2014届高考英语 阅读理解 2013暑假练习题(10)

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2014届高考英语 阅读理解 2013暑假练习题(10)_第1页
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2014高考英语阅读理解:2013暑假练习题(10)及答案解析 (第A 篇)Only three local students won Chinese Blog(博客) Competition. And 15 of the 18 awards went to students from China.170 students task: to get a fullydesigned blog up and running, complete with many postings based on a theme of choice all written in Chinese.Themes ranged from local opinions such as the usage of Singlish, education and whether Singapore can be a cultural centre to food blogs.The entries were judged on language proficiency(熟练程度) and the quality of writing, as well as the design and level of exchanging ideas with readers.Academics from the National University of Singapore and the SIM University, IT experts, and a journalist from Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao in Singapore made up the judges.In the end, only three Singaporean students made it to the award list the rest of the awards were swept up by students from China.“No surprise, ”said Mr. Chow Yaw Long, 37, teacherincharge from Innova Junior College, which organized the event. “Although the topics were local subjects, the foreign students were generally better in terms of the content of the posts and their grasp of the Chinese language.”One of the three local students winning the first prize in the Best Language Award was blogger Christina Gao, 19, from the Saint Andrews Junior College, who spared no effort in researching for and writing her blog. Each entry took her between five and seven days to produce, complete with pictures and even podcasts (播客)Her advice for bloggers is: Be responsible.“Some bloggers out there only seek to blame the authorities and other bloggers,” said Miss Gao. “I think they lack responsibilities and there is no value to their posts.”语篇解读新加坡举行一次国内外学生用汉语写博客的大赛,结果只有3个本土学生得奖,其余的被中国学生包揽。1The competition was organized by _.A. the National University of SingaporeB. Chinese newspaper Lianhe ZaobaoC. Innova Junior CollegeD. the Saint Andrew s Junior College解析细节理解题。依据文章第七段中的“teacherincharge from Innova Junior College,which organized the event”可知,这里的which指代Innova Junior College,也就是这次活动的组织者。答案C2Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Chinese students won most of the awards.B. Not all the themes were about local subjectsC. The blogs could be written in Chinese or Singlish.D. The judges were from universities in Singapore and China.解析正误判断题。依据文章第一段可知,A项正确,这次大赛中国学生获得了绝大多数奖。答案A3What Miss Gao said suggests that _.A. she likes to blame the authoritiesB. she has a sense of responsibilityC. she thinks highly of the others blogsD. she loves to read valuable posts解析推理判断题。依据文章最后三段可知她很有责任感。答案B4The passage is mainly about_.A. how Chinese students won the awards in the competitionB. why bloggers should take responsibility for their blogsC. how Miss Gao won the first prize in the competitionD. what the result of the competition was解析主旨大意题。本文主要介绍新加坡举行一次国内外学生用汉语写博客的大赛,叙述了比赛的结果,所以可以得出答案为D。答案D*结束 (第 B篇)Five million people visit Grand Canyon in the US every year. For the purpose of helping project Grand Canyon for your fellow visitors and future generations, please follow the guidelines below.CampingTo protect the park, camping is allowed only within permitted campgrounds. Permits are required for overnight camping at the North Rim. Advance booking can be received by mail. Please write: Information Center, P. O. Box 129, Grand Canyon, AZ 86023FiresBecause of the extreme fire danger, campfires are not allowed except at Mather and Desert View campgrounds. Collection of firewood is not allowed either.Hiking(远足)Please stay on permitted paths.Otherwise you may destroy desert plants. Pack_out_what_you_pack_in,_so you leave no signs of your visit. It is important to keep in mind that you are in a national park where wildlife exists.WeatherThe weather at Grand Canyon can change very quickly.With so much rock,lightning(闪电) causes a particular danger during sudden summer storms. These storms also frequently bring floods inside valleys,a danger to hikers. Watch the skies and check daily weather reports.WildlifeDo not feed park wildlife. There have been a few cases at Grand Canyon National Park where deer(鹿) were purposely shot because they are plastic bags that left them sick and weak. Hungry deer can be a danger and have kicked and bitten visitors at Grand Canyon. Some other animals will also beg and bite. For your own safety and the wellbeing of the animals,please do not feed wildlife, no matter how gentle they may appear.5. What can you do first if you want to go camping?A. Know the permitted paths.B. Book campgrounds in advance.C. Make sure not to make a fire.D. Stop at Mather and Desert View.解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Advance booking can be received by mail”能看出要想出去夏令营首先做的就是book campgrounds in advance.答案B6. What do the underlined words “pack out what you pack in” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. keep everything out of campgroundsB. take away everything you bring inC. carry all the necessary foodD. look after your personal belongings解析推理判断题。根据“you leave no signs of your visit.”来推断带走你所带来的东西,不要留下任何的东西。答案B7. Why were some deer killed on purpose at Grand Canyon?A. They ate wrong things and became very ill.B. They were a danger to other gentle animals.C. They begged food from visitors.D. They kicked and bit visitors.解析细节理解题。根据“purposely shot because they are plastic bags that left them sick and weak”可知它们吃错了东西而变得有病。答案A8. What is the main purpose of the text?A. To provide travel information.B. To report some recent news.C. To teach tourists hiking skills.D. To introduce the wild life.解析主旨大意题。根据第一段“For the purpose of helping project Grand Canyon for your fellow visitors and future generations,please follow the guidelines below.”可知道整篇文章都是为旅游提供信息。答案A*结束第二部分:阅读理解(本题有两小节,第一节共20小题;每小题2分,第二节共5小题;每小题2分;满分50分)第一节:阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。A(选自 杭州市四校联考卷阅读理解B篇)Its a nightmare for Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST): within a week, two students committed suicide by jumping off dorm buildings. Officials from the university are reluctant(不情愿的) to give interviews. “We had a hard time calming down students who were shocked at the suicides,” said Zhang Jingyuan, head of HUSTs center for research and guidance for students development. “Media coverage(报导) may arouse some students negative emotions again. Suicide can be contagious(传染性的),” Zhang said. The university reacted promptly to the first suicide on October 23. Advisors and class leaders conducted dorm-to-dorm checks to find students suffering depression. Then psychologists offered one-on-one counseling to them. Notice boards publicizing tips for identifying peers mental problems and offering help were set up in front of dorm buildings. Leaflets(传单) carrying similar information were handed out to each dorm. However, the second suicide came seven days later. Both students were described as men of few words. Their schoolmates didnt see anything to indicate suicide. Zhang revealed that the two students had been bothered by mental disorders. But the school didnt know this until the students close friends outside school and their parents unveiled(揭露) the truth after the suicides. According to Zhang, there are only three full-time counselors (心理辅导专家)working in the universitys counseling center for its 60,000 students. He complained: “Its unrealistic to rely only on counselors to detect students mental problems.” Some universities in the US may be able to offer solutions to Zhangs worries. They have established programs to train students to be the bridge between troubled friends and counselors. At Worcester Polytechnic Institute, at Worcester, Massachusetts, US, young people in the Student Support Network role play to learn how to detect SOS signals from their schoolmates. They also practice how to gently persuade emotionally troubled students to go for professional help. To develop such empathy(同理心), many universities in China have organized campus events to popularize knowledge about mental health. But these are not that attractive to students. Ke Juanjuan, 24, is pursuing a masters degree in English translation at HUST. Ke has found that few of her peers will pay attention to activities about mental health when they are not troubled by it. Rather than bombard students with the words “mental health”, Ke suggested the school organize lectures and workshops concerning study, job-hunting and relationships. She explained: “Students care about these topics. They tend to have problems in these areas and may thus get stuck in depression. “By helping students better deal with these problems, the school can effectively prevent self-inflicted injury and suicide among students.” Effective prevention comes from long-term education for life instead of temporary intervention(干预) to meet an emergency, said Hu Yian. Hu delivers a course of lectures on life and death at Guangzhou University. He worries that universities have paid little attention to education for life. “Education for life helps students respect and love life so they wont resort(诉诸) to ending their lives when they have difficulties,” said Hu. According to Hu, the principles can be incorporated(结合) into everyday teaching.50. In which column of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage? A. Forum B. Campus C. Advertisement D. Culture 51. Which one of the following is NOT one of the reasons why officials from the university are reluctant to give interviews? A. The university reacted promptly to the first suicide on October 23. B. They had a hard time calming down students who were shocked at the suicides. C. Media coverage may arouse some students negative emotions again. D. Two suicides within a week is really a nightmare for the university. 52. The writer mentions Worcester Polytechnic Institute to_. A. encourage universities in China to organize campus events to popularize knowledge about mental health. B. show their students are good at persuading emotionally troubled peers to go for professional help. C. give an example of the universities in the US that have established programs to train students to be the bridge between troubled friends and counselors. D. show that Zhangs complaint is wrong. 53. Which one of the following sentences is NOT true? A. According to Ke Juanjuan, students tend to have problems in study, job-hunting and Relations. B. Effective prevention comes from temporary intervention to meet an emergency. C. According to Hu Yian, education for life helps students respect and love life so they wont commit suicide when they have difficulties. D. According to Hu, education for life can be incorporated into everyday teaching. 54. What is most likely to be talked about in the paragraph following the passage? A. The function of education for life. B. The ways of education for life. C. The importance of education for life. D. How to incorporate education for life into everyday teaching. 参考答案50-54 BACBD *结束


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