上海牛津英语6B Module Unit 11

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上海牛津英语6B Module Unit 11 第一课时:尹 蓓学校:梅莲路小学Title:Unit 11 Western Festival 【教材分析Unit Analysis】本单元介绍了四个重要的西方传统节日 Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving,包括节日的日期和主要活动。整单元语言信息量大,教材内容生动有趣,每个环节的设计和处理都比较精细,第一课时让学生初步了解四个西方的节日,掌握核心句型 Whens the ? What do people usually do at this festival?。第二课时重点是让学生了解西方主要节日的风俗文化,了解英语中的连读现象,并在朗读说话时正确处理需要连读的音。第三课时读懂故事鲁道夫的大红鼻子,学会正视和接纳自我。这三个课时是一个由浅入深的,螺旋上升的,有机结合的过程,学生在学习的过程中了解了这四个西方节日,并感受理解中西方文化的差异。教学内容采用螺旋形上升的结构体系,内容不断反复呈现,有利于学生在学习过程中温故而知新,激发学生的学习兴趣。【语言任务Tasks】1. 介绍西方重要的传统节日。2. 谈论节日话题。【语言知识Language Focus】1.句型复习和日常用语:At Easter,children usually eat chocolate eggs.Halloween is in 31th October. Trick or treat? Is that you?2.词汇:laugh at3. 语音:连读【课时划分Periods】第一课时:Listen and say ,Look and learn第二课时:Sing a song ,Make and say, Learn the sounds第三课时:Read a storyTitle:Unit 11 Period 1ContentsListen and say, Look and learnTeachingAimsAbout Language:1. 通过Listen and say的短文,了解四个重要的西方节日,复习日期表达法。2 通过Look and learn,了解四个节日的名称及相关文化背景。About Skills:1. Using sentences to describe different festivals: Whens the ? Its inor.What do people usually do at this festival?2. Using the key words in the text: Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving.About Emotions:1. 了解西方的文化,对比中西方的重要节日。2. 虽然中西方文化上有差异,但我们同样心中充满爱,享受幸福,全世界是一家人。Key Points1.Key words :Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving,2.Sentences patterns: Whens the ? What do people usually do at this festival?Difficult Points了解西方的文化,对比中西方的重要节日。理解中西方文化上的差异。Teaching Methods情景交际法,游戏法,任务型教学法等Teaching Aids多媒体课件一套ACTIVITIESTeachingProcedurePRE-TASK PREPARATIONTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurpose1. A guessing game.What festival is it、2.Free talk about Chinese traditional festivals.1.Ss guess what festival it is according to the pictures.1)What festival is it? Its the Spring Festival.2)What festival is it? Its the Mid -Autumn Festival.3)What festival is it? Its the Double Ninth Festival.4)What festival is it? Its the Dragon Boat Festival.2.Answer Ts questions:Whens .? What do people usually do/eat at the festival? 先给出图片的一部分,让学生根据所给的部分猜一猜是中国的哪一个传统节日。通过猜一猜的游戏不仅调动了学生的学习兴趣,也复习了中国的传统节日,为今天学的西方传统节日做铺垫。两个问题的设计,复习了中国传统节日的时间及人们主要的活动等,为对比西方传统节日做准备。WHILE-TASK PROCEDURETeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurpose1. Compare two traditional festivals in China and in Western: Spring Festival,Christmas2. Introduce some Western Festivals.3. Talk and share these Westivals one by one. 1) New Years Day2) Valentines Day3) Easter4) April Fools Day5) Mothers Day,Fathers Day6) Halloween7)Thanksgiving 8) Christmas4. Learn the words.5. Read and recite the four traditional festivals: Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving.6. Read and complete 7. Read and judge1. Answer the questions:What is the most important festival in China?-The Spring Festival.What is the most important festival in Western?-Christmas. 2. Ss talk about the other festival in Western:New Years Day, Valentines Day,Easter,April Fools Day,Mothers Day, Fathers Day,Halloween,Thanksgiving,Christmas3. Learn about the date and the activities of these Western Festivals.1)New Years DayDate: 1st Januarystart a new year visit friends, relatives and neighbours2)Valentines DayDate: 14th Februarya lovers holidaya day to show love and carepeople give candy, flowers and gifts to their lovers3)EasterOn a Sunday in March or Aprilan important holiday in the WestThen Ss listen and say.4)April Fools DayDate: 1st Aprilmake fun of relatives or friendssay something foolish, but no one cares 5)Mothers Day,On the second Sunday in MayFathers DayOn the third Sunday in June6) HalloweenDate: 31st Octoberthe ghost festival in many Western countriesListen and say.7) Thanksgiving On the fourth Thursday in November Listen and say.Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in November.It is a holiday in the US.People usually eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.8)ChristmasDate: 25th Decembersend out Christmas cards and greetings to beloved onesgive out presentshang a stocking to collect presentssing Christmas carolsThen listen and say.4.Learn the four words.Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving.5.Ss try to recite the four festivals.6. Exercise 1:Read and complete.7.Exercise 2:Read and judge according to the 4 important festivals.对比中西方两个最重要的节日“春节”和“圣诞节”。学生小组讨论:你还了解哪些西方的节日。按时间的顺序逐一介绍西方的一些重要节日。介绍他们的日期以及人们在这一节日中的重要活动。了解中西方文化的差异。学习Easter的日期及人们的主要活动。学习Halloween的日期及人们的主要活动。学习Thanksgiving的日期及人们的主要活动。学习Christmas的日期及人们的主要活动。了解了一些西方主要节日后,再学习4个传统节日的词汇。学生根据老师的图片提示复述出4个传统节日的时间及人们的主要活动。给出两组练习:一、读一读,填空二、读一读,判断句子正误。POST-TASK ACTIVITYTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurpose1. Ask and answer.2. Lets share.3. Sum up4. Homework1. Answer the questions in pairs:Whens the ? What do people usually do at this festival?2. Share some pictures about the festivals in China and in Western. Learn about different cultures. 3. Sum up.Different cultures , the same love, the same happiness.Were family.4. Homework1)Listen to and read Students Book pages 68 and 69.2)Recite “Listen and say” on Students Book page 68.3)Finish Workbook pages 62 and 64根据所学的四个主要节日,小组操练,回答问题。进一步巩固所学知识。学生欣赏一组中西方人们过各自不同的节日的场景,感受中西方文化的差异。总结本节课:中西方虽然有文化上的差异,但有着相同的爱与快乐。大家是一家人!布置作业。家庭作业是课堂的延伸与巩固。BlackboardDesignWhens.?What do people usually do at this festival?


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