五年级英语下册 unit4(1)教案 人教(PEP)

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五年级英语下册 unit4(1)教案 人教(PEP)_第1页
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五年级英语下册 unit4(1)教案 人教(PEP)教学目标:1、知识目标:1 能听、说、读、写5个词组:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone.2 能认读句型:What are you doing? I am doing the dishes/2、能力目标:1 能理解5个动词短语的ing形式,理解动词后加上ing,表示正在发生或正在进行的动作。2 能够在一定的情景中简单运用句型:What are you doing? I am doing the dishes/3 能够理解Lets play的内容并按要求完成采访。3、情感、态度等目标:1 培养学生热爱生活、热爱劳动的美好情感。2 培养学生互相学习、互相合作的学习精神。教学重点: 1、四会掌握5个动词词组:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone.2、能简单运用句型:What are you doing? I am doing the dishes/教学难点:1、通过比较动词原形和动词ing形式,让学生初步理解并掌握现在进行时的用法。2、动词ing形式的读音。教学准备:采访表格和词组卡片学生每人各一份,两个手机、一个手机座垫、小黑板、单词卡片、词组卡片,磁带,录音机。教学过程:一、Warm-up1、Lets chant: T: First, lets chant: dog, dog, what can you do? Ready? Go! Dog, dog, what can you do?I can run after you.Panda, panda, what can you do?I can eat so much bamboo.Mouse, mouse, what can you do?I can hide in the shoe.Mike, Mike, what can you do?I can draw animals in the zoo!2、Act and guess: T: You see, the animals and Mike are so helpful. Im helpful, too. Now, guess, what can I do?1sweep the floor 2 cook the meals 3water the flowers4clean the board 5 clean the window 6 read a book7do the dishes 8answer the phone 9draw pictures3、Lets make a new chant: T: Good job! Now, lets play a game. For example, I say: sweep, sweep, you must say sweep the floor. If you know just stand up and follow me, OK? Are you ready?1sweep, sweep 2 cook, cook 3water, water 4 read, read5do, do 6answer, answer 7draw, draw 8watch, watch二、Presentation 1、新授answering the phone1 引出:小灵通响,学生很奇怪,静下来了,教师从身上摸出手机,看一下号码,T: Oh, my god! Im sorry, my boyfriend is calling me. 接起电话:Hello! Yes? Im busy now. My students are waiting for me. Hold on, please. What am I doing? Who knows?2 出示认读:示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读two by two3 简单chant: answering, answering, answering the phone:示范跟着说唱抽学生说唱4 How to spell: 板书一齐spell齐读一遍(旁注:ing, 现在进行时)2、新授reading a book1 教师打开一千零一夜,摇头晃脑读:从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚What am I doing now?2出示认读 : 示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读one by one3chant: reading, reading, reading a book 同上4How to spell:同上(不写,用贴的)3、新授doing the dishes1 Guess 引出, 出示单词卡片,T: Look, the girl is helpful. Where is she? Is she in the classroom/living room/? Yes, shes in the kitchen. What is she doing now? Yes, shes doing the dishes.2 出示认读 :示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读eight by eight3 chant: doing, doing, doing the dishes 同上4 How to spell: 用贴的。同上。4、巩固3个词组:answering the phone, reading a book, doing the dishes.1 认读:齐读 Now, lets read the three words.2 Act and guess: Good job! Now guess what am I doing?a. 师做动作学生猜教师肯定说:Yes, Im doing the dishes/.齐猜抽2个学生猜b. 抽一个学生上台做动作,教师背对学生猜:T: What are you doing? Are you answering the phone? S: No./ Yes, Im .c. 出示并认读句型:What are you doing? Im reading a book.示范读跟读师做动作学生问师答同桌背靠背,一人做动作一人猜:S1:What are you doing? Are you ? S2: No./ Yes, Im 5、新授drawing pictures1 引出:生齐读:What are you doing? 师做动作:Im ?让学生说出词组,然后做画画动作,Im?2 出示认读:示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读3 chant: drawing, drawing, drawing pictures. 抽学生chant齐chant4 Follow me: T: Follow me, please. Im drawing pictures.(做动作) What are you doing? S: Im 抽学生说5 How to spell:同上6、新授单词cooking dinner1 Guess引出:T: Look! Shes Amys mommy. What is she doing? Guess!(图片只露出部分)S: Cook the meals!T: Cook the meals or cooking the meals?S: Cooking the meals.T: Yes, shes cooking the meals. Shes cooking dinner.2 出示认读:示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读3chant: cooking, cooking, cooking dinner抽学生chant齐chant4Follow me:同上,让学生链接问答。5How to spell:同上三、Practice1、hanging man游戏。2、卡片认读并完成采访。 1T: Now, open your cards, please. Can you read it? If you can, please hold up! (教师示意学生双手举起卡片) T: A, What are you doing? Say and show it to others! S: Im .2Lets make a survey: T: Now, lets make a survey, first, Im an interviewer. Who wants to have a try?T: Hello, A. What are you doing?S: Im T: Now, its your turn. Ask three students in your group. What are you doing? Sart!师示范学生小组活动抽一组学生进行汇报:一个采访,其余三个回答。四、拓展: 家庭剧。 T : Now lets act a family story. I need four children and one mommy. Who wants to have a try? Mommy and four children are at home. Mommy is cooking dinner. Four childrenYoure drawing pictures. Youre doing the dishes. Youre reading a book. Youre watching TV. Then the phone will ring: Ding-ling-ling, Ding-ling-ling, Mommy will say: Im cooking dinner. Answer the phone, children. And the children will say one by one: Sorry, Im And the last children will say: Im watching TV. Let me answer the phone. Im a friend of your mommy. Ill call the phone. OK?T: Hello! S: Hello! Miss Yuan.T: What are you doing?S: Im answering the phone. What about you?T: Im answering the phone, too.Ha-Ha! Byebye!S: Byebye!教师解释整个剧的来龙去脉学生配合教师一同表演附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit4(1)教案 湘少版一、Teaching aims:1.To help the students to understand these new words: yesterday/ today/ weekdays/ sick/ railway/ station;2.To help the students to understand the Part A;3.To help the students to use the new sentences: “Where were you?” “I was ”, And help the students how to response it.二、Difficult points and key points:Difficult points:To help the students understand these new words and sentences.Key points:Lets the students act Part A out.三、Teaching aids:1.a tape recorder.2.some pictures.3.some word cards.四、Teaching steps:Step 1 warming up.The teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.T:“Good morning, boys and girls.”S:“Good morning, teacher.”T:“How are you?”S:“Im fine. Thank you. And you?”T:“Im fine, too.”And then sing the English song: Days of the week.Step 2 presentation and drill.1.T: What day is it today? / How many days are there in a week? What are they?S:.T:The day from Monday to Friday is weekdays. Saturday and Sunday are weekdays. Today isand yesterday wasThe teacher uses the calendar to show the new words for the students, and write these new words down.2.Put some pictures under the weekdays words.T: Today is and Im at school. Yesterday was and Im at the library / sick and in the hospital / Where were you?S: Encourage the students to answer this question.3.Listen to the tape recorder and understand the Part A to answer these questions:Where was Mingming on Saturday?4.The teacher use the body language to teach these new words: during / hand in / in bed / visit / meet / finish5.Let the students to listen to the tape recorder and read after the tape recorder.Step 3 PracticesGame: Chain game.Divide the whole class into four groups. And give each group some place cards.S1: Today isYesterday was and I was Where were you yesterday?S2:(answer it according the cards.)Step 4 consolidationsAct the Part A.Step 5 homework


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