2014高考英语 完形填空 2013暑假练习题(20)

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2014高考英语 完形填空 2013暑假练习题(20)_第1页
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2014高考英语完形填空:2013暑假练习题(20)及答案解析第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A nwan wa rdered lat night That i beae any wheel f the different ar ran _36 the frnt gralandThi 37 didnt appear n the 10 lk new r n the frnt page f the lal newpaper thi rning Int there anybdy here wh really 38 a nwan?Thi nwan wa jt 39 nw rlled int ball 40 e tik and rk, 41 ade by a kid Maybe thi kid had 42 better t d Or aybe he waited all year fr the firt _43 Maybe hi eye 44 dring the ath la when the firt piee f nw fell Maybe he wa the firt 4 waiting fr hi when the headater 46 that the tdent ld g he ahead f tieWe an iagine a little by rhing int hi he and bak t in 47 than a inte with hi 48 n Then he 49 the entire day gathering, haping and reating 0 it wa perfetHe wa 1 exited fr dinner, he wa by alling hi grandparent and friend t tell the abt hi nwan, 2 he tared t f hi frnt windw at it They all ae by thi rning t ee it In 3 , the little by wke p at daybreak, 4 hi bt and nwit n, and ran t f die dr_ , aybe he at and ried at what he aw A nwan wa rdered lat night36 A intB tC verD ar37 A atterB aidentC rderD event38 A lk atB are abtC pae byD earhe fr39 A a bnh fB a piee fC a grp fD a pile f40 A withB frC byD fr41 A partilarlyB prbablyC epeiallyD pibly42 A ethingB anythingC everythingD nthing43 A tieB trnC nwfallD ent44 A lit pB hwed pC pened pD ved p4 A awayB inideC indrD tide46 A annnedB tldC nvinedD delared47 A fewerB reC leD lnger48 A hatB glveC nwitD k49 A tB edC tkD pent50 A ntilB afterC aD nle51 A qiteB tC ratherD very52 A befreB whileC ineD fr 53 A exiteent B riity C adne D atin54 A threw B tk C triedD arried55. A Intead B TherefreC AgainD Hwever完形:3640 DCBAA 414 BDCAD 4650 ACCDA 51 55BBAAD *结束维A1 阅读理解(每题2分,满分8分)选材相似度:设题相似度:难度系数:C is the worlds fastest growing online recruitment solution.Here job seekers and employers are growing very fast on the daily basis.The site was successfully launched on January 2008 in worldwide.C provides an opportunity to job seekers where they can search jobs in their field of interest.Site contains a complete directory of jobs posted throughout the world.You can find job anywhere in the world from .It provides a complete listing of countries like jobs in UK,jobs in Pakistan and other countries as well.And above all it also provides the option of advance search through which a user can find more customized jobs for him,even for his city as well.At It is simple to find your ideal careerStay uptodate with new career opportunitiesStay connected with family of for development of your professionNow its more easier to have and develop career which suits your personalityGuaranteed jobs and secure the futureIn the previous years it was difficult for job seekers to find a good match of their skills but solve the problem.The site contains a complete list of jobs posted which are categorized on the basis of industries and location as well so that it will be easy for users to find exact industry and locality.Job seekers must create their account and register them freely with the best online recruitment site worldwide.The site also provides ease for the employers as well,they can post free jobs,filter resumes,download resumes for free.Besides,it is quick,easy and gives you better chance of success.There are lots of multinational companies registered with which provides an opportunity to job seekers to visit and find exact jobs for them.Note:recruitment n招聘【语篇解读】 本文介绍了一个招聘网站,这个网站主要为寻求工作的人们和用人单位发布信息。1The intended readers of the passage are _.Aforeigners Bemployers and employeesCstudents Dmanagers答案B推理判断题。由文章首句可知这是一个招聘网站,当然会有雇佣者和求职者,故他们是预期的读者,B项符合题意。2What is the purpose of the passage?ATo introduce an online recruitment site to us.BTo tell us how to use the Internet to look for things.CTo tell us which company we should choose.DTo explain to us why was successfully launched on January 2008 in worldwide.答案A主旨大意题。归纳全文大意可知这是介绍一个招聘网站,文章首句就点明了主旨。3Which of the following words can replace the underlined word “categorized” in Paragraph 5?AOrganized. BSatisfied. CMentioned. DRecognized.答案A词义推测题。根据此词后的“on the basis of”和“to find exact industry and locality”可推测此处表示“分类”的意思,选项中只有A项有此含义。B项表示“满意”;C项表示“谈到,提到”;D项表示“识别,认出”。4The site has the following advantages EXCEPT _.AIt is easy to find jobs because it contains a complete list of jobs to choose.BIt can provide latest career opportunities.CIt can provide lots of jobs but you should be careful because they are not guaranteed.DIt is also convenient for employers to post free jobs,filter resumes and download resumes free of charge.答案C推理判断题。文中第三段最后一点提到的是“Guaranteed jobs”,即有保证的,故C项错误。*结束


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