四川省绵阳市2014高考英语 信息匹配 2013暑假练习题(1)

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四川省绵阳市2014高考英语 信息匹配 2013暑假练习题(1)_第1页
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绵阳市2014高考英语信息匹配:2013暑假练习题(1)及答案请阅读下列应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。Cathy、Jason、Kate、Wayne和Frank各自打算订一份杂志。第1至5题是他们的个人情况介绍。_ 1. A young mother raising her first child, Cathy tries to spend as much time as she can playing with her baby girl. She is eager to get more knowledge of child development and to better understand how young children look at the world._ 2. Jason is a successful young businessman. He travels widely and enjoys adventures and challenges. Having been to many different countries, Jason is still looking for new places to visit. His biggest dream is to see every corner of the world before he retires._ 3. Smart and pretty, Kate is very popular among her friends. She takes great care of how she looks and has a great interest in fashion and the lifestyle of famous people. Besides, she also enjoys reading articles w9ritten especially for young girls. _ 4. Wayne teaches science in a middle school. He not only wants his students to know more about the modern science, but also tries hard to develop a curiosity about nature among his students. He is gathering materials for his students to read._ 5. Frank is the father of a 10-year-old boy. He believes that in this fast-developing world parents should prepare their children for lifelong learning at an early age. Therefore, in his opinion, the most important skill for children to learn is to discover things on their own. He is looking for a magazine for his son.阅读下面六种杂志的简介(A、B、C、D、E和F),选出符合各人需要的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Seventeen Seventeen provides advice and encouragement for masses of young girls. Although its primary focus is fashion and famous people, this teen magazine offers more. Mixed among the latest styles, youll find short but interesting articles. Topics range from beauty to the risks of drinking. Price: $ 22.95 ( $ 3.83/issue)B. Muse Muse seeks to stimulate, delight, and challenge every curious child between the ages of 13 and 16. Produced by the editors and publishers of Cricket, Muse features articles on space, genetics, lasers, rain forests, computers, physics, math, earth sciences, and almost everything else in the universe. Price: $ 32.97 ( $ 3.66/issue)C. WONDERTIME WONDERTIME is a new magazine from the editors of Family Fun, devoted to helping parents develop childrens love of learning. A blend of how and why, WONDERTIME inspires parents to see the world through the eyes of their children. WONDERTIME mixes playful activities with scientific knowledge about how children develop physically, socially, intellectually, creatively, and emotionally. Price: $10.00 ( $1.00/issue)D. National Geographic Adve nturer A new magazine from National Geographic, National Geographic Adventurer is intended for a generation of active men and women who seek new challenging ways to explore and experience the w orld. The magazine offers an exciting mix of great photography and interesting articles. Features focus on best adventure stories, travel destinations, sports and more. Price: $14.95 ( $1.50/issue)E. Family-fun What does family fun mean to you? Crafts? Recipes? Party ideas? Family-fun magazine dishes up these and more interesting activities in over 180 colorful pages. Aimed at parents with young children, this energetic magazine promises to enrich the lives of families. Reviews of computer games, books, videos, and DVDs, written by experts, help parents feel up to the minute. Price: $ 9.95( $ 0.99/ issue)F. Kids Discover To help children aged 6 to 12 become lifelong learners, each issue of Kids Discover looks into a single topic in science or social studies which c hildren of this age have a great interest in. The combination of exciting color photography, lovely pictures and informative kid-friendly text engages readers with attractive content. Price: $ 26.95( $ 2. 25/issue)参考答案 CDABF*结束阅读下面新闻报道和新闻标题(A、B、C、D、E和F),选出与新闻标题相匹配的新闻内容,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。(原创)61. Designer Giambattista Valli, Stella McCartney and Christophe Lemaire offered a visual feast of different styles for their fall and winter collections. At Paris Fashion week on Monday, Giambattista Valli showed-off his ready-to-wear collection.62.After a number of rounds of competition, two of Chinas best women shooters had a chance to punch their ticket to the London Olympics today as a solid day from the favorites in the 25m pistol event. Zhang Jingjing and Chen Ying would see them earning their spot on the Chinese Summer Games team.63. March 5th is the official Learning from Lei Feng Day when various organizations and institutions call on people to learn from Lei Feng, a cultural icon symbolizing selflessness, modesty and dedication. As time passes, the values and beliefs that the Lei Feng spirit represents continue to spread throughout China.64.As China passes the Olympic Torch to the UK, the two nations are marking 40 years of diplomatic ties with a seven-month long showcasing British arts and creative industries. Seventeen cities across China will enjoy a variety shows sponsored by the project UK NOW. Upcoming highlights scheduled for April and May were announced at the British Embassy.65.On the issue of local government debt, Finance Minister Xie Xuren said at Tuesdays press conference that China will step up its management to prevent potential risks. The minister said local governments are required to repay their debts and ensure funding for projects that are under construction. Local government debts had risen to 10.7 trillion yuan, or 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars by the end of 2010. That accounts for about 17 percent of Chinas GDP that year.A. Fashion designers highlight Paris catwalkB. National Art Museum promotes Lei Feng SpiritC. Lei Feng spirit undergoes revival in ChinaD. UK NOW art festival to tour ChinaE. China to enhance management of local government debtF. Zhang, Chen earn 25m pistol spots on Chinese Summer Games team参考答案61-65. AFCDE*结束第二节:下面文章中有5处(第61 65题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、 D、E 和 F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。 (选自 平时做过的资料)A. Lend a hand.B. Keep your eyes open.C. Be seen, but not be heard.D. Make friends with your neighbors.E. Volunteer in your community.F. Keep your home safe and attractive. Tips for Being a Good Neighbor61. _No one likes a noisy neighbor. Do you hold parties that last all night? Do you leave your dog outside to bark all day? Remember that not everyone has the same schedule as you do, so use some common sense. Keep noise to the lowest level. If youre holding a party thats likely to be loud, invite everyone within earshot(听力范围)。62._ Its much easier to solve any problem with neighbors if you have a friendly relationship with those around you. Furthermore, you may realize that you have things in common and make a lifelong friend.63._ Once you know your neighbors, then youll also know if something seems out of place in the neighborhood. Are strange people carrying expensive things out of one neighbors house? Have several days passed since your elderly neighbor last collected his newspaper? The benefit of keeping an eye out for unusual behavior in the neighborhood is that others will do the same for you.64._ It never hurts to follow the Golden Rule: Do to others what you would like them to do to you. Treat your neighbors with respect. Offer to drive an elderly neighbor to the grocery store. Volunteer to collect mail while a neighbor is on vacation. The more often you lend a helping hand, the more likely that your neighbors will do the same for you when you need a little help.65._ Dont just limit your neighborly actions to your block or street. Remember that everyone who lives in a community has the ability to help make it a better place. Think about your passion and find a way to do it on a volunteer basis in your town. Volunteer at the local library. Enjoy working with kids. Consider becoming a scout (童子军)leader. Whatever your passion is, theres sure to be a thing suitable for you to help in the local community.参考答案61-65CDBAE*结束


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