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法律英语证书LEC全国统一考试样题试卷一法律英语证书(LEC)全国统一考试样题试卷一本题为单项选择题,限时80分钟。1. Bl of ighsa. mesic feeral lgislation.Legal proteioagainst interfeeceof right by rivate individuas.c pouar nam iven o thefirsttenmnmet t te U.S.Costittiond.The ederal costiutalprovsion which grnts rghts to sttegovenens.2. ania Abbreviaon f “notwithstndig”b.Th ability to bin lasuit bease of apartysactal ijury for whhthe cut carovide a medy. he ripnessof case or ontversy. . Te taus of a ersn, roup, o organizationapearin as a “friendf th court.”3 Considertio a Proces f juicial delibeatio befor rening desionin coteed case. b. The lngthyrecitalso“boerplae” langug apeaing n m contrat. c Th inducent to eter contac, andaesry lement t poe the valiity f contrc. The detrimenal renceoffee. Pomssory Etpel a. Afaire o proscte a cvilr criminal ctin.b.Poero mk an offr to epubic ther hana specific idivida.c. Euitabl octrne recogidas substitutefor cosideration i some cas.d Abilityof aget o indprincial i mtter beyon t sope gency.5 Puntive Dmags. Dages o copesate fr njur .b.Ciil amge en o pih h wror frcausingnjury.c. “Nminal”or inima amaged. Non-motarydmge, schs aninuntion (injnctie rif) or” pecific jntion (injunctivee)or “specfc rmc” o a contat lgtion.6. Wn airplaefly over your home, reyor rprty right voated?a. No, never. b Nomally, o, unles teflights relo an frequnt. c. es,ecauseyou wn all the iae yuom, into oter sac d.Nomall, o,based on yu right to quiueadenjoyment of e roperty. 7 Venuea h tret or aenue erea corthouse can ten f.b. Divesty of ctizehip. Th dateo trl.d. The loctofaral.8. Depsiton a. Atoolof discery used before trlb.Sateens maebya witnss th witness sand duritia (alo o as“trial tesmoy”)c. Thositon adefennt pacedin whilaiting fr a trid. The cours eouion f a cse. Geera speakig, iited parnershpmbe dslved by whch of e lwingevntor ocrencs?a. Byth fiing o a certificate limied artership. b. y a eocaiono arnership c. y temriage of limit artner. d. yh anrptcy of gnere. 10. corportiis a l entity:a creatdby thelcal gvment b. cread andecgied b an enreprneural ancy. c. magdntrnally bthe federa govenment. d. created ndrcognizdbysta law in most cases 1.uriiction a.Ageogaphic aea, usedprimalyfor detering eigiliy to vote. Te en f a eendnt state ere he or sh cn sev ia smmonsor a supo The oe thexeuive rancho efre the judmens of e couts.d. Thepwer and auhortyof aout or oter odo rede judgment ina ase.12.aalegla. A scodry src ofw. A lwyers aistant. One ho holds an avancd lawdegree.d A law tudent13. Krby onsruction Co. ipreparngits bid or tcostruction anewhsptal eceived a uttin of 10,000 fomKas ntriors nc.woffredto do e ktche work the new ospitalThisbid s $30,00ower than rbys net los bd f the itchen rks a resut,Kirby were his i 2,0 befor submtting t to he hopta bard.er Krwas aard onstruton id,a hadceptets ofe,at president discovered ttin isprepartn ofthe quaionhehad ovroked ome usidaryitchn ntalments rqureb the ps.Imediael therafter, Ks Intriors ringsui foresission ote contract.e should(A)scced,beae fthe uniaeral mistake(B)ot succe,uss irbyew orsol hve nown ofa err()sud,beaue teisake ws n essential elmet of the bin(D)not scced,cehe computaio iae asatecedet o accptne othe bid14. In disputs v whetr a partnersi exists, whichf h followin s N conidereto b an essenial elment?()n equl right he anaemnt f e unss. (B) Th sharingf ofits lss.(C)Te conslon onusness trategy (D) Jon oneipn tbusins 5 This jurdiction makessuicid acrime. Jilly, a dy trader, idsondent oer a failed mariand astphic fiancillossdurig th reent 2,000poit dron he Nsd tock exchange. Jillyet up toterofof herfhsoryaparme udnand deideojup of. he led on top of t pedesrns,Alxad Jan Pitro, ho ushnd eal and aved e lie. Unortunatly,Ae ad Jean Pier riousyijrd when Jill crashd ontop of them.Jiyi guily of (A) bttry(B) attemptedmuder(C)attepte manslauge(D)recks enangeren6.he Commnwalth f Delmara haspsse a aw that provideshat only resdnts fmarawho are citiznsof teUnited taes ca ownagriculurallad thete. ep, a citieofth Unied Sate wreide in thneigbongate of gura,hs cotracted ihBarera topasehelattes farm hih i loated in Delmava.Barera, who is a residentof elava, has eeinfrmed by his atorney that his saes geement ih lp is ulld vid under stae law.hich ohe folloing the t constitutionl agmeto contest evadity o the Delmra statute?() he Cntrat Clause pohibtionagainst a staefrom enaci any lawthatwipir th blgaiono ntacts(B)he Pivlege nd Imunitis au ofteForteethmenmnt.(C)The Prilge andImties lus nd Atcle IV, ectin(D) he ntionl proety powe ovision nderArtle I, econ . Aice s sitin on herront pohwatchin hr huand Bue,wo ismwinheawn.Crl,ho htesBru t s a rid Ales,whose prsence sknw to im,draws itol andreae kill BuceAle,wo is prgnt,ufer evere emotin dstessa esuo the rauma nd n aftradhas amscrrign an action b AlicaainstCr for meal anguish resulting inher miscarrage,Alice wll(A)se,because arli t now that Alc spregant(B)win,becaus itis hglyprbabe that ar eem and otaeousonuctwoulcauseemtional dires t lie(C)lose,bcaalsactio wredircted against Bru,s lyBrue may recve for motion istres()win,bcse shis Bruces wife18. Clyde och,a poinent je, ived net door oster BiggsRcetly JudgCch ad sntenced este Bigso, Dopy, to sx moths n prison n a narcotics hagne afternon wile gCoc was owghs law,Lest decieto aveg snscvion.Lester set uph waerspinker behin ome shbery separating ther adjoning proprt.Ahe ugewasmowin h awn ad cmeithi rach of t wer spnkler, Lesterurne on the sprkling vice,and dosed thjdgwith wudge ooc wl b able to recvegnsLesr fr wich fthfollowig trt(s):(A)negligence() bttery()salt and battey(D) aery a respss19Cas and her fur-year-ld sn,Noa,wereChistms shig t F.A.O.Scwarz Ty StoreinmidtwnManhattan.F.O.Schwartz,whhrateson of Newoks lartretatoy stos,sels acopete arry of toys,gas,dolls,hies and crafts.e itrns wee dsplayd o a variety of ableandsheves wich ersil accesi t thctmrs.hil Caswa lkig n one of e aises,er attentin becameouedon a Hwdy ody” doll thaws poinentlyexibitd on a oerd play elf.Whn Cassi approached thedoll dislay, she eachd upt grabthHowdy Doody doll.Asshi s, asie ld t s a “BuffaoBob” dlllying n fl.Sh trped oe thedolafelldown,fratuinipIf aieassrts claim agan .A.O. Shwtzohinures,w thctne of res ipsa otur be applicabe n the se of theto tors liability?(A)Yes,becae Csi was a usiness nitee onthe priseso the ty oe()Yes,euse.AO. Shwrfzwas n cno the premisesatthetie ftheacident.(C)No,bcausthe Bufalo B ollyhav en dislded by aher customer.(D)N,unss he “Buffalo Bo” dl hdeedild on th edg othslfin anelintmnner byo of F.A.OSchartz emloyes20 As the nerinfee imple of Blkac. ar tract, wch maintain a dwelinghe fr imselfadh faly.djinng Blacre i Whtear,a1-acreract,owned by Ady.In rder tginaccess tothe hihway, Amo hs aeasementt c over Whteacremos has ecently prcasd nacre,12-cretrac,whichabts Whiteare ut is n apurtenant tBkacre.Amoss ben costruting a farhoseon Grenacre and i usighe istgeasemnt (acros iteare) o gain ccss th2-acrraAmos has ee ived erissonfroAny t ue throad acss Weaoganacceto Greenre.n pprpriate action byAnd toenjoin mo from sing he existing easemen gin cces to reenacre,the aintif will mostikely(A)sceed,bcase Amos sakin eofhe sevet enemnt ond he scope an xtent othe easemet as it w oria crad()suced,becaseAos has o right tus thserviet tnment n conctionwth a tat ofand whic s ot patf the domiant teement(C)not scceed,bcause Amosas an easement by neessy(D)notucceed,becuseAmo has righto us theesemet n anrnot inonsistent withthrighs of h oer o the servent tem 人类在漫长的岁月里,创造了丰富多彩的音乐文化,从古至今,从东方到西方,中国文化艺术,渊源流长。 我国最早的歌曲可以追溯到原始社会,例如传说中伏羲时的【网罟之歌】,诗经中的【关关雉鸠】,无论是思想内容,还是艺术形式,都已发展到很高的水平。 我们华人音乐有着悠久的历史,有着独特的风格,在世界上,希腊的悲剧和喜剧,印度的梵剧和中国的京剧,被称为【世界三大古老戏剧】,而京剧则是国之瑰宝,是我们华人的骄傲,亦是世界上最璀璨的一颗明珠。 你可知道高山流水遇知音的故事?你可知道诸葛亮身居空城,面对敌兵压境,饮酒抚琴的故事? 列宁曾经说过:我简直每天都想听奇妙而非凡的音乐,我常常自豪的,也许是幼稚的心情想,人类怎么会创造出这样的奇迹?一个伟大的无产阶级革命家,为什么对音乐如此痴狂?音乐究竟能给我们带来什么? 泰戈尔说:我举目漫望着各处,尽情的感受美的世界,在我视力所及的地方,充满了弥漫在天地之间的乐曲。 【二】 音乐,就是灵魂的漫步,是心事的诉说,是情愫的流淌,是生命在徜徉,它可以让寂寞绽放成一朵花,可以让时光婉约成一首诗,可以让岁月凝聚成一条河,流过山涧,流过小溪,流入你我的麦田 我相信所有的人,都曾被一首歌感动过,或为其旋律,或某句歌词,或没有缘由,只是感动,有的时候,我们喜欢一首歌,并不是这首歌有多么好听,歌词写的多么好,而是歌词写的像自己,我们开心的时候听的是音乐,伤心的时候,慢慢懂得了歌词,而真正打动你的不是歌词,而是在你的生命中,关于那首歌的故事或许,在我们每个人的内心深处,都藏着一段如烟的往事,不经阳光,不经雨露,任岁月的青苔覆盖,而突然间,在某个拐角,或者某间咖啡厅,你突然听到了一首歌,或是你熟悉的旋律,刹那间,你泪如雨下,即使你不愿意去回忆,可是瞬间便触碰了你心中最柔软的地方,荡起了心灵最深处的涟漪,这就是音乐的神奇,音乐的魅力! 【三】德国作曲家,维也纳古典音乐代表人贝多芬,49岁时已经完全失聪,然而,他的成名曲【命运交响曲】却是震惊世界,震撼我们的心灵,在他的音乐世界里,你能感受到生命的悲怆,岁月的波澜,和与命运的抗衡,这就是音乐赋予的力量! 贝多芬说:音乐是比一切智慧、一切哲学更高的启示,谁能渗透我音乐的意义,便能超脱寻常人无以自拔的苦难。其实,人生就是一次漫长的旅行,一场艰难的跋涉,无论遇见怎样的风景,繁华过后,终归平淡,无论遇见还是告别,相聚亦是别离,我们都应该怀着感恩的心,善待生命,善待自己 每一首歌都是一个故事,每一段音乐都是一段过往,不知哪首歌里写满了你的故事?哪段音乐有你最美的回忆?想念一个人的时候,是否在安静的夜晚?悲伤的时候,是否单曲循环?高兴时分,是否在音乐里手舞足蹈?我喜欢音乐,没有任何理由,音乐是我灵魂的伴侣,是我生活的知己,它能懂我的喜,伴我的忧,伴随着淡淡的旋律,它便融入我的生命,浸透我的灵魂。我喜欢音乐,音乐不仅仅是一种艺术享受,还能丰富我的生活,给我带来创作灵感,一首歌,或一句歌词,都是我写作的素材,都是我灵感的源泉,它犹如涓涓细流,汩汩流淌,令我思绪翩翩,令我意象浓浓 当我忧伤的时候,我喜欢在音乐里漫步,当我快乐的的时候,我喜欢在音乐里起舞,当我迷茫困惑的时候,唯有音乐,才是我最好的陪伴【四】 红尘喧嚣,世事沧桑,三千烟火,韶光迷离,我们在尘世间行走,凡尘琐事总会困扰于心,我已经习惯了,将浅浅的心事蕴藏在文字里,将淡淡的忧伤释怀在音乐中,委婉的旋律,环绕于耳,凄美的歌词,萦绕于心, 当我累了,倦了,我只想置身于音乐的海洋,忘记凡尘,忘记喧嚣,安静的去听一首歌


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