北京市房山区房山中学2012-2013学年高二英语 寒假作业6

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北京市房山区房山中学2012-2013学年高二英语 寒假作业6_第1页
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北京市房山区房山中学2012-2013学年高二英语 寒假作业6_第3页
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北京市房山区房山中学2012-2013学年高二英语寒假作业7一、翻译句中黑体并划线的短语1. Come on, lets go.2. Ive got a cold coming on.3. You go and Ill come on when Ive finished working.4. When will their new CD come out?5. Can you come round this evening?6. Shes coming round, thank goodness.7. News came through that they had arrived safely.8. He has come through the operation but hes still sleeping.9. She came to and found herself lying on the floor.10. The sun was coming up as we began our walk.11. Whenever there is trouble, her name comes up.12. I hope that comes up in the exam.13. A summer job has come up in the caf.14. We came up against several problems in the beginning。15. The water came up to our knees.16. Your homework doesnt come up to your usual high standard.17. He came up with a brilliant idea for her birthday present.18. Copy down these words.二、单项选择1. Will John win? His chances seem to be poor. . He who laughs last laughs best.A. Thats trueB. Of course not C. No trouble at all D. Its hard to say2. I couldnt win a prize in the contest? Dont worry. Just try your best.A. So what B. Why so C. What if D. For what3. is very little point in complaining about the weather. It wont help much.A. It B. This C. That D. There4. Our company always needs translators to translate materials from Chinese into English, not .A. in other words B. at the other end C. on the other hand D. the other way around5. “Dont be too about things you are not supposed to know,” said the mother to her child.A. curious B. strange C. obvious D. clear6. The head office of the bank is based in London, with in most big cities in the world.A. branchesB. companies C. organizations D. boundaries7. Im afraid things arent going to smooth as you are expecting. You have to be careful.A. turn over B. turn out C. turn down D. turn in8. I never dreamed of there such a cruel man in the world.A. was B. had been C. being D. to be9. Andy cant attend the party at Tims house now, because he is preparing the speech for the party at Marys house tomorrow.A. held; being held B. to be held; heldC. to be held; to be held D. being held; to be held10. The prisoner came into the court with both his hands back.A. being tied B. tied C. tying D. having been tied11. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just _ a look at the sports stars.A. had B. having C. to have D. have12. _ from his accent, he comes from America.A. Judge B. Judged C. Judging D. To judge13. The beautiful model got engaged an artist, who had been engaged art education for many years.A. to; in B. with; on C. to; to D. with; in14. It took quite a long time before we felt we the city.A. impressedB. constructed C. belonged to D. created15. Engines are to machines _ hearts are to animals.A. that B. as C. which D. what16. They my old house and built fine new ones.A. pulled down B. pulled in C. pulled on D. pulled off17. You can bring me the book you mentioned when .A. it is convenient for you B. it is convenient of youC. you are convenient D. you will be convenient18. How come you know so much about whats going on in that country? Ive got a friend there who always keeps me by e-mail.A. informingB. to be informedC. being informedD. informed19. I really cant stand so much noise while eating.A. him to make B. him making C. he makes D. he making20. In our school, a teaching building is construction.A. in B. within C. at D. under三、完形填空Although I had left school against the advice of my teachers, I had, without telling anyone, tried to 36 my studies in literature at evening classes. It was a tiresome 37 from one end of the city to another and to 38 among adults was uninteresting. I was the youngest in the 39 , so the friendship I knew at school was 40 . I put up with it for a short period. It was 41 long a walk on cold winters nights and it was hard to put my 42 into Shakespeare with wet shoes and trousers. So I continued writing poetry at home.By chance, I 43 some prizes and awards for literature. A young woman from a 44 company came to the college one day. She told me that I won a national poetry award. I 45 at her in astonishment(吃惊) and disbelief. She wanted to make a short 46 about me, to which I said, “ No , I couldnt do that.” Not that I had any real 47 . I was just frightened. In the end she 48 me that I should do it the following day.So I did. They made a short film of me reading one of my 49 and I became 50 interested in literature than ever. I 51 what I should do after this, and decided some weeks later that I could not 52 myself spending the rest of my days dealing with machines. So one evening, I hesitatingly (犹豫地) told my parents that I wanted to _53 to school. They were greatly surprised and a little afraid, but they did not try to persuade me not to. They wanted to know if I was 54 , and if I knew what it meant and 55 I realized that if I gave up my job training, it would be very difficult to get a good job. But nothing could stop me, and they asked about the matter no further. 36Astop Bgo onCcontinue Dwalk37AtalkBjourneyCjob Dwalk38Ado Bsit Ctalk Dwork39Afamily Bclass Ccity Dcountry2008081240Aabsent Bmissed Clost Dover41Atoo Bvery Cmuch Dquite42Amind Bheart Csoul Dthought43Adefeated Bbeat Cwon Dhit44ATV Bradio Cshoe Dfood45Alooked Bfixed Cshouted Dstared46Atalk Bfilm Cconversation Dspeech47Areason Bcause Cexcuse Dwish48Aadvised Bsuggested Cagreed Dpersuaded49Apoems Bstories Cspeeches Dplans50Aless Bmuch Cfar Dmore51Awandered Bconsidered Cdiscussed Dwondered52Athink Bconsider Cspend Dimagine53Adrop Bleave Creturn Dgo to54Asure Bclear Ccurious Dtrue55Awhether Bthat Chow Dwhat四、写作假如你叫李华,为了吸引游客,向外国朋友介绍北京1. 北京是一座现代化的大都市,是中国的首都。人口有一千四百多万。2. 北京是个历史悠久的城市,许多朝代在这里建都。市内有许多古代建筑和漂亮的公园环境优美.每年有数以百万计的各国旅游者来这里参观。3. 北京是中国政治文化和经济中心。污染得到了很好的治理,到处种着树木和花草.随着国家的发展,它将变得越来越美丽。


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