如from here/there/where/now/then等。 21. 答案:C解析:分析句子结构可知,句子主语my first thought不能做出“看”的动作,而非谓语形式的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,所以不能选择A、B、D项。答案为C项,when引导时间状语从句。 22. 答案:B解析:until意为“直到”;once意为“一旦”;though意为“尽管;虽然”;unless意为“除非”。根据句意判断应选once引导时间状语从句,表示“一旦她下了决心”。 23. 答案:A解析:as time goes by意为“随着时间的流逝”。若用with,须表达为With time going by。 24. 答案:C解析:while意为“在期间,尽管”;until意为“直到”;immediately意为“立刻,一就”;unless意为“除非,如果不”。根据句意和逻辑关系判断应选C项,表示“一放假我就乘快车去大连度假”。 25. 答案:A解析:A项意为“假如,只要”;B项意为“除非”;C项意为“尽管”;D项意为“直到”。句意:假如你不介意乘夜班火车的话,你可以早点到北京参加会议。 26. 答案:D解析:even if意为“即使”;in case意为“以防”;as if意为“仿佛;好像”;now that意为“既然;由于”。根据逻辑关系可知“已耽误了早班车”是产生“可能按时到达参加会议吗”疑问的原因,因此选D项。 27. 答案:A解析:whether意为“是否”;though意为“尽管”;unless意为“除非”;until意为“直到”。根据句意以及后面的or not判断应选A项。28. 答案:B解析:A项意为“以防”;B项意为“结果”;C项意为“目的是为了”;D项意为“只要”。根据句意看出,“电站建设进度慢”是“几周来天气糟糕”带来的结果,所以选B项。 29. 答案:C解析:根据答语看出询问的是方式而不是时间,所以第一个空应用how;第二个空应用并列连词when,表示“就在这时;就在那时”。 30. 答案:D解析:分析句子结构可知,“is that the old worker”前面是一个主语从句,as和it都不能引导主语从句,可排除A、C项;根据句意判断,第二个空应选whom作介词for的宾语,表示“对他来说过去的生活很艰难”,如果去掉for,也可用whose引导定语从句,表示“过去他的生活很艰难”。. 1. 答案:A解析:根据后面“.in previous PISA tests Finland also came out top”可知,2006年芬兰学生取得好成绩不是偶然的,在这之前的PISA考试中他们也取得了第一的成绩。 2. 答案:D解析:根据第二段结尾可知,韩国学生取得了第一名。 3. 答案:B解析:根据第五段可知,芬兰教育的策略之一就是有另外的辅导教师帮助某一学科学习有困难的学生。 4. 答案:B解析:倒数第三段“.they learn best when theyre playing.”说明了芬兰的学前教育思想,孩子们在玩乐之中学得最好,也就是说孩子们要尽情地玩耍。故选B项。 5. 答案:C解析:根据倒数第四段可知,芬兰学生13岁之前不必换学校,所以答案为C项。


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