外研版七年级英语上册Module 8 测试附答案

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外研版七年级英语上册 Module 8 测试限时: 60 分钟 满分: 100 分一、单项选择(每小题 2 分, 共 20 分)1. The shoes are 5, 000 yuan and they are too _.A. different B. big C. small D. expensive 2. Eating carrots is good for your health.But I dont like them and I _ eat them.A. alwaysC. neverB. sometimesD. usually3. My father often _ football matches and my mother often _ to the supermarket on Sundays.A. watches; goesC. watchs; gos4. Do you like watching TV, Kate?B. watch; goD. watches; goYes, I _ TV in the evening.A. never watch B. watch oftenC. watch usuallyD. always watch5. Would you like to go shopping with me, Kangkang?_.A. No, Id like toB. No, I cantC. Sorry, Im afraid I cant. I have to do my homeworkD. Yes, I do6. Do you often _ the football match _ television?A. look; inC. look; on7. Do you often _ your father?B. watch; onD. watch; inYes, I get a letter from him every week.A. hear from B. come from1C. talk with D. work with 8. Every day I spend two hours _ my homework.A. finishing doingC. to finish to do9. I _ watch, so I dont know the time. A. dont haveC. not have a10. Would you like something to eat?_. Im a little hungry.A. Yes, I wouldC. No, thanks二、完形填空(每小题 1. 5 分, 共 15 分)B. to finish doingD. to finish doB. have notD. have noB. Yes, I doD. Yes, pleaseIm Lily. I have a good _11, Susan. She is a nice girl. Today is Susans birthday. There is a big birthday party at her _12. And a lot of friends come to her home this evening. She is very _13 to see us. We give her many _14:_a birthday cake, some beautiful cards, a nice dress and some books. I give a cool T-shirt to _15. And we say “Happy birthday” and _16 thesong “Happy Birthday” to her. Susans mother makes a big dinner for us. The food is very delicious. There is chicken, fish, _17, fruit and vegetables. We all _18 it. After dinner, we sing, play games and watch films. We really have a good time. It is 9: 30 in the evening, and its time to _19. We say _20 to Susan and go back home.11. A. brother12. A. house13. A. funny14. A. advice15. A. her16. A. sing17. A. shoes18. A. seeB. friendB. stationB. cuteB. informationB. himB. giveB. ticketsB. likeC. sisterC. schoolC. happyC. presentsC. youC. sendC. cupsC. saveD. studentD. classroomD. strongD. wishesD. meD. showD. beefD. use219. A. get up20. A. helloB. sit downB. goodbyeC. have dinnerC. sorryD. go homeD. thanks三、(2021 原创)阅读理解(每小题 3 分, 共 15 分)Chat on WeChatNext Tuesday is my friend Lindas birthday. I plan to go to buysomething special for her on Saturday. Whats your plan forSaturday?DianaOn Saturday morning, I plan to get up very early, at 6: 45 am. Thats because my uncle has got a new farm. I plan to visit it with my parents.JackieSaturday is my mums birthday. She likes listening to music very much. I plan to go to buy a good CD for her. LucyAll of you know how much I love football. I plan to go to the park to play football with my cousin Nick and my brother Tony.Mike21. Linda is Dianas _.A. friend B. sister C. mother D. cousin 22. Who plans to go to a farm on Saturday?A. Diana. B. Jackie C. Lucy. D. Mike. 23. What does Mike plan to do?A. To go to a party.B. To go shopping.3C. To visit a friend.D. To play football.24. What can we learn from the passage?A. Dianas birthday is next Tuesday.B. Jackies parents have got a new farm.C. Lucys mum likes listening to music.D. Mike doesnt have a brother or a sister.25. Which of the following is TRUE?A. There are three emails in the passage.B. This is a chat on WeChat.C. This is a letter from Diana.D. Diana, Jackie, Lucy and Mike are classmates.四、任务型阅读(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分)Its Tonys birthday. He has a party at the weekend. His mother makes a birthday cake. His favourite cake is chocolate cake. On his birthday, he gets up at 7 oclock in the morning, and he opens his presents at once. He often gets money or new clothes from his parents. His sister always makes him a nice birthday card. All his friends come to the party. They dont eat healthy food. They like candy and Coke. Tony gets more presents from his friends, but his friends dont give him money. They give him CDs or books. Tony always enjoys his birthday.阅读短文, 完成下列表格。PeopleHis motherHis sister_29His friendsGives/MakesMakes_27GiveGiveBirthday presents_26_28Money or new clothes_30五、补全对话 (每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。Jack: Hi, Bill.4Bill: Hi, Jack.Jack: _31Bill: Yes.Jack: Thats great. This Saturday is my birthday. _32Bill: Yes, Id love to. _33Jack: At my house.Bill: What time is it?Jack: _34Bill : Would you like to invite(邀请)our English teacher Mike?Jack: Sure! He is also my friend. _35Bill : Good! See you then!Jack: See you!A. Where is it?B. At seven oclock in the evening.C. Are you free(空闲的) this Saturday?D. He often helps me with English.E. Would you like to come to my birthday party?六、词汇运用(每小题 1 分, 共 10 分)A)根据句意及首字母提示, 填写恰当的单词。36. Many young people like to sing English s_.37. Be careful not to c_ your hand! The knife(刀)is dangerous. 38. He spends lots of m_ on books.39. Would you like to go to a basketball m_ on Sunday morning? 40. He doesnt like apples, so he n_ eats them.B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。41. My little sister has two red _(scarf). She likes wearing them. 42. The students should do an hours _ (exercise) every day.43. What place would you like_(visit) at weekends?44. It is great _ (get) your nice birthday card.545. Tom often spends a lot of time _ (play) basketball.七、书面表达(20 分)下周五是你表弟温宇的生日 , 如何为他挑选生日礼物呢 ? 请根据提示写一 篇 60 词左右的短文。Likespresents and birthday cakessinging and going to the concertsplaying football and watching football matchesPresentsa big birthday caketwo CDsa pair of football shoes_6参考答案一、1. D 点拨: different 不同的; big 大的; small 小的; expensive 昂贵的。根据“鞋 子 5, 000 元”可知“它们太贵了”。2. C 点拨: 根据语境“I dont like them”可知, 我从来不吃它们, 因此用 never。 故选 C。3. A点拨: watch 观看, 是一个动词; go 去, 也是一个动词。两空所对应的主语都是第三人称单数, 因此谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式, watch 和 go 的第三 人称单数形式都是加“-es”。4. D 点拨: 由答语可知应作出肯定回答, 频度副词应放在实义动词前。5. C点拨: Would you like to do sth. ? “你愿意做某事吗? ”的否定回答用 Sorry,Im afraid ,表示委婉的语气。6. B7. A点拨: “看足球赛”应用 watch ; on television 通过电视。点拨: hear from 收到的来信; come from 来自; talk with 与谈话;work with 与一起工作。由答句中的“I get a letter from him every week” 可知应选 A。8. A 点拨: spend some time(in)doing sth. 花费时间做某事。9. D10. D点拨 : 由 “Im a little hungry. ” 知 , 应用肯定答语。 “Would you likesth. ? ”结构的肯定答语用“Yes, please. ”。二、11. B点拨: 根据下文“她是个好女孩”和全文语境可知此句意为“我有一个好朋友, 苏珊”。12. A点拨: 根据下文“And a lot of friends come to her home this evening. ” 可知此句意为“她家有一个盛大的生日聚会。”13. C 点拨: 用词义辨析法。funny 有趣的; cute 可爱的; happy 快乐的; strong 强壮的。根据常识和语境我们可知“她很高兴见到我们”。14. C 点拨: advice 建议; information 信息; presents 礼物; wishes 愿望。根 据下文的 “ 一个生日蛋糕 , 一些漂亮的卡片 , 一件漂亮的连衣裙和一些书 ” 可 知“我们给她很多礼物”。15. A 点拨: 根据上文可知苏珊过生日, 我送给苏珊一件 T 恤衫, 因此填 her。716. A 点拨: sing 唱; give 给; send 送; show 展示, 表明。根据宾语 the song 可知 谓语动词用 sing。17. D 点拨: shoes 鞋; tickets 票; cups 杯子; beef 牛肉。根据鸡肉, 鱼, 水果 和蔬菜可知此处填写食物 beef。18. B点拨: see 看见, 见到; like 喜欢; save 救, 救助; use 使用, 利用。根据上文“The food is very delicious. ” 可知“我们都喜欢它”。19. D 点拨: get up 起床; sit down 坐下; have dinner 吃晚饭; go home 回家。 根据“现在是晚上 9: 30” 可知“该回家了”。故选 D。20. B点拨: 根据“go back home”可知我们跟苏珊说“再见”。三、21. A点拨: 根据 Diana 的关键信息句“Next Tuesday is my friend Lindasbirthday. ”可知, Diana 和 Linda 是朋友。故选 A。22. B点拨: 根据 Jackie 的关键信息句“Thats because my uncle has got a newfarm. I plan to visit it with my parents. ”可知, Jackie 计划去农场。故选 B。23. D点拨: 根据 Mike 的关键信息句“I plan to go to the par k to play footballwith my cousin Nick and my brother Tony. ”可知, Mike 计划去公园踢足球。故 选 D。24. C 点拨: 根据 Lucy 的关键信息句“Saturday is my mums birthday. She likes listening to music very much. ”可知, 她的妈妈喜欢听音乐。故选 C。25. B点拨: 根据标题“Chat on WeChat”可知, 这是一个在微信(WeChat)上的聊天记录, 故选 B。四、26. A birthday cake 27. Makes 28. A (nice ) birthday card29. His parents 30. CDs or books五、3135: CEABD六、A)36. songs 37. cut 38. money 39. match 40. neverB)41. scarves 42. exercise 43. to visit44. to get 点拨: 句型“It isadj. to do sth. ” 意为“做某事是的”。其中 it 为 形式主语, 动词不定式为真正的主语。45. playing 点拨: Sb. spend(s) time (in) doing sth. 意为“某人花费时间做某事”。 七、范文:8My cousin is Wen Yu. Next Friday is his birthday. He usuallylikes having birthday parties at home and his good friends alwayscome to his parties.He always likes presents and birthday cakes. He likes singing songs. Sometimes he goes to concerts. But he never spends too much money on them. He also likes playing football and watching football matches. Id like to give him a big birthday cake, two CDs of his favourite singer and a pair of football shoes.I hope he can have a happy birthday.点评:本文采用了“总分 总”法对“送生日礼物”类作文进行了较为全面的写作。 第一段总述温宇的生日即将到来以及他喜欢举办生日聚会 ; 第二段详述要赠送 的礼物及原因; 第三段希望他能有一个快乐的生日, 总结全文。添彩点:恰当使用了一些词语, 如 usually, always, sometimes, 达到了学以致用的目 的。but, also 的使用使文章前后衔接自然、流畅。9


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