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Unit1 Festivals around the worldv1.1).mean doing sth/it means thatv“意味着意味着”vmean to do sth.v“打算或企图做某事打算或企图做某事vmean sb.to do sth.v“打算让某人做某事打算让某人做某事”,也可以用于被动结构,也可以用于被动结构independence 独立independent 独立的Pro duceproducationroosteradmireenergeticlook forward to意为意为期待着期待着(做做)某事某事,其中的其中的to是介是介词词Easter复活节day and night日日夜夜clothingChristian信徒Jesus耶稣as though 好像as if have fun with sb1._ vt.&vi.收割收割 2._ vt.&vi.饿死饿死3._ adj.独立的独立的;自主的自主的 4._ adj.农业的农业的,农艺的农艺的 5._ vt.赞美赞美;钦佩钦佩6._ vt.&vi.淹没淹没;溺死溺死 7._ vt.擦擦;擦去擦去 8._ n.基督徒基督徒9._ n.信任信任;信心信心10._ vi.哭泣哭泣;流泪流泪 harveststarveindependentagriculturaladmiredrownwipeChristianweep beliefwords11._ vt.原谅原谅;饶恕饶恕12._ adj.宗教上的宗教上的;虔诚的虔诚的 13._ adj.充满活力的充满活力的;精力充沛的精力充沛的 14._ adj.显而易见的显而易见的 15._ n.庆祝庆祝;庆贺庆贺16._ n.祖先祖先;祖宗祖宗 17._ n.习惯习惯;风俗风俗18._ n.必要性必要性;需要需要19._ n.预言预言;预报预报;20._ n.广播员广播员;报幕员报幕员announcer forgive religiousenergeticobviouscelebrationancestorcustomnecessitypredictionphrases1._ 发生,举行发生,举行 2._ 节日和庆祝活动节日和庆祝活动3._ 为了纪念为了纪念4._ 以以形式形式 5._ 打扮打扮6._ 开玩笑,恶作剧开玩笑,恶作剧7._ 用用装饰装饰 8._ 聚集在一起聚集在一起9._ 盼望,期待盼望,期待 10._ 日日夜夜日日夜夜take placefestivals and celebrationsin memory ofin the shape ofdress upplay a trick ondecorate with get togetherlook forward today and night11._ as though12._ have fun with13._ be proud of14._ turn up15._ keep ones word16._ hold ones breath17._ get married to18._ set off19._ remind of20._ throw away扔掉扔掉 好像好像玩得开心玩得开心为为骄傲骄傲出现,露面出现,露面遵守诺言遵守诺言屏息屏息与某人结婚与某人结婚出发,动身出发,动身提醒某人某事提醒某人某事阅读知识构架 Kinds of festivalsNames of festivalsCountries Festivals of the DeadFestivals to Honour PeopleHarvest festivalsObon,Day of the Dead,HalloweenJapan,Mexico,some Western countriesDragon Boat Festival;Columbus Day;a festival to honour GandhiChina,USA,IndiaHarvest/Thanksgiving festivals,Mid-autumnEuropean countries,China and JapanSpring Festival,Easter,Cherry Blossom FestivalChina,some western countries,JapanSkimmingLook at the title of the reading passage,and the pictures in it,and work in pairs to predict the content of the passage.Answer:1.The names of the festivals and celebrations in the world.2.The times when the festivals take place.3.What people celebrate.4.what people do in the festivals.Scan the reading passage and then fill in the following chart.ScanningKinds of FestivalsFestivals to Honour PeopleHarvest FestivalsSpring FestivalsFestivals of the DeadDay of the Dead(Mexico)Obon(Japan)Halloween(some western countries)Festivals ofthe DeadFestivals to Honour PeopleDragon Boat Festival(China)Colunbus Day(USA)Festival to Honour Gandhi(India)Thanksgiving Day(European and other countries)Mid-Autumn Festivals(China and Japan)Harvest Festivals Easter and related holidaysCherry Blossom Festival Spring FestivalsSpring Festival(China)(some western countries)(Japan)1 Dont look forward to the day you stop suffering,because when it comes you know youll be dead.生于忧患生于忧患,死于安乐死于安乐.2 A dog starving at his masters gate predicts the ruin of the state.树死先从叶子黄树死先从叶子黄.3 I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by custom.宁愿创新宁愿创新,不愿陈腐不愿陈腐.4 Gather you rosebuds while you may,old time is still a flying,and this same flower that smiles today,tomorrow will be dying.有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。5 However big the fool,there is always a bigger fool to admire him.傻瓜总会发现有比他更傻的人在赞美他傻瓜总会发现有比他更傻的人在赞美他.6 Belief,then,is the great guide of human life.信仰是生活的向导信仰是生活的向导.7 Other peoples harvests are always the best harvests,but ones own children are always the best children.庄稼是人家的好,孩子是自己的好。庄稼是人家的好,孩子是自己的好。8 There is no feast on earth that does not end in parting.天下没有不散的宴席天下没有不散的宴席.9 Everyone has some tricks they can do,but each has his own way of doing them.八仙过海八仙过海,各显神通各显神通.10 Those who can lose shall gain;those who wish for gain shall lose.有意栽花花不开有意栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫无心插柳柳成荫./阴差阳错阴差阳错.Some Chinese Festivals:New Years Day 元旦The Spring Festival(Chinese New Year)The lantern festival 元宵节Duanwu Festival(Dragon Boat Festival)Mid-autumn FestivalLabour Day(May Day)Womens DayNational DayThe Youth Day 青年节Childrens Day/Mothers Day/Fathers DayArmy DayTeachers DayThanksgiving DayEaster(复活节)复活节)Carnival(狂欢节)(狂欢节)Valentines Day 情人节情人节Halloween(万圣节)(万圣节)April Fools DayChristmasFathers DayMothers DaySome western festivals:vwords:v1.permission n.with ones permission;permit sb.to do./permit doing.Weather permitting,well go.(独立主格结构)=If weather permits,well go.v2.apologize vi.apology n.v apologize to sb.for(doing)sth.v make an apology to sb.1._ vt.&vi.收割收割 2._ vt.&vi.饿死饿死3._ adj.独立的独立的;自主的自主的 4._ adj.农业的农业的,农艺的农艺的 5._ vt.赞美赞美;钦佩钦佩6._ vt.&vi.淹没淹没;溺死溺死 7._ vt.擦擦;擦去擦去 8._ n.基督徒基督徒9._ n.信任信任;信心信心10._ vi.哭泣哭泣;流泪流泪 harveststarveindependentagriculturaladmiredrownwipeChristianweep beliefwords11._ vt.原谅原谅;饶恕饶恕12._ adj.宗教上的宗教上的;虔诚的虔诚的 13._ adj.充满活力的充满活力的;精力充沛的精力充沛的 14._ adj.显而易见的显而易见的 15._ n.庆祝庆祝;庆贺庆贺16._ n.祖先祖先;祖宗祖宗 17._ n.习惯习惯;风俗风俗18._ n.必要性必要性;需要需要19._ n.预言预言;预报预报;20._ n.广播员广播员;报幕员报幕员announcer forgive religiousenergeticobviouscelebrationancestorcustomnecessitypredictionphrases1._ 发生,举行发生,举行 2._ 节日和庆祝活动节日和庆祝活动3._ 为了纪念为了纪念4._ 以以形式形式 5._ 打扮打扮6._ 开玩笑,恶作剧开玩笑,恶作剧7._ 用用装饰装饰 8._ 聚集在一起聚集在一起9._ 盼望,期待盼望,期待 10._ 日日夜夜日日夜夜take placefestivals and celebrationsin memory ofin the shape ofdress upplay a trick ondecorate with get togetherlook forward today and night11._ as though12._ have fun with13._ be proud of14._ turn up15._ keep ones word16._ hold ones breath17._ get married to18._ set off19._ remind of20._ throw away扔掉扔掉 好像好像玩得开心玩得开心为为骄傲骄傲出现,露面出现,露面遵守诺言遵守诺言屏息屏息与某人结婚与某人结婚出发,动身出发,动身提醒某人某事提醒某人某事五、词组运用五、词组运用据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。组并用其适用的形式填空。1.You dont need to _,just to go to the pub jeans and a T-shirt will do.2.The police may never discover what _ that night,because Mr Smith,the only eyewitness,died last night.3.Mom,dont worry about me.I am _ other boys.4.Luckily,help arrived _ a police officer.5.Its acceptable to _ your friends on April 1st.play tricks on dress uptook placehaving fun within the shape of6.The government set up a monument _ the heroes who died in the war.7.Im _ hearing from you.8.He behaved _ he hadnt known anything about it.9.Those workers worked _ to finish the task.10._ and count 1 to 10.hold your breath in memory oflooking forward toas thoughday and night核心单词核心单词1.satisfy vt 满足;使满意满足;使满意Your reply didnt satisfy me.你的答复我不满意。你的答复我不满意。(1)satisfy sb./sth.使使满意(满足)满意(满足)(2)be satisfied with sb./sth.对对感到满意感到满意(3)be satisfied to do sth.对做对做感到满意感到满意辨析辨析satisfied,satisfying&satisfactorysatisfied表示某人表示某人“感到满意感到满意”;satisfying 表示某事物是表示某事物是“令人满意的令人满意的”。另外,还有一个固定搭配。另外,还有一个固定搭配be far from satisfactory表示表示“远不能令人满意远不能令人满意”。(1)她花了大笔钱买衣服就是为了满足自己的虚荣心她花了大笔钱买衣服就是为了满足自己的虚荣心(vanity)。She spends a large sum of money buying clothes just _(2)得到及时的得到及时的(timely)答复我们感到满意。答复我们感到满意。_(3)他对自己的进步感到满意。他对自己的进步感到满意。He is_to satisfy her own vanityWe were satisfied to get a timely answer.satisfied with his own progress.2.lead n.榜样;首位榜样;首位vi.导致;通向导致;通向 vt.给给(某人某人)指路;引导指路;引导搭配搭配:用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。(1)lead _(+n./doing)通向,导致通向,导致(cause)(2)take the lead _sth/doing sth.在在方面带头,方面带头,领先领先理解:理解下列句中理解:理解下列句中lead的意义和用法。的意义和用法。All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。条条道路通罗马。to in3.custom n.c,u 风俗;习惯风俗;习惯Social customs are vary greatly from country to country.各国的社会风俗大不相同。各国的社会风俗大不相同。辨析辨析 custom&habitcustom既可指个人的行为习惯,也可指社会的风俗、既可指个人的行为习惯,也可指社会的风俗、习俗;但习俗;但habit只能指个人的行为习惯。只能指个人的行为习惯。运用运用 请将下列句子译成英文请将下列句子译成英文(1)不同的国家都有自己的风俗习惯。不同的国家都有自己的风俗习惯。_(2)趁年轻时养成好习惯。趁年轻时养成好习惯。_Every country has its own customs.Form good habits while you are young.4.admire vt 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕钦佩;赞赏;羡慕(=respect)I admire him for his hard working.我钦佩他的勤奋精神。我钦佩他的勤奋精神。搭配搭配 admire sb./sth.钦钦佩佩 admire sb.for sth.因因钦佩某钦佩某人人运用运用 请将下列句子译成英文请将下列句子译成英文(1)我钦佩你的坦诚我钦佩你的坦诚(frankness)。_(2)他倾慕她的美貌。他倾慕她的美貌。_ He admired(her for)her beauty.I admire your frankness.5.apologise(=apologize)vi道歉;认错道歉;认错I apologise for what I said just now.我为刚才说的话道歉。我为刚才说的话道歉。搭配:熟记下列搭配。搭配:熟记下列搭配。(1)apologise for sth.因因而道歉而道歉(2)apologise to sb.for(doing)sth 因因(做做)某事向某人道歉某事向某人道歉.(3)make/offer an apology to sb.for(doing)sth.因因(做做)某事向某某事向某人表示道歉人表示道歉(4)accept(refuse)an apology 接受(拒绝)道歉接受(拒绝)道歉运用运用 请将下列句子译成英文请将下列句子译成英文(1)他因让女朋友等了好长时间而向她道歉。他因让女朋友等了好长时间而向她道歉。_ having kept her waiting for a long time.(2)请接受我诚意的请接受我诚意的(sincere)道歉。道歉。_ Please accept my sincere apology.He apologized to his girl friend for 6.forgive(forgave,forgiven)vt.宽恕宽恕用法用法:表示表示“原谅某人某事原谅某人某事”可接双宾语,如,可接双宾语,如,forgive him his mistakes/rudeness/crimes原谅他的错误原谅他的错误/无礼无礼/罪行罪行);若表示;若表示“原谅某人做了某事原谅某人做了某事”接接for doing sth或或for what clause.有时可用作为及物动词。有时可用作为及物动词。运用:根据中文提示翻译或完成英文句子。运用:根据中文提示翻译或完成英文句子。(1)请宽恕我吧。请宽恕我吧。_(2)我们原谅了他的无礼。我们原谅了他的无礼。_(3)原谅我来得这么晚。原谅我来得这么晚。_(4)他原谅她对他说过的那些话。他原谅她对他说过的那些话。_ what she had said to him(5)我的意见是最好宽大为怀,不念旧恶。我的意见是最好宽大为怀,不念旧恶。My advice is that _ and forget.its best to forgivePlease forgive me.We forgave him his rudeness.Forgive me for coming so late.He forgave her for3.look forward to(doing)sth.盼望盼望/期待(做)某事期待(做)某事I look forward to being forgiven by all of you我期我期待着得到你们所有人的原谅。待着得到你们所有人的原谅。运用运用 请将下列句子译成英文请将下列句子译成英文(1)这个孩子期待着周末被带去动物园。这个孩子期待着周末被带去动物园。_(2)她期待着母亲的早日到来。她期待着母亲的早日到来。_She looks forward to her mothers early coming.The kid is looking forward to being taken to the zoo this weekend.5.as though/if 好像好像 He speaks English as though/if he were an Englishman.用法用法 as though/as if 引导的从句中谓语动词既可用引导的从句中谓语动词既可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气,要看从句的内容而定。陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气,要看从句的内容而定。运用运用 请将下列句子译成英文请将下列句子译成英文(1)看来她今天不会来了。看来她今天不会来了。It seems _(2)她对待这个孩子好像自己的亲生女儿一样。她对待这个孩子好像自己的亲生女儿一样。She treated the child _as though she were her own daughteras though she is not coming today1.If you use copyrighted music_(未经主人允许),it is illegal even though you do not make a profit from it.(permission)2.These photos_ (使我想起了童年)when I lived with my grandmother.(remind)3.No matter what happens I _ (会遵守诺言)and tell you the truth.(keep)4.He stood there,keeping silent._(很显然)he didnt know the answer to the teachers question.(obvious)without the owners permissionreminded me of my childhoodwill keep my wordIts obvious that5.The Dragon Boating Day_(纪念)Qu Yuan.(memory)6.If the neighbors so not give any sweets,the children_(可能会捉弄他们).(trick)7.You must _ (因为迟到向老师道歉).(apologize)8.The meeting will be started in five minutes.However,up till now,he_(未出现).(turn)is in memory ofmay play tricks on themapologize to your teacher for being latehas not turned up9.I cant find my keys anywhere.I _ _(可能把它弄丢了)while playing basketball.(may)10.After he _(装扮成)Father Christmas,he set off,followed by a group of children.(dress)might/may have lost itwas dressed(up)as


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