2014届高考英语 阅读理解 2013暑假练习题(18)

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2014高考英语阅读理解:2013暑假练习题(18)及答案解析第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。(A)(文章选自China Daily,题目原创)XIAN - Chinas conservation work for the endangered crested ibis(朱鹮)is facing new challenges, including an increasing death rate due to inbreeding(同系繁殖), and the conflict between the need to expand natural habitats and local communities economic interests, bird experts have warned.The crested ibis, once widespread in Japan, China, Russia and the Korean Peninsula, almost became extinct in the first half of the 20th century.Before 1981, when seven crested ibis were accidentally found in Yangxian county, in Northwest Chinas Shaanxi province, academics thought the species had been extinct in China for almost 17 years.Due to the huge effort put into species protection since 1981, the number of crested ibis in China has risen to an estimated 1,617, including 997 in the wild, the State Forestry Administration said at a meeting on crested ibis protection in Xian on Monday.However, although the ibis population exceeds 1,000, the birds are still not free from the threat of extinction, said Fang Shengguo, director of the State Conservation Center for Gene Resources of Endangered Wildlife at Zhejiang University.Ornithologists used inbreeding in the early stages of protection so that numbers of the precious birds could increase quickly, but that method had consequences, Fang said.Studies have proved that as a result of inbreeding, crested ibis have the lowest genetic diversity of all endangered birds, Fang said. It means a high death rate and more physical defects for hatched chicks. The government should collect genetic information from all crested ibis and establish a genetic database as soon as possible, then design a scientific mating plan for the species, Fang said.So far, about 90 percent of crested ibis live in Shaanxi province, and fewer than 140 ibis live in three zoos in other parts of the country, including Beijing Zoo, according to Liu Dongping, an assistant researcher at the National Bird Banding Center of China, which is affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Forestry.The bird has lost the ability to migrate, he said, adding that if an unexpected natural disaster occurred in Shaanxi province or an infectious disease spread through the area, the ibis population could be greatly reduced.Experts also warned that the increased population of ibis, whether in the wild or in captivity, requires a larger and more varied natural habitat.Rampant hunting, the massive loss of habitat caused by deforestation and the overuse of pesticides, which killed aquatic(水生的) insects on which the ibis feed, are believed to be the main reasons for the sharp reduction in the ibis population before 1981.So, in 1983, a State-level natural reserve was set up in Shaanxi province to protect the bird. But the struggle for living space between human and animal has never stopped, said Lu Baozhong, deputy director of the Shaanxi Crested Ibis Conservation Station.For example, ibis often look for loaches in farmers rice fields. Sometimes their claws trample the rice seedlings. In another case, villagers discovered some land with abundant mineral resources which happened to be a habitat for ibis, said Lu, who has devoted 30 years to ibis protection.A long-term win-win solution for ibis and local communities needs to be developed, one that would provide ecological compensation for local residents, Lu said.49.Whats the best title for the passage?AThe Rare Bird in ChinaBNew Problems for the Crested IbisCThe Way to Save the Crested IbisDThe Reason for the Crested Ibiss Extinction50.Which of the following statement is TRUE ?AThe crested ibis is a native of China.BBefore 1981, the crested ibis was extinct in China.CThe crested ibis is now free from the threat of extinction.DMost of the crested ibis are in Shaanxi province.51.Which of the following can best explain the underlined word “Ornithologists”?Athe persons who study the birdsBthe persons in the State Forestry AdministrationCthe persons who keep the birdsDthe persons who kill the birds52.Why did the experts adopt the way of inbreeding to protect the crested ibis?ATo increase the death rate.BTo increase the number of the crested ibis.CTo get more physical defects for hatched chicksDTo have the lowest diversity of the endangered bird.53.What may be the reason for the reduction in the population of the crested ibis before 1981?AinbreedingBeconomic developmentCover huntingDsandstorm54.What can we learn from the passage?ADue to our great efforts, the crested ibis lives in the wild well.BScientists will choose a better habitat for the crested ibis.CThe problems of the crested ibis have not been solved now.DThe government has established a genetic database of the crested ibis.(B)(文章选自China Daily,略有删减,题目原创)A winner of the 2011 LOreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards, Professor Vivian Wing-wah Yam says she could not have done it without the backing of her family. The road to scientific discovery is tougher for women than for men and Professor Vivian Wing-wah Yam says she couldnt have succeeded without such a supportive family. The 47-year-old from Hong Kong University was one of five women scientists, from each continent, to receive the 2011 LOreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards at a ceremony on March 3, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. It is the 13th edition of the award since 1998.Yams long and fruitful research on solving the energy problem won her the prize for Asia and the Pacific. There are several renewable and sustainable(可持续的) energy solutions, like solar power, which could provide an unlimited source of energy. Some problems must be resolved, however, such as the low efficiency of solar cells and their high supply costs. Yam and her colleagues hope to overcome these problems by developing and testing new photoactive(光敏的) materials.She became the third Chinese women scientist honored with the so-called womans Nobel Prize award, after Professor Li Fanghua from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003, and Professor Ye Ruyu from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2004.People think chemists are bad guys, but we are the good guys, Yam said in a humorous aside before explaining her research project on photoactive materials in an earlier speech at LInstitut de France. For Yam, chemistry is science, but also an art. Amazed by the universe, nature and color in her childhood, Yam decided on a career in chemistry. One of the beauties of chemistry is the ability to create new molecules and chemical species. I have always associated chemists with artists, creating new things with innovative(革新的) ideas, Yam said.As a mother of two daughters, 12 and 14, Yam said she is lucky to have been supported by her family. She was inspired as a child by her father, a professor in the Civil Engineering Faculty at Hong Kong University. Yam added her husband, Mak Shingtat, a PhD in chemistry, who accompanied Yam to the awards ceremony, was also fully supportive of her work. I cant imagine how my career could move on without his understanding and support, she said. I often stay late at night in the laboratory. He always waits for me outside.Yam received her bachelor and PhD degrees from the University of Hong Kong (HKU). She taught at City Polytechnic of Hong Kong before joining HKU as a faculty member, and headed the chemistry department for two terms from 2000 to 2005. At 38, she was the youngest member elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is also a Fellow of TWAS, the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, and was awarded the State Natural Science Award and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Centenary Medal. 2011 is the 100th anniversary of Marie Curies second Nobel Prize, coinciding (一致的)with the International Year of Chemistry. Today, Curie is still a role model for women in science.Although the participation of women in science, is promoted by UNESCO, notably through LOreal-UNESCO, there are still too few women doing high-level science, says UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova. The latest UNESCO report shows less than 40 percent of countries provide girls and boys equal access to education.Each year, the LOreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award recognizes 15 young women from all over the world, especially developing countries, to encourage and finance their studies. More than 200 young women scientists are currently supported. I do not think there is a difference between men and women in terms of their intellectual abilities and research capabilities(能力), Yam said. As long as one has the passion, dedication and determination to pursue research wholeheartedly, one can excel regardless of ones gender or background.Yam said some young women, who require stability and security, often have to give up their research because of family pressures. The only way for women to succeed in science is to get the mental and material support from family and society. There is a day-care center at my university, and my husband and mother-in-law help a lot with the housework, so I am able to spend my time on research, she said. I have two young daughters, and it is too early to tell whether or not they want to pursue careers in science. But, I will encourage them to always defend their ideas. To remain determined, and to never be afraid of failure - this is the advice that they will need to succeed in realizing their dreams. Yam also acknowledged her colleagues support, at the awards ceremony. This (award) not only recognizes me, but my colleagues and students and my country, China.55LOreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards is .Aan award for the developing worldBequal to Womens Nobel PrizeCheld for more than 14 timesDonly to in honour of Marie Curie56Why did Yam become a chemist? .AWhen she was young, she thought chemists were good.BShe was amazed by the universe, nature and color in her childhood.CShe wanted to find the beauties of chemistry.DShe was encouraged by her supportive family.57Whats Yams view on men and women? .ATheir intellectual abilities and research capabilities are the same. BTheir passion, dedication and determination are the same. CWomen require stability and security.DWomen cant get the mental and material support from family and society.58Yam wins the award of UNESCO For Women in Science for . Aher fruitful research on solving the environmental problem Bdoing research and test on new photoactive materials Cinventing an unlimited resource Dfinding solutions on renewable and sustainable energy 59The word “recognize” in the passage means .Aadmit or be aware of Bbe willing to accept sb/sth as valid or approveCshow appreciation by giving an honor or award Dknow sb/sth again60For Yam, her winning the award mainly thanks to . Aher hard work Bthe co-work from her students.Cthe help from her colleagues Dthe support from her family答案及评分标准*49B。概括文章的主旨大意。根据文章描写,主要介绍珍稀动物朱鹮所面临的一些问题。50D。细节题。根据句子So far, about 90 percent of crested ibis live in Shaanxi province.可知。51A。推测单词词意。根据文章应知ornithologist为“鸟类学家”。52B。细节题。根据句子Ornithologists used inbreeding in the early stages of protection so that numbers of the precious birds could increase quickly.可知。53C。细节题。根据句子Rampant hunting, the massive loss of habitat caused by deforestation and the overuse of pesticides, which killed aquatic insects on which the ibis feed, are believed to be the main reasons for the sharp reduction in the ibis population before 1981.54C。推断题。根据文章最后一段可知问题还没解决。*55-60 BBADCD*


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