2014高考英语 单项选择 2013暑假练习题(10)

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2014高考英语:2013暑假单项选择练习题(10)及答案解析1. Will you go fishing with me? _. A. No, Ill be very busy B. Yes, Ill be glad C. Certainly, Ill be sorry D. Certainly, Ill be glad to2. Is this the restaurant _? A. which you work B. in which you work C. for which you work D. where you work in3. Bread and butter_ for breakfast in many Chinese homes nowadays.A. serve B. servers C. is served D. are served4. -Where is Xiao Wang? -I dont know. He_ be in the library.A. can B. must C. might D. may5. -Do you like the material?-Yes, it _ very soft.A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt6. The harder you work,_.A. the greater progress youll makeB. the greater youll make progressC. youll make the greater progressD. youll make greater progress7. The sunlight came in_ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room. A. through B. across C. by hour D. each hour8. He has a part - time job and was paid_.A. by the hour B. by an hour C. by hour D. each hour9. The two sides have finally_, though some small differences still exist.A. made a decision B. reached an agreementC. settled down D. broken up10. You cant see the_ now for they are having a meeting at the moment.A. editor-in-chiefs B. by an hour C. by hour D. each hour1D此处be dad后面要接to。若去不了,可以说But Im afraid IU very busy或Sorry,but I cant或Id like t0 but Ill be very busy等。2B介词通常放在which和whom引起的定语从句之前。关系代词that和关系副词when、where等都不能做介词的宾语。该句中的restaurant为先行词,又因为work为不及物动词,所以该句应为关系副词引导的定语从句。这里where=in(at)which,因而D项中的in是多余的。3C bread和butter指“作早餐不可缺少的食物”,应视为单数的整体概念。Serve 作及物动词,其被动结构表示“被用作”,故选C项。4C might表示毫无把握的猜测。can比may的肯定性要稍微大一些,must为实事肯定。 5C观察题干,空白线后无宾语,可知feel是不及物动词,表示“(某物)摸起来”的意思,是系动词,不能用于被动式,也不用进行时,根据此题对话情景,是指某种材料的常规特性,要用一般现在时,不能用过去时。feel作“感觉,认为,摸”之义时是及物动词,可带宾语,有时态、语态等变化。6A the morethe more结构的意义为“越就越”,这个结构中的形容词带有自己的形容词宾语时,该名词要同这个比较级形容词一起置于句首,因此不填B项;C、D两项不符合该旬式的要求。7A此句的意思是“阳光从房顶的窗户射进来。”through曲the window从窗户射进来。8A意指“按小时付钱”。B和c两个表达方式都不对,D不合句子意思。9B A项意为“做出决定”,B项为“达成一项协议”,C项为“定居”,D项为“破译”,故根据题干中“two sides have finally”需填入“达成协议”。 10C复合名词的复数形式s要加在中心词上,因此C为正确答案。*结束单项选择 1. _ teacher of my grandfathers will come tomorrow. Im wondering how old _ man he should be.A. The; a B. A; a C. A; the D. The; the2. I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have _.A. it B. those C. them D. one3. Alice is now in the UK, but she _ English for three months in Hong Kong. A. did study B. has studied C. had studied D. studies4. That was the first time I _ there and I was impressed by the friendly people very much.A. go B. was going C. had gone D. have gone 5. Science and technology are advancing so quickly that _ is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrowA. that B. which C. 不填 D. what6. To qualify yourself for this kind of new job, I recommend that you _ some online courses. A. to take B. taking C. take D. would take7. When will you come to see me again? Tomorrow is _ it is most convenient, I think.A. when B. what C. in which D. where8. It is the discovery of Cao Caos tomb, _ was made in Anyang, Henan province, _ has received widespread attention.A. where; which B. where; that C. that; which D. which; that9. What do you think of Harry, our new roommate? I am not sure, but he is always asking _ questions. A. a great many of B. a great many C. a great number D. the number of10.How are you getting there, by road or by water?_.A. I cant say so B. Yes, I will C. Its a pleasure D. That depends11.Mr. Smith used to smoke _ but he has given it up.A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. hardly12.Our government has taken some measures to overcome the lack of electricity, but it may take some time _ we have enough powerA. sinceB. after C. unless D. before13.Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are _ everyones enjoyment.A. in B. at C. for D. to14.At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and Jialing River _, one of the largest cities in China.A. lies Chongqing B. Chongqing lies C. does lie Chongqing D. does Chongqing lie15.The employers often give the job to _ they believe has work experience with a strong sense of duty.A. whoever B. whomever C. who D. those who参考答案 15 BDACD 610 CADBD 1115 BDCAA *结束31.It is _ great shock for all of us to hear _ news that three university students lost their lives because of saving others. A. the;a B. /;a C. /;/ D.a;the32.According to the school rules, no student_ go out of the school after eleven oclock at night without the teachers permission. A. will B.shall C. must D. may33.It was very _ of you to let us know you were going to be late for the party. A. particular B. merciful C. considerate D. considerable34.Id like to do something for you_ everything you have done for me. A. in exchange B. in turn C. in return for D. in terms of35. Jasper is a great painter. He is _ Picasso.A. as a great as B. as great painter asC. as great a painter as D. so great a painter as36. He picked up an envelope _50 dollars in it.A. containing B. contained C. which contains D. which was contained37.She did not take the advice that she _ at rush hour, so she got lost.A. not travel B. did not go C. should travel D. goes shopping38.The child should be punished. You shouldt let him _ telling lies. A. keep away from B. keep away with C. get away from D. get away with39. The new law has come into _; surely it will have _on industry of the country.A. affect; an effect B. effect; affect C. effect; an effect D. an effect; an effect40. Can I _, sir?Yes, please. Two dinks.A. order you B. have your order C. obey your order D. order41. What a big surprise to see you here! I _ you _ still abroad.A. think; were B. thought; are C. think; are D. thought; were42.- Did your boss phone you again the next day? - No, it was a fortnight _ he gave me a second call. A.that B. before C. when D. since43. The population of the country is 3 million, _ Kooris.A. 1 % of which were made up of B. 1 % of it were KoorisC. and 1 % of which were made up of D. 1 % of them were44.- Jack, Im going to Beijing to have a trip. Do you have anything _ to your friends. A. to take B. to be taken C.taken D. taking45.This is one of the best films _ this year.A. they have been shown B. that has been shownC. that have been shown D. which have been shown参考答案 3135 DBCCC 3640 AADCB 4145 DBABC*结束


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