2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 2《Last Weekend》课件2 人教PEP版.ppt

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ReviewUnit 2 Last weekend,New words,watch TV,watched TV,/t/,wash my clothes,washed my clothes,/t/,clean my room,cleaned the room,/d/,stay at home,stayed at home,/d/,have a cold,had a cold,/d/,read a book,read a book,/i:/,/e/,see a film,saw a film,sleep,slept,/i:/,/e/,staydrink show watch wash clean visit do,洗 做 看 打扫 节目,演出 看望 喝 保持,逗留,visit my grandparents,visited my grandparents,vizitid,drink tea,drank tea,/drk/,【例】 I drank tea in the afternoon.,show / 节目,演出,【常见用法1】 TV show 【常见用法2】 childrens show 【例】 I watched some childrens shows on TV.,have 有 have had (过去式) 【短语】had a cold 感冒 【例】I had a cold. 我感冒了。,fix 修理 fix fixed(过去式) 【例】Our friend Robin fixed a broken chair.,see see saw(过去式) 【短语】see a film 【例】I saw a film yesterday.,sleep 睡觉 sleep slept(过去式) read read(过去式),do something else,【例】I must do something else. 【例】 Did you do anything else?,日历,March,一 MON.,二 TUS.,三 WEN.,四 THUR.,五 FRI.,六 SAT.,日 SUN.,一 MON.,二 TUS.,三 WEN.,四 THUR.,五 FRI.,六 SAT.,日 SUN.,this weekend,last l:st weekend wi:kend ( 上一个周末),week,last week,What do you do on the weekend?,do did,What did you do last weekend?,表示过去的时间,last weekend last night last Monday yesterday the day before yesterday two days ago ,What did you do+过去的时间 ?,I +表示过去动作的短语,1.watched TV,2.washed my clothes,3.cleaned the room,7.did something else,4.visited my grandparents,5.drank tea,6.watched some childrens shows on TV,How was your weekend?,It +was+ fine/good/ok.,A:How was your weekend? B:It +was+ fine/good/ok. A:What did you do last weekend? B:I +表示过去动作的短语,1.watched TV,2.washed my clothes,3.cleaned the room,5.visited my grandparents,4.drank tea,6.watched some childrens shows on TV,选择最佳答案 1. What _ you do on the weekend ? A. are B. do C. did 2. I played the piano _. A. tomorrow B. last weekend C. every day 3. Zhang Peng _ his homework now. A. did B. does C. is doing,4. What are you doing now ? I am _ pictures. A. draw B. drawing C. drew 5. John went to the park _ bike yesterday. A. with B. by C. on,6. I walked _ Mikes home in the morning. A. for B. to C. in 7. I studied English _ him. A. in B. with C. and,适当形式填空 A: What _(do) you _(do)? B: Well , I stayed at home with your grandma. We _(drink) tea in the afternoon and _(watch) TV. A: _(do) you _ anything else? B:I _(clean) my room and _(wash) my clothes.,did,do,drank,watched,Did,do,cleaned,washed,Did you do anything else?,Yes,I did./No, I didnt.,A:How was your weekend? B:It +was+ fine/good/ok. A:What did you do + 过去的时间 ? B:I +表示过去动作的短语 A:Did you do anything else? B: A:Did you like it? B:Yes, I did. It was great.,询问对方过去的上周末活动: What did you do last weekend? What +did +主语 +do +过去的时间? 答语: I visited my grandparents last weekend. I/We +动词的过去式短语( visited,washed,watched)+过去的时间.,询问他人的上周末活动 1、第三人称复数 What did they do last weekend? 2、第三人称单数 What did he do last weekend?,过去式,过去式,动词原形,对划线部分提问 She visited her grandparents last weekend. I stayed at home with my grandma. Jack watched some childrens shows on TV. They cleaned their room and washed their clothes.,What did she do last weekend?,What did you do ?,What did Jack do?,What did they do?,对过去发生的事情进行一般疑问句的提问: I visited my grandparents last weekend. (一般疑问句) Did you visit your grandparents last weekend? Did +主语动词原形其他? 回答: Yes,主语+did. No, 主语+didnt.,变为一般疑问句 1.She visited her grandparents last weekend. 2.I stayed at home with my grandma yesterday. 3.Jack watched some childrens shows on TV. 4.They cleaned their room and washed their clothes.,Did she visit her grandparents?,Did you stay at home with your grandma yesterday?,Did Jack watch some childrens shows on TV?,Did they clean their room and wash their clothes?,Lets +动词原形 want to +动词原形 film magazine 电影杂志 read (过去式)read a lot of(许多)+ 可数名词(复数) Its faster than walking. 它比走路要快。,Main Points,Story time,1.went to the park 去了公园 2.went fishing 去钓了鱼 3.cleaned my room 打扫了我的房间 4.visited my grandparents 看望了我的爷爷奶奶 5.played football 踢了足球 6.watched TV 看了电视,选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. What _ you usually do on the weekend ? A. are B. do C. did ( ) 2. I played the piano _. A. tomorrow B. last weekend C. every day ( ) 3. Did Lucy _ the noodles yesterday ? A.cooking B. cook C. cooked,B,B,B,( ) 4. I was very grateful _ the dog. A. with B. for C. to ( ) 5. ZhangPeng _ his homework now. A. did B. does C. is doing ( ) 6. What are you doing now ? I am _ pictures. A. draw B. drawing C. drew ( ) 7. John went to the park _ bike yesterday. A. with B. by C. on,B,C,B,B,( ) 8. I walked _ Mikes home in the morning. A. for B. to C. in ( ) 9. He jumped _ the lake. A. on B. to C. into ( )10. I studied English _ him. A. in B. with C. and,B,C,B,一般过去时 表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。动词要用过去式形式。(通常在动词词尾加ed ),例:I watched TV yesterday . I played football last weekend .,A 规则动词的过去式,1. 动词+ed watched washed cleaned played visited 2. 词尾是哑e,动词+d likeliked, livelived,B不规则动词的过去式,sumary,总结,3. 以辅音字母+y结尾, 要变y为i,再+ed,studied,do,did,go,went,C 辅元辅结构,双写+ed,study,stop,stopped,巧学妙计,变过去式有规律,一般词尾+ed, 如果结尾哑巴e,只在后面加个d, 结尾若是“辅+y”,把y变I ,加ed, 若是重读“辅元辅”,双写之后加ed。,watch,watched,wash,washed,clean,cleaned,play,played,visit,visited,listen,listened,want,wanted,study,studied,like,liked,stop,stopped,on the weekend,last weekend,play football,played football,watch TV,watched TV,clean the room,cleaned the room,wash clothes,washed clothes,visit grandparents,visited grandparents,1、在浊辅音和元音后读d: cleaned played 2、在清辅音后读t: washed watched 3、在 t 、d音后读id: visited needed,How to read,总结,Can you read?,play played football clean cleaned the room listen listened to music wash washed clothes watch watched TV cook cooked the meals visit visited grandparents plant planted trees,-ed / d /,-ed / t /,-ed / id /,不规则动词过去式,do did homework,go went shopping,Finish the sentences,(1)Wu Yifan _ (visit) his grandma last weekend. (2)Last Monday , he_(play football) with his friends. (3)He _ and_ yesterday.,visited,played football,washed his clothes,cleaned his room,巩固练习,填入所缺的单词。 1. Chen Jie _ the room last weekend. 2. Wu Yifan _ TV last weekend. 3. Sarah _ homework last weekend. 4. John _ clothes last weekend. 5. I _ my grandparents every weekend. 6. Zhang Peng _ football last weekend. ,,cleaned,watched,did,washed,visit,played,替换句型操练:,A: What did you do_? B: I _ . How about you? A: I _ . B: Did you anything else? A: Yes,_ _. No,_ _ ._.,watched TV,played ping-pong,cleaned the room,I did,I didnt,I washed my clothes,Lets wrap and up,1.I (cook)_dinner last Monday. 2.I (play) _football last weekend. 3.I (like) _ the food yesterday. 4.I (visit)_ my grandparents last weekend. 5. I (stop) _ to look at the flower. 6. I (study)_ English last night.,cooked,played,liked,visited,stopped,studied,Read and write,1.housekeeper 房间清洁工 2.made the beds 整理床铺 3.customer 顾客 4.How was your stay?您住的怎么样? 5.Average 一般 6. Comments 评价 7. fixed a broken chair 修理一把破旧的椅子 8.lamp 台灯 9.We didnt enjoy our stay very much. 我们不是很享受我们的住宿。,Unit 2 知识点总结,重点单词及短语. cleaned my room 9. last weekend washed my clothes 10. last night stayed at home 11. last Monday watched TV 12. yesterday read a book 13. the day before yesterday saw a film had a cold slept,二. 重点句型. 1. - How was your weekend? - It was good, thank you. 2. - What did you do last weekend? - I stayed at home with your grandma. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV. 3. Did you do anything else? - Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. 4. I want to buy the new film magazine. 5. - Did you see a film? - No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.,三. 作文。,Thank you!,


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