冀教版英语四年级下册 Unit 2 Days and Months课时练习题

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一、选出不同类的单词。 ( )1. A. year ( )2. A. January ( )3. A. Apr.Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 7 Months of the YearB. monthB. SeptemberB. MarchC. NovemberC. favouriteC. art( )4. A. sing ( )5. A. birthdayB. play C. FebruaryB. June C. March二、找出错误的一项并改正。( )1. Twelve month make a year._A B C( )2. I like october. _A B C( )3. How much months are there in a year? _ A B C( )4. What birthday is in August? _A B C三、连词成句。1. months twelve the of year the are These (.)_ 2. favourite your month is What(?)_ 3. birthday May Whose is in (?)_ 4. July My month favourite is (.)_答案:一、1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A二、1. B months 2. C October 3. A how many 4. A Whose 三、1. These are the twelve months of the year.2. What is your favourite month?3. Whose birthday is in May?4. My favourite month is July.Lesson 8 First, Second, Third一、看图用序数词填空。1. The hippo is the_. 2. The elephant is the_. 3. The penguin is the_. 4. The panda is the_. 5. The tortoise is the_. 二、单项选择。tortoisepandahippomonkeypenguinelephant( )1. Lets say_ together!A. its B. they C. them( )2. _ is the fifth month.A. May B. March C. April( )3. The girl _ a blue dress _ my friend.A. in; are B. in; is C. on; is( )4. Lets say the months _ the year.A. to B. on C. of( )5. My brother is _.A. ninth B. the nine C. the ninth三、照例子,写句子。例,January is the first month. (January, first)1. _(February, second)2. _(April, fourth)3. _(June, sixth)4. _(October, tenth)答案:一、1. fourth 2. first 3. second 4. fifth 5. sixth 二、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C三、1. February is the second month.2. April is the fourth month.3. June is the sixth month.4. October is the tenth month.Lesson 9 When Is It?一、看图选择对应的节日,并写在横线上。1. _2. _3. _4. _1. _ 6._A. Teachers Day D. New Years DayB. the Spring FestivalE. International Workers DayC. Childrens Day F. National Day二、单项选择。( )1. New Years Day is _.A. February 14 B. January the first C. Mach 12( )2. _ is June the first.A. Teachers Day B. National Day C. Childrens Day( )3. Today is October the first. It is _.A. Childrens Day B. New Years Day C. National Day( )4. March the twelfth is _.A. Tree Planting Day B. Christmas C. New Years Day( )5. The Spring Festival is in _.A. January B. February C. January or February 三、给下列句子选出合适的答语。( )1. When is your fathers birthday? ( )2. When is the Spring Festival? ( )3. How many months are there in a year? ( )4. When is Christmas?( )5. Whats the second day of the week?A. In January or February.B. Monday.C. Its December .D. My fathers birthday is November. E. Twelve.答案:一、1. D New Years Day 2. B the Spring Festival3. E International Workers Day 4. C Childrens Day 5. A Teachers Day 6. F National Day二、1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C三、1. D 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. B一、英汉对对碰。 1. 热Lesson 10 Rain and Sun2. 云3. 雨4. 太阳5. 雪花6. 冷A. cloud B. rain C. sun D. cold E. hot F. snow二、选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. February ( )2. A. coldB. AprilB. hotC. penC. wind( )3. A. snow B. month ( )4. A. first B. ninth ( )5. A. you B. and 三、单项选择。C. rainC. twelveC. I( )1. Look atsun. Ithot.sA. a B. the( )2. I can see some dark . It will rain. A. cloud B. cloudyC. /C. clouds( )3. the white snow, it is very beautiful.A. See B. Look C. Look at ( )4. In winter, it is .A. hot B. warm C. cold答案:一、1. E 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. F 6. D 二、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 三、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C一、英汉对对碰。1. 有风的Lesson 11 Hows the Weather Today?2. 下雨的3. 多云的4. 晴朗的5. 温暖的6. 凉爽的A. rainy B. windy C. cloudy D. warm E. sunny F. cool 二、选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. rainy B. snowy C. weather( )2. A. ninth B. month C. twelfth( )3. A. day B. hot C. cold( )4. A. Tuesday B. October C. May( )5. A. SeptemberB. Sunday C. Monday三、单项选择。( )1. Do you like the rainy day? _A.No,Ido. B. Yes, I dont.( )2. The weather is _ in April in Kunming. A. snowy B. cold( )3. This is _ cloudy day.A. an B. / C. a ( )4. _ day is it? Its Wednesday.C. Yes, I do.C. warmA. WhenB. What C. How答案:一、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. E 5. D 6. F二、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A三、1. C 2. C 3. C 4. BLesson 12 Mr. Moons Birthday一、选词填空。A. January B. first C. When D. day E. Whose( )1. _ is the first month of the year.( )2. Li Ming is the _.( )3. _ birthday is in July?( )4. _ is Teachers Day?( )5. What _ is it today?二、完形填空。Hello, everyone. My name is Amy. I am a 1. _ from Canada. Im ten years old. My birthday is Jan. the 2. _. I like the 3. _ day. Its cold and white. I like to play in the 4._. Its snowing in Canada. 5. _ is the weather in your city?( )1. A. teacher ( )2. A. ten ( )3. A. hot ( )4. A. snow ( )5. A. What 三、看图回答问题。B. pupil C. worker B. tenth C . twoB. rainy C. snowyB. rain C. windB. how C. How1. Hows the weather today? _2. Whose birthday is every month? _3. What day is it? _答案:一、1. A 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. D 二、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 三、1. Its rainy.2. Mr. Moons birthday is every month. 3. Its Tuesday.Again, Please!一、选出画线部分读音不同的一项。( )1. A. teacher B. sweater C. bread( )2. A. look B. coolC. book( )3. A. shirt ( )4. A. ninety二、看图补全句子。B. forB. behindC. herC. windyMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday today 1. Hows the weather on Monday? Its_ on Monday.2. Hows the weather on Tuesday? Its_ on Tuesday.3. Hows the weather on Wednesday? Its_ on Wednesday 4. Hows the weather on Thursday? Its_ on Thursday.5. Hows the weather today? Its _ today.三、给下列句子选出合适的答语。( )1. How is the weather in July in Beijing?( )2, Do you like April?( )3. What day is it today?( )4. When is your birthday?( )5. How many months are there in a year?A.There are twelve e months.B. Its hot and sunny.C. My birthday is August 1.D. Its Sunday.E. Yes, I do.


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