2014高考英语 文章阅读类 2013暑假练习题(13)

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2014高考英语 文章阅读类 2013暑假练习题(13)_第1页
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2014高考英语文章阅读类:2013暑假练习题(13)及答案解析第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。AIt was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005 While most people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does After putting in 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour a week to support his young family And the bike was also used to get groceries, saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, then called my husband to pick it up Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job It really is an honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity as a whole And it has influenced us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares And the results can be everlasting 41Why was the bike so important to the couple? A They used it for work and daily life B It was their only possession C It was a nice Kona 18 speed D The mans job was bike racing 42What does the underlined phrase mean?A go very far to see someoneB walk out on foot to greet someoneC help someone with ones bestD enjoy the moment with someone43We can infer from the text that _ A the couple worked 60 hours a week B people were busy before Christmas C the stranger brought over the bike D life was hard for the young family 44How did people get to know the couples problem? A From a stranger B From a newspaper C From TV news D From radio broadcasts 45What do the couple learn from their experience? A Strangers are usually of little help B One should take care of their bike C News reports make people famous D An act of kindness can mean a lotBGreen-space facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban environmentFortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject has to start with the proof of this ideaAt present it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proofThe recognition of the importance of green-spaces in the urban environment is a first step on the right way; this does not mean, however, that enough details are known about the functions of green spaces in towns and about the way in which the inhabitants are using these spacesThe theoretical separation of living, working, traffic and recreation which for many years has been used in town-and-country planning, has in my opinion resulted in disproportionate (不成比例的) attention for forms of recreation far from home, whereas there was relatively little attention for improvement of recreative possibilities in the direct neighborhood of the homeWe have come to the conclusion that this is not right, because an important part of the time which we do not pass in sleeping or working, is used for activities at and around homeSo it is obvious that recreation in the open air has to begin at the street door of the houseThe urban environment has to offer as many recreation activities as possible, and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory (强制性的) activities can also have a recreative aspectThe very best standard of living is nothing if it is not possible to take a pleasant walk in the district, if the children cannot be allowed to play in the streets, because the risks of traffic are too great, if during shopping you can nowhere find a spot of enjoying for a moment the nice weather, in short, if you only feel yourself at home after the street door of your house is closed after you46According to the author, the importance of green spaces in the urban environment _Ais still unknownBis being closely studiedCis usually neglectedDhas been fully recognized47The theoretical separation of living, working, traffic and recreation has led to _Athe disproportion of recreation facilities in the neighborhoodBall of the recreation facilities far from homeCrelatively little attention for recreative possibilitiesDthe improvement of recreative possibilities in the neighborhood48The author suggests that the recreative possibilities of green spaces should be provided _Ain special areasBin the suburbsCin the neighbourhood of the houseDin gardens and parks49The author says “more obligatory activities can also have a recreative aspect” to _Asuggest that obligatory activities dont need to seriousBshow that recreation activities are very importantCshow how recreation activities have spread wildlyDsuggest how to offer recreation activities around home 50Why would someone only feel himself at home according to the last paragraph?AOne lives the very best standard of livingBThere are too many distractions outside his homeCThere are few recreations around his houseDOne needs the street door of his house to be opened alwaysCHonesty, my mum always used to tell me, is the best policy. Of course, this didnt include her when she told me that if I didnt eat all my vegetables Father Christmas would find out and wouldnt give me any presents. But when it comes to medicine, I had assumed it was important to always be honest with my patients. After all, the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust, and therefore honesty is essential, or so I thought. I had just started working in geriatrics(老年病科). Mr. McMahon was brought in when his baby was found very swollen. I took a medical history from his daughter who had accompanied him in the ambulance. Shed been his main carer for years. I stood looking at him as she gave a detailed history. Has he lost any weight recently? I asked, Well, its funny you should mention that, but yes. She said slowly. There was silence for a few moments.Why? What are you worried about? she asked, I hesitated. She was obviously very involved in his care and it was only fair that I told her the truth. Well, we need to prove its not cancer. I said and talked briefly about some of the tests I was going to order. Half an hour later, a nurse called me: Mr. McMahons daughter broke downshe said you told her he had cancer. My heart sank. By the time I arrived at the ward, my consultant was already there, explaining that we still had to run lots of tests and that it was by no means confirmed that he had cancer. I stood silently at the end of the bed. My consultant was obviously angry with me and as we left Mr. McMahon, she turned to me. Why on earth did you do that? she asked in disbelief. I looked at her and bit my lip. She asked me what I was worried about and I told her. I said, hanging my head. And give her more to worry about? replied my consultant. You dont say the word cancer until its confirmed. Even if you suspect it, think very carefully before you tell people. As it turned out, it wasnt cancer. But I did learn that when someone is stressed and worried about their loved one theyre sometimes selective in what they hearand as a doctor its important to be mindful of this. In being truthful, Id made the situation worse. 51. The purpose of the first two paragraphs is to show that the author_. A.misunderstood the doctor-patient relationship B.was anxious to receive Christmas gifts C.regarded honesty as the best policy D.had an unhealthy eating habit 52. The authors consultant was angry with him because _. A.he told the daughter what he suspected. B.he delayed running the necessary tests. C.he failed to confirm the parents disease. D.he forgot what the consultant had advised. 53. The author hung his head (the underlined part in Para. 4) because he was feeling_. A.guilty B.hurt C.disappointed D.helpless 54.What lesson has the author learnt from his experience? A.Learning from parents is necessary. B.Jumping to a conclusion is dangerous. C.Telling the truth may not always be the best solution. D.Selecting pleasant words may not be the perfect policy.DBobby Moresco grew up in New Yorks Hells Kitchen, a tough working-class neighborhood on Manhattans West Side. But Hells Kitchen lies right next door to Broadway, and the bright lights attracted Bobby from the time he was a teen. Being stage-struck was hardly what a street kid could admit to his partners. Fearing their ridicule, he told no one, not even his girlfriend, when he started taking acting lessons at age 17. If you were a kid from the neighborhood, you became a cop, construction worker, longshoreman or criminal. Not an actor. Moresco struggled to make that long walk a few blocks east. He studied acting, turned out for all the cattle calls - and during the decade of the 1970s made a total of $2,000. I wasnt a good actor, but I had a driving need to do something different with my life, he says. He moved to Hollywood, where he drove a cab and worked as a bartender(酒吧服务员). My father said, Stop this craziness and get a job; you have a wife and daughter. “But Moresco kept working at his chosen craft. Then in 1983 his younger brother Thomas was murdered in a mob-linked killing. Moresco moved back to his old neighborhood and started writing as a way to explore the pain and the patrimony of Hells Kitchen. Half-Deserted Streets, based on his brothers killing, opened at a small Off-Broadway theater in 1988. A Hollywood producer saw it and asked him to work on a screenplay. His reputation grew, and he got enough assignments to move back to Hollywood. By 2003, he was again out of work and out of cash when he got a call from Paul Haggis, a director who had befriended him. Haggis wanted help writing a film about the country after September 11. The two worked on the writing, but every studio in town turned it down. They kept pitching it. Studio executives, however, thought no one wanted to see a severe, honest vision of race and fear and lives in collision in modern America. Moresco believed so strongly in the script that he borrowed money, sold his house. He and Haggis kept pushing. At last the writers found an independent film producer who would take a chance, but the upfront money was too little, Moresco delayed his salary. Crash slipped into the theaters in May 2005, and quietly became both a hit and a critical success. It was nominated for six Academy Awards and won three - Best Picture, Best Film Editing and Best Writing (Original Screenplay) by Paul Haggis and the kid from Hells Kitchen. At age 54, Bobby Moresco became an overnight success. If you have something you want to do in life, dont think about the problems, he says, think about other ways to get it done. 55. Rearrange the following statements in terms of time order:a. His work Half-Deserted Streets drew attention as it opened at a small Off-Broadway theaterb. Unexpectedly Crash became both a hit and a huge success.c. He moved to Hollywood to be a taxi driver and a waiter.d. He started learn acting in spite of hardness with the belief of doing something different.e. His younger brother Thomas was killed in conflict among bullies.A. d; c; e; a; b B. d; e; c; b; a C. c; d; e; a; b D. c; e; d; b; a 56. Why Bobby Moresco did not tell anyone that he started taking lessons at age 17?A. He wanted to give his girlfriend a surprise. B. His girlfriend did not allow him to do this.C. He was afraid of being laughed at.D. He had no talent for acting.57. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?A. His father did not support his work as a bartender.B. Before he became an overnight success, his life experienced ups and downs.C. His brothers death inspired his writing Half-Deserted Streets.D. Moresco grew up in New Yorks Hells Kitchen which is a few blocks east of Broadway.58. The Studio executives turned the script Crash down because _.A. they thought the script would not be popular.B. the script was not well written.C. they had no money to make the film based on the script.D. they thought Moresco was not famous.59. Whats the best title of the article?A. The Road to SuccessB. Try It a Different WayC. A Talented manMorescoD. Morescos Perseverance 60. Which of the following can best describe Bobby Moresco?A. initiative (主动) and persistent B. shy but hardworking C. caring and brave D. aggressive and modest第二节:根据短文内容,从下框的A-F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。AThe secret of the writers success B. A write with enduring popularityC. Well-received creation to encourage Brits D. The insight into human natureE. Writing styles in different stages F. The story appreciate for school students61.Charles Dickens is often thought of as one of Englands great writers. Yet for many his language is old-fashioned and his story plots often improbable. Why, Dickens, out of so many other great English writers, has made the list? How then to explain Dickenss enduring popularity?62. One reason undoubtly is the British governments insistence that every child studies a Dickens novel at school. Alongside Willian Shakespeare, Charles Dickens is a compulsory (必读的)writer on every English literature school reading list. His stories, though often over-long by todays standard,are superbly written moral tales. They are filled with colorful characters.63. But what makes his books stand out from other English writers is his insight into human nature. Dickens, like Shakespeare, tells us truths about human behavior that are as true to citizens of the 21st century as they were to his readers in the 19th century. Readers have returned to Dickenss books again and again over the years to see what he has to say about readersown time.64. The BBC adapted one of his less well-known novels, Little Dorrit, into a popular television drama that introduced many Brits to the novel for the first time. A dark story about greed and money, it was the perfect story to illustrate the bad times. No surprise then that it was Dickens Britons turned to, during the economic crisis last year, to make sense of world rapidly falling apart.65. Readers of the 19th and early 20th century usually prized Dickenss earlier novels for their humor and pathos(悲痛). While recognizing the virtues of these books, critics today tend to rank more highly the later works because of their formal coherence and acute perception(洞察力) of the human condition. For as long as Dickenss novels have something to say to modern audiences, it seems likely that he will remain one of Britains best loved writers.参考答案第二部分 (50分,每小题2分)4145 ACDBD 4650 DACDC 5155 CAACA 5660 CDABA 61-65:BFDCE*结束


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