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New Progressive College English Book IIIUNIT 3 Cultural Differences课程名称大学英语(三)使用教材全新版大学进阶英语综合教程(3)授课内容How My Chinese Mother-in-Law Replaced My HusbandReading 1Cultural Differences: Praise(精读)Reading 2 Mandarin Madness: The Tones(泛读)授课学时6教学目的1. Discuss the concept of cultural differences2. Have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically3. Master the key words and expressions in context properly4. Become familiar with the writing of a comparison/contrast essay教学重点与难点1. Analyze the structure and grasp the main idea of Text 2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text3. Learn to write a comparison/contrast essay4. Critical thinking教学方法与手段1. Audio-visual method and audio-lingual method.2. Task-based language teaching method3. Communicative approach4. Using CAI, PPT5. Smart teaching (using online tools or materials)教学过程1. Lead-in Activities Step 1. Warm-up activities Step 2. Discussion about cultural differences2. Global Reading Step 1. Approaching the theme Step 2. Analyzing the text organization3. Detailed ReadingStep 1. Understanding the text in a deeper levelStep 2. Learning useful expressions Step 3. Learning difficult sentences structuresStep 4. Learning new words 4. Comprehending Reading 1Step 1: Skimming the textStep 2: Explaining the difficult sentences of the textStep 3: Doing sentence translation5. After readingStep 1. Viewing and Listening Step 2. Speaking Step 3. Assignment作业Assignment:1. Read the text in Reading 2 and finish the exercises.2. Write a comparison/contrast essay 3. Preview the next unit.Unit 1 Cultural Differences1. Teaching Objectives: Students will be able toA. have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically B. illustrate the concept of cultural shock by giving examplesC. learn languages, e.g. words, phrases, difficult structureD. become familiar with the writing of a comparison/contrast essay2. Time Allotment:1stPeriod: Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about cultural differences)2nd Period: Global-reading (Text: Approaching the theme; analyzing the text organization) 3rd Period:Detailed reading (Understanding the Text A in a deeper level, analyzing difficult sentence structures)4th Period: Detailed reading Activities (Learning new words, summarizing good usage)5th Period: Comprehending Reading 1 (Skimming the text, explaining the difficult sentences of the Text, doing sentence translation) 6th Period: After-reading Activities (Viewing and Listening; Speaking; Assignment)3. Teaching Procedures:3.1 Lead-in ActivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activitiesThe teacher introduces the topic to the class by asking if they can give any example of how Chinese and non-Chinese behave or think differently in life.Step 2: Discussion about cultural differencesThe teacher explains the pictures in Opener that illustrate the differences between the Westerner and Chinese in their perspectives on different issues. The teacher asks Ss to look at the pictures and discuss the differences in pairs with the aid of the questions that follow. The teacher has different pairs report to the class their discussion on the pictures, one pair for one picture. Method: Using task-based language teaching method, communicative approach.3.2 Global readingStep1. Approaching the themeThe teacher introduces the topic of the text by explaining the cultural shocks the author experienced after the birth of her daughter and her mother-in-laws fulltime presence in her family.Before moving on to the authors account, The teacher explains to Ss the text can roughly be divided into six parts.Method: PPT; communicative approach.Step2. Analyzing the text organizationThe teacher guides Ss to explore the text by asking them to work on the table in Text Organization and do the task in Digging into detail. Then students should sum up the differences of views between the author and her mother-in- law on matters described in the text.Method: skimming and scanning, communicative approach3.3 Detailed Reading3.3.1 Procedure1) Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and for each paragraph (sometimes two-three paragraphs), invite students to answer questions related difficult sentences and understanding of each paragraph.2) Help Ss find out the good usage in the text and underlined them.3) Learn new words in details.Purpose: Further understand the text and train scanning ability to learn difficult sentence structures as well as new words and expressions.Method: Reading the text together; Using task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach.Step1. Understanding the text in a deeper levelParas.6Q. What made the author so mad about her husband that they began to fight over childcare duties?A: The fact that he wasnt taking on half of the childcare duties, and he thought it was more important to spend time on his work than on his daughter, and his expectation that his mother would do all the housework he was supposed to do.Para.8Q: How did her mother-in-law explain her role in the family?A: Her mother-in-law explained that her role in the family was to lighten the burden of her son, allowing him to keep his former way of life, and to help her daughter-in-law out with parenting and household management.Para.9Q: What did the author think of her mother-in-laws explanation?A: She thought it was absolutely unacceptable, because, in her view, her husband is one of two parents, and therefore their daughter should be half his responsibility; and she married her husband, not her mother-in-law.Para.13Q: How come her husband, unlike the author, failed to adopt daily habits around the schedule of her daughter?A: He obviously believed that mothers are the primary caregiver of children and this was the normal difference between mothers and fathers.Paras.16Q: How did the author react when she was told that, now that he mother-in-law helped her out by taking care of he daughter, it was her responsibility to take care of her mother-in-law when she was old? A: She totally rejected the idea, because she thought what her mother-in-law did was fulfilling the parenting responsibility of her husband, therefore it was her husbands responsibility to take care of his own mother when she was old. 3.3.2 Language FocusStep2. Learning useful expressions Difficult words and phrases1) work out: find the solution to(a problem or question) 想出、得到(解决方法)e.g. Its important to work out a solution rather than engage in endless discussion. 2) presence: n.存在;到场e.g. Its natural for a child to be chatting away in the presence of a loving parent. The tension of the protesters grew with the presence of police.3) extreme: a.(of views or actions)very different from what people accept as reasonable or normal 激的;过激的e.g. Extreme views sometimes can become very popular.Soldiers are trained to carry out orders even if they sound extreme. 4) leave behind: depart and not take along 离开;地下e.g. The rough sea crossing served only to emphasize the peace we had left behind. The taxi driver always reminds his passengers not to leave behind their belongings.5) prominent: a. outstanding, important 笑出的;重要的e.g. I want our brand name to appear in the most prominent position of the stadium.We celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in memory of a prominent ancient Chinese poet. 6) primary: a. main 主要的e.g. The young man failed to see that the primary cause of his failure was his laziness and inaction.7) sacrifice: n.牺性;舍弃e.g. It is common for women to make lots of sacrifice for the family.The downside of a self-driving car is the sacrifice of the pleasure of driving. 8) bonus: n.意外收获;红利;奖金e.g. I received a box of cookies as a bonus when I bought coffee at a cafe yesterday.Our salespersons pay is made up of a base salary(about 60% of their total income)and a bonus(about 40% of their total income). 9) occasional: a. occurring from time to time 偶尔的e.g. To the occasional swimmer, a season ticket is a waste of money. 10) devotion: n.奉献,全身心投入e.g. The scientist who passed away last week was fondly remembered for his total devotion to science.11) household: n. the people of a house collectively 家庭e.g. She got up to prepare breakfast while the rest of the household was still asleep. 12) look over ones shoulder: keep watch for danger or threats to oneself 不安;小心提防 e.g. It was midnight when I left my office and on my way back home I kept looking over my shoulder to see if there was anyone tailing me.13) repay: vt. do sth. in return for a favor 报答:偿还e.g. There had never been any doubt in her mind that she would look after her parents in their oldage; they had given up a lot for her, she said, and that was how she would repay them. The company has to sell a building to repay its debt.14) kindness: n.仁慈;普行e.g. Very often it would be a kindness to tell a piece of bad news straight away. 15) grateful: a. thankful 感激的e.g. The war refugees are very grateful to the local government for the timely help. 16) phase: n.阶段;时期e.g. The minister claimed in his speech that the manufacturing industry was entering a very different phase with the rapid growth of artificial intelligence. College marks a particular phase in a young persons life, the phase of newly gained independence.17) in ones eyes/in the eyes of: in the opinion of, from the perspective of 在.心日中 e.g. The educator pointed out that a child could do no wrong in the eyes of some parents. 18) fall short of: fail to satisfy 达不到,不符合e.g. I tried my best, yet my performance still fell short of my hopes. 19) hono(u)r: vt. do what is required by a promise or a contract 信守;执行e.g. High school students in Shanghai must honour their community service commitments andcomplete at least 40 hours of volunteer work.The international company informed us that it will not be able to honour its contract with us.20) apparent: a. clear and obvious 明显的e.g. The professor said the young man had many good qualities despite his apparent assertiveness rudeness.21) wash up: wash dishes 饭后洗餐具e.g. Do Chinese husbands help to wash up after dinner?22) aspect: n.方面e.g. Dealing with people is a primary aspect of my work as a manager. 23) burden: n.负担;重负e.g. I hate to be a burden on other people.She sat down on the floor and breathed heavily as though she had come up a hill with a burden beyond her strength.24) maintain: v. keep In a Certain state, position, or activity 维持;保持e.g. A police force is needed to maintain law and order.It is essential to build up and maintain a reasonable level of physical fitness.25) parenting: n.养育,抚养e.g. There are many programs aiming to teach new parents parenting skills.26) relieve.of: help(sb.)by taking (sth. heavy or difficult)from them 解除(某人)的(负担,困难等)e.g. Some people eat a lot to relieve themselves of anxieties. 27) in ones view: in ones personal opinion 在.看来;按.的看法e.g. In my view, the local government should do more for the elderly. 28) responsibility: n. 责任;义务e.g. The mine owner denied all responsibility for the death of the trapped miners. A single parent has to struggle to balance work and family responsibilities.29) get.wrong: (informal) not understand correctly what(sb./sth.)means 误会e.g. Dont get me wrong, please: Im not quitting despite the setbacks. 30) preference: n.喜好;偏好e.g. Customer preferences must be taken into consideration when designing a new product.Employers have a preference for college graduates who think critically and can communicate effectively.31) equivalent: a. equal as in value, force, or meaning 对等的e.g. His silence is equivalent to an admission of guilt.32) strike a balance: find a sensible middle point between two demands, extremes, etc.; compromise 调和;折衷e.g. The speaker set out his viewpoints on how to strike a balance between the freedom of the press and the right to/of privacy.We have to strike a balance between offering people what they liked with the first movie and coming up with something new.33) put.in(to)perspective: judge(sth.)by considering it in relation to everything else 全面客观地看待(或判断)e.g. Before you begin to think that it might be safer to starve than to eat and run the risk of foodpoisoning, its important to put the whole matter of food poisoning into perspective. 34) barely: ad. .hardly 很少;几乎没有e.g. We had barely enough to eat, let alone to spare.It seemed that everyone was speaking and we could barely hear the speaker. 35) in response to: in reaction to sth. that has happened or been said 对做出反应e.g. In response to traditional Chinese medication, the elderly gentleman quickly recovered. Step3. Learning difficult sentences structures3.3.2.2 Difficult sentences1) In my Western eyes, he was falling short of my expectations and wasnt honoring his role as a father. (Para.6)As a Westerner, I found his conduct disappointing, and felt that he was failing to take on his responsibilities as a father.2) Our fights seemed to get us nowhere, however. (Para. 7)However, we failed to reach any agreement over the issue in spite of the arguments.3) I felt myself teetering backwards. (Para.9)I was totally shocked to hear what I was told, so much so that I felt as if I was thrown off balance.4) While the men were locked in their own conversation, I vented some of this conflict with the wife.(Para.14):While the men were engaged in talking among themselves, I voiced to the wife my complaints about the conflict.5) After getting away with not changing very many for his daughter, when the time comesTo change my mother-in-laws diapers.(Para.16)Note that here “very many” refers to very many diapers. In speaking, “very many” in a negative context is common and acceptable.4. Comprehending Reading 1Teacher asks Ss to read aloud the new words and expressions in the margin, and guide them to sum up the different views regarding the value of praise between the author and her husband.Teacher has Ss complete Comprehension Check for Reading 1.Teacher clarifies some difficult points and do the task in Translation. 5. After Reading5.1 Viewing and ListeningTeacher introduces Viewing & Listening to the class: Cultural differences are the theme of this unit. Now we are going to hear an American teaching in China talk about the cultural differences he has observed between China and the West in general. Teacher plays the video clip once for general comprehension. Teacher plays it again for Ss to fill in the blanks. Time permitting; teacher has Ss work in pairs to discuss if they agree with the speakers views and why.5.2 SpeakingTeacher explains the role play task by referring to the instructions. Teacher organizes a group discussion about the specific questions the TV presenter is going to ask. Ss may go over the Tips given in the box. Teacher lets Ss prepare the interview in groups of four, one playing the role of TV presenter, the others playing the roles of, respectively, Ember Swift, Yangxifu, and Sasha. The “TV presenter makes a list of questions to be asked in the interview, and the Practicing “guests” note down the main idea of their answers to the presenter. Teacher invites at least one group to role-play it in class.5. 3 Assignment Teacher asks Ss to skim the text and answer the questions in Comprehension Check for Reading 2.Teacher asks students to write an essay comparing and contrasting Chinese New Year celebrations with Christmas celebrations. Teacher encourages Ss to use words and expressions theyve learnt from this unit and underline them in their essay. Teacher requires Ss to check it with the Evaluation criteria in Writing before turning in their homework.7


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