四川省绵阳市2014高考英语 信息匹配 2013暑假练习题(4)

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四川省绵阳市2014高考英语 信息匹配 2013暑假练习题(4)_第1页
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绵阳市2014高考英语信息匹配:2013暑假练习题(4)及答案请阅读下列应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首先,请阅读以下网站信息:A.B.C.D.E.F.请阅读以下人员信息,然后匹配人员与相关网站:1. Lucas is experiencing the hardest time in life these days. As manager of a trade company, he is responsible for the loss of a big business contract (合同) as he made a wrong decision. He wonders whether he has the ability to be a good manger, and hes even considering leaving his job. He doesnt know what to do and badly needs help.2. Whitney has been out of work for several weeks now since she left her last job. She has been trying to find another one, but with no luck. She urgently needs a new job, so shes searching for advice on how to make the best use of her time so as to successfully get a job.3. After a job interview, Ralph was told that the company would like to have him as one of its staff. He would sell the companys products if he worked there. However, hes not sure whether he is good at selling things or not, so hes looking for a way to find out about this before taking the job.4. Thomas Howard is 23 years old, working at a gas station. He earns little money every week, feels that his life is hopeless, and never thinks that things will be better for him. His mother is worried about this and wishes to find a way to inspire her son.5. Katrina is quite worried recently, because her manager seems to be turning on her, criticizing her in front of her colleagues for things that she does quite well. Whats worse, he even tells others that she has several boyfriends at the same time, which is of course not true. She really wishes to find a way for her problem.参考答案 CEADB*结束以下是几个寓意和寓言,第61至65题是有关的信息。请从A、B、C、D、E和F中为它们选出最合适的项目。选项中有一项是多余选项。61. _We pay more attention to what we want to hear. (Bad news travels fast. / Bad news has wings.)62. _Know which way the wind blows. (People act according to their interests.)63. _No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. (An act of kindness is never wasted. / Even the weak have something to offer the strong.)64. _A man is known by the company he keeps. (You are known by the company you keep.) 65. _Do not attempt too much at once.A. A dog used to run up quietly to the heels of everyone he met, and to bite them without notice. His master put a bell about his neck so that the dog might give notice of his presence wherever he went. Thinking it a mark of distinction, the dog grew proud of his bell and went tinkling it all over the market-place. One day an old dog said to him, “Why do you make such an exhibition of yourself? That bell that you carry is not, believe me, any order of merit, but on the contrary a public notice to all men to avoid you as a bad-mannered dog.”B. A man once stood up at a market-place in the east and said, “I have been ordered by the king to collect all the well-born and well-bred and bring them before him, since he wishes to reward them.” Everybody that heard him joined him, and he went towards the palace, surrounded by the whole town. Then he suddenly turned round and said, “The king has just sent me word that he means to help only those that have been ill-born and ill-bred to make up for their misfortunes.” The crowd lingered behind for a while, and then one after another joined the man as ill-born and ill-bred to receive the kings gifts. The man said, “The world goes as the wind blows!”C. A lion was awakened by a mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, the lion caught the mouse and was about to kill him, when the mouse begged, “If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness.” The lion laughed at the idea of the mouse being able to repay a favor, but let him go in the end. Later, the lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him with strong ropes to the ground. The mouse, recognizing the lions roar, came and gnawed the rope with his teeth and set him free.D. A fox had long been the dread of the village poultry yard. One day, he was found lying breathless in a field. The report went abroad that, after all, he had been caught and killed by someone. In a moment, everybody in the village came out to see the dead fox. The village cock, with all his hens and chicks, was also there, to enjoy the sight. The fox then got up and said, “I ate a number of hens and chicks last night. So I must have slept longer than usual.” The cock counted his hens and chicks, and found several chicks were missing. “Alas!” said he, “how is it that I do not know of it?” “My dear sir,” said the fox, as he ran back to the wood, “it was last night that I had a good meal of your hens and chicks, yet you did not know of it. A moment ago they found me lying in the field, and you knew of it at once.”E. A boy put his hand into a pitcher (大罐) full of nuts. He grasped as many as he could possibly hold, but when he tried to pull out his hand, he was prevented from doing so by the neck of the pitcher. Unwilling to lose his nuts, and yet unable to withdraw his hand, he burst into tears, crying with disappointment. A person who was passing by said to him, “Be satisfied with half the quantity and you will draw out your hand at once.”F. A man wished to purchase an ass (a donkey), and decided to give the animal a test before buying him. He took the ass home and put him in the field with his other asses. The new ass moved away from the others to join the one that was the laziest and the biggest eater of them all. Seeing this, the man led him back to his owner. When the owner asked how he could have tested the ass in such a short time, the man answered, “I didnt even need to see how he worked. I knew he would be just like the one he chose to be his friend.”参考答案6165 DBCFE*结束


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