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河南省郑州市小学英语三年级下册期中检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选择适当的字母。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) Look,they are _book stores.A . Jacks and Sallys B . Jack and Sallys2. (2分) Please come to our house. Lets go to the supermarket .A . /B . togetherC . both3. (2分) There _ a supermarket and a book store near her house.A . is B . are4. (2分) 选出不同类的项( ) A . kB . FC . g5. (2分) Aa-Kk中的元音字母是:_ A . Aa;Ee;IiB . Aa;EeC . Ee;Ii;Kk6. (2分) (2020三上瓯海期末) A . t B . d7. (2分) Our house is the supermarket and the hospital.A . betweenB . behindC . next to8. (2分) swA . aB . iC . U9. (2分) (2019三上广州期中) Bb,Cc,Dd,Gg,Hh. A . Ff,EeB . Ee,JjC . Ee,Ff10. (2分) W _ dn _ sdayA . eaB . aeC . ee二、 看一看、写一写。 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分) 从下面的表格中选择恰当的词填空。watchwalkplaylistentalk(1) I _;home.(2) I _;TV.(3) I _;on the phone with my friend.(4) I _;to the music.(5) I _;on the computer.三、 选择填空。 (共9题;共18分)12. (2分) Our town many beautiful trees and flowers.A . haveB . hasC . there are13. (2分) Lets go swimming in the .A . hospitalB . bus stopC . swimming pool14. (2分) 如果你想说“你有一个新的机器人。”应该说:_A . Is it a new robot?B . I have a new robot.C . My new robot is Robin.15. (2分) This is _bedroom.A . Toms and Bills B . Tom and Bills16. (2分) . You are welcome.A . ThankB . Thank youC . Sorry17. (2分) Look,the toilet is over there. Oh,I see. Thanks .A . manyB . a lotC . a lot of18. (2分) wntA . iB . eC . a19. (2分) Youre welcome.A . Thank you.B . Sorry.C . Its my fault(过错).20. (2分) I have _ a lovely dog. A . gotB . getsC . get四、 动词变过去式。 (共1题;共1分)21. (1分) The hospital is _the post office.五、 阅读。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分) 阅读短文,判断正误 Hello, Im Lily. Im in Shenzhen now. Shenzhen is a big city. Its very beautiful too. But it was a small village then.The streets in Shenzhen were old and dirty then. Now they are very new and clean. The parks were small then. Now they are big. Shenzhen is changing(改变). I like Shenzhen very much.(1) Lily is in Shenzhen now. (2) Shenzhen was a big city then. (3) The streets are very new and clean now. (4) The parks werent big then. (5) Lily doesnt like Shenzhen. 第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、 选择适当的字母。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 看一看、写一写。 (共1题;共5分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、三、 选择填空。 (共9题;共18分)12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、四、 动词变过去式。 (共1题;共1分)21-1、五、 阅读。 (共1题;共10分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、


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