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exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued strict enforcement of labor protection articles, health standards, and do a good job post workers labor protection wear, guaranteed post workers safety and health; 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Assistant Superintendent of security responsibilities 1, Director of the workshop on the safety of the unit responsible, Deputy Director in charge of business-wide security work; 2, seriously carry out the party and the countrys work safety laws, regulations, standards, and research on safety technology, exemplary in the implementation of operational procedures and Safety Manager. 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Group leaders safety duties 1 and carry out business and workshop on safety instructions and requirements, the teams overall responsibility for the safety and personal safety and health of workers; 2 organize and participate in security activities, adhere to safety, before class to check security, after summing up the security system; 3, responsible for new workers (including internships, accompanying staff) job safety, education and the right to stop without the third-level education and safety assessment of qualified workers operate independently; 4, found accidents signs and accidents take effective measures to prevent the situation from expanding and reporting; shall immediately report the accident and organized rescue, protect the scene, make detailed records, participate in accident investigations, organize workers to analyze the cause of the accident, the implementation of preventive measures; 5, engaging in obvious danger or serious violations of the employee shall be entitled to stop the operation of the procedures and arrangements post operator, report to the leadership; 6 so as to improve safety and fire fighting facilities, equipment inspections and maintenance work, remain flexible to use, check the worker reasonable use of personal protective equipment, and proper use of fire fighting equipment. 7, focus on team-building, improve management level of teams. Keep the work site tidy, clean, realization of civilization, and do ideological and political work team; 8 so as to improve track safety contest, commend the advanced experiences. Craft safety responsibilities 1, responsible for their own safety in the context of work, ensure the safety and reliability of the technical work. 2, is responsible for the preparation of technical specifications for the units security and safety management system. In the preparation of start up, shut down, or when equipment maintenance, technical feasibility, to have reliable health and safety measures and inspection of the implementation. 3, in the area of staff security technique and safety training, organization of technical training activities, regular assessment. 4, often goes into the field to check增城市新塘镇碧桂园凤凰城H区4号公用配电站配电工程施工方案(H10100150-A01)(低压部分)(送广州增城供电局新塘供电所审核)批准:审核:初审: 送审单位(章):增城市联永工程有限公司(荣鑫队)送审日期: 年 月 日 增城供电局新塘供电所施工项目组织机构工程项目负责人:罗小文工程安全负责人:冯志权工程安全监督:姚宇剑、张保华工程负责人:陈志钦工程现场监督:蒋毛明增城市联永工程有限公司施工项目组织机构工程项目负责人: 湛景东工程安全负责人:姚宇剑工程安全监督: 黄康埠工程负责人: 杨秀虎工程现场监督: 陶化彪增城市新塘镇碧桂园凤凰城H区4号公用配电站配电工程施工方案(H10100150-A01)(电气部分)(送增城市联永工程有限公司审核)审定:审核:编制:编制单位(章):广州市荣鑫广通水电装饰有限公司年 月 日目录一、工程概况二、工程施工组织三、工程施工计划四、施工危险点分析及控制五、工程施工技术质量分析及控制六、施工安全管理七、附件(施工图纸、施工工器具、机具一览表)一、 工程概况1、 敷设YJV-1KV-4300 mm2铜芯电缆872米,YJV-1KV-300mm2铜芯电缆32米,YJV-1KV-50mm2铜芯电缆304米, YJV-1KV-35mm2铜芯电缆16米, YJV-1KV-25mm2铜芯电缆76米,YJV-1KV-16mm2铜芯电缆4米,安装低压电缆头(300平方)128只, (16-50平方)700只。2、 安装配变计量终端4套,安装计量电表488具。二、工程施工组织工程整体负责人:李旭光工程安全负责人:梁汉坚工程安全员:谭永工程技术负责人:李建平工程现场技术负责人:梁军工程物资负责人:梁军三、工程施工计划(一)、施工计划:从2011年3月17日至 3月31日止。 (二)、施工地点:增城市新塘镇碧桂园凤凰城H区4号公用配电房 四、施工危险点分析及控制(一)、危险点分析1、触电、感应电。2、施工中应防止高空堕落。3、人员拌伤、摔伤、传动挤伤。4、电缆架摆放要平稳,防止砸伤。5、高空坠落物体打击伤人。6、使用喷灯时烫伤、火灾。(二) 控制措施: 1、使用带漏电保护开关的临时电源。2、施工人员应戴安全帽,穿纯棉工作服,系好安全带。 3、电缆需要穿入过道时,过道管应预敷牵引绳。4、电缆盘及放线架应固定在硬质平整地面,电缆应从电缆盘上方牵引,放线轴杠两端应打好临时拉线。 5、电缆盘设专人看守,电缆盘滚动时禁止用手制动。6、电缆穿入保护管时,送电缆人的手与管口应保持一定距离。7、肩扛电缆的人应在电缆同一侧,合理地分配肩扛点距离,禁止把电缆放在地面上拖拉。8、电缆牵引前先确保通讯设备是在最良好状态下进行。9、敷设电缆工作应有专人指挥,工作前有工作负责人交代工作内容及注意事项。敷设通道应畅通,电缆防线支架应有足够的机械强度。放置应稳固、高度适中,放线杠两端应保持水平。敷设人员应均匀分布,缓缓走动,不得拥挤,防止损坏电缆。10、敷设电缆过程中,如使用滑轮时,不要将手放在滑轮前侧抚摩电缆,避免手挤进滑轮。在电缆沟和隧道内敷设电缆时,禁止在电缆支架拖拉,以免挂坏钢甲、铅皮、外护套。敷设人员不得随意移动进行电缆和践踏悬空的运行电缆。电缆拐弯处,施工人员应站在外侧。11、制作电缆头时,接头坑边应留有通道,坑边不得放置工具、材料,传递注意轻放。12、刀或其他工具,不准对着人体。13、胶工作应有专人看管,熬胶人员应戴帆布手套和鞋盖。14、搅拌或掐取热胶时,必须使用预先加热的工具。15、沟内外传递,注意轻接轻放。16、喷灯使用完毕,应立即放气,放置在安全地点,冷却后装运。17、在电井里施工蹲低起身时小心上方表箱或其它物体碰头。18、施工现场设置围栏并设专人监护和指挥。五、工程施工技术质量分析及控制分析施工过程中可能会发生的施工质量问题或施工应采取的预防措施,如压接质量问题、接线松动问题、焊接问题等,同时包括:(一)、施工技术管理本工程由工程技术人员全面负责施工技术管理,开工前必须进行施工图会审,认真对图纸进行审查,并签定技术交低单和进行技术交底,严格按图纸施工,及时收集、妥善保管设备、材料的质量证明文件、合格证、说明书等,以便施工查阅和竣工后移交运行单位。与建设单位签定施工安全协议和治安消防协议。(二)、施工质量管理 施工质量严格执行建设单位的要求,按电气装置安装工程施工及验收规范、按设计图纸、批复的施工方案等进行施工,对建设单位提供的不合格设备、材料、要及时向建设单位反映,以杜绝施工质量事故。对隐闭工程及时申请中间验收。六、 施工安全管理 (一)、安全管理目标:不发生不身死亡和重伤、轻伤事故,不发生设备事故,不发生机械伤害事故,不发生交通安全事故和火灾事故,不发生与他人的纠纷事故。 (二)、严格执行电力建设安全施工管理规定和电力建设安全工作规程,坚持“安全第一、预防为主”的安全工作方针,落实安全责任制,各级管理人员和施工人员必须履行相应的安全职责。 (三)、管理人员、施工人员在施工前必须进行安全、技术交底,做到持证上岗。 (四)、不得使用无相应专业知识和生产技术的管理人员和生产人员。 (五)、必须使用试验合格的施工用具安全工器具,在施工前必须进行检查。 (六)、进入施工现场要戴安全帽,穿纯绵工作服,高空作业要系好安全带及双保险绳。 (七)、对施工现场要保持清洁卫生,施工后要及时清理现场,不能将施工材料(包括拆卸后的材料)遗留在现场。 (八)、本方案未尽事宜,均按电业安全工作规程电力建设安全工作规程规定执行。七、附件(一)、增城市新塘镇碧桂园凤凰城H区4号公用配电站配电工程图纸 (二)、施工工器具、机具一览表;施工安全工器具一缆表序号名称单位数量备注1竹梯把152电钻台53台钻台14切割机台15手摩机台26大棕绳条37滑轮只108绞磨机台19低压接地线组310安全带条811脚手架付4production safety situation, potential accident is discovered in time to propose measures to eliminate them, to stop illegal operations. Do not scatter in an emergency, to stop their work, and to immediately report to the management. 5 participate in workshop equipment, changes in technology programme and review of roasting temperature curve is modified, to comply with safety requirements and product requirements. 6 participate in any accident investigation, analysis, and find out the reason, responsibility and come up with preventive measures, and shall promptly report to the leadership or authority. 7, making maintenance, shutdown, work programme, in particular when process changes, mapping work well before start. Level 1 employee safety responsibilities, conscientiously study the relevant safety instructions, rules and safety procedures, mastering the post operating rules; 2, must wear PPE as required operation, proper use and proper storage of protective equipment and fire-fighting equipment; 3, work will focus on safety, stable operation and strictly observe labour discipline and process discipline and conscientiously records, gang, leave, is strictly prohibited in the post, not sleeping, slapstick and other disciplinary matters, to discourage the illegal actions of others and . 2, responsible for fire analysis and enter the Tower, tanks of gas metering and analysis data reported to the authorities. 3, responsible for accident investigation, statistics and reporting work. 1 electrical safety responsibilities, conscientiously study and abide by the safety rules and regulations, in strict compliance with the prohibitions and provisions of safety, perform guard duties. 2, before the operation, wear appropriate PPE, implement security measures, issuing safety permits, inspection tools, instruments are in good condition. 3, any electrical appliance without inspection, shall be deemed to have access to electricity, is forbidden to touch. 4, electrical maintenance, you must stop, cut off power, and hang up the no close warning signs before they can work. 5, good job in electricity, maintenance records, easily lead to key parts of ongoing supervision and inspection of the accident.


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