人教版九年级英语上册Unit 3 测试附答案

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人教版九年级英语上册 Unit 3测试限时: 60 分钟 满分: 100 分一、单项选择(每小题 1. 5 分, 共 15 分)1. Where were you when I called you last night? I was taking a shower in the _.A. kitchen B. classroom C. toilet D. bathroom 2. There arent many people on the bus, so its _.A. dry B. uncomfortable C. dirty D. uncrowded 3. Paul _ going to the zoo, but Id like to go to the park.A. suggests B. decides C. keeps D. wants4. Do you know _ to see the Beijing Opera?Yes, you can go to Mei Lanfang Theatre.A. where can we go C. when shall we goB. where we can go D. when we shall go5. If you behave_, others will think you are _.A. polite; politeC. politely; politeB. polite; politelyD. politely; politely6. What did our English teacher say to you just now?He asked me _.A. why I am sad B. if have I done my homeworkC. when did I do my homework 7. Where is the bookstore?D. how I planned to go on vacation Its _ the second floor. And its _ the school and the bank.A. at; next toC. on; between8. Could you tell me where the post office is?B. to; in front of D. in; across from_? I didnt hear clearly.A. Pardon B. How are you C. How do you do D. Yes, please 9. I dont know _ next.1Youd better finish your homework first.A. what to do B. how to do C. when to do D. where to do 10. He has a collection of _. He can not only enjoy them but also use them tomail letters.A. stamps B. novels C. instruments D. magazines 二、完形填空 (每小题 1 分, 共 15 分)Most of us like to know where we are and where were going. It can feel strangeto be _11. The words “being lost” make us think of a dark and scary wood orstreet, _12thats not always the case.Once we were on holiday in Venice. My dad planned to go out to take photos early the next morning. Mum wasnt _13 , but I would go with him, onlybecause he_14I could have the biggest ever bowl of Italian ice cream if I did._15else would I get up so early?So at 5 a. m. the next day we left the hotel and started walking in the _16 streets. When the sun came up, Dad started taking photos and I _17 him, down small streets and over little bridges.After about an hour, I turned to Dad and asked “Where are we?” He said, “Ihave no idea.” I immediately felt a bit _18, but Dad just laughed and said,“Were lost!” I told him to _ 19 his map or phone. He said, “I only brought the _20. Come on, lets get more lost!” He laughed again.His laughter_21me and made me feel safe. Slowly people wereappearing on the streets shops and cafes began to open.I began to _22that we were lost, and just started watching and taking ineverything that was happening around me._23 , after about four hours of walking around, we were back. Mumasked anxiously (担心地), “Where have you been?” I said with a big _ “We got lost!”24,These days we _25 get lost with so many things around us maps, GPS, apps on our phones, and so on. But Dad showed me that being lost can sometimes simply be something to enjoy.211. A. alone12. A. or13. A. worried14. A. expected15. A. How16. A. modern17. A. left18. A. scared19. A. pick up20. A. map21. A. saved22. A. doubt23. A. Finally24. A. surprise25. A. hardlyB. lostB. soB. touchedB. realizedB. WhyB. noisyB. invitedB. hurtB. think ofB. bowlB. relaxedB. forgetB. RecentlyB. shameB. oftenC. afraidC. butC. satisfiedC. rememberedC. WhenC. emptyC. guidedC. hungryC. take outC. phoneC. stoppedC. imagineC. CertainlyC. smileC. nearlyD. silentD. andD. interestedD. promisedD. WhereD. brightD. followedD. tiredD. pay forD. cameraD. warnedD. regretD. SuddenlyD. fearD. always三、 (2021 原创)阅读理解 (每小题 3 分, 共 15 分)In Xian, there are special sidewalks for the phubbers ( 低头族). Different people have different opinions on it.Li Minyi, 14, BeijingThis special walkway can keep people who are always looking at their phones safe and protect them from accidents. People might feel much freer when using this walkway, because they used to knock into someone else on a crowded one. Huang Xi, 15, JiangsuIt just encourages people to keep looking at their phones. Just imagine if everyone only paid attention to their mobile phones while walking, walkways like this would be useless and accidents would still happen.Chen Yecheng, 14, HubeiMobile phones have made a big difference in our lives. It seems that many people cant live without them. Every year, many people get injured or lose their lives3because they are playing on their mobile phones while walking. So why not create a better environment for them? The special walkways can protect them from danger. Sun Run, 14, ZhejiangSmart phones are making a difference to our lives too much. They keep us away from reality and the beauty around us. A special walkway for those is indulgence(纵容). Cant people put their phones down for a while and enjoy a beautiful day? This is what we should encourage.26. The underlined word “one” refers to “_”.A. sidewalkB. phoneC. an accidentD. a person looking down at the phone27. What does the underlined phrase “get injured” mean in Chinese?A. 补偿B. 受伤C. 损失D. 逃避28. According to Sun Run, we should encourage people _.A. to walk on the special sidewalkB. not to use mobile phones in lifeC. to spend more time on workD. to play with the phone less and enjoy life more29. Who think(s) it a good idea to have such a sidewalk for the phubbers?Li MinyiA. Huang XiB. Chen YechengC. Sun Run D. 30. What is the best title for the passage?A. Dont be a phubberB. Good service in XianC. Special walkways for the phubbersD. Should we look down at our phone while walking? 四、词汇运用(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。431. We need _ (spend) time _(lead) into a request.32. Could you tell me where _(park) my car?33. The young lady went off in the _ (direct) of the railway station.34. Anyone doesnt like an _(polite) person.35. Who is the _(speak) at the meeting?五、短文填空 (每小题 2 分, 共 20 分)从方框中选择合适的词完成短文。happily finished until came workedcan thinking hours bright darkMy grandfather had a small farm. He would use his old machine to harvest( 收获) during the harvest time. He also_36in a factory in the town.During one harvest season, a neighbor_ 37 to ask my grandfather for help with his corn( 玉米). My grandfather agreed. However, after finishing our owncorn, the factory asked my grandfather to work for more_38. So mygrandfather had to leave home early and would not get home _39very late.One night, my grandfather sat at the table_ 40 of a solution. “You have no timeexcept at night and it is too_41,” my grandmother said. Then my grandfatherlooked at the calendar and said _42, “Aha! Theres still one more full moon inOctober. If the weather is fine, I think I_43do it.”On one cool night, after working in the factory, my grandfather went to theneighbors farm and finished the corn under the _44moon. After he _45harvesting, I saw a big pile ( 堆)of corn standing there, respecting a man who kept his word.六、书面表达(30 分)假如你是李冬 , 你校有几位来自美国的交换生 , 他们打算周末步行去城市公 园。请你给其中的 Jim 发一封邮件, 为他们指出前往公园的路线, 并简单介绍一 下公园的情况。5词数: 80 词左右。 _6参考答案一、1. D 2. D3. A 点拨:句意为“保罗建议去动物园, 但是我想去公园”。suggest doing sth. “建 议做某事”; decide to do sth. “ 决定做某事”; keep doing sth. “ 不断做某事”; want to do sth. “ 想要做某事”。根据空后的 going 可排除 B 和 D; 根据句意可知, 此 处为“建议去动物园”。故选 A。4. B点拨:句意为“ 你知道我们可以去哪里看京剧吗? 是的, 你们可以去梅兰芳剧院。”根据 Do you know _ 可知, 本题考查宾语从句, 由答语 中 you can go to Mei Lanfang Theatre 可知, 问句是询问地点的, 故排除 C、D 选项; 宾语从句应用陈述语序, 故选 B。5. C点拨:句意为“如果你举止得体, 别人会认为你很有礼貌。”本句是 if 条件句, 从句动词 behave 需用副词修饰, 主句包含一个宾语从句, 宾语从句缺表语, 此处需用形容词; 根据句子结构可知, 选 C。6. D点拨:句意为 “ 刚才我们英语老师和你说什么了? 他问 我_。”asked me 后面是宾语从句 , 用陈述语序 , 故排除 B 和 C。根据 “asked”可知主句是一般过去时 , 从句也应用一般过去时。故选 D。7. C点拨:句意为 “ 书店在哪里 ? 在二楼 , 在学校和银行中间 ” 。 at在; on 在上; in 在内; to 到。第一空表示在二楼。next to 在旁边; in front of 在前面; betweenand 在和之间; across from 在对面。第二空表示“在学校和银行之间”, 故选 C。8. A 点拨:句意为“ 你能告诉我邮局在什么地方吗? 请再说一遍, 我没 听清”。Pardon 再说一遍; How are you 你好吗; How do you do 你好; Yes, please 是的, 请。根据 I didnt hear clearly 可知, 空格处表示请第一个人再说一 遍, 故选 A。9. A点拨:句意为 “我不知道接下来做什么。 首先你最好完成你的作业”。what to do 做什么; how to do 如何做; when to do 何时做; where to do 在 哪里做。根据 Youd better finish your homework first 可排除 C 和 D。且用 how,when, where 时, do 后要加宾语, 这里没有宾语, 故选 A。10. A二、11. B 点拨:本题考查形容词辨析。根据后文中 The words“being lost”make712. Cus可知, 文章是围绕迷路展开的。故选 B。点拨:本题考查连词辨析。前文提到“黑暗可怕的树林或街道”, 后文说“事情并非总是这样”。前后为转折关系, 用连词 but。故选 C。13. D点拨:本题考查形容词辨析。worried 意为“担心的、担忧的”; touched 意为“受感动的”; satisfied 意为“满意的”; interested 意为“感兴趣的”。根据文章 可知爸爸想外出摄影, 妈妈不_, 但是我会和他一起去。由此可知, 妈 妈对外出摄影不感兴趣。故选 D。14. D点拨:本题考查动词辨析。 expect 意为 “ 希望 ”; realize 意为 “ 意识到 ”;remember 意为“记得”; promise 意为“许诺, 承诺”。根据后文可知, 作者愿意 跟父亲去是因为父亲承诺以冰激凌作为条件。故选 D。15. B 点拨:本题考查特殊疑问词。上文解释了作者愿意跟父亲去的原因, 此句 为问句, 应是对原因的反问, 不然我为什么要这么早起呢? 故选 B。16. C点拨:本题考查形容词辨析。modern 意为“现代的”; noisy 意为“嘈杂的”;empty 意为“空荡荡的”; bright 意为“明亮的”。句首给出时间提示为“5 a. m. ”, 根据常识可知, 凌晨五点的街道应是空旷无人的。故选 C。17. D点拨:本题考查动词辨析。leave 意为“留下”; invite 意为“邀请”; guide 意为“引导, 带领”; follow 意为“跟随”。作者陪同父亲去摄影, 应跟随着父亲。 故选 D。18. A点拨:本题考查形容词辨析。 scared 意为“害怕的”; hurt 意为“受伤的”;hungry 意为“饿的”; tired 意为“累的”。作者面对迷路的状况应该是害怕的, 故 选 A。19. C点拨:本题考查动词短语辨析。pick up 意为“捡起, 获得”; think of 意为“考虑”; take out 意为“拿出, 带出”; pay for 意为“为付钱; 赔偿”。根据上文 中 Were lost 可知, 作者提醒父亲拿出地图或手机。故选 C。20. D 点拨:本题考查名词辨析。map 意为“地图”; bowl 意为“碗”; phone 意为“手 机”; camera 意为“相机”。根据上文中 Dad started taking photos 和下文中 only 可知, 父亲只带了相机。故选 D。21. B 点拨:本题考查动词辨析。save 意为“拯救”; relax 意为“使放松”; stop 意 为“停止”; warn 意为“警告”。根据下文 “and made me feel safe” 可知, 父亲的8笑声使我放松, 让我产生了安全感。故选 B。22. B 点拨:本题考查动词辨析。doubt 意为“怀疑”; forget 意为“忘记”; imagine 意为“想象”; regret 意为“后悔”。根据下文“我只是开始观察和接受发生在我周 围的一切”可知, 我开始忘记我们迷路了这件事。23. A 点拨:本题考查副词辨析。finally 意为“终于”; recently 意为“最近”; certainly 意为“当然, 必定”; suddenly 意为“突然间”。根据下文“after about four hours of walking, we were back. (走了大约四个小时后, 我们回来了。)”可知, 此处强调 二人经过了长时间的步行才回去 , 此外, finally 能够表达出说话人对结果的 期待, 符合语境。故选 A。24. C点拨:本题考查名词辨析。surprise 意为“惊喜”; shame 意为“ 羞愧”; smile意为“微笑”; fear 意为“恐惧”。作者看到母亲后, 应是十分开心的, 故排除 B、 D。根据下文 We got lost!可知, 他们并不是真的迷路了, 所以作者是笑着说, 故选 C。25. A 点拨:本题考查副词辨析。hardly 意为“几乎不”; often 意为“经常”; nearly 意为“几乎”; always 意为“总是”。句意为“现在我们手机上有地图、GPS 软件 等, 所以我们几乎不会迷路”。故选 A。三、26. A27. B 点拨:词义猜测题。画线词后面的短语 lose their lives 意为“失去生命”, 因 此猜测 get injured 意为“受伤”。28. D点拨:细节理解题。根据 Sun Run 的观点中提出的问题“Cant people puttheir phones down for a while and enjoy a beautiful day? This is what we should encourage. ”可推知, Sun Run 主张人们应该少玩手机, 多享受生活。29. A点拨:细节理解题。根据 Li Minyi 的观点“This special walkway can keeppeople who are always looking at their phones safe and protect them from accidents. ”和 Chen Yecheng 的观点“The special walkways can protect them from danger. ”可推知, 他俩都认为专用通道可保障低头族的安全。30. C点拨: 主旨大意题。综合理解全文可知, 四个人讨论的话题是为低头族设计的专用人行通道。故 C 项适合作文章标题。 四、31. to spend; leading 32. to park 33. direction 34. impolite 35. speaker9五、36. worked 37. came 38. hours 39. until 40. thinking41. dark 42. happily 43. can 44. bright 45. finished六、范文:Dear Jim,Im glad to hear that you are planning to walk to the City Park. The park is not far from the hotel. Just go straight and turn right at the first corner. Walk along the road and turn left when you see a hospital. The park is up the street on your right. You can see many trees and flowers in the park. And there is a lake in the middle of the park. Its a wonderful place to spend your day.I hope you will enjoy yourselves.Yours,Li Dong点评:本文用“一问二介三期待”的思维模式客观、真实地按照图示介绍了前往公园 的路线, 并按照写作要求简明扼要地介绍了公园的情况。祈使句多次在文中恰当 使用, 一般现在时使用合理, 动词也应用得恰到好处。10


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