牛津译林版(2020) 高中英语必修第三册 unit 1重点短语、句型 练习

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牛津译林版(2020) 高中英语必修第三册 unit 1重点短语、句型 练习_第1页
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牛津译林版(2020) 高中英语必修第三册 unit 1重点短语、句型 练习_第3页
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Unit 1 Nature in balance 重点短语、句型练习重点短语1. in turn 依次,轮流;相应地,转而轮到某人_轮流地,交替地 _轮流做某事_(情况)恶化/好转_藻类被大量的微型动物吃掉,而微型动物又被大型动物吃掉。The algae is eaten by large numbers of microscopic ani -mals, which_。2. break down 使分解(为),使变化(成)消除和之间的障碍_放弃;脱离 _插话,打断 _(战争、火灾等)爆发 _突围;突破 _分解;(关系)破裂;(学校)放假_3. due to 由于,因为由于缺少经验 _由于人类活动_由于的事实_预计要做某事 _应给予某人 _应得到某物_他说,由于过去的忙碌生活,他错过了很多和家人在一起的美好时光。He said _he had missed a lot of beautiful time with his family.4. build up 逐渐增加,扩大扩大词汇量_锻炼身体/增强体质 _增强对的信心 _积累脂肪 _创立他的事业 _建立名声_他每天骑自行车上班,这对增强他的力量是有益的。He cycles to work on a daily basis,_.5. call for (公开)要求;需要需要努力工作 _需要立即行动 _要求他辞职 _呼吁停止某事_(去)接某人_我们呼吁每个人都行动起来,尽我们所能来构建一个和谐社会。We _to make a harmonious society. 6. get rid of 摆脱,丢弃,扔掉消除空气污染 _消除油烟味 _摆脱饥饿/头疼_使他们自己摆脱债务 _袁隆平的超级杂交水稻使世界上大多数人摆脱饥饿成为可能。Yuan Longpings super hybrid rice_7. give rise to 使发生(或存在)建立亲密的关系 _引起焦虑_引起误会,导致误解_经常吃快餐会导致很多不同的健康问题。Eating fast food on a regular basis can_.重点句式1.“倍数关系”表达方式教材原句亚马孙雨林面积约 550 万平方千米,相当于中国面积的一半以上。With an area of around 5.5 million square kilometres, the Amazon rainforest _.句式仿写众所周知,声音在水中的传播速度约是在空气中传播速度的 4 倍。 What is well known is that_.2. “介词+关系代词”引导定语从句教材原句亚马孙雨林得名于亚马孙河,亚马孙河长约 6400 千米, 比长江还长约 100 千米。The Amazon River, _,is about 6, 400 kilometres in length-around 100 kilometres longer than the Yangtze River.句式仿写一个好的理论必须是其他思想得以建立的基础。A good theory must be a base _.3. 介词结构用于句首引起完全倒装教材原句黑暗的森林地面以上是大量落叶。Above that _on the dark forest floor.句式仿写沿河有许多迷人的景点,都充满了传奇色彩。Along the river_ all of which are heavy with legends,4. as 引导时间状语从句教材原句人类活动的影响不断增加 , 濒危物种的名单越来越长 , 这留给我们一个问题:我们能承担得起损害“地球的肺” 的后果吗?_and the list of species in danger of extinction becomeslonger, we are left with a question: can we afford to damage the lungs of the planet?句式仿写随着年龄的增长,他的信心增强了。_,he gained confidence.句式拓展众所周知,中国是一个充满古典诗词的伟大国家。_, China is a great nation filled with classical poetry. 5. wish+虚拟语气的宾语从句教材原句我希望我们也能帮点忙。I wish_.句式仿写我希望能采取措施促进青少年之间的友谊。I wish that_.答案1. in ones turn by turns take turns to do sth. /take turns (in) doingsth. take a turn for the worse/better 5.are in turn consumed by larger animals2. break down the barrier between. and. break away from break in break out break through break up3. due to inexperience due to human activities due to the fact that.be due to do sth. be due to sb. be due (for) sth. due to his past busy life4. build up ones vocabulary build up ones body/ strength/buildoneself up build up ones confidence in build up fat stores build uphis business build up fame which is beneficial to build up his strength5. call for hard work call for prompt action call for his resigningcall for an end to sth. call for sb. 6call for everybodys action to do what we can6. get rid of air pollution 2.get rid of the smell of cooking get rid ofhunger/a headache rid themselves of debts makes it possible for most people in the world to get rid of hunger.7. give rise to a close relationship give rise to anxiety give rise tomisunderstanding 4. give rise to a lot of different health problems答案 1. is more than half the size of China sound can travel about four times as fast through water as through air2. from which the rainforest gets its name on which other ideas can be built3. is the mass of leaf litter are many attractive scenic spots4. 1. As the impact of human activities continues to grow As he grew older As is known to all5. we could also do something to help measures could be taken to promote the friendship among the teenagers


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