四川省绵阳市2014高考英语 文章类暑假训练题(6)

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四川省绵阳市2014高考英语 文章类暑假训练题(6)_第1页
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四川省绵阳市2014高考英语(暑假)文章类训练题(6)附答案完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Many adults see teens as energetic. Many of us see ourselves as proud. This thinking 36 many adults and us, too, to have the idea that if we cant handle school or 37 life well, were just not trying.But in my opinion that may not be 38 .Earlier this school year, I was leaving my class one Friday, when suddenly it 39 like I had pulled a muscle in my back. I knew I was ill.After a few days I stopped eating. This meant I lost 40 ; the clothes that I bought two weeks earlier began 41 loose. This time my parents got scared. 42 , I started sleeping less. My eyelids were constantly 43 .I refused to 44 that I was i11I kept my job working 25 hours a week in a shop; I didnt 45 any classes. When I was hurting, I didnt mind and kept on going. 46 it kills you, it makes you stronger, right?But now I find myself thinking. Is it 47 it? Im taking the classes and writing for the newspaper because it looks good 48 college applications. And I m working 25 hours a week so that, once I get into my dream school, I can 49 it.Here I am, already sick from the 50 of work Im doing in and out of school. So, what good is 51 application if Im badly ill? What is the 52 of doing this work if I cant enjoy the results?In fact, by writing my 53 Im telling all the people who 54 much about the future to worry about it now. This is my warning: Dont climb the 55 dive if you dont like the deep end.36AmakesBforcesCintendsDcauses37AstillBevenCjustDyet38AtrueBrealCwrongDfalse39AlookedBseemedCappearedDfelt40AweightBhopeCfaceDdirection41AhangingBholdingCchangingDdressing42AIn factBIn additionCIn disorderDIn general43AdroppedBshutCopenDheavy44AinsistBdetermineCacceptDconsider45AloseBdropCgiveDtake46AUnlessBIfCThoughDBefore47ApaidBsimilar toCequal toDworth48AatBtoConDwith49AcontrolBmanageCsupportDafford50AamountBsetCkindDnumber51Aa suitableBa believableCan impressiveDan unusual52AreasonBideaCpointDtip53AtimeBlaborCarticleDstory54AthinkBcareCmissDrealize55AfarBdeepChardDhigh 参考答案3655:(1.5x20=30)D B A DA AB DCB ADCDA CCDBD*结束(松江)It is reported that an issue happened in Zhejiang Province.A collective appeal by a group of villagers to the government of Zhenhai district in Ningbo, Zhejiang, to 50 the building of a chemical plant in Their village Was not triggered by the project itself, but by the villagers 51 at the lack of information provided, an article in the Beijing News says. The plant will produce paraxylene (PX), a highly polluting petrochemical that can 52 cause cancer. Research suggests there is not enough evidence to link the substance to cancer.A(n) 53 petrochemical factory in Zhenhai, which was built in 1975, processes 21 million tons of crude oil each year. The new PX plant will process 15 million Tons of crude oil every year, according to the Newspaper. At first sight, the villagers 54 partly originated from the plan proposed by the local government to 55 their losses and to relocate them. The land will be used for purposes relating to the project. 56 , the article says that the project actually mainly aroused the villagers anger due to the local government not talking with them 57 about both compensation and 58 .It goes on to say that although 59 had all the relevant details, the villagers were left 60 when they requested information concerning their health and future.The article suggests that the local government draw lessons from the incident and establish effective communication 61 in order to respect the right of villagers to 62 such information.After receiving the information they 63 , the villagers would be more certain about their future and their suspicions could be 64 , the article concludes.50.A.protectB.persevereC.predictD.prevent51.A.enjoymentB.angerC.passionD.laziness52.A.definitelyB.speciallyC.probablyD.potentially53.A.past B.desertedC.existingD.closed54.A.concernB.excitementC.dissatisfactionD.delight55.A.make outB.make forC.make up forD.make of56.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.BrieflyD.Moreover57.A.impatientlyB.effectivelyC.negativelyD.vividly58.A.relocationB.healthC.pollutionD.production59.A.manufacturersB.authoritiesC.plantsD.the public60.A.in the darkB.at the bottomC.around the cornerD.beyond description61.A.channelsB.canalsC.tunnelsD.events62.A.conveyB.present C.accessD.eliminate63.A.ownedB.doubtedC.owedD.required64.A.removedB.enhancedC.existedD.proved5054 DBDCC 5559 CBBAB 6064 AACDA*结束 A(2013郑州质检)It was half an hour before midnight on December 24th last year. I was a ticketcounter supervisor for a major airline and was looking forward to the _1_ of my shift (轮班) at Stapleton International Airport in Denver. My wife was waiting up for me at home so that we could _2_ our gifts for Christmas.Just then, a very _3_ gentleman went up to me. He asked how he could get to Cheyenne, Wyoming. He had just arrived from Philadelphia and _4_ his connecting flight. I pointed him to the ground transportation area, where he could rent a _5_. And then I called my wife to let her know I would be home _6_.About fifteen minutes later, the gentleman _7_ and informed me that all the buses were full and there were no cars _8_. I told him that he had to stay for a night at the airport. Hearing that, he burst into _9_.I tried to make him calm down. He explained that his name was Tom, and that his only son was _10_ ill at home and was not expected to _11_ another year. He expected that this would likely be the _12_ Christmas with his son.I told Tom to _13_ his luggage and wait for me at the gate. I was driving to Cheyenne. I called my wife Kathy, telling her about it and not to wait up for me. I drove fast _14_ and we arrived in Cheyenne around 2:30 am.Kathy was still _15_ me when I got home in the early morning. We traded gifts and then our conversation _16_ Tom. For Kathy and me, there was no _17_ that driving Tom to Cheyenne was the _18_ choice.A couple of days later, I _19_ a Christmas card with a picture of Tom and his family. In it, Tom thanked me for the special _20_ he had received that holiday season, but I knew the best gift was mine.语篇解读:“我”在平安夜驾车送一位陌生人回家,帮助那位错过转接飞机的父亲圆了和患重病的儿子一起过圣诞节的愿望,妻子为“我”的善行表示理解和欣慰。1A.end BturnCrole Dchange解析:时间是平安夜的11:30,作者期待着下班回家。the end of my shift指“我上班的结束”。答案:A2A.expect BgetCexchange Dmake解析:因为是平安夜,作者的妻子等他回家互相交换圣诞节的礼物。第六段中的第二句“We traded gifts”是答案暗示。答案:C3A.kind Bhelpless Csad Dworried解析:由下文可知,这位先生错过了转接班机,他过来问作者怎样才能到达夏延,由此可推知他应该很担心(worried)。答案:D4A.mistook BmissedCcaught Dcontinued解析:他来自费城,错过了(missed)转接班机。答案:B5A.bus BflightCroom Dcar解析:我给他指了指地上交通区域。在那里,他可以租一辆车(car)。答案:D6A.soon BlateCearly Dlately解析:然后,我给妻子打电话,告诉她我一会儿就回家。答案:A7A.left BmovedCcame Dreturned解析:大约15分钟后,那位先生又返回来了(returned)。答案:D8A.reliable BpresentCavailable Dacceptable解析:他告诉我,所有的公交车已满,而且也找不到可租用的(available)车。答案:C9A.laughter BtearsCanger Dsorrow解析:我告诉他,他只能在机场住宿一夜。听到这,他突然大哭起来(burst into tears)。答案:B10A.really BslightlyCseriously Dunluckily解析:他唯一的儿子得了重病。seriously“严重地”。答案:C11A.suffer BliveCshare Dgrow解析:估计孩子活(live)不了一年了。答案:B12A.last BbestChappiest Dhardest解析:他期待能和孩子度过很可能是最后的一个圣诞节。答案:A13A.hand BfindCpack Dcollect解析:我告诉Tom去把他的行李取来。collect“领取;接走”。答案:D14A.for a while Ball aroundCall the way Dfrom time to time解析:我一路上(all the way)开得很快,凌晨2:30把Tom送到了夏延。答案:C15A.waiting for Bcaring forCthinking of Ddepending on解析:第二天早上当我赶回家时,Kathy 还在等(waiting for)我。答案:A16A.remembered BrecalledCconcerned Dcontained解析:我们交换了礼物,然后我们谈到了Tom。concern“涉及,与有关”。答案:C17A.idea BdoubtCpoint Dproblem解析:对于Kathy和我来说,毫无疑问,开车送Tom 去夏延是我唯一的选择。there is no doubt that表示“毫无疑问”。答案:B18A.main BonlyCnice Dgreat解析:解析见上题。答案:B19A.received BsentCsaved Ddiscovered解析:几天后,我收到(received)了Tom寄来的圣诞贺卡,附有他和家人的照片。答案:A20A.drive BhelpCdeal Dgift解析:文章最后的“the best gift”是答案提示。Tom感谢我并表示在圣诞前夕我给他的帮助是他收到的特殊礼物。答案:D.*结束(青浦)Signs can sometimes be seen at the entrance of a house, expressing that a tramp(流浪汉)has passed. This special sign-language is frequently50by tramps to inform their 51 whether the host of a certain house is friendly or unfriendly, and to52 them the trouble of making unnecessary calls.Quite53 one day, I came across a real tramp. He was such a rare sight these days that I stood some distance away and watched him. He was dressed just as a tramp should be in, old worn trousers, and a jacket many sizes too big for him. On his head there was a battered old hat and his boots were so old and worn; they were almost coming into pieces.But the man himself looked cheerful as if he had not a54 inthe world. He rubbed his nose with his forefinger, 55afunny turn, laid a small parcel 56 the front gate, and began57asign made by a former caller. Although the sign was meaningless to me, it must have been58, for the tramps face lit up with satisfaction. He entered the front gate59and rang the bell. When the door opened, I saw him raise his hat60couldnt hear his words. The61was very short indeed, for no sooner had he spoken a few words than the door closed fiercely in his face.I felt62 for him as he walked sadly out of the house. But just as quickly, his face lit up again and he moved quickly towards the gate. There he stopped, looked at the sign, and shook his head seriously as if he had made a bad mistake.63 deeply into his pockets, he produced a piece of chalk, rubbed out the existing sign and made a new one in its place. He stared at it for a moment smiling to himself, then gathered his belongings, pushed back his hat and began walking towards the next house at an unhurried 64 , whistling as he went along.50. A. employedB. madeC. takenD. put up51. A. coaches B. classmatesC. fellowsD. friends52. A. shareB. saveC. giveD. urge53. A. in a wayB. by mistakeC. by the wayD. by chance54. A. successB. careC. failure D. responsibility55. A. gaveB. launchedC. setD. made56. A. byB. toC. inD. behind57. A. drawingB. kissingC. correctingD. studying58. A. sad B. strangeC. funnyD. exciting59. A. confidentlyB. innocentlyC. consequentlyD. consciously60. A. andB. butC. howeverD. therefore61. A. conversationB. introduction C. argumentD. greeting62. A. happyB. frightenedC. capableD. sorry63. A. DiggingB. StealingC. PuttingD. Looking64. A. stepB. positionC. paceD. situation5054ACBDC5559DADDA6064BADAC*结束


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