2014高考英语 完形填空 2013暑假练习题(3)

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2014高考英语完形填空:2013暑假练习题(3)及答案解析第二节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was _21_1,316 passengers and a crew of 891. Even _22_ modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a huge ship. At that time, _23_, she was not only the largest ship that had _24_ been built, but was regarded as _25_, for she had sixteen watertight compartments.(轮船的密封舱) Even if two of these were flooded, she _26_ still be able to float. The _27_ sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy _28_ of life. Four days after setting out, _29_ the Titanic was sailing _30_ the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly _31_ by a lookout. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned _32_ to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, _33_ missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from _34_, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so _35_ that no one thought that the ship had been _36_. Below, the captain _37_ to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been _38_! The order to _39_ ship was given and hundreds of people jumped into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboats for _40_, 1,500 lives were lost. ,新概念英语3 Lesson 10 The Loss of the Titanic21. A. carryingB. takingC. bringingD. making(,考查动词carry 作为“运送”的意思,区别carry 的同义词)22.A. in B. onC. toD. by(,考查介词by 作为“依照,按照”)23.A. butB. becauseC. thereforeD. however(,考查连词however用法)24.A. onlyB. stillC. everD. even(,考查副词ever用法,用在完成时态中)25.A. uncomfortableB. unbearableC. unsinkableD. unbelievable(,考查形容词unsinkable 意思“不会沉没的”,根据下文可知)26.A. willB. would C. shouldD. could (,考查情态动词would 用法)27.A. tragicB. fortunateC. unsuccessfulD. amusing(,考查形容词tragic意思,根据全篇故事可知)28.A. harmB lossC. damageD. suffering(,考查名词loss 用法,“损失”)29.A. whenB. whileC. untilD. though(,考查连词while 用法)30.A. alongB. overC. onD. across(,考查介词across“横穿,穿过”用法)31.A. spottedB. recognizedC. exposedD. uncovered(,考查动词spot“发现”)32.A. sharplyB. directlyC. deeplyD. hugely(,考查副词sharply “迅速地,突然地”)33.A. suddenlyB. narrowlyC. immediatelyD. slightly(,考查副词narrowly“勉强”)34.A. aboveB. underC. besideD. below(,考查副词below,根据下文down 可知)35.A. faintB. smallC. slimD. tiny(,考查形容词faint“微弱的”,根据上文slight trembling sound 可知)36.A. destroyedB. ruinedC. damagedD. hurt(,考查动词damage “部分损坏”)37.A. realizedB. achievedC. confirmedD. proved(,考查动词realize“意识到”)38.A. challengedB. protectedC. removedD. flooded(,考查动词flood“进水”,根据上文可知,flood作为名词“洪水”学生较熟悉)39.A. abandonB. advanceC. absorbD. absolute (,考查动词abandon “遗弃”)40.A. somebodyB. anybodyC. everybodyD. nobody(,考查代词everybody, not everybody 部分否定)完型填空:2125 ADDCC 2630 BABBD 3135 AABDA 3640 CADAC*结束维B 完形填空(每题1.5分,满分30分)选材相似度:设题相似度:难度系数:Like that of her own character,Harry Potter,J.K.Rowlings life is like a fairy tale.Divorced,living on public assistance in a tiny Edinburgh flat with her infant daughter,Rowling _1_ Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone _2_ a table in a cafe during her daughters napsand it was Harry Potter _3_ rescued her.Rowling _4_ that she always wanted to write and that the first _5_ she actually wrote down,when she was five or six,was a story about a rabbit _6_ Rabbit.Many of her favorite _7_ center around readinghearing The Wind in the Willows _8_ aloud by her father when she had the measles,enjoying the fantastic adventure stories of ENesbit,and her favorite story of all,The Little White Horse.At Exeter University Rowling took her degree in French and _9_ one year studying in Paris.After college she moved to London to _10_ as a researcher and bilingual secretary.The best thing about working in an office,she has said,was _11_ up stories on the computer when no one was _12_.During this time,on a particularly long train ride from Manchester to London in the summer of 1990,the idea _13_ her of a boy who is a wizard and doesnt know it.He _14_ a school for wizardryshe could see him very plainly in her mind.By the time the train _15_ into Kings Cross station four hours later,many of the characters and the early stages of the plot were fully _16_ in her head.The story took further shape as she continued working on it in _17_ and cafes over her lunch hours.After her marriage to a Portuguese TV journalist ended in divorce,Rowling returned to Britain with her infant daughter and a suitcase full of Harry Potter notes and _18_.She settled in Edinburgh to be near her sister and _19_ to finish the book before looking for a teaching job.Wheeling her daughters carriage around the city to escape their _20_,cold apartment,she would duck into coffee shops to write when the baby fell asleep.In this way she finished the book and started sending it to publishers.Notes:measle n麻疹bilingual adj.双语的【语篇解读】 Harry Potter是受全世界书迷喜欢的系列小说,可很少有人知道此书的作者J.K.Rowling的命运就像书中人物哈利波特一样具有传奇色彩。1A.read Brecited Cwrote Dcopied答案C作为一个作家,应该是“写”或“创作”小说。2A.on Bin Caround Dat答案D写作时应该是“坐在桌子前”,用at a table。3A.what Bthat Cwhich Dwho答案B本句采用了强调句型,强调的是主语Harry Potter。4A.remembers BthinksCreminds Dsupposes答案A此处是Rowling对往事的回忆,所以应该选 remembers。5A.book Bstory Cnovel Dfiction答案B下文“was a story about a rabbit _6_ Rabbit”暗示了答案。novel 指一般的小说;fiction多指科幻方面的小说。6A.colored Bpublished Ccalled Dreplaced答案C语境为“关于一只名叫Rabbit的兔子的故事”。7A.songs Bsports Cthings Dmemories答案D此段主要讲述的是Rowling对往事的回忆,这里的意思为“她的许多美好回忆集中在读书上”。8A.spoken Bsaid Ctold Dread答案Dread aloud意思为“大声朗读”;虽然tell可以表示“讲故事”,但它不与aloud搭配。9A.cost Bspared Ctook Dspent答案Dspend time(in)doing sth为固定结构。10A.regard Bconsider Cwork Dtreat答案C虽然四个动词都与as搭配,但此处表示“当研究员和秘书”,所以用work as。11A.searching Breading Clistening Dtyping答案D此处表示在上班期间搞业余创作,应该是在电脑上把构思的小说“打出来”。12A.noticing Bwatching Cobserving Dseeing答案B语境为“当没有观察时,她就在电脑上打字”。watch表示“观看,观察,监视”,符合语境;notice表示“无意中注意到”;observe多表示“搞专门研究的人长期地进行某一方面的观察”;see表示“有意或无意中看到”。13A.came to Bstruck to Cstuck to Dhit on答案A表示“某人产生一个主意”常用an idea comes to sb,an idea strikes sb或sb hits on/upon an idea。14A.studies Battends Cbuilds Dgoes答案B与上学有关的短语为study at/in a school,attend a school,enter a school和go to school。15A.entered Bpulled Creached Darrived答案B火车进站、出站常用动词“pull into”和“pull out of”。另外,这两个短语还可表示轮船进出码头。16A.organized Btaken Cformed Dappeared答案C此处表示故事中的人物和前边的部分已经在她大脑中“形成”。17A.theatres Bpubs Ccinemas Dconcerts答案B由“over her lunch hours”可知,此处应选pubs(酒吧)。18A.chapters Bbooks Cmagazines Dnewspapers答案A从上文的“notes”一词和下文的“to finish the book”可知,此处表示那本书的“章节”。19A.set about Bset off Cset up Dset out答案D此处表示定居下来以后着手完成她的书。表示“着手干某事”常用set out to do sth和set about doing sth两个短语,由后边的不定式结构推断出选D。set off表示“动身,出发”;set up意为“建立”。20A.splendid Blarge Ccomfortable Dtiny答案D此处意为“离开她们狭小而又寒冷的公寓”。*结束


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