商务礼仪实务英语ModuleProject 2Communication Etiquette 沟通礼仪

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商务礼仪实务英语Practice of Business Etiquette in English对外经济贸易大学出版社全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材模块2 能力培养了解商务会面礼仪、接待礼仪、乘坐交通工具的礼仪、座次礼仪、馈赠礼仪、沟通礼仪、中西餐用餐礼仪、国别礼俗。Project 2 Communication Etiquette Project 2 Communication Etiquette 沟通礼仪沟通礼仪Task Three Small TalkTask Two Interpersonal CommunicationTask One Meet and GreetTask Four Public SpeakingTask One Meet and Greet 迎接和打招呼1.打招呼的礼仪Face-to-Face GreetingStanding up and coming out from behind a desk to greet someone is a good strategy.Friendly,Confident Facial FeaturesMaking an effort to display a genuine smile and look at the newcomer in the eye shows that you are friendly and confident.According to Psychology Today,others are very good at reading your facial expressions(and making judgments based upon them).Introduction and HandshakeWhen you introduce yourself,you should say your first and last name,as in,Hello,Im Joan Smith.This is more formal than just giving your first name and is appropriate for a first-time greeting.The handshake also gives an important impression of you and must be done properly.Either party may extend their hand first,and you should grip firmly,but without undo strength.(Remember,it is not a contest.)The handshake only needs to last about 3 to 4 seconds.1.1.打招呼的礼仪打招呼的礼仪Elevator SpeechIt is very useful to develop what is often called an elevator speech,or a 20 to 30 second description of your role in the business.It is called so because it is supposed to be brief enough to tell to a fellow elevator passenger on the way down(or up).A practiced elevator speech will help you to become more polished in the introduction of yourself.These are especially useful if you will be attending meetings or receptions where you will have to introduce yourself to many new people.1.打招呼的礼仪1.Why should you display a genuine smile and look at the newcomer in the eye?2.How do you introduce yourself and shake hands with a newcomer in a business context?Activity 1:Group discussion.Sugggested Answers:1.Making an effort to display a genuine smile and look the newcomer in the eye shows that you are friendly and confident.2.When you introduce yourself,you should say your first and last name,as in,Hello,Im Joan Smith.The handshake also gives an important impression of you and must be done properly.Either party may extend their hand first,and you should grip firmly,but without undo strength.(Remember,it is not a contest.)The handshake only needs to last about 3 to 4 seconds.2.2.前台接待礼仪前台接待礼仪GreetingLook up when someone approaches your desk and smile.If youre on a personal call,hang up immediately.If youre on a business call,make eye contact with the visitor to indicate that you see her and will be with her shortly.As soon as youve finished your phone call,focus on the visitor with a smile.Apologize for the delay.Ask how you can help.Put warmth into the question so it doesnt seem offhand.2.2.前台接待礼仪前台接待礼仪Welcoming EtiquetteAsk the visitor if he would like to have a seat while you contact the person with whom hes meeting.Depending on your companys policy,offer coffee or tea or direct the visitor to the coffee room.Offer to hang up his coat or show him where it can be hung.Call the person who will be meeting the visitor.Use Ms.or Mr.when announcing the visitor.2.前台接待礼仪Focus on VisitorFor the receptionist,a visitor should be the most important person in the reception area.Make a point of meeting other coworkers somewhere else.Personal MannerBesides smiling,modulate your voice.Be aware that you can convey what you think by the tone of your voice.Desk AppearanceDont eat at your desk.If you cant avoid it,choose foods that dont have a lingering aroma.In other words,no pizza or spaghetti.Keep a clean desk,even if you have other tasks to do besides dealing with visitors.Activity 2:Group discussion.1.How could you greet the visitor as a receptionist?2.How could you welcome the visitor as a receptionist?Sugggested Answers:1.Look up when someone approaches your desk and smile.If youre on a personal call,hang up immediately.If youre on a business call,make eye contact with the visitor to indicate that you see her and will be with her shortly.As soon as youve finished your phone call,focus on the visitor with a smile.Apologize for the delay.Ask how you can help.Put warmth into the question so it doesnt seem offhand.Sugggested Answers:2.Ask the visitor if he would like to have a seat while you contact the person with whom hes meeting.Depending on your companys policy,offer coffee or tea or direct the visitor to the coffee room.Offer to hang up his coat or show him where it can be hung.Call the person who will be meeting the visitor.Use Ms.or Mr.when announcing the visitor.Task Two Interpersonal Communication 人际沟通1.有效的人际沟通Active ListeningTry to engage in active listening in all of your interactions.Active listening is a technique of truly listening to what a person has to say instead of anxiously waiting for your chance to talk again.In active listening,you should focus on your speaker instead of other distractions like passing people or your cell phone,and be sure to make regular eye contact.In active listening,one should not interrupt,and should respond only to what is the core argument of what the other person is saying.“I”StatementsUse“I”statements to identify the points you are making as your own responses,views and feelings toward a situation.“You”statements signal that you are focusing on the other persons role and can either genuinely be,or be perceived as,accusing,according to the Conflict Research Consortium.By focusing on the way you feel or perceive a situation instead of how someone has forced you to feel this way,you can more effectively come to a solution because the other person doesnt feel burdened with external guilt.1.有效的人际沟通ConsiderationIt is perfectly all right to pause in a conversation once your speaker has finished talking and say something like:“Im going to need a moment to think about that.”People often say things that either subtract from or do not contribute to a discussion when they rush to respond to a statement before measuring it for its content and implications.Respond when you feel you have the best response,not with your initial gut reaction.1.有效的人际沟通Even ToneTry to keep an even tone in all of your conversations.If things do become heated,first bring your own voice level back to a normal conversational tone and continue to speak that way.Because we tend to mimic the way other people are communicating,this may on its own change the other partys tone.If it does not,ask that you both keep your voices low and de-escalate the emotional charge in the conversation.Although it is important to air your views,it is more effective to do so in an informational than emotional fashion,as facts can be debated and discussed but emotions cannot.1.有效的人际沟通1.What is active listening?How could you implement this technique?2.How could you keep an even tone in all of your conversations?Activity 1:Group discussion.Sugggested Answers:1.Active listening is a technique of truly listening to what a person has to say instead of anxiously waiting for your chance to talk again.2.If things do become heated,first bring your own voice level back to a normal conversational tone and continue to speak that way.If it does not,ask that you both keep your voices low and de-escalate the emotional charge in the conversation.2.如何更好地进行商务沟通Instructions1 Understand the basic communication principles.What do you want your audience to remember?What do you want to convey?What do you want your message to achieve?2 Know how to send the information in such a way that it can be correctly decoded by the receiver.3 Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the different communication channels which include,but are not limited to,in person,phone,email and text.4 Be receptive to feedback from your audience,especially when communicating in person or over the phone.5 Re-emphasize your message through non-verbal communication.6 Revive verbal communication.2.如何更好地进行商务沟通 Activity 2:Group discussion.1.How could you get feedback from your audience?2.How do you think being able to communicate effectively through writing is an important skill to refine?Sugggested Answers:1.Look up when someone approaches your desk and smile.If youre on a personal call,hang up immediately.If youre on a business call,make eye contact with the visitor to indicate that you see her and will be with her shortly.As soon as youve finished your phone call,focus on the visitor with a smile.Apologize for the delay.Ask how you can help.Put warmth into the question so it doesnt seem offhand.Sugggested Answers:2.Ask the visitor if he would like to have a seat while you contact the person with whom hes meeting.Depending on your companys policy,offer coffee or tea or direct the visitor to the coffee room.Offer to hang up his coat or show him where it can be hung.Call the person who will be meeting the visitor.Use Ms.or Mr.when announcing the visitor.Task Three Small Talk 闲聊闲聊1.关于闲聊Small talk is conversation,typically about inane topics such as the weather or local sports,shared usually between two people.FunctionTo catch up and express an interest in each others lives when they have a limited amount of time to speak because of work,family or social commitments.To mitigate potentially awkward situations.Small talk is also an acceptable means of establishing boundaries in conversation.TypesSmall talk includes banal or inane everyday topics;it does not include grandiose or philosophical topics,discussion of controversial topics or the divulging of details otherwise considered too personal.Common topics of small talk include sports,weather,local events,polite discussion of mutual acquaintances,and exchanging compliments on articles of clothing.Time FrameSmall talk is ideal for social situations requiring only a short time frame for a conversation.Conversations containing small talk usually do not exceed a few minutes.Examples of situations requiring small talk include bus rides,greeting an associate before discussing business,talking to coworkers before work or speaking with an acquaintance while waiting for a mutual friend to return to the dinner table.1.关于闲聊BenefitsTo be considered polite and sociable.To know another.SignificanceSmall talk generally revolves around topics that are unremarkable,socially acceptable and experienced by all.1.关于闲聊1.What is the function of small talk?2.What are the common topics of small talk?Activity 1:Group discussion.Sugggested Answers:1.The first function is to catch up and express an interest in each others lives when they have a limited amount of time to speak because of work,family or social commitments.The second is to mitigate potentially awkward situations.The third is that small talk is also an acceptable means of establishing boundaries in conversation.Instructions1 Be humble in sharing your talents and weaknesses and this will show people that you are just a person like they are.Do not be afraid to show vulnerability in yourself but do not overshare.Just be confident about yourself when sharing your weaknesses.2 Do not force the conversation,as it will make you appear as desperate or trying too hard.Just be yourself and relax.3 Make a good impression on others.It is important to dress appropriately and be well-groomed.Look presentable and wear decent clothes that reflect your personality to a certain extent.4 Be easygoing and casual in the first few minutes of chatting.Keep the conversation light and simple.5 Avoid negativity and keep the jokes light and simple.Laughter is another important factor but keep it to a minimum.Its also important to be natural.2.如何从闲聊开始进行有效的沟通Instructions6 Telling a relevant story is another way to open up communication,but keep it short.Skip out the background details and relate just tell enough of the event to get the point across.A long-winded story will quickly lose your audiences attention.A good way to start with a story is to lead into it by a question or comment,such as“I remember a time when.”7 Allow others to speak as well and know when to stop talking.One of the goals of small talk is for the other person to talk,too.8 Listen to others while they are speaking and ask them questions.This will show that you are interested in what they have to say.Ask open ended questions so that others are able to open up and share their own experiences.Ask them follow-up questions to keep the conversation going.2.如何从闲聊开始进行有效的沟通Instructions9 Listen to what they are really saying beneath the words.It is important to use your interpersonal skills to learn as much as you can about the person.Are they speaking really fast?They might be nervous.10 Dont rush through the conversation or be quick to change subjects.Allow the conversation to progress and if it stalls,then change the subject.2.如何从闲聊开始进行有效的沟通Role-play a small talk with your partner.Activity 2:Role-play.Task Four Public Speaking 公共演说公共演说1.如何成为一个优秀的演说家The need for you to give a public speech can arise in many business,social,civic or educational situations.Instructions1.Set your communication goal.When you are asked to speak publicly,you need to determine your main points.The more you practice it,however,the more you will find yourself instinctively asking,“What am I trying to accomplish?”2.Organize your thoughts.Create an outline that will allow for a natural progression and seamless segues from one thought or point to another.If you take a few moments to do this with all of your verbal communications,you will come across as more decisive.This helps eliminate misunderstandings.3.Learn how to make an introduction.Practice making introductions.This is a hallmark of good verbal communications,as you are displaying respect as well as seen as a facilitator of good communications.Remember the basics:The person being introduced is mentioned last.A good basic introduction might be,“Mr.Smith,Id like you to meet Mr.Jones with Acme Industries.”1.如何成为一个优秀的演说家4.Spend time reading to help with grammar and stay abreast of current events.Increase your vocabulary and knowledge through reading.You do not have to learn big words to impress people;in fact,often the opposite is true.If you purposely use words that are not in the common vernacular or that do not easily flow off your tongue,you will come across as pompous and“trying too hard”.Reading can,however,help you become a good conversationalist,and you will absorb proper grammar and phrasing from reading news or books.5.Paying attention to your listeners non-verbal cues can help you adjust your communications.Monitor your receivers,or listeners,for non-verbal feedback.You may feel you are not a skilled communicator,but undoubtedly you know when a person looks bored,puzzled or is distracted.1.如何成为一个优秀的演说家1.Why do you need to create an outline if you are preparing a speech?2.How to increase your vocabulary and knowledge?Activity 1:Group discussion.Sugggested Answers:1.If you are preparing a speech,you will create an outline that will allow for a natural progression and seamless segues from one thought or point to another.If you take a few moments to do this with all of your verbal communications,you will come across as more decisive.This helps eliminate misunderstandings.2.如何写好一篇演讲稿 Informing the public on any topic is done well in the form of a speech.Instructions1.Focus the topic.For any topic at hand,you must focus on the base points that need to be made in the speech.2.Decide who your audience is.The best way to write a public speech that is both effective and informative is to evaluate who the audience is and cater the speech to them specifically.3.Grab their attention.Ask the audience a thought provoking question,lead in with an anecdote or begin with shocking statistics that will get them thinking about your topic.2.如何写好一篇演讲稿 4 Give the information clearly.Dont use jargon or huge words that the audience may have a hard time hearing or understanding.5 Close with the bang.Reiterate the main points of your speech,and give your audience something to think about.The end of the speech is just as important as the beginning,because you must give them something to remember.1.How could you grab your audiences attention?2.What is the best way mentioned above to ensure that you give the information clearly?Activity 1:Group discussion.Sugggested Answers:1.Ask the audience a thought provoking question,lead in with an anecdote or begin with shocking statistics that will get them thinking about your topic.2.Make sure you are able to deliver the information in the most clear cut way possible,and the best way to ensure that is to use plain English.3.如何准备即兴演讲 Accomplishing a task when you may have no prepared topic selected and no speech prepared can be a challenge.Staying calm is the first thing.1.Decide on a topic or direction for the speech.Gauge your audience to determine a topic of interest to them.Decide on the mood of the speech,whether humorous or serious.2.Jot down an outline of the speech.Write a few backup statements as well in case you forget your main points.3.Think of examples.Keep the style of the examples or stories natural and real.Take from your life and things you have experience to make you seem relatable to the listeners.2.如何准备即兴演讲 4 Take a time out.Find a moment to yourself before you go onstage.Regroup,take a breath and you will have the confidence.5 Never apologize to the crowd.Avoid mentioning how little prepared you are or whose fault that may be.6.Join Toastmasters.Find time to practice impromptu speaking by joining a Toastmasters group in your area or find more time to practice around your house.1.How could you keep the style of the examples or stories natural and real according to the passages above?2.Do you need to apologize to the crowd if you are little prepared?Activity 1:Group discussion.Sugggested Answers:1.Take from your life and things you have experience to make you seem relatable to the listeners.2.Avoid mentioning how little prepared you are or whose fault that may be.Making excuses will only hurt your credibility with the audience and it will make them more critical of your presentation.1.Exercise for new words in this Module.Directions:explain the new words in English by your understanding,and make a sentence with each of them.1)negotiate:bargain,argue or discuss prices谈判;交易;讨价还价In China,it is important to negotiate at the markets so that you dont pay too much.在中国,在市场上讨价还价是很重要的,这样你买的东西就不至于太贵。2)casual:Exercise for Module 13)no problem:4)client:5)swimmer:6)compliment:2.Dialogue.Directions:imitate the speakers and make a role play with your partner.Lisa:You look very nice today,Vincent!Vincent:Thanks for your compliment,Lisa.I have to wear a suit and tie today because I will have a meeting with some important clients.Lisa:That tie really matches your shirt well.Vincent:My girlfriend chooses my ties for me so I will tell her your kind words.Lisa:Maybe your girlfriend can give me some ideas for good business dressing.I can never seem to dress well.Vincent:You are too modest,Lisa.I have heard many clients compliment your dress code.Lisa:But they havent seen me on our Casual Dress Fridays!Vincent:That is a good thing,Lisa.You know that the client is important to our company and we should dress formally for them.Lisa:Well,if everyone dressed like you,Vincent,we would have very happy clients!Vincent:Thanks again,Lisa.See you later.Lisa:See you,Vincent.


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