陕旅版英语四年级下册Unit 3 Is it snowing 课时练习题

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陕旅版英语四年级下册Unit 3 Is it snowing 课时练习题_第1页
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Unit 3 Is It Snowing?第一课时一、看图,选择与图片对应的单词。A. glasses B. snow C. wind D. rain E. cloud F. raincoat1.( )2( )3( )4( )5.( )6.( )二、根据中文释义,填写正确形式。 1rain(现在分词)2snow(现在分词)3cloud (形容词)4snow(形容词)三、超级小翻译。1雪人3. 在空中飞四、选一选。2. 蓝色的天4. 一副眼镜( )1. windy A. go swimming( )2. raining B. make a snowman( )3. hot C. raincoat( )4. snowy D. fly a kite参考答案一、1. D 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. A 6. F二、 1. raining 2. snowing 3. cloudy 4. snowy三、1. snowman 2. blue sky 3. fly in the sky 4. a pair of glasses 四、1. D 2. C 3. A 4. BUnit 3 Is It Snowing? 第二课时一、单项选择题。( )1. Look the book on the desk.A. at B. in C. on( )2. , Its raining.A. Watch B. Look C. Listen( )3. Let go home.A. us B. is C. s( )4. Is it raining?.A. Yes, it isnt B. No, it is C. Yes, it is ( )5. Is there a wind?, Its snowing.A. Yes B. No C. OK 二、看图选择正确的答案。1.You need .A. glasses B. raincoat C. coat D. umbrella2.You need .A. glasses B. raincoat C. kite D. bag3.You need .A. glasses B. raincoat C.coat D.umbrella三、读一读,按要求完成句子。1It is snowing.(改为一般疑问句)snowing?2. Is there a wind?(做否定回答), there .3. It is cold today.(改为感叹句)it is today!参考答案一、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B二、 1. C 2. B 3. A三、1. Is it 2. No isnt 3. How coldUnit 3 Is It Snowing? 第三课时一、单项选择题。( ) 1. Its cold. Please put your sweater.A. on B. in C. out( ) 2. Look at the clouds.Please your umbrella to your school.A. takeB. take out C. take of( ) 3. Its . I need my sweater.A. snowsB. snowC. snowing二、给图片选择合适的句子。( )1.( )2.( )3.A. Its raining. B. Its snowing. C. Put on the raincoat. 三、小小翻译家。1天在下雨吗? it ?2让我们带上一件雨衣吧. Lets a .3请穿上你的外套. Please your coat.四、选句子,补全对话。A: Lets go to school now, OK?B: OK.1. .A: Yes, there is.B: Is it raining?A: 2. .B: Lets take out our raincoats. A: 3. .B: OK!A. Lets put them on. B. Is there a wind? C. Yes, it is.参考答案一、1. A 2. A 3. C二、 1. B 2. C 3. A三、1. Is raining 2. take raincoat 3. put on 四、1. B 2. C 3. AUnit 3 Is It Snowing? 第四课时一、选词填空。an with in on beautiful 1. I want umbrella.2. The T- shirt is nice. Put it .3. Look at the coat. How !4. He is playing a cat.5. Look at the sun the sky.二、超级小翻译。1. 早上好3. 可怜的小鸟2. 做游戏4.下象棋5. 他们在玩游戏吗? they games?6. 真甜啊!it is!三、连词成句,注意大小写。1. you playing are games (?)2. busy is the cat (.)3. beautiful the how flower is (!)4. play to I chess want (.)四、按要求填写句子。1. It is cold today.(改为感叹句)it is today!2. They are playing games.(改为疑问句)playing games?3. Are the two birds busy?(作否定回答) No, .参考答案一、1. an 2. on 3. beautiful 4. with 5. in二、 1. good morning 2. play games 3. poor little bird4. play chess 5. Are playing 6. How sweet


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