外研版三起五下Module 1 Unit 1We lived in a small house课件2

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外研版三起五下Module 1 Unit 1We lived in a small house课件2_第1页
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外研版三起五下Module 1 Unit 1We lived in a small house课件2_第3页
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http:/ 中小学课件 Module1 ChangingUnit1 We lived in a small house!http:/ 中小学课件 many years ago now以前以前http:/ 中小学课件 childgrandmothergrandren(外)孙子女们(外)孙子女们grandmahttp:/ 中小学课件televisionTV sethttp:/ 中小学课件different the samehttp:/ 中小学课件life any us 生活生活任何任何(用于疑问句和否定句)(用于疑问句和否定句)我们我们(we的宾格的宾格)一些一些(用于肯定句)(用于肯定句)somehttp:/ 中小学课件There werent any buses.They lived in a small house.There are many buses and cards.They live in a big house.http:/ 中小学课件.Listen and fillor:()()()Many years agohttp:/ 中小学课件now()()()()Listen and fillor:http:/ 中小学课件1 Its a programme about China.()2 The old lady watches TV every day.()3 There were many buses.()4 There werent any televisions.()5 The old lady lived in a small house.()6 There are lots of cars and buses now.()7 The old lady lives in a small house.()火眼金睛辨真伪火眼金睛辨真伪TTFTTTFhttp:/ 中小学课件Old lady:Life was very different in China many years ago.Interviewer:How it different?Old lady:There any buses.There werent any televisions.We in a samll house.We didnt have enough food.Interviewer:How about now?Old lady:There lots of buses and cars.We live in a big house.We have got lots of food.I watch TV every day.Yesterday I TV With my grandchildren.wasWerentlivedarewatchedhttp:/ 中小学课件我来比较我来比较 manyyears ago There werent any computers.We lived in a small house.http:/ 中小学课件nowThere are lots of buses and cars.There is lots of food.We live in a big house.http:/ 中小学课件 life,different,any,television,us,ago,grandmother,grandchildren重点单词:重点单词:http:/ 中小学课件We lived inmany years ago.We live in-now.There werent-.There is/are-.重点句子:重点句子:http:/ 中小学课件If you think you can,you can.http:/ 中小学课件I lived in a small house four years ago.There was a near the house.I a small dog.Its name was Bobby.Now I live in a big .a big tree near it.I have now.Bobby is big now.Small treehadhouseThere isthree dogshttp:/ 中小学课件We have a happy life today,we should thank for our country.We should love our parents,our family,our friends,our teachers and our country.http:/ 中小学课件Homework for today:回家后问问你的爷爷、奶奶、回家后问问你的爷爷、奶奶、外公或外婆,他们以前的生活与现在外公或外婆,他们以前的生活与现在的生活有什么不一样。把结果下节课的生活有什么不一样。把结果下节课用英语告诉老师。用英语告诉老师。可用以下句型:可用以下句型:There werent-.There is/are-.We lived-.We live in-.http:/ 中小学课件Happy New YearThank you


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